tions Inc. 1709 L St. NW Washington DC Phone 296 6200 NO ANSWER RECEIVED TO MY TELEGRAM OF YESTERDAYS DATE AT 3.40 PM REINALD PANIAGUA DIEZ AND GONZALO DIAGO BETANCOURT ATTORNEYS 2004 ITT World Communications Inc. ITT World Comi A. It is addressed to the two attorneys just mentioned at their office in Hato Rey, San Juan: In reply to your cablegrams committee has rescheduled Mrs. Powell's appearance for 10:00a.m. Friday, December 30, Room 2255 Rayburn Building. Tickets for Mrs. Powell and son available Eastern Airlines Reservation Office, San Juan, for Pan American flight 216, leaving, 7:00 p.m., December 29, arriving Friendship Airport Baltimore, 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Powell still under subpoena. Imperative she appear Friday. Reply immediately to undersigned, Room H-329, U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C. It is signed "C. William Tayler, counsel, House Administration Committee." Mr. TAYLER. Will you mark the copy of that telegram "Langston No. 15"? (The above-referred-to document was marked "Langston Exhibit 15" and received in evidence.) Mr. DICKINSON. Just for my information, are these being read now in the sequence in which they were sent and received or did this telegram go in between the two lawyers' telegrams? Mr. TAYLER. Mr. Langston. The WITNESS. In response to your question, Mr. Dickinson, they are being read in the sequence received. Mr. DICKINSON. And sent, thank you. The WITNESS. Yes, sir; and sent. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Mr. Langston, did you make any further contact with the U.S. marshal on the 28th or 29th relative to locating Mrs. Powell and notifying her to appear on the 30th? A. Yes, sir, I did. On December 28, I again telephoned the marshal to request that he renew or continue his efforts to locate Mrs. Powell and to advise her that two tickets were available and I gave him the flight information to pass on to her. May I continue? Q. Yes. A. At that time he reiterated that he had been unable to locate Mrs. Powell. Q. Have you heard anything further from the marshal regarding that matter? A. No, sir; I have not. Mr. TAYLER. Will you mark that last cablegram "No. 16"? DO TO PERSONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR CHILD AND OTHERS MATTERS 5 SHE DOENST WANTS TO BRING CHILD TO CONTROVERSION ATMOSPHERE STOP PLEASE CONFIRM TICKETS FOR MRS POWELL ALONE ON FOURTH OR FIFTH AS DESIRED REINALDO PANIAGUA DIEZ GONZALO DIAGO BETANCOURT 296 6200 1709: St NW Washington Phone 296-6200 1709 E SI NW. Washington DC. Phone 296-6200 ITT World C COLL 5 (The above-referred to document was marked "Langston exhibit 16" and received in evidence.) By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Did there come a time on the 29th when the committee received a further cablegram from Mrs. Powell's attorneys? A. Yes, sir; a message was received from her attorneys dated December 29, 1966, the time, 11:17 a.m., addressed to C. William Tayler, counsel, House Administration Committee, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. Due to personal arrangement for child and other matters, impossible to appear at hearing before January 5. She does not want to bring child to controversion atmosphere, stop, please confirm tickets for Mrs. Powell alone on fourth or fifth as desired. It is signed Reinaldo Paniagua Diez and Gonzalo Diago Betancourt, attorneys for Mrs. Adam C. Powell. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. You read the word "controversion" in that cablegram. Is that the way it is spelled in the cablegram? A. Yes, sir; that is the spelling of the word in the cablegram. Mr. HAYS. I would interject here that the word is probably meant to be "controversial." By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Did there come a time on the 29th of December when you prepared and sent a cablegram to Mrs. Powell's attorneys in reply to the one you just read? A. Yes, sir. There was another message that went out on December 29 at 12:59 p.m. It is addressed to the two attorneys we have been mentioning here. The message reads: This committee has given Mrs. Powell ample and final notice of its interest in her appearance. She remains under subpoena. Mrs. Powell is expected to appear at the committee hearing scheduled for 10:00a.m. December 30, 1966, Room 2255 of the Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. Airline reservation, round trip, is available to her at Eastern Airlines Reservation Desk, San Juan, for Pan Am flight 216 departing San Juan 4:30 p.m., December 29, and arriving Friendship Airport, Baltimore, at 7:00 p.m. Return trip scheduled to depart Dulles Airport, December 30 at 4:30p.m. on Pan Am flight 283. It is signed "C. William Tayler, counsel, Committee on House Administration." Mr. TAYLER. Will you mark that "No. 17"? (The above-referred-to document was marked "Longston Exhibit 17" and received in evidence.) Mr. TAYLER. The previous cablegram from Mrs. Powell's attorney is No. 16. By Mr. TAYLER: Q. Mr. Langston, did you receive a further telegram from Mrs. Powell's attorneys on December 29? A. Yes, sir. Another cablegram was received from Mrs. Powell's attorneys on December 29 at 1:26 p.m. Q. Will you read that? A. It is addressed to C. William Tayler, counsel, House Administration Commitee, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.: It is physically impossible to fly today for reasons explained in prior telegram, stop. Arrangements cannot be made with so short notice. Please satisfy as to Mrs. Powell's request to appear on or after the 5th of January. It is signed "Reinaldo Paniagua Diez and Gonzalo Diago Betancourt, attorneys for Mrs. Adam C. Powell." Q. Does that complete your presentation of the file of communications exchanged between the committee and Mrs. Powell or her attorneys? A. Yes, sir; that is everything in the way of communications. 1709 L St. NW. Washington DC Phone 296-6200 UIWA CO PDSJ 016 SANJUANPR 16 29 1345 020 29 PM 125 DUPLICATE OF CABLEGRAM C WILLIAM TAYLOR COUNSEL HOUSE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE HOUSE OF IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO FLY TODAY FOR REASONS EXPLAINED IN NOTICE PLEASE SATISFY AS TO MRS POWELL REQUEST TO APPEAR ON OR AFTER REINALDO PANIAGUA DIEZ GONZALO DIAGO BETANCOURT ATTORNEYS FOR 1709 L St N. W. Washington D.C. Phone 296-6200 (The above-referred-to document was marked "Langston Exhibit 18" and received in evidence.) The WITNESS. Mr. Counsel, may I amplify my statement by saying that it does complete the communications, although there is one further item that you may wish to have at this time and that is a confirmation from Eastern Airlines that the reservation was canceled and the ticket was not picked up by the time the flight that we had scheduled for Mrs. Powell departed San Juan. |