A. We examined the payroll records in the finance office as to date of employment, the assignment to the committee or subcommittees, full committee or subcommittees, and titles and the salaries of the individuals. Q. And in the examination of the various payrolls did you examine the clerk hire payroll of Representative Powell's office? A. Yes, sir. Q. Was there a clerk named Y. Marjorie Flores on this payroll? A. Yes. Q. And I hand you here a series of checks drawn on the Treasury of the United States and ask they be marked "Gray Exhibit"-whatever the next number is. The CLERK. Two. (The above-referred to checks were marked "Gray Exhibit 2" and received in evidence.) By Mr. O'CONNOR: Are those the photostatic copies of the Treasurer checks payable to Y. Marjorie Flores? A. Yes. Q. What was her position and salary on the clerk hire payroll dur ing that period? A. The position was clerk; her base salary was $7,500 a year, and gross salary $20,578.39. Q. Now, during the payroll examination did you also examine the payroll records of the full Committee on Education and Labor? 0964 IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE The peshould endorse below in ink CHECK HEUSE OF REPRESE MATTUSE GUARANTEED ZEAKE W JOHNSON HWASH 99.30.00 72-404 0-67-3 |