79 STAT. 276. 41 USC 5. 68 Stat. 1114. Pub. Law 89-90 Appropriations under the control of the Architect of the Capitol shall be available for expenses of travel on official business not to exceed in the aggregate under all funds the sum of $20,000. Hereafter the purchase of supplies and equipment and the procurement of services for all branches under the Architect of the Capitol may be made in the open market without compliance with section 3709 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended, in the manner common among businessmen, when the aggregate amount of the purchase or the service does not exceed $2,500 in any instance. CONTINGENT EXPENSES To enable the Architect of the Capitol to make surveys and studies and to meet unforeseen expenses in connection with activities under his care, $50,000. CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS CAPITOL BUILDINGS For necessary expenditures for the Capitol Building and electrical substations of the Senate and House Office Buildings, under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol, including improvements, maintenance, repair, equipment, supplies, material, fuel, oil, waste, and appurtenances; furnishings and office equipment; special and protective clothing for workmen; uniforms or allowances therefor as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2131); personal and other services; cleaning and repairing works of art, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended; purchase or exchange, maintenance and operation of a passenger motor vehicle; purchase of necessary reference books and periodicals; for expenses of attendance, when specifically authorized by the Architect of the Capitol, at meetings or conventions in connection with subjects related to work under the Architect of the Capitol, $1,640,000. CAPITOL GROUNDS For care and improvement of grounds surrounding the Capitol, the Senate and House Office Buildings, and the Capitol Power Plant; personal and other services; care of trees; planting; fertilizers; repairs to pavements, walks, and roadways; waterproof wearing apparel; maintenance of signal lights; and for snow removal by hire of men and equipment or under contract without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended; $638,000. SENATE OFFICE BUILDINGS For maintenance, miscellaneous items and supplies, including furniture, furnishings, and equipment, and for labor and material incident thereto, and repairs thereof; for purchase of waterproof wearing apparel, and for personal and other services; including eight attendants at $1,800 each; for the care and operation of the Senate Office Buildings; including the subway and subway transportation systems connecting the Senate Office Buildings with the Capitol; uniforms or allowances therefor as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2131); to be expended under the control and supervision of the Architect of the Capitol; in all, $2,458,700. For maintenance, repairs, alterations, personal and other services, and all other necessary expenses, $53,800. HOUSE OFFICE BUILDINGS For maintenance, including equipment; waterproof wearing apparel; uniforms or allowances therefor as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2131); prevention and 68 Stat. 1114. eradication of insect and other pests without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended; miscellaneous items; and for all 41 USC 5. necessary services; $3,807,000. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, CONSTRUCTION, AND EQUIPMENT, ADDITIONAL To enable the Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the House Office Building Commission, to continue to provide for the acquisition of property, construction, furnishing and equipment of an additional fireproof office building for the use of the House of Representatives, and other changes and improvements, authorized by the Additional House Office Building Act of 1955 (69 Štat. 41, 42), as amended, $12,500,000. CAPITOL POWER PLANT For lighting, heating, and power (including the purchase of electrical energy) for the Capitol, Senate and House Office Buildings, Supreme Court Building, Congressional Library Buildings, and the grounds about the same, Botanic Garden, Senate garage, and for air-conditioning refrigeration not supplied from plants in any of such buildings; for heating the Government Printing Office, Washington City Post Office, and Folger Shakespeare Library, reimbursement for which shall be made and covered into the Treasury; personal and other services, fuel, oil, materials, waterproof wearing apparel, and all other necessary expenses in connection with the maintenance and operation of the plant; $2,752,000. LIBRARY BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL CARE For necessary expenditures for mechanical and structural maintenance, including improvements, equipment, supplies, waterproof wearing apparel, and personal and other services, $879,000, of which not to exceed $20,000 shall be available for expenditure without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as amended. Not to exceed $265,000 of the unobligated balance of the appropriation under this head for the fiscal year 1964, continued available until June 30, 1965, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1966. FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS For furniture, partitions, screens, shelving, and electrical work pertaining thereto and repairs thereof, office and library equipment, apparatus, and labor-saving devices, $274,000. 40 USC 175 note. 79 STAT. 278. 60 Stat. 836. For all necessary expenses incident to maintaining, operating, repairing, and improving the Botanic Garden and the nurseries, buildings, grounds, collections, and equipment pertaining thereto, including personal services; waterproof wearing apparel; not to exceed $25 for emergency medical supplies; traveling expenses, including bus fares, not to exceed $275; the prevention and eradication of insect and other pests and plant diseases by purchase of materials and procurement of personal services by contract without regard to the provisions of any other Act; purchase and exchange of motor trucks; purchase and exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of a passenger motor vehicle purchase of botanical books, periodicals, and books of reference, not to exceed $100; all under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library; $467,000. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Library of Congress, not otherwise provided for, including development and maintenance of the Union Catalogs; custody, care, and maintenance of the Library Buildings; special clothing; cleaning, laundering, and repair of uniforms; and expenses of the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board not properly chargeable to the income of any trust fund held by the Board, $11,738,000, together with $174,600 to be derived by transfer from the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, National Science Foundation". of which $18,000 shall be retransferred to the appropriation “Distribution of catalog cards, salaries and expenses. COPYRIGHT OFFICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Copyright Office, including publication of the decisions of the United States courts involving copyrights, $2,021,000. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of section 203 of the Legislatíve Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended (2 U.S.C. 166), $2,524,000: Provided, That no part of this appropriation may be used to pay any salary or expense in connection with any publication, or preparation of material therefor (except the Digest of Public General Bills), to be issued by the Library of Congress unless such publication has obtained prior approval of either the Committee on House Administration or the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. For necessary expenses for the preparation and distribution of catalog cards and other publications of the Library, $4,035,000: Provided, That $200,000 of this appropriation shall be apportioned for use pursuant to section 3679 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 665), only to the extent necessary to provide for expenses (excluding permanent personal services) for workload increases not anticipated in the budget estimates and which cannot be provided for by normal budgetary adjustments. BOOKS FOR THE GENERAL COLLECTIONS For necessary expenses (except personal services) for acquisition of books, periodicals, and newspapers, and all other material for the increase of the Library, $780,000, to remain available until expended, including $25,000 to be available solely for the purchase, when specifically approved by the Librarian, of special and unique materials for additions to the collections. BOOKS FOR THE LAW LIBRARY For necessary expenses (except personal services) for acquisition of books, legal periodicals, and all other material for the increase of the law library, $125,000, to remain available until expended. BOOKS FOR THE BLIND SALARIES AND EXPENSES For salaries and expenses to carry out the provisions of the Act approved March 3, 1931 (2 U.S.C. 135a), as amended, $2,675,000. ORGANIZING AND MICROFILMING THE PAPERS OF THE PRESIDENTS SALARIES AND EXPENSES 46 Stat. 1487; 71 Stat. 630. For necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of the 'Act of August 16, 1957 (71 Stat. 368), $112,800, to remain available until 2 USC 131 note. expended. PRESERVATION OF MOTION PICTURES For expenses necessary for the preservation of motion pictures now in the custody of the Library, $50,000. COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF LIBRARY MATERIALS (SPECIAL FOREIGN CURRENCY PROGRAM) For necessary expenses for carrying out the provisions of section 104(n) of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1704 (n)), to remain available until 72 Stat. 1790. expended, $1,844,900, of which $1,694,000 shall be available for payments in foreign currencies which the Treasury Department shall determine to be excess to the normal requirements of the United 79 STAT. 280. 60 Stat. 810. 49 Stat. 1546. 49 Stat. 502; 67 Stat. 388; 77 Stat. 343; 56 Stat. 1045. 43 Stat. 658. Pub. Law 89-90 16 July 27, 1965 States: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available to reimburse the Department of State for medical services rendered to employees of the Library of Congress stationed abroad. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Appropriations in this Act available to the Library of Congress for salaries shall be available for expenses of investigating the loyalty of Library employees; special and temporary services (including employees engaged by the day or hour or in piecework); and services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a). Not to exceed ten positions in the Library of Congress may be exempt from the provisions of appropriation Acts concerning the employment of aliens during the current fiscal year, but the Librarian shall not make any appointment to any such position until he has ascertained that he cannot secure for such appointments a person in any of the categories specified in such provisions who possesses the special qualifications for the particular position and also otherwise meets the general requirements for employment in the Library of Congress. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE PRINTING AND BINDING For authorized printing and binding for the Congress; for printing and binding for the Architect of the Capitol; expenses necessary for preparing the semimonthly and session index to the Congressional Record, as authorized by law (44 U.S.C. 182); printing, binding, and distribution of the Federal Register (including the Code of Federal Regulations) as authorized by law (44 U.S.C. 309, 311, 311a); and printing and binding of Government publications authorized by law to be distributed without charge to the recipients; $20,500,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for printing and binding part 2 of the annual report of the Secretary of Agriculture (known as the Yearbook of Agriculture): Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred under the appropriations for similar purposes for preceding fiscal years. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Office of Superintendent of Documents, including compensation of all employees in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to regulate and fix rates of pay for employees and officers of the Government Printing Office", approved June 7, 1924 (44 U.S.C. 40); travel expenses (not to exceed $1,500); price lists and bibliographies; repairs to buildings, elevators, and machinery; and supplying books to depository libraries; $5,829,000: Provided, That $200,000 of this appropriation shall be apportioned for use pursuant to section 3679 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (31 U.S.C. 665), with the approval of the Public Printer, only to the extent neces |