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were carried in this account, as far as practicable shall be adjusted to the accounts credited when the materials were charged to this account.

B. Materials and supplies issued shall be credited hereto and charged to the appropriate construction, operating expense, or other account on the basis of a unit price determined by the use of cumulative average, first-infirst-out, or such other method of inventory accounting as conforms with accepted accounting standards consistently applied.

C. Inventories of materials, supplies, fuel, etc., shall be taken at least annually and the necessary adjustments shall be made to bring this account into agreement with the actual inventories. In effecting the adjustments, large differences which can be assigned to important classes of materials shall be equitably adjusted among the accounts to which such classes of materials have been charged since the previous inventory. Other differences shall be equitably apportioned among the accounts to which materials have been charged.


1. Invoice price of materials less cash or other discounts.

2. Freight, switching or other transportation charges when practicable to include as part of the cost of particular materials to which they relate.

3. Customs duties and excise taxes.

4. Costs of inspection and special tests pricr to acceptance.

5. Insurance and other directly assignable charges.

NOTE A: Where expenses applicable to materials purchased cannot be directly assigned to particular purchases, they may be charged to a stores expense clearing account and distributed therefrom to the appropriate account.

NOTE B: When materials and supplies are purchased for immediate use, they need not be carried through this account but may be charged directly to the appropriate gas plant or expense account.

164.1 Gas stored underground.

A. This account shall include the cost of recoverable gas purchased or produced by the utility which is stored in depleted or partially depleted gas or oil fields, or other underground reser

voirs, and held for use in meeting service requirements of the utility's customers.

B. Gas stored during the year shall be priced at cost according to generally accepted methods of cost determination consistently applied from year to year. Transmission expenses for facilities of the utility used in moving the gas to the storage area and expenses of storage facilities shall not be included in the inventory of gas except as may be authorized or directed by the Commission.

C. Withdrawals of gas may be priced according to the first-in-first-out, lastin-first-out, or weighted average cost method, in connection with which a "base stock" may be employed provided the method adopted by the utility is used consistently from year to year and the inventory records are maintained in accordance therewith. Approval of the Commission must be obtained for any other pricing method, or change in the pricing method adopted by the utility.

D. Amounts debited to this account for gas placed in storage shall be credited to account 734, Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit. Amounts credited to this account for gas withdrawn from storage shall be debited to account 733, Gas Withdrawn from Storage— Debit.

E. Adjustments for inventory losses due to cumulative inaccuracies of gas measurements, or from other causes, shall be charged to account 741, Gas Losses. In the operation of storage projects the utility shall maintain such procedures of verification as will disclose and result in prompt accounting recognition of significant losses.

NOTE: The utility at balance sheet dates shall reduce this account by such significant amount as does not represent a current asset according to conventional rules of current asset classification. Such reduction shall be offset by a special account, Gas Stored Underground-Noncurrent, to be reported in the balance sheet among other accounts under the caption for utility plant.

164.2 Liquefied natural gas stored.

A. This account shall include the cost of liquefied natural gas stored in above or below ground facilities.

B. Natural gas purchased in a liquefied form shall be priced at the cost of such gas to the utility. Natural gas liquefied by the utility shall be priced according to generally accepted methods of cost determination consistently applied from year to year. Transmission expenses for facilities of the utility used in moving the gas to the storage facilities shall not be included in the inventory of gas except as may be authorized by the Commission.

C. Amounts debited to this account for natural gas placed in storage shall be credited to account 734, Gas Delivered to Storage-Credit. Amounts credited to this account for gas withdrawn from storage shall be debited to account 733, Gas Withdrawn from Storage-Debit.

D. Withdrawals of gas may be priced according to the first-in-first-out, lastin-first-out, or weighted-average cost method provided the method adopted by the utility is based consistently from year to year and the inventory records are maintained in accordance therewith. Commission approval must be obtained for any other pricing method or for any change in the pricing method adopted by the utility. Separate records shall be maintained for each storage project of the Mcf of gas delivered to storage, and remaining in storage.

E. Adjustments for inventory losses shall be charged to account 741, Gas Losses.

165 Prepayments.

A. This account shall include the amount of rents, taxes, insurance, interest and like disbursements made in advance of the period to which they apply. As the periods covered by such prepayments expire, credit this account and charge the proper operating expense or other account with the amount applicable to the period.

B. This account shall be kept or supported in such manner as to disclose the amount of each class of prepayments.

170 Other current and accrued assets.

This account shall include the book cost of all other current and accrued assets, appropriately designated and

supported so as to show the nature of each asset included herein.


181 Unamortized debt expense.

This account shall include expenses related to the issuance or assumption of debt securities. Amounts recorded in this account shall be amortized over the life of each respective issue under a plan which will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the security. The amortization shall be on a monthly basis, and the amounts thereof shall be charged to account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense. Any unamortized amounts outstanding at the time that the related debt is prematurely reacquired shall be accounted for as indicated in General Instruction 15.

182 Extraordinary property losses.

A. When authorized or directed by the Commission, this account shall include extraordinary losses on property abandoned or otherwise retired from service which are not provided for by the accumulated provision for depreciation or amortization and which could not reasonably have been foreseen and provided for, and extraordinary losses, such as unforeseen damages to property, which could not reasonably have been anticipated and which are not covered by insurance or other provisions.

B. The entire cost, less net salvage, of depreciable property retired shall be charged to accumulated provision for depreciation. If all, or a portion of the loss is to be included in this account, the accumulated provision for depreciation shall then be credited and this account charged with the amount properly chargeable hereto.

C. Application to the Commission for permission to use this account shall be accompanied by a statement giving a complete explanation with respect to the items which it is proposed to include herein, the period over which, and the accounts to which it is proposed to write off the charges, and other pertinent information.

183 Other deferred debits.

A. This account shall include the following classes of items:

(1) Expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, etc., made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of projects under contemplation. If construction results, this account shall be credited with the amount applicable thereto and the appropriate plant accounts shall be charged with an amount which does not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to plant. If the work is abandoned, the charge shall be to account 426.5, Other Deductions, or to the appropriate operating expense accounts.

(2) Expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, etc., made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of acquiring land and land rights to provide a future supply of natural gas. If such land or land rights are acquired, this account shall be credited and the appropriate gas plant account (see gas plant instruction 6G) charged with the amount of expenditures related to such acquisition. Such preliminary survey and investigation charges transferred to gas plant shall not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to gas plant. If a project is abandoned involving a natural gas lease acquired before October 8, 1969, the expenditures related thereto shall be charged to account 723, Other Exploration. If a project is abandoned involving a lease acquired after October 7, 1969, the expenditures related thereto shall be charged to account 338, Unsuccessful Exploration and Development Costs.

(3) Undistributed balances in clearing accounts at the date of the balance sheet. Balances in clearing accounts shall be substantially cleared not later than the end of the calendar year unless items held therein relate to a future period.

(4) Balances representing expenditures for work in progress other than on utility plant. This includes jobbing and contract work in progress.

(5) Other debit balances, the proper final disposition of which is uncertain, and unusual or extraordinary expenses, not included in other accounts, which are in process of being written off.

(6) All fees related to certificate applications involving construction paid prior to the final disposition of the certificate application. If the certificate is granted and accepted, the amount recorded in this account shall be credited with the amount applicable thereto and charged to the appropriate plant accounts. If the certificate requested is not granted or is not accepted by the applicant, the fees recorded in this account shall be cleared to account 776, Regulatory Commission Expenses.

B. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish full inforImation as to each deferred debit included herein. The records supporting entries for preliminary natural gas surveys and investigations shall be so kept that the utility can furnish, for each investigation, complete information as to identification and location of the territory investigated, the number or other identification assigned to the land tract or leasehold acquired, and the nature and respective amounts of the charges.

187 Deferred losses from disposition of utility plant.

This account shall include losses from the sale or other disposition of property previously recorded in account 105, Gas Plant Held for Future Use, under the provisions of paragraphs B, C, and D thereof, where such losses are significant and are to be amortized over a period of 5 years, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. The amortization of the amounts in this account shall be made by debits to account 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant. (See account 105, Gas Plant Held for Future Use.)

189 Unamortized loss on reacquired debt.

This account shall include the losses on long-term debt reacquired or redeemed. The amounts in this account

shall be amortized in accordance with General Instruction 15.

190 Accumulated deferred income taxes.

A. This account shall be debited and account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Credit, Utility Operating Income, or account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income TaxesCredit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are higher because of the inclusion of certain items in income for tax purposes, which items for general accounting purposes will not be fully reflected in the utility's determination of annual net income until subsequent years.

B. This account shall be credited and account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be debited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are lower because of prior payment of taxes as provided by paragraph A above, because of difference in timing for tax purposes of particular items of income or income deductions from that recognized by the utility for general accounting purposes. Such credit to this account and debit to account 410.1 or 410.2 shall, in general, represent the effect on taxes payable in the current year of the smaller amount of book income recognized, or the larger deduction permitted, for tax purposes as compared to the amount recognized in the utility's current accounts with respect to the item or class of items for which deferred tax concept of accounting is affected.

C. Vintage year records with respect to entries to this account, as described above, and the account balance, shall be so maintained as to show the factor of calculation with respect to each annual amount of the item or class of items for which deferred tax accounting by the utility is utilized.

D. The utility is restricted in its use of this account to the purpose set forth above. It shall not make use of the balance in this account or any portion thereof except as provided in the

text of this account, without prior approval of the Commission. Any remaining deferred tax account balance with respect to an amount for any prior year's tax deferral, the amortization of which or other recognition in the utility's income accounts has been completed, or other disposition made, shall be debited to account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, or otherwise disposed of as the Commission may authorize or direct. (See General Instruction 16.) 191 Unrecovered purchased gas costs.

A. This account shall include purchased gas costs related to Commission approved purchased gas adjustment clauses when such costs are not included in the utility's rate schedules on file with the Commission.

B. This account shall be debited or credited, as appropriate, each month for increases or decreases in purchased gas costs with contra entries to Account 731.1, Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments.

C. After a change in a rate schedule recognizing the increases or decreases in purchased gas costs recorded in this account is approved by the Commission, this account shall be debited or credited, as appropriate, with contra entries to expense account 731.1, Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments, so that the balance accumulated in this account will be amortized on an appropriate basis over a succeeding 6 month period or over such other periods that the Commission may have authorized. Any over or under applied debits or credits to this account shall be carried forward to the succeeding period of amortization.

D. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for the amounts relating to the period in which the increase or decrease is accumulated and for the amortization of purchase gas increases or decreases, as applicable, so as to keep each period separate.



201 Common capital stock.

204 Preferred capital stock.

A. These accounts shall include the par value or the stated value of stock without par value if such stock has a stated value, and if not, the cash value of the consideration received for such nonpar stock, of each class of capital stock actually issued, including the par or stated value of such capital stock in account 124, Other Investments, and account 217, Reacquired Capital Stock.

B. When the actual cash value of the consideration received is more or less than the par or stated value of any stock having a par or stated value, the difference shall be credited or debited, as the case may be, to the premium or discount account for the particular class and series.

C. When capital stock is retired, these accounts shall be charged with the amount at which such stock is carried herein.

D. A separate ledger account, with a descriptive title, shall be maintained for each class and series of stock. The supporting records shall show the shares nominally issued, actually issued, and nominally outstanding.

NOTE: When a levy or assessment, except a call for payment on subscriptions, is made against holders of capital stock, the amount collected upon such levy or assessment shall be credited to account 207, Other Paid-In Capital; provided, however, that the credit shall be made to account 213, Discount on Capital Stock, to the extent of any remaining balance of discount on the issue of stock.

207 Other paid-in capital.

This account shall include the balance of all other credits for paid-in capital not includible in the capital stock accounts, and shall be kept so as to show the source of the credits includible herein.


1. Premium received on original issues of capital stock.

2. Donations received from stockholders or reduction of debt of the utility, and the cash value of other assets received as a donation.

3. Reduction in par or stated value of capital stock.

4. Gain on resale or cancellation of reacquired capital stock.

5. Miscellaneous paid-in capital.

NOTE: Premium on capital stock shall not be set off against expenses. Further, a premium received on an issue of a certain class or series of stock shall not be set off against expense of another issue of the same class or series.

212 Installments received on capital stock.

A. This account shall include in a separate subdivision for each class and series of capital stock the amount of installments received on capital stock on a partial or installment payment plan for subscribers who are not bound by legally enforceable subscription contracts.

B. As subscriptions are paid in full and certificates issued, this account shall be charged and the appropriate capital stock account credited with the par or stated value of such stock. Any discount or premium on an original issue shall be included in the appropriate discount or premium account.

213 Discount on capital stock.

A. This account shall include in a separate subdivision for each class and series of capital stock all discount on the original issuance and sale of capital stock, including additional capital stock of a particular class or series as well as first issues.

B. When capital stock which has been actually issued is retired, the amount in this account applicable to the shares retired shall be written off to account 207, Other Paid-in Capital; provided, however, that the amount shall be charged to account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings, to the extent that it exceeds the balance in account 207.

C. The utility may amortize the balance in this account by systematic charges to account 425, Miscellaneous Amortization, or it may write off capital stock discount in whole or in part to account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings.

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