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of the outstanding advance should not be dependent on a buyer purchasing more than 100 percent of the minimum take or pay quantity provided in the contract. In those instances where the five-year recovery period has lapsed, but recovery of the advance continues beyond the five-year period, the unrecovered advances shall be removed from this account and transferred to Account 167, Other Advances for Gas.

D. Where recovery is by gas, the recovered advance shall be credited to this account and charged to the appropriate gas purchase account.

E. When an advance which is or has been included in this account and in rate base results in a source of proven reserves of natural gas, gas deliveries commence but no gas flows to the pipeline company making such advance, the amount of the advance shall be removed from this account (and from rate base) and recorded in account 167, Other Advances for Gas. Any revenues collected as a result of the advance being included in rate base shall be refunded by the pipeline company to its customers, together with interest, per annum, at the rate established by Order No. 513, issued October 10, 1974, or as subsequently revised by Commission Order, from the date of payment until refunded, within 12 months after the removal of the advance from this account, unless otherwise directed by the Commission. Where there is partial recovery of the advance by gas, in this situation, the amount of the advance transferred from this account to account 167 and the amount of revenues refunded, with interest, shall be appropriately apportioned.

F. However, if 5 years elapses from the time the advance has been included in this account and during such time no gas deliveries have commenced or no determination has been made that the recovery will be in economic consideration other than gas, the pipeline shall at the end of the 5year period, transfer the advance from this account to Account 167, and cease rate base treatment thereof, unless otherwise directed by the Commission.

G. Whenever as a result of an advance included in this account, a pipeline receives any amount in excess of a full recovery of the advance, e.g. interest income, such amount must be credited to Account 813, Other Gas Supply Expenses, or as otherwise directed by the Commission. If the income or return is received in other than money, it shall be included at the market value of the assets received.

H. If the recipient of an advance is unable to repay it in full, through no fault of the pipeline or contractual provisions, in gas or other assets, the unpaid or nonrecoverable portion must be credited to this account at the time such amount is recognized as nonrecoverable. Nonrecoverable advances significant in amount must be eliminated within 5 years from the Idate of determination as nonrecoverable by either a charge to account 435, Extraordinary Deductions, or when authorized by the Commission, by a transfer to account 186, Miscellaneous Deferred Debits, and amortization to account 813, Other Gas Supply Expenses. Nonrecoverable advances insignificant in amount should be charged directly to account 813 in the year recognized as nonrecoverable, when authorized by the Commission.

I. No transfers shall be made to or from this account to any other accounts, unless otherwise provided herein, except as specifically authorized by the Commission upon request by the pipeline company.

J. Three copies of any agreement concerning advances will be filed with the Secretary within 30 days of the initial related entry in account 166.

NOTE A: This account may include advances for exploration (including lease acquisition costs) made according to the provisions of Order Nos. 410 and 410-A, for which a contractual commitment was made prior to November 10, 1971, (issue date of Order No. 441). All advances made pursuant to contractual commitments made prior to November 10, 1971, (issue date of Order No. 441) shall be subject to the provisions of Order Nos. 410 and 410-A.

NOTE B: This account shall not include advances for exploration (including lease acquisition costs) in accordance with Order No. 441, for which a contractual commitment was made on or after November 10, 1971 (issue date of Order No. 441), but prior

to December 29, 1972 (issue date of Order No. 465). All advances made pursuant to contractual commitments made on or after November 10, 1971, but prior to December 29, 1972 (issue date of Order No. 465) shall be subject to the provisions of Order No. 441.

NOTE C: This account shall not include advances for lease acquisition costs but may include advances for exploration where such advances are pursuant to contractual commitments made on or after December 29, 1972 (issue date of Order No. 465).

NOTE D: All advances made pursuant to contractual commitments made on or after December 29, 1972 (issue date of Order No. 435) but prior to the date of issuance of Order No. 499, shall be subject to the provisions of Order No. 465.

NOTE E: All advances made pursuant to contractual commitments made on or after December 28, 1973 (issue date of Order No. 499), but prior to the date of issuance of Order No. 529, shall be subject to the provisions of Order No. 499.

NOTE F: This account shall not include advances expended for delay rentals, nonproductive well drilling or abandoned leases where such advances are related to lease acquisition, except in accordance with Note A and Note B to this account.

NOTE G: To keep the Commission informed when an advance is nonrecoverable by any means the company must submit the full details including copies of Federal and State plugging and abandonment reports involved as soon as such fact becomes known.

167 Other advances for gas.

This account shall include all advances not properly includible in Account 166, exclusive of amounts advanced where a working interest is obtained.

171 Interest and dividends receivable.


This account shall include amount of interest on bonds, mortgages, notes, commercial paper, loans, open accounts, deposits, etc., the payment of which is reasonably assured, and the amount of dividends declared or guaranteed on stocks owned.

NOTE A: Interest which is not subject to current settlement shall not be included herein but in the account in which is carried the principal on which the interest is accrued.

NOTE B: Interest and dividends receivable from associated companies shall be included in account 146. Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies.

172 Rents receivable.

This account shall include rents receivable or accrued on property rented or leased by the utility to others.

NOTE: Rents receivable from associated companies shall be included in account 146. Accounts Receivable From Associated Companies.

173 Accrued utility revenues.

At the option of the utility, the estimated amount accrued for service rendered, but not billed at the end of any accounting period, may be included herein. In case accruals are made for unbilled revenues, they shall be made likewise for unbilled expenses, such as for the purchase of gas.

174 Miscellaneous current and accrued


This account shall include the book cost of all other current and accrued assets, appropriately designated and supported so as to show the nature of each asset included herein.


181 Unamortized debt expense.

This account shall include expenses related to the issuance or assumption of debt securities. Amounts recorded in this account shall be amortized over the life of each respective issue under a plan which will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the security. The amortization shall be on a monthly basis, and the amounts thereof shall be charged to account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense. Any unamortized amounts outstanding at the time that the related debt is prematurely reacquired shall be accounted for as indicated in General Instruction 17.

182 Extraordinary property losses.

A. When authorized or directed by the Commission, this account shall include extraordinary losses on property abandoned or otherwise retired from service which are not provided for by the accumulated provisions for depreciation or amortization and which could not reasonably have been foreseen and provided for, and extraordinary losses, such as unforeseen dam

ages to property, which could not reasonably have been anticipated and which are not covered by insurance or other provisions.

B. The entire cost, less net salvage, of depreciable property retired shall be charged to accumulated provision for depreciation. If all, or a portion, of the loss is to be included in this account, the accumulated provision for depreciation shall then be credited and this account charged with the amount properly chargeable hereto.

C. Application to the Commission for permission to use this account shall be accompanied by a statement giving a complete explanation with respect to the items which it is proposed to include herein, the period over which, and the accounts to which it is proposed to write off the charges, and other pertinent information.

183.1 Preliminary natural gas survey and investigation charges.


A. This account shall be charged with all expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of acquiring land and land rights to provide a future supply of natural gas. If such land or land rights are acquired, this account shall be credited and the appropriate gas plant account (see gas plant instruction 7-G) charged with the amount of the expenditures relating to such acquisition. If a project is abandoned involving a natural gas lease acquired before October 8, 1969, the expenditures related thereto shall be charged to account 798, Other Exploration. If a project is abandoned involving a lease acquired after October 7, 1969, the expenditures related thereto shall be charged to account 338, Unsuccessful Exploration and Development Costs.

B. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish, for each investigation, complete information as to the identification and location of territory investigated, the number or other identification assigned to the land tract or leasehold acquired, and the nature and respective amounts of the charges.

NOTE: The amount of preliminary survey and investigation charges transferred to gas plant shall not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to gas plant.

183.2 Other preliminary survey and investigation charges.

A. This account shall be charged with all expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, etc., made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of utility projects under contemplation, other than the acquisition of land and land rights to provide a future supply of natural gas. If construction results, this account shall be credited and the appropriate utility plant account charged. If the work is abandoned, the charge shall be made to account 426.5, Other Deductions, or the appropriate operating expense account.

B. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish complete information as to the nature and the purpose of the survey, plans, or investigations and the nature and amounts of the several charges.

NOTE: The amount of preliminary survey and investigation charges transfered to utility plant shall not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to utility plant.

184 Clearing accounts.

This caption shall include undistributed balances in clearing accounts at the date of the balance sheet. Balances in clearing accounts shall be substantially cleared not later than the end of the calendar year unless items held therein relate to a future period.

185 Temporary facilities.

This account shall include amounts shown by work orders for plant installed for temporary use in utility service for periods of less than one year. Such work orders shall be charged with the cost of temporary facilities and credited with payments received from customers and net salvage realized on removal of the temporary facilities. Any net credit or debit re

sulting shall be cleared to account 488, Miscellaneous Service Revenues.

186 Miscellaneous deferred debits.

A. This account shall include all debits not elsewhere provided for, such as miscellaneous work in progress, construction certificate application fees paid prior to final disposition of the application as provided for in gas plant instruction 15A, and unusual or extraordinary expenses not included in other accounts which are in process of amortization, and items the final disposition of which is uncertain.

B. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish full information as to each deferred debit.

187 Deferred losses from disposition of utility plant.

This account shall include losses from the sale or other disposition of property previously recorded in account 105, Gas Plant Held for Future Use and account 105.1, Production Properties Held for Future Use, under the provisions of paragraphs B, C, and D thereof, where such losses are significant and are to be amortized over a period of 5 years, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. The amortization of the amounts in this account shall be made by debits to account 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant. Subdivision of this account shall be maintained so that amounts relating to account 105, Gas Plant Held for Future Use and account 105.1, Production Properties Held for Future Use, can be readily identifiable. (See accounts 105, Gas Plant Held for Future Use and 105.1, Production Properties Held for Future Use.)

188 Research, development, and demonstration expenditures.

A. This account shall be charged with the cost of all expenditures coming within the meaning of Research, Development, and Demonstration (R.D. & D.) of this Uniform Systems of Accounts (see definition 28.B), except those expenditures properly chargeable to Account 107, Construction Work in Progress-Gas.

B. Costs that are minor or of a general or recurring nature shall be transferred from this account to the appropriate operating expense function or if such costs are common to the overall operations or cannot be feasibly allocated to the various operating accounts, then such costs shall be recorded in account 930.2, Miscellaneous General Expenses.

C. In certain instances a company may incur large and significant research, development, and demonstration expenditures which are nonrecurring and which would distort the annual research, development, and demonstration charges for the period. In such a case the portion of such amounts that cause the distortion may be amortized to the appropriate operating expense account over a period not to exceed five years unless otherwise authorized by the Commission.

D. The entries in this account must be so maintained as to show separately each project along with complete detail of the nature and purpose of the research, development, and demonstration project together with the related costs.

189 Unamortized loss on reacquired debt.

This account shall include the losses on long-term debt reacquired or redeemed. The amounts in this account shall be amortized in accordance with General Instruction 17.

190 Accumulated deferred income taxes.

A. This account shall be debited and account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Credit, Utility Operating Income, or account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income TaxesCredit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are higher because of the inclusion of certain items in income for tax purposes, which items for general accounting purposes will not be fully reflected in the utility's determination of annual net income until subsequent years.

B. This account shall be credited and account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or account 410.2, Provision for

Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be debited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are lower because of prior payment of taxes as provided by paragraph A above, because of difference in timing for tax purposes of particular items of income or income deductions from that recognized by the utility for general accounting purposes. Such credit to this account and debit to account 410.1 or 410.2 shall, in general, represent the effect on taxes payæble in the current year of the smaller amount of book income recognized, or the larger deduction permitted, for tax purposes as compared to the amount recognized in the utility's current accounts with respect to the item or class of items for which deferred tax concept of accounting is affected.

C. Vintage year records with respect to entries to this account, as described above, and the account balance shall be so maintained as to show the factor of calculation with respect to each annual amount of the item or class of items for which deferred tax accounting by the utility is utilized.

D. The utility is restricted in its use of this account to the purpose set forth above. It shall not make use of the balance in this account or any portion thereof except as provided in the text of this account, without prior approval of the Commission. Any remaining deferred tax account balance with respect to an amount for any prior year's tax deferral, the amortization of which or other recognition in the utility's income accounts has been completed, or other disposition made, shall be debited to account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, or otherwise disposed of as the Commission may authorize or direct. (See General Instruction 18.)

191 Unrecovered purchased gas costs.

A. This account shall include purchased gas costs related to Commission approved purchased gas adjustment clauses when such costs are not

included in the utility's rate schedules on file with the Commission.

B. This account shall be debited or credited, as appropriate, each month for increases or decreases in purchased gas costs with contra entries to Account 805.1, Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments.

C. After a change in a rate schedule recognizing the increases or decreases in purchased gas costs recorded in this account is approved by the Commission, this account shall be debited or credited, as appropriate, with contra entries to expense Account 805.1, Purchased Gas Cost Adjustments, so that the balance accumulated in this account will be amortized on an appropriate basis over a succeeding 6-month period or over such other periods that the Commission may have authorized. Any over or under applied debits or credits to this account shall be carried forward to the succeeding period of amortization.

D. Separate subaccounts shall be maintained for the amounts relating to the period in which the increase or decrease is accumulated and for the amortization of purchase gas increases or decreases, as applicable, so as to keep each period separate.



201 Common stock issued.

204 Preferred stock issued.

A. These accounts shall include the par value or the stated value of stock without par value if such stock has a stated value, and, if not, the cash value of the consideration received for such nonpar stock, of each class of capital stock actually issued, including the par or stated value of such capital stock in account 124, Other Investments and account 217, Reacquired Capital Stock.

B. When the actual cash value of the consideration received is more or less than the par or stated value of any stock having a par or stated value, the difference shall be credited or debited, as the case may be, to the premium or

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