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CHILD (The) COMFORTERS; or, Little Susie and her Blind Brother. By the Author of "Arthur; or, the Chorister's Rest." 18mo. pp. 120, cloth, 1s. (Christian Knowledge Society).....

[601 A story of life in a large manufacturing town, with woodcuts.

CHILD'S (The) STORY-BOOK. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. 18mo. (Edinburgh, Gordon) sewed, 2d. each (Gordon's School and Home Series (Hamilton)...

..[605 New edit. 4 vols. ...[606


CHURCHILL (Col.)-Mount Lebanon. 8vo. cloth, 258. (Quaritch) CHURCHILL (Col.)-The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish Rule, from 1840 to 1860. Post 8vo. pp. 290, cloth, 5s. (forming Vol. 4 of Mount Lebanon, 8vo. cloth, 10s.) (Quaritch) ..[607 The author resided in Lebanon during nearly the whole of the period of the massacres in 1860.



CLARKE (A.)-The Holy Bible; with a Commentary and Critical Notes. New edit. Vol. 5, royal 8vo. pp. 1130, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Tegg)... [608 COOPER (Rev. Edward)-Fifty-Two Family Sermons. New edit. 12mo. cl. 3s. 6d. (Knight) {vide Adv. 75]..[609 COOPER (J. F.)-The Last of the Mohicans. New edit. 12mo. sewed, 1s. (Routledge) ... [610 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN (The). By " Scrutator." 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 930, cloth, 31s. 6d. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 133].. ...[611 COUSIN (J.)-The Names of the Roman Catholics, Nonjurors and others, who refused to take the Oaths to his late Majesty King George, together with their Titles, Additions, and Places of Abode; the Parishes and Townships where their Lands Lay, the Names of the then Tenants or Occupiers thereof, and the Annual Valuations of them as estimated by themselves. 8vo. pp. 150, cloth, 58. (J. R. Smith)... ..[612


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CRANBORNE (Viscount) - Historical Sketches and Reviews. First Series, reprinted from the "St. James's Medley." 8vo. pp. 390, cloth, 12s. (Mitchell) ..[613 CUMMING (Rev. James Elder)-Abba, Father: Ten Lectures on the Lord's Prayer. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Maclachlan) pp. 200, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Simpkin)........ [614 CUST (Sir Edward)-Annals of the Wars of the Eighteenth Century, compiled from the most Authentic Histories of the Period. 3d edit. 5 vols. 12mo. cl. 5s. each (Murray) [vide Adv. 121].... ..[615 DAVIDSON'S Choral Services of the Church of England, comprising a Choral Service for Daily Prayer, 27 Anthems, and 170 Psalms and Hymns, &c. ito. cloth, 5s. (Music Publishing Company) ..[616 DAY (Samuel Phillips)-Down South; or, an Englishman's Experience at the Seat of the American War. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 660, cloth, 21s. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 164] .[617 DE FOE (D.)-The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 18mo. (Edinburgh, Gordon) pp. 250, sewed, 8d. (Gordon's School and Home Series) (Hamilton) ...618 DE STAEL (Madame) and the Grand Duchess Louise; or, Selections from the Unpublished Correspondence of Madame De Staël and the Grand Duchess Louise of Saxe Weimar, from 1800 to 1817, together with a Letter to Bonaparte, First Consul, and another to Napoleon, Emperor. By the Author of "Souvenirs of Madame Récamier." 8vo. pp. 240, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Saunders & 0.)...


The translation is made from a copy of the correspondence presented to Madame Récamier by the Grand Duke of Weimar.

DE TOCQUEVILLE (A.)-Democracy in America. TransJated by Henry Reeve. New edit. with an Introductory Notice by the Translator. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1040, cloth, 218. (Longman) [vide Adv. 127].. ...[620


DENTON (Rev. W.)-A Commentary on the Gospels for the Sundays and other Holidays of the Christian Year. Vol. 2, Easter to the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. 8vo. pp. 460, cloth, 14s. (Bell) .. .[621 DICKENS (Charles)-Dombey and Son. Illustrated edit. 2 vols. Vol. 2, post 8vo. pp. 460, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Chapman & H.). ..[622

DICKSON (Samuel)-Fallacies of the Faculty. New edit. royal 8vo. cloth, 5s. (Tinsley) [vide Adv. 129] ...... 623 DOD (R. P.)-Parliamentary Companion, 1862. cloth, 4s. 6d. (Whittaker).

32mo. [624

DRAYSON (Capt. A. W.)-The Common Sights in the Heavens, and How to See and Know them. 12mo. pp. 236, cloth, 8s. (Chapman & H.)

..[625 EDGAR (J. G.)- Memorable Events of Modern History. With Illustrations. Post 8vo. pp. 490, cloth, 6s. 6d. (W. H. Allen) .[626 The author's object has been to narrate the most striking events which have occurred in Modern Europe, to serve as an educational book, a reading book, and a book of reference.


EDWARDS (Rev. L. C.)-Mathematical Questions Proposed to Candidates for Admission to the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, from June 1857 to July 1861 inclusive. 8vo. pp. 72, sewed, 3s. 6d. (Harrison) ....[627

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ELLIS (Edward S.)-Monowano, the Shawnee Spy. 12mo. pp. 120, sewed, 6d. (Beadle's American Library).... [628 FAMILY TREASURY of SUNDAY READING, 1861. Royal 8vo. cloth, 78. 6d. (Nelson) .[629 FOREIGN OFFICE LIST, 1862. 8vo. cloth, 58. (Harrison) ...[630 FRENCH (Rev. T. Valpy)-"Remember How thou hast Heard!" Selections from the Pulpit Addresses of a Brief Ministerial Course at Clifton, Bristol. 12mo. pp. 380, cloth, 5s. (Nisbet) [vide Adv. 116*] ........ [631 FROME (Col.)-Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey. 3d edit. revised and much improved. Royal 8vo. pp. 270, cloth, 12s. (Weale).. [632 The additions have been made principally with a view to meet the requirements of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich.

GAIRDNER (W. T.)-Public Health in Relation to Air and Water. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Edmonston & D.) pp. 370, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Hamilton) [633

Lectures delivered during the last summer. GALE (W. H.)-A Treatise on the Law of Easements. 3d edition, 8vo. pp. 620, cloth, 20s. (Sweet)......[634 GELDART (William)-Strength in Weakness; or, Early Chastened, early Blessed: a Brief Memoir. By Mrs. Geldart. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Seeley) [vide Adv. 76] ..[635


GIFTS and GRACES: a Tale. By Author of "The Rose and the Lotus." Post 8vo. pp. 250, cl. 7s. 6d. (Bell) [636 A tale of actual life, with a moral and religious application.

GRAY (W. R.)-The Tongue and its Training; or, Practical Rules for Public Speakers: with Remarks on Teaching and Acquiring a Proper Mode of Reading Aloud, and the Art of Effectively Addressing Public Assemblies. Square 16mo. pp. 88, cl. 2s. 6d. (Kent) [637 GREAVES (Sergt.-Major)-Notes of Alterations in the New Edition of the Field Exercises. 32mo. sewed, 3d. (Mitchell)


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HANDBOOK of TRAVEL TALK; being a Collection of Questions, Phrases, and Vocabularies in English, French, and Italian. New edit. 18mo. pp. 340, cloth, 38 6d. (Murray) HARDCASTLE (Charlotte)-Cliffords of Oakley. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d. (Newby) ..[643 HASTINGS (John)-An Inquiry into the Medicinal Value of the Excreta of Reptiles in Phthisis and some other Diseases. Post 8vo. cloth, 5s. (Longman)........................ [644 HEARTS of OAK; or, Naval Yarns. By the Author of "Vonved the Dane" (originally published in the" Dublin University Magazine). Post 8vo. pp. 290, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Bentley) (vide Adv. 122] ..[645


The subjects are Our Men-of-War's Men, Sea Songs, Progress of the British Navy, Marryat's Sea Stories, Christmas Eve in the Smugglers' Cave, the United States Navy, Capture of the Wandering Willie, &c.

HEWLETT (J. G.)-Records of the Poor: showing that Godliness is profitable for the Life that now is, and that which is to come. Square 16mo. pp. 120, sewed, 1s. (Bennett) [646 HEWLETT (J. G.)-Thoughts upon Thought for Young Men. 5th edit. enlarged, 12mo. pp. 192, cloth, 2s. (Simpkin).... [47 HODDER (Edwin)-Memories of New Zealand Life. Post 8vo. pp. 230, cloth, 5s. 6d. (Longman)

[648 The aim of the work is not statistical or didactic, but to give a picture of the social life and pleasures enjoyed by the settlers.


HOGARTH (George)-The Philharmonic Society of London, from its Foundation 1813, to its Fiftieth Year, 1862. Svo. pp. 150, cloth, 48. (Bradbury) [649 HOOD (Thomas)-Works of, Comic and Serious, in Prose and Verse. Edited, with Notes, by his Son. Vol. 1. Post 8vo. pp. 450, cloth, 6s. (Moxon) [vide Adv. 132] [650 The pieces in prose and verse intermixed are arranged in the order in which they were written. The present volume contains the Author's productions from 1821 to 1828 inclusive, and comprises many pieces never before collected.

HORSFORD (John) - Philanthropy the Genius of Christianity with Biographical Sketches of some of the most Eminent Philanthropists. Post Svo. pp. 510, cloth, 78. 6d. (Simpkin)


Includes anti-slavery philanthropists, prison philanthropists of the class of John Howard, great reformers, religious poets, female reformers, living celebrities, &c.


HOWLETT (Rev. J. H.)-Instructions in Reading the
Liturgy with Appendices on Misapplied Emphasis in
Reading the Sacred Scriptures, and on Pronunciation.
Abridged edit. 12mo. pp. 170, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Batty) [652
HUNT (Leigh), Correspondence of. Edited by his Eldest
Son. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 640, cloth, 248. (Smith & E.)
[vide Adv. 117]

Among the most eminent of the correspondents whose
letters are included are Lord Macaulay, Shelley, Lord
Brougham, Thomas Moore, Charles Lamb, Thomas
Campbell, Mary Wollstonecraft, Robert Browning,
Mr. Justice Talfourd, Robert Chambers, &c.

JACKSON (Bp.)-The Sinfulness of Little Sins. 11th
edit. 18mo. pp. 136, cloth, 1s. (Skeffington)........ [654
JAMESON (Rev. John)-Letters to Afflicted Friends.
4th edit. 18mo. (Edinburgh, Eliot) pp. 120, cloth, 1s.
JOHNSON (Dr.)-The Rambler. New edit. 2 vols. 12mo.
pp. 1026, cloth, 8s. (Tegg)..
KAVANAGH (Julia)-Adèle: a Tale. Post 8vo. pp. 430,
cloth, 5s. (Hurst and Blackett's Standard Library) (Hurst
& B.) [vide Adv. 164)
KEMP (Thomas R.)-The Law and Practice in Bankruptcy,
as altered by the recent Statutes, 24 & 25 Vict. cap. 134:
the General Orders and Decisions of the Courts; with
Notes of Cases. 12mo. pp. 160, cl. 1s. (Macdonald) [658
KENNEDY (Capt. H. A.)-Waifs and Strays, chiefly
from the Chess-board. 12mo. pp. 240, cloth, 4s.

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LOWELL (James Russell)-The Biglow Papers. 2d se. ries, Authorised edit. Part 1, 12mo. pp. 50, sewed, 18. (Trübner). [667 LYTTON (Sir E. B.)-The Disowned. Library edit. 2 vols. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 5s. (Blackwood) 1668 M'GREGOR (Sir James)-The Dean of Lismore's Book: a Selection of Ancient Gaelic Poetry from a Manuscript Collection made by Sir James M'Gregor, Dean of Lismore, in the beginning of the 16th Century. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by Rev. Thomas M'Lauchlan, and an Introduction and additional Notes by William F. Skene. Svo. (Edinburgh, Edmonstone and Douglas) pp. 260, cloth, 12s. (Hamilton) (vide Adv. 116]} [669

The work is believed to contain all that can now be recovered of native compositions current in the Highlands prior to the sixteenth century. Also afforda means of ascertaining the familiarity of the Highlanders with the Irish poets.

MARRYAT (Captain)-Jacob Faithful. New edit. 12mo. pp. 286, sewed, 1s. (Routledge).. [670


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MEN of the TIME-A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Living Characters (including Women). New edit. thoroughly revised and brought down to the Present Time. By Edward Walford. Post 8vo. pp. 840, halfbound, 10s. 6d. (Routledge)


With 1400 additional memoirs, prepared expressly for this edition.

MILLS (J. H.)-Selection of Sacred Poetry for Private and Congregational Use, set to Music. Post 8vo. cloth, 1s. 6d. (Houlston).. .[674

MOMMSEN (Theodor)-The History of Rome. Translated, with the Author's sanction and additions, by Rev. W. P. Dickson. With a Preface by Dr. L. Sclimitz. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 990, cloth, 18s. (Bentley) [vide Adv. 122).... [675

The translation is prepared from the third edition of the original, published last year at Berlin. MONSELL (John S.)—The Beatitudes (Sermons). 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 166, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Parker & S.). . . . . . . . . . (676 NEWMAN (E. M.)-History Epitomised and Contemporised; or, Historia Sententiæ. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 470, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Sumpkin) [677 NEWSPAPER (The) and General Reader's Pocket Companion. By Author of "Live and Learn." New edit. ismo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (J. F. Shaw)


OLNEY HYMNS. New edit. Introduction by James Montgomery. 18mo. pp. 420, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Griffin) [679 PAGE (David)-Introductory Text-Book of Geology. 5th edit. post 8vo. pp. 160, cloth, 18. 9d. (Blackwood) [vide Adv. 167]... 1680

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PALGRAVE of SYCAMORA. 31s. 6d. (Saunders & O.). PHILLIPS (Samuel)-Caleb Stukely: a Tale of the Last Century. With Illustrations. 12mo. pp. 320, boards, 28. (Railway Library) (Routledge) (682

PHOTOGRAPHS of PARIS LIFE. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 5s. (Tinsley) [vide Adv. 129]... PHYSICIAN'S (The) DAUGHTERS; or, the Spring-Time of Woman: a Tale. Post 8vo. pp. 420, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Nisbet) [vide Adv. 116*).. [684


A tale of the present time, with a religious tendency. PIERCE (Charles)-The Household Manager. 12mo. cl. 28. (Useful Library) (Routledge). [695

Reproduced from the Edinburgh Medical Journal. LIVY, Books IV. and V. Translated literally by William Lewers and William A. M'Devitte. 12mo. (Dublin, Kelly) pp. 140, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Simpkin)... LOCKE (John)- An Essay concerning Human Understanding. 33d edit. complete in 1 vol. post 8vo. pp. 670, cloth, 5s. (Tegg) (vide Adv. 136]



PRESTON (Geo. F.)-Glimpses of Antiquity: a Collection of Metrical Sketches, &c. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Kent) [686 PYM (Edith E.)--Tales for my Grandchildren. Post 8vo. (Bedford, Wall) cloth, 2s. 6d. (Hamilton).......... [687 RANKINE (W. M.)-Manual of Civil Engineering. 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 16s. 6d. (Griffin) [688





RAVERTY (Captain H. G.)-Selections from the Poetry of the Afghans, from the 16th to the 19th Century. Literally translated from the Original Pus'kto, with Notices of the different Authors, and Remarks on the Mystic Doctrine and Poetry of the Sufis. 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 16s. (Williams & N.)...... ROBERTS (William)-Homeopathy as practised in Manchester, contrasted with its alleged Principles. 12mo. pp. 90, sewed, 18. (Simpkin).... [690 ROGERS' (Samuel) Poetical Works. New edit. 12mo. 3s. 6d. (Routledge)................. (691 ROMANCE of the SEAS. By Waters. 12mo. pp. 340, boards, 2s. (Parlour Library) (C. H. Clarke) [692 RUTHVEN'S REVENGE and other Metrical Tales. By Lochnagar. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Maclachlan) pp. 60, cloth, 28. (Simpkin)





SAVILE (Rev. Bourchier Wrey)-Revelation and Science in respect to Bunsen's Biblical Researches, the Evidences of Christianity, and the Mosaic Cosmogony; with an Examination of certain Statements put forth by the remaining Authors of Essays and Reviews. 8vo. pp. 390, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Longman) [vide Adv. 127] [694 The writer's object is to show the connection between the statements of Scripture and modern science. SCHNEIDER (Charles Henri) The Edinburgh High School French Manual of Conversation and Commercial Correspondence. For the use of Schools and Private Students. 3d edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Bell and Bradfute) cloth, 3s. (Simpkin)... [695 SCOTT'S (Sir Walter) Miscellaneous Works, Vols. 15 and 16; Life of Napoleon, Vols. 8 and 9. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Black) cloth, each 3s. (Longman)........... SCOTT'S (Sir Walter) Poetical Works. New edit. with illustrations by Corbould, 12mo. pp. 730, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Routledge) [697




SCOTT (Sir Walter)-The Antiquary. New edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Black) pp. 308, sewed, 1s. (Longman) [698 SHAFFNER (Col. T. P.)-The War in America: being an Historical and Political Account of the Southern and Northern States, showing the Origin and Cause of the Present Secession War. Post Svo. with map, pp. 422, cloth, 78. 6d. (Hamilton)..... SHAKESPEAR (Major Henry) The Wild Sports of India. 2d edit. much enlarged, post 8vo. pp. 370, cloth, 108. (Smith & E.) [vide Adv. 117].. [700 SHAKSPEARE'S Macbeth; with the Chapters of Hollinshed's "Historie of Scotland," on which the Play is based. Adapted for Educational purposes; with an Introduction and Notes, Philological and Analytic. By Walter Scott Dalgleish. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Gordon) pp. 120, cloth, 2s. (Hamilton) [701


SIMON (Thomas Collyns)-The Mission and Martyrdom of St. Peter; or, Did St. Peter ever Leave the East? 2d edit, with corrections and additions, 8vo. pp. 330, cloth, 6s. (Rivingtons).... [702 SMYTH (Sir James Carmichael)-Precis of the Wars in Canada, from 1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814: with Military and Political Reflections. Edited by his Son, Sir James Carmichael. 8vo. pp. 210, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Tinsley) [vide Adv. 129].... [703

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VALENTINE (Mrs. Richard)-Leighton Manor; or, the Orphan Cousins. 18 no. pp. 180, cl. 18. 6d. (Tegg) [714 A story of English life in the reign of Charles the First, with illustrations.

VANDELEUR (Arthur)-The Life of Arthur Vandeleur, Major, Royal Artillery. By the Author of "Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars." 12mo. pp. 314, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Nisbet) [vide Adv. 116*]. ...[715

VOLUNTEER'S (The) BOOK of FACTS: an Annual Record. Edited by W. H. Blanch. 8vo. sewed, 2s. (Mitchell)...


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WEST (R. Uvedale)-Illustrations of Puerperal Diseases. 8vo. pp. 90, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Churchill). [718 WILBERFORCE (Bp.)-The Rocky Island, and other Similitudes. 12th edit. 18mo. cl. 2s. 6d. (Rivingtons) [719 WILDE (W. R.)-An Essay on the Malformations and Congenital Diseases of the Organs of Sight. With sixty illustrations. 8vo. pp. 144, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Churchill) [720 WILLIAMS (Monier)-A Practical Hindustani Grammar; containing the Accidence in Roman Type; a Chapter on the use of Arabic Words, and a full Syntax; also Hindustani Selections in the Persian Character, with a Vocabulary and Dialogues, by Cotton Mather. 12mo. pp. 250, cloth, 5s. (Longman) 1721 WILLIAMS (Rev. Rowland)-Defence of the Rev. Rowland Williams in the Arches Court of Canterbury, by James Fitzjames Stephen. Post 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Smith & E.) [vide Adv. 117].... [722


On the occasion of the Articles exhibited against Dr. Williams for writing and publishing the article on Bunsen's Biblical Researches-one of the Essays and Reviews.

WILLIE'S EXERCISES. Part 1, Teachers' Copy. 12mo. (Manchester, J. Heywood) pp. 46, cl. 4d. (Simpkin) [723 WILSON (Horace H.)-Lectures on the Religion of the Hindus. Edited by Dr. Reinhold. 2 vols. Vol. 1 (Works, Vol. 1). Svo. cloth, 10s. 6d. (Trübner). [724

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WORTHINGTON (Henry)-Church Catechism: with Explanations and Scripture Proofs. 12mo. cloth, is. (Longman) [725 YEAR-BOOK of AGRICULTURAL FACTS for 1861. Edited by Robert Scott Burn. 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Blackwood) [726

YOUNG (Sir George)-On the History of Greek Literature in England, from the Earliest Times to End of Reign of James 1st. Post 8vo. bds. 2s. (Macmillan) (727

Book Advanced in Price.

WILSON (Rev. W.)-The Heavenward Path; or, Progress and Perfection in the Life of Faith. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Nimmo) cloth, 4s. (Nisbet) 1728

The text is the Second Epistle of Peter, on which the work may be considered a practical commentary.

Books Reduced in Price.

ADAMS (H. G.) Cyclopædia of Poetical Quotations. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Groombridge)..... [729 BENNETT (C. H.)-Proverbs with Pictures. 4to. boards, 6s. (Griffin). [730

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FALLOUX.-Lettres de Mme. Swetchine. 2 vols. 8vo. (Paris)... 13s. 6d. FIGUIER (L.)-L'Année scientifique et industrielle, ou Exposé annuel des travaux scientifiques, des inventions et des principales applications de la science à l'industrie et aux arts qui ont attiré l'attention publique en France et à l'étranger. 6e année. 12mo. (Paris)...... ......... 3s. FISCHEL (E.)-Die Verfassung Englands. 8vo. (Berlin) 7s. FREYTAG (G.)-Neue Bilder aus dem Leben d. deutschen Volkes. 8vo. (Leipzig, 1862)... ....... 8s. 6d. die Fabier. Trauerspiel in 5 Acten. 16mo. (Leipzig, 1862)....






FRIEDRICH v. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN-ROER (Prinz). Aufzeichnungen aus den J. 1848-1850. 8vo. (Zurich) 6s. GERVINUS (G. G.)-Geschichte d. neunzehnten Jahrhunderts seit den Wiener Verträgen. Vol. 5. 8vo. (Leipzig) ... 68. 6d. GWINNER (W.)-Arthur Schopenhauer aus persönlichem Umgange dargestellt. Ein Blick auf sein Leben, seinen Charakter u. seine Lehre. Mit dem Portr. Schopenhauer's u. e. vergleichenden Seitenansicht seines Schädels. 8vo. (Leipzig) 4s. 6d. HAGENBACH (K. R.)-Vorlesungen üb. die Kirchengeschichte d. Mittelalters. Vol. 2. A. u. d. T.: Die christliche Kirche vom 13. bis zum Ende d. 15. Jahrh. 8vo. (Leipzig)....... ...... 4s. 6d. HAHN (M.)—Sur le lieu de naissance de Charlemagne. Mémoire présenté à l'acad. royale de Belgique en réponse à la question suivante: Charlemagne est-il né dans la province de Liège? 8vo. (Berlin) HAUTEFEULLE (L. B.)-Quelques questions de droit international maritime, à propos de la guerre d'Amérique. 8vo. (Paris).. 1s. 6d. HEEGER (E.)-Album microscopisch-photographischer Darstellungen aus dem Gebiete der Zoologie. 2. Lfg. Svo. (25 Photographien u. 18 S. Text.) (Wien) 20s. HELM (C.)- Kinder-Lieder, m. Illustr. (in eingedr. Holzschn.) von A. v. Heyden. 8vo. (Leipzig).... ls. 6d. HERWERDEN (H. van)-Exercitationes criticae in poeticis et prosaicis quibusdam Atticorum monumentis. Accedit descriptio codicis Ambrosiani, quo continetur fragmentum onomastici Pollucis, cum praecipuarum lectionum elencho. 8vo. (Hague)








5s. HEY (G.)-Cinquante fables pour les enfants traduites de l'allemand. 8vo. Woodcuts and vignettes by O. Speckter. (Paris) 28. 6d. HUMBERT (E.)-Dans la forêt de Thuringe, voyage d'étude. 8vo. avec gravures (Geneva) ........... 17s. HUPFELD (H.)-Die Psalmen. Uebersetzt u. ausgelegt. Vol. 4, 8vo. (Gotha, 1862) ..... 6s. IRRLICHTER (Die)- Ein Märchen v. der Verf. der Prinzessin Ilse. 4to. (9 Photographien u. 1 color. Steintaf.) (Berlin, 1862)



JOHANNES v. EPHESUS, Kirchen-Geschichte. Aus d. Syr. übers. Mit e. Abhandlg. üb. die Tritheiten v. J. M. Schönfelder. 8vo. (Munich, 1862) ........ 48. 6d. JOURDAIN (C.)-Histoire de l'université de Paris du XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle. Part 1, folio (Paris). 15s. 6d. JOURNAL du voyage à Paris de deux jeunes seigneurs hollandais en 1657-1658, publié par Prosper Faugère. 8vo. (Paris).... 6s. 6d.

KLUEBER (J.)-Droit des gens moderne de l'Europe, avec un supplément contenant une bibliothèque choisie du droit des gens. Nouvelle édition, revue, annotée et complétée par M. A. Ott. 8vo. (Paris).. 6s. 6d.

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KOUTORGA (De) Recherches critiques sur l'histoire de la Grèce pendant la période des guerres médiques. 4to. (Paris)..


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MONIN (H.)-Monuments des anciens idiomes gaulois. (Texte. Linguistique.) 8vo. (Paris) 5s. 6d. MORTIMER TERNAUX.-Histoire de la Terreur, 17921794, d'après des documents authentiques et inédits. Tome I. 8vo. (Paris). 5s. 6d. MURET (T.)-Histoire de Jeanne d'Albret, reine de Navarre, précédée d'une étude sur Marguerite de Valois, sa mère. 12mo. (Paris) PALAEONTOGRAPHICA. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt. 7. Bd. Hrsg. von H. v. Meyer. Part 6, 4to. 10 plates (Cassel)

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PRESSENSE (Mme. E. de)-La Maison blanche, histoire pour les écoliers. 12mo. (Paris) .. 2s. 6d. RICHTER (L.)-Für's Haus. Sommer. 15 Zeichngn. in Holz geschn. v. Bürkner, A. Gaber u. G. Jördens. 4to. (Dresden) In Mappe...... 4s. 6d. ROSS (Ludw.)-Archäologische Aufsätze. 2. Sammlung. 8vo. (Leipzig) ...... 20s. RUSTOW (W.)-La Guerre italienne en 1860. Campagne de Garibaldi dans les Deux Siciles, et autres événements militaires jusqu'à la capitulation de Gaête en mars 1861. Narration politique et militaire, traduite de l'allemand par J. Vivien. 12mo. with atlas (Geneva) .. 10s. SULIMA (S.)-La Russie aux Russes comme la Pologne aux Polonais. 8vo. (Leipzig, 1862) 1s. VALLET DE VIRVILLE.-Histoire de Charles VII, roi de France, et de son époque (1403-1461). Vol. 1. 8vo. (Paris) 68. 6d.

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