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Africa Agathocles alike Alps already ancient Appian arms attack battle besieged Byrsa camp Campania Cannæ Capua carried Carthage Carthaginian centuries citizens civilisation coast colonies command conquered consul crossed Crown 8vo defeat Diod Edition elephants enemy Fabius fell Flaminius fleet Florus force Frag garrison Gauls genius ginians Gisco Greek ground Hamilcar Hamilcar Barca hands Hannibal Hannibal's harbour Hasdrubal Hiero Himilco honour hundred Ibid Illustrations infantry island Italian Italy king land Lilybæum Livy Mago Marcellus Massinissa mercenaries Messana military mountain native Numidian Numidian cavalry once Panormus passed peace perhaps Phoenician plain Plates Plutarch Polyb Polybius Punic Pyrrhus Regulus Roman army Roman Senate Rome Scipio Second Punic War seemed sent ships Sicily side siege soldiers Spain Spanish story success Syracuse temple thousand tions town Trasimene Trebia troops Tunis victory vols walls whole xxii xxiii xxvi Zonaras καὶ
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