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HE that will not reason is a bigot. He that cannot reason is a fool. And he that dares not reason is a slave.-Sir William Drummond.

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Sincere friends of the cause of spiritual freedom and universal brotherhood have for some time been impressed with the need of a strictly high-class periodical representing all phases of the "new thought." It is confidently believed by keen observers that their fundamental principles are identical, and that the establishment of this unitary basis would greatly facilitate the work in every legitimate field of action.

In full recognition of this demand, The Alliance Publishing Company begs to announce the publication of "MIND." This periodical will owe allegiance to no school, sect, system, cult, or person. Its sole aim will be to aid in the progress of mankind through a cultivation of the knowledge of Truth wherever found, regardless of individual prejudices and preconceptions. The responsibility for statements made in signed articles will be assumed by the individual contributors; but it shall be our constant endeavor to get such material only from authoritative sources.

A question of vital importance to humanity is the prevention and cure of disease through the understanding and application of Law, which regulates life in its varying phases of spiritual, mental, and physical development. Our treatment of this subject will be truly instructive and educational. The teaching will relate to practice as well as to theory. Although this science of healing through mind is taught under many names and has various modes of application, yet it is essentially simple and practical, and we shall hope to give to the abstract principles a concrete setting at once beneficent and convincing.

Among the many occult and psychic questions that may be regarded as within the purview of this magazine are: Reincarnation and Adeptship; Telepathy, or direct thought-transference; Hallucinations and Premonitions; Phantasms of the living and Apparitions of the dead; Clairvoyance and Clairaudience; Psychometry and Psychog raphy, or independent and automatic writing; Inspirational Speaking; the Mediumistic Trance; Spirit-photography, so called; Phrenology and Palmistry; Astrology and Symbolism; Hypnotism, its therapeutic and medico-legal aspects and attendant phenomena of auto-suggestion and multiplex personality. The study of comparative relig tons will be made a feature of this magazine and dealt with in an impartial and satisfactory manner. Well-written articles of moderate length are solicited from competent authorities on these and kindred subjects.

While granting due credit to Hindu metaphysics and the mysticism of the Orient In general, we are yet inclined to look for the development of a Western Psychology that will harmonize with the conditions of life in the Occident, at the same time tending to promote the spiritual welfare of the race as a whole. "MIND" hopes to become a faosor of increasing importance in its growth, and in the work herein outlined we invite the co-operation and support of all true lovers of humanity.

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