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Giselbert, Duke of Lorraine, defeated by the
Emperor Otho, and drowned in the Rhine,
i 57. His widow married to Louis, 59
Gisors, fortress of, rebuilt by Henry I. of Eng-
land, i. 118. Given by treaty to his son
William, 118. Meeting of Pope Calixtus II.
and Henry I. of England at, 125. Fortress
of, obtained by Henry II. of England, 143
Gisors, Count de, killed at Crevelt, iv. 278
Gisquet, M., dismissed, v. 504. Discovers new
society of conspirators, 'Des Saisons,' 516
Gladsdale, Sir William, at the siege of Orleans,
ii. 156. Defeated and killed by Jeanne
d'Arc, 166

Glatz taken by Frederick the Great, iv. 218.
Ceded to him, 221

Glendower, Owen, obtains aid from Charles VI.
of France, ii. 49. Defeated at Shrewsbury, 49
Gloucester, Duke of, younger brother of Henry
V. of England, ii. 151. His marriage with
Jacqueline of Holland, 151. And rash claims
to the Low Countries, 151. Invades Hainault,
and challenges the Duke of Burgundy to
single combat, 151. Deserts Jacqueline, and
re-marries, 152. Endeavours to reconcile
him to his uncle, the Cardinal of Winchester,

Gobel, Archbishop of Paris, gives up his cross
and ring, iv. 634. Imprisoned, 640. Exe-
cuted, 640, 646

Godemar du Fay, defeated by Edward III. of
England, i. 425

Godfrey, the Norman chief, his march from the
Scheldt to the Seine, and from the Seine to
the Loire, i. 46

Godfrey, Duke of Lower Lorraine, i. 63. His
death in battle, 63

Godfrey of Bouillon, joins the First Crusade, i.

104. Efficacy of his army of Lorrainers, 106.
Passes the winter at Buyukdere, 107. Passes
over into Asia, 107. At the siege of Nicea,
107. At the siege and capture of Jerusalem,

Godfrey, Duke of Brabant, killed at Courtray,
i. 327

Godoy the Guardsman, paramour of Queen of
Spain, v. 152. His plans, 152. See Ferdi-
nand VII.; Napoleon I.

Gogo, the Austrasian noble, appointed major
domûs, i. 10

Goislart, the judge, arrested, iv. 398
Golden Fleece, order of the, instituted by Philip
III. of Burgundy, ii. 175

Gondrin, La Mothe, Catholic governor of Va-
lence, hanged by the Huguenots, iii. 57
Gontram, son of King Clothaire, reigns in Bur-
gundy, i. 8. His triumphs over the Lom-

Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, defeated at For-
rova, ii. 389. Murders the Duke of Parma,



Gonzaga, Princess Marie de, Cinq Mars aspires
to her hand, iii. 535. Gives him notice of
danger, 538

Gonsalvo de Cordova, Aragonese general, de-
feated at Seminara, ii. 390, 391
Goree, a French settlement, iv. 288
Gorsas, deputy, expelled from the Convention,
and his presses burnt, iv. 568

Gothard, St., on the Danube, battle of, iii. 650
Göthe, present at the battle of Valmy, iv. 534.
Remark of a Prussian officer to, 534

Goths, their mode of treating the Gauls on
the Garonne, i. 3. Defeated by Clovis at
Vouglé, 5

Goualt, Chevalier, arrested and shot, v. 222
Goudchaux, M., finance minister in the Second

Republic, v. 605. Resigns, 611. Declares
his inability to meet demands of state work-
men, 625. Measures proposed by, 633
Gough, Sir Matthew, sent with reinforcements
to the English in Normandy, ii. 226. Escapes
from the field of Formigny, 228

Goujon, one of the Mountain, arrested and
commits suicide, iv. 679, 681

Government, Provisional, of Paris, formation
of a, v. 596. Its members, 596. Reject ad-
hesion of Louis Napoleon, 605. Take pos-
session of the Hotel de Ville, 605. Opposition
to the, 606, et seq. Form the Garde mobile,
607. Do not sanction Socialist demands,
but consent to a compromise, 608. Originate
a system of state employ for labourers, 608.
Oppose the Red Republicans, 610. Adopt
the tricolour flag, 610. Dissolve the cham-
bers, 611. Their financial difficulties, 611.
Measures of Garnier Pagés, 611. Counteract
measures of Ledru Rollin, 614. Procession
of the Clubs, 614. Defeat the Socialist plot,
615, 616. Abolish the octroi and salt duties,
616. Abolished by the New Assembly, and
a Republic and New Government proclaimed,
617. See Assembly, New; Napoleon III.
Gozlyn, Archbishop, his defence of Paris against
the Normans, i. 50

Grace, ecclesiastical squabbles respecting, iv.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of Burgundy, ii. 319. Who is defeated there | Gressel, Captain, discloses Babôeuf's conspiracy,
by the Swiss, 319, 320

Granvelle, Cardinal, at the meeting at Cam-
bray, ii. 631

Granvelle, Bishop of Arras, gives information
of a Protestant plot, ii. 645

Grasse, Admiral Count de, defeated by Rodney,
iv. 367

Grave, captured by the Prince of Orange, iii.

Gravelines, captured by the Count D'Enghien,
ii. 19. Who is put to death at Ghent, 19.
Taken by the Crusaders under the Bishop of
Norwich, 32. Battle of, 632. Reduced by
the Duke of Orleans, iii. 570. Surrenders,

Greece, liberation of, pressed by the ministry,
v. 372. Established, 372. See Louis Phi-
lippe; Guizot; Palmerston, Lord

Greek Fire, used by the Saracens in Egypt, i.
234, 236

Greeks, ancient, their horror of caste, i. 34.
Sympathy felt for the modern, by Canning,

V. 349

Gregory III., Pope, introduces an oath of alle-
giance to himself, i. 18. Offers the imperial
supremacy to Charles Martel, 18, 19
Gregory VII., Pope, his endeavours to dispossess
the feudal noblesse, and its imperial and
royal chiefs, of their possessions, i. 93, 95.
Notice of his early life, 95. His scheme of
opposing spiritual to imperial Cæsardom,
95. His mode of electing the pope by car-
dinals, 96. His plan for making the inves-
titure of all European prelates dependent on
the Holy See, 96. His denunciation of Philip
I.'s mode of levying taxes, 97. Puts France
under an interdict, 98. His quarrel with
the Emperor of Germany, 101. His schemes
of policy as to the Crusades, 102
Gregory IX., Pope, endeavours to crush Fre-
derick II., Emperor of Germany, i. 217, 218
Gregory X., Pope, his election, i. 284.


desire to free Palestine, 284. His acts of
hostility to the power of Charles of Anjou,
284. His death, 284

Gregory XII., Pope, deposed by the Council of
Pisa, but refuses to resign, ii. 76
Gregory XIII., Pope, his approval of the St.
Bartholomew massacre, iii. 147. His death,


Gregoire, bishop of Blois, his noble conduct
before the Convention, iv. 634. Nominated
deputy for Grenoble, v. 297, 298
Grenada, defeat of the Moors of, ii. 376
Grenade, conflicts between the Catholics and
Protestants at, iii. 47

Grenoble, compelled to submit to Henry IV.,
iii. 275. Conspiracy at, v. 281. Insurrection
at, 457. Defeat the prefect and troops, 457.
Greppo, M., arrested, v. 661

v. 12

Grey, Lord, his defence of Guines, ii. 630
Grignan, Count of, governor of Provence, pro-
ceedings instituted against him, ii. 594. Ae-
quitted, 594

Grimaldi, Rainier de, commands a Genoese
fleet for Philip of Flanders, i. 333. And de-
feats the Flemings, 333
Grimoald, the Austrasian noble, seizes the office
of major domûs, i. 12

Grisons, league formed to liberate the, from the
house of Austria, iii. 440. Invasion of the,
v. 55

Grocers of Paris, emeute against the, iv. 565
Grouchy, Marshal, fails in his attack on
Blucher, v. 252

Guadeloupe taken by the English, iv. 275. Re-
stored to the French, 288

Guadet, becomes member of the Legislative
Assembly, iv. 467. Has an interview with
the King, proposing the alliance of the
Gironde, 504. Applauding the conduct of
the communes, prays that Pétion may be
set at liberty, 518. Proposes the removal of
the Convention to Versailles, 577. Urges
the Convention to measures for its own safety,
578. Retreats to Caen, 593. His trial and
death, 619, 626

Guards, National. See National Guards.
Guards, the Young, headed by Napoleon at La
Rothière, v. 219

Guasto, Marquis del, taken prisoner by the
French at Naples, ii. 503. Causes the


French envoys to be murdered, 552.
mands the Imperialists in Piedmont, 559.
Defeated at Cerisolles, 560

Guebriant, Marshal, death of, iii. 569
Gueldres, proposal to give it to the Duke of
Orleans, ii. 547. Seized by the Duke of
Cleves, ii. 553. Ceded to Prussia, iv. 116.
Evacuated by the French, and occupied by
the Prussians, 288

Gueldres, Duke of, his rivalry and disputes
with Brabant, ii. 38. Sends a challenge to
Charles VI. of France, 38. Who marches
an army over the Meuse, and compels the
duke to submit, 39

Guerilla bands formed in Spain, to harass the
French under Philip the Hardy, i. 295
Guerrande, surprised by Louis of Spain, i.


'Guerres, Rosier des,' the, of Louis XI., ii.

Guesclin, Bertrand du, his rules and mode of

warfare, i. 504. Helps to recover Mantes
for the King of France, 505. Commands
the partisans of France at Cocherel, 505.
Gains a victory there over the Navarrese,
506. Created count of Longueville, 506.
Taken prisoner at the battle of Auray, 507-


Ransomed by Charles V., the Pope, and
Henry of Trastamare, 510. Leads the Mili.
tary companies against Peter the Cruel of
Castille, 510. Marches to Avignon, and ex-
torts a large sum from the Pope, 510. Places
Henry of Trastamare on the throne of Cas-
tille, 511. Leads the companies at the battle
of Navarrete, 513. Again taken prisoner by
Chandos, 514. His memory hymned and
immortalised by the French, 516. Enables
Henry of Trastamare to recover the Castillian
throne, 520. Witnesses the murder of Peter
the Cruel by Henry, 520. Becomes com-
mander of the French forces, and constable of
the kingdom, 527. Defeats some of the Eng-
lish bands at Poutvalin, 527. His captures
of towns from the English, 529. Takes the
towns of Niost and Lusignan from the Eng-
lish, 533. Invades Brittany, 533. Takes
several towns there, and puts the citizens of
Hennebon to the sword, 534. Besieges
Brest, and the castle of Derval, 534. Com-
missioned by the King to make war against
the King of Navarre, 545. Attacks the Nor-
man towns, 545. His brother killed before
Cherbourg, 546. Charged with the office of
aweing or inducing Rennes to submit to
France, 547. Resistance of the Bretons,
who take back their duke, 547. Du Gues-
clin's reply to his king, 547. Sent to cap-
ture castles in the south, 550. His death
and funeral, 550

Guesclin, Du, brother of Bertrand, killed before
Cherbourg, i. 546

Guienne, or Guyenne, designs of Philip the
Fair on the duchy of, i. 302. Encroachment
of the Parliament of Paris upon its judicial
independence, 305. Philip's mode of trick-
ing Edward I. out of the duchy, 307, 308.
Arbitration of Pope Boniface VIII. as to the
duchy of, 315. Restored to Edward I., 328.
Occupied by French troops, 380. Restored
to England, but some fortresses retained,
381. The English attacked by Philip VI.,
392. Designs of Philip of Valois against,
399. Edward III.'s order to the authorities
in, 417. An army sent to defend it against
the French, 420. Frais des hommages paid
to Edward III. and to his son, the Black
Prince, 498, note. The duchy given by Louis
XI. to his brother Charles, ii. 295, 296.
Atrocities committed upon the Huguenots
of, iii. 47. Montluc sent by Catherine de
Medicis to, 48. Montluc succeeds in restor-
ing order, 65. Given up to the Huguenots,
188. The war of the League carried into,
207. The government given to 'le grand
Condé,' 609. Theatened extinction of the
population from hunger, iv. 247
Guienne, Duke of. See Charles VII.
uignes, battle of, v. 221


Guilford, Countess of, dismissed by Louis XII.,
ii. 443

Guilleminot, General, aide-de-camp, suspicions
regarding him, but defended by d'Angoulême,
v. 327. Sent ambassador to Constantinople,

Guinard, M., prosecuted by Périer, v. 444.
Recovers his liberty, 493
Guinegate, battle of, ii. 339
Guines, secured by the Burgundians, ii. 275.
Captured by the French, 630
Guise, taken by the Imperialists, ii. 540
Guise, Duke of, summoned by the Regent
Louise to Lyons, ii. 486. Disperses the
German Reformers in Lorraine, 516

Guise, Duke of (son of Duke Henry), escapes
from prison, iii. 279. Request of the Union
to marry him to the Infanta, 281. His
poverty, 283. Supplied with money by the
Prince of Parma, 283. His name put for-
ward as a claimant for the crown, 298, 299.
Obtains an army from the Spaniards, 309.
Kills the Count of St. Pol, and submits to
Henry IV., 310. Receives the government
of Provence, 313.
Marseilles, 320.

Obtains the adhesion of
His subsequent nullity,
360. Won over to the court by Marie de
Medicis, 413. Lays siege to the grandees in
Soissons, 413. Denounced by Richelieu,
502. Condemned to death as contumace, 504
Guise, Duke of (brother of the last), joins a
league formed against Richelieu, iii. 533.
Goes to Naples to serve French interests, 574
Guise, Dukes of. See Claude, Francis, Henry,

Dukes of Guise

Guise, Cardinal of, establishes himself at
Troyes, iii. 221. Murdered, 231

Guise, Chevalier de, kills the Baron de Luz
and his son, iii. 390

Guises, the, obtain power under Francis I., ii.
550. Opposed by the Duchess d'Etampes,
550. Their influence at court, 641. Esta-
blish the Inquisition in full force, 641.
Urged to action by the enemies of the Pro-
testants, 645. Paramount under Francis
II., iii. 7. Their endeavours to extirpate
tolerance from town and country, 16. Hos-
tility of all France to them, 23. Their plans
counteracted and their power overthrown, 29.
Withdraw to Lorraine to recover their lost
authority by force, 46. Their combination
with the Bourbons, 91. Recalled by Cathe-
rine de Medicis to court, 120. Doctrines of
the lawyer David as to them, 178. Their
negotiations with Catherine de Medicis, 204.
Review of the acts of the family, 233. Henry
IV.'s generosity to them, 311

Guiton, mayor of La Rochelle, his defence of
the town, iii. 477, 479

Guitry announces to Henry IV. the adhesion
of the Isle of France, iii. 251


Guizot, M., his two classes of despots, i. 304. |
His constitutionalist proceedings, v. 257,
259. Describes the Chamber of Deputies,


Expelled from the council of state,
303. His speech on the proceedings of the
Royalists, 304. His treatment by the Roy-
alists, 311. Describes the new law of sacri-
lege, 344. His opinion of Villèle's policy,
350. His complaint against Villèle, 370.
His observations on Prince Polignac, 383.
Proposes a municipal government, 403. Be-
comes minister of the interior, 421. Resigns,
424. Charges Laffitte with incapacity, 437.
Abets an hereditary peerage, 451. Becomes
minister of public instruction, 473.
agrees with the cabinet, and resigns, 487.
But resumes, 487. Comparison of his do-
mestic policy with that of M. Thiers, 499.
Becomes again minister of public instruction,
504. Having resigned, on his re-appoint-
ment fails in forming a new cabinet, 510.
Attacks Molé's government, 512, 513. His
discussion with Lord Palmerston on the
protective policy of France, 520. Appointed
ambassador to London, 523, 533. Discusses
with Lord Palmerston the Eastern question,
533. Forms a new cabinet in which he is
minister for foreign affairs, 540. Proposes
a speech adverse to M. Thiers, 540. Has
an angry recrimination with M. Thiers, 540,
His policy induces strikes in Paris,
545. Signs the treaty of the Dardanelles,
546. His foreign policy, 551. His home
policy called in question by Lamartine, 552.



Guy de Dampierre, Count of Flanders, proposal
of Edward I. to marry his daughter, i. 310.
Joins Edward and the Germans in war
against France, 311. Induced to go to
Paris, where he is treacherously thrown inte
prison, 316. Released to negotiate terms
between the French and Flemings, 333
Returns to his prison, and dies, 333

Guy of Flanders, captured at Cadsand, and sent
to England, i. 400

Guy of Juliers, chosen to lead the Flemings
against the French, i. 325. At the battle of
Courtray, 326

Guy de Lusignan, married to Sybille, daughter
of Baldwin V. of Jerusalem, i. 155. Falis
into the hands of Saladin, 155. Liberated
by Saladin, 159

Guy of Namur, son of Guy de Dampierre, takes
Courtray from the French, i. 326. At the
battle of Courtray, 326. Opposes a Genoese
fleet under Rainier de Grimaldi, but defeated
and taken prisoner, 333

Guy de Rochefort, his friendship secured by
King Louis the Fat, i. 115. Helps to reduce
the fortress of Montlheri, 115

Guy Robert de Dampierre. See Robert III,
Count of Flanders.

Guyon, La Roche, taken by Henry V. of Eng-
land, ii. 129

Guyon, Madame, her system of quietism, iv. 68.
Sent to the Bastille, 69

[ABEAS CORPUS, traces of the law of, in

Succeeds in his efforts for suppressing the Arance, i. 263. The French, iii. 585

slave trade, 555. Surprised at the turn of
affairs in Otaheite, 556. His conduct in
that matter, 557. His intrigues about the
Spanish marriages, 564, et seq.
Spain an appanage of France, 566. His
terror as to the Coburg alliance put an end
to by Lord Aberdeen, 568. Still carries on
his intrigues as to the marriages, 568. His
religious and educational policy, 570, et seq.
His moral character unimpeachable, 576.
His address to electors at Lisieux, 579. Re-
fuses to ameliorate his measures, 581. His
statement in his memoirs respecting reform,
581. Impeached by Barrot and his friends,
585. Resigns, 588

Gusman, tried and executed, iv. 642-644
Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, his
struggle with Poland and Austria, iii. 489.
Subsidised by France, 489. Abandoned by
the treaty of Ratisbon, 496. Defeats Tilly
at Leipzig, 504. And again on the Danube,
505. His death at Lutzen, 510
Gustavus IV., King of Sweden, dethroned, v.


Guy of Auvergne, the Templar, i. 340, 351.
His trial and death at the stake, 351, 352

Hagano, favourite of Charles the Simple, i. 53
Hagenau, fortress of, abandoned by the French,
iii. 694

Hagenbach, appointed landvogt by the Duke f
Burgundy, ii. 309. His tyranny, 309. Taken
by the Alsatians and executed, 310
Hague, treaty of the, iii. 461
Hainault, the county of, passes into the famly
of D'Avesnes, i. 231, 246. Reaction agains
the French in, 327. Invaded by the Duke
of Gloucester, ii. 151. Refuses to receirs
French garrisons in the towns, 337
Hainault, Count of, compelled to do homage t
Philip the Fair, i. 309. Joins Edward III
of England, 400. With whom he marche
into France, 403. But goes over to Phirp
403. Who ravages his county, 408.
daughter married to John the Dauphin, i
118. Refuses to join the Duke of Burgundy
against the Armagnacs, 118. Goes to Pars



Hakim, Khaliff of Egypt, his slaughter of the
Christians and destruction of the Holy Se
pulchre, i. 85, 100

Halbertstadt given to Brandenburg, iii. 576


Halifax, George, Marquis of, sent on a mission |
to Louis XIV. in Holland, iii. 682
Ham, given to the Duke of Burgundy by Louis
XI., ii. 316. Surrenders to Louis XI., 329.
The town taken by the Imperialists, 626.
Won by the troops of Henry IV., iii. 316.
Louis Napoleon imprisoned in the fortress
of, v. 537

Hamilton, Marquis of, joins Gustavus Adol-
phus, and defeats Tilly, iii. 505
Hanau, battle of, v. 214

Hanover elected into an electorate, iv. 64,
81. Menaced by Peter the Great, 148.
Treaty of, 193. Becomes neutral, 217.
English troops sent, under the Duke of Cum-
berland, for the defence of Hanover, 266.
Endeavours of George II. to obtain neutrality
for it, 266, 270. Överrun by the French,
270, 271. Occupied by the French, 280
Harcourt, Count of, killed at Crecy, i. 428.
Seized by King John at the castle of Rouen,
457. Carried off, and imprisoned in Paris,
459. His family go to England, 459
Harcourt, Count, afterwards Marshal, slain at
the battle of Verneuil, ii. 150
Harcourt, Count, seizes Duke Charles, and
escorts him into Rouen, ii. 276. His suc-
cesses in Piedmont in 1640, iii. 516, 517.
His successes against the Spaniards in Cata-
lonia, 570. Fails to take Cambray, 598.
Placed in command in Normandy, 601. Com-
pels Condé to raise the siege of Cognac, 616.
His mode of dealing with Mazarin, 636.
Forces concessions from the court, 636. His
adroitness at the court of Madrid, iv. 72.
His protest, 75

Harcourt, Geoffrey of, accompanies Edward III.
of England to France, i. 423. Urges Ed-
ward to land in Normandy, 423

Harcourt, Godfrey, his ravages in Normandy,

i. 467. Killed by the parliamentary army,
467. His heir restored to his possessions,

Harcourt, M. d', ambassador at Rome, v. 639
Hardenburg, counsels with France, v. 127
Hardy, Admiral, commands the Channel fleet,
iv. 358. Withdraws into port, 358
Harfleur, besieged by Henry V. of England, ii.
111. Surrenders, 111. Garrisoned by the
English under the Duke of Exeter, 111. The
English garrison attacked by Count Armag-
nac, who is defeated, 119. The town block-
aded by the count, 120. But relieved by the
King of England, 120. Recovered from the
English, 194

Harlette of Falaise, mother of William the
Conqueror, i. 90

Harley, Achille de, chief judge, his warning
to the Duke of Guise, iii. 220, 226. Takes
an oath in church, 236. Taken from court
by the governor of the Bastille, 236


3 с


Harley, Earl of Oxford, his South Sea scheme,
iv. 165

Haro, Don Luis de, Spanish minister, his alarm
at the proposed marriage of Louis XIV., iii.
639. Meets Mazarin in the Isle of Phea-
sants, 642. His baseness, 659
Hasbain, battle of, ii. 61

Hase, defeat of the Saxons by Charlemagne on
the, i. 27

Hastenbeck, battle of, iv. 270

Hatto, Archbishop of Mayence, renders the
crown of the empire elective, i. 69
Haute Cour, established by the Legislative
Assembly, iv. 478

Hautefort, Mademoiselle, Louis XIII.'s plato-
nic affection for, iii. 529, 531. Banished
from court, 531. Recalled to court by the
Queen-regent, 555. Exiled, 561
Haute-Garonne, provincial assembly of, iv. 363
Hautpoul, M., war minister, v. 646°
Havannah, the, taken by the English, iv. 285,
287. Exchanged by them for Flanders, 288
Havre declares for the Huguenots, iii. 57. Occu-
pied by the English under the Earl of War-
wick, 68, 70. Recaptured by the French,
80, 81. Aim of the Prince of Condé to get
possession of, 600

Hawke, Admiral, his defeat of the French off
Cape Finisterre, iv. 240. His destruction of
the French fleet under Conflans, 277
Haxo, General, defeated and taken prisoner at
Königstein, v. 210

Haye-Sainte, La, attack on, v. 253
Hébert, Red-Republican, enraged at the digni-
fied deportment of the King, procures the at-
tendance of constitutional priests at his execu-
tion, iv. 555. Arrested, 580. Released, 582.
Driven to his wits' end by the famine, advises
the communes to besiege the Convention, 612.
His crusade against the clergy, 634. De-
nounces General Duquesnoy, 635. His mea-
sures disapproved of by Robespierre, 635.
Assumes the character of Père Duchêne, 640.
Insists on execution of the seventy-three
deputies, 640. Arrested, 640. Executed, 640,

Execution of his wife, 648
Hébert, M., the new procureur-general, v. 550
Hedwige, sister of the Emperor Otho, married
to Hugh the Great, Duke of France, i. 56,
61. Her influence over her children, 61
Heidelberg, ravages of Louis XIV. at, iv. 36
Heilsberg, battle of, v. 136

Helder, landing of British troops at, v. 65
Hellenes, sympathy manifested to the, by Can-
ning, v. 349

Hemispoe, the Breton prince, created Duke of
Le Mans by Charles the Bald, i, 46
Hennebout, the Countess of Montfort besieged
by Charles of Blois in, i. 413, 414. Obsti-
nacy of the siege, 414. Death of John of
Montfort at, 422. Taken by Bertrand du

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