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Bourges, Archbishop of, sent on an embassy to
Henry V. of England, ii. 110
Bourg-la-Reine burned by the English, i. 424
Bourmont, Marshal de, minister of war, v.
380. His testimony against Ney, 381. His
unpopularity, 381. Heads an expedition
against Algeria, 386. Paralyses the rising in
La Vendée, 465

Bournonville, French deputy, exchanged for
daughter of Louis XVI., v. 8

Bourqueney, M., arranges boundaries of Tur-
key, v. 530, 531

Bourré, conferrer of offices under Louis XI., ii.


Boves, castle of, besieged by Philip Augustus,
i. 153

Boves, Hugh de, at the battle of Bovines, i. 190
Bovines, battle of, i. 190. Rivalry between it
and Dinant, ii. 280

Brabançons, their valour at Bovines, i. 190.
Licentiousness of the, of the Duke of Bur-
gundy, ii. 82

Brabant, reaction against the French in, i. 327.
Claimed by the Count of Nevers at the in-
stance of Louis XI. of France, 284. Claimed
by Louis XIV. by right of evolution, iii. 659
Brabant, Duke of, slain at Agincourt, ii. 114.
Married to Jacqueline of Holland, 151. Di-
vorced, 152

Braddock, General, sent against the French in
America, iv. 263. His defeat, 263
Braganza, House of, embark for the Brazils on
invasion of Portugal by Junot, v. 153
Brandenburg eaten up by Wallenstein's army,
iii. 494. Erected into the kingdom of Prus-
sia, iv. 81. The Russians driven out of, 279
Braun, Marshal, defeated by Frederick the
Great at Labositz, iv. 267
Braunau, battle of, iv. 226

Brazil, Admiral Coligny's scheme for founding
a French colony in, ii. 641

Bréa, General, unsuccessful in his efforts to per-
suade the insurgents to surrender, is taken
prisoner and brutally murdered, v. 628
Bread riots in Paris, iv. 346, 668, 676, et seq.
Breda, fall of, iii. 453. Captured, iv. 562
Brenneville, battles of, i. 119; ii. 186
Brescia taken by the French, ii. 421. Besieged
by the Emperor Maximilian, 461
Breslau, occupied by Frederick the Great, iv.
215. Peace of, iv. 221

ressan, the, held by Francis I., ii. 542
Bresson, M., minister for foreign affairs, v.
487. Commits suicide, 568

Brest taken by John of Montfort, i. 412. Be-
Bossuered by Du Guesclin, 534. Reinforced by
Catholic 1 of Salisbury, 535. Garrisoned by
Claude, 8. 1ers, ii. 10. Taken by the French
Bouchain captured 369

Bouchard of Montmorengagement in the, ii. 440
the French prisoners at L, King of France, i.

[blocks in formation]

in the way of executing the treaty, 490, 491.
True causes of the want of solidity in the
treaty, 515. Broken by Charles V., ii. 109
Breton, Cape, taken by the English, iv. 240.
Restored to France, 246. Again taken by
the English, 273

Bretons, the, join the Normans in their incur-
sions, i. 46. See Brittany.

Brezé, De, favourite of Charles VII., ii. 221.
Sent to besiege Metz, 221. Obliged to fly
on the accession of Louis XI., 253. Placed
in command of an expedition to support the
Lancasters in England, 261. His subsequent
career, 261, note. The King's distrust of
him at Montlhery, 270. Where he is slain,
271. The castle of Rouen delivered up by
his widow to the League, 274. Recovers the
good-will of the King, ii. 277

Brezé, Marshal, defeats the Spaniards at Avain,
iii. 512

Briconnet, abets Charles VIII.'s proposal to
invade Italy, ii. 380. Created a cardinal,


Briçonnet, Bishop of Meaux, favours the first
Protestants, ii. 515. Partly retracts, 515
Bricquemaut, sent by the Huguenots from La
Rochelle to the court, iii. 115. His trial and
execution, iii. 150

Bride, Jean, the Flemish butcher, thrown into
prison by the French, i. 324.

Bridport, Lord, defeats Admiral Villaret, iv.


Brie, given by Louis XI. to his brother Charles,
ii. 292

Brienne, Count de, taken prisoner by Loria, i.


Brienne, Archbishop of Toulouse, becomes
controller-general, iv. 388. His character
and financial administration, 388, 389.
mode of dealing with Calonne's scheme, 389.
Results of his policy, 393. His illness,
397. His plan for doing away with par
liament, 397. His inability to raise money,
402. Promises the convocation of the States-
general for the following year, 402. Re-
signs, 402, 403. Fills his pockets on leaving,

Brienne, battle of, v. 219

Brigands, the, or foot soldiers, in France, i.
437. Their raids, 437, 438
Brignais, battle of, i. 499
Brill, capture of, iii. 129


Brion, Admiral de, taken prisoner at Pavia, ii.
485. Sent with a French army to invade
Savoy, 536. Occupies Turin, 538.
graced by Francis I., 549
Brisgau, the, ceded to France, iii. 576
Brissac, Duke de, décrété, iv. 480. Sent to


prison, 480. Killed in the Versailles mas-
sacre, 530

Brissac, French general in Piedmont, his suc-
cesses against the Imperialists, ii. 612. Ar-
rested, iii. 231. Routed in Normandy, 246
Brisson, first president of parlement, beheaded,

[ocr errors]

iii. 281.


Brissot, becomes member of the Legislative
Assembly, iv. 467. Expresses his opinion
that Louis XVI. could not be king of the
revolution, 474. Draws up first petition of
the Jacobins against the re-installation of
the King, 475. Declares war to be necessary,
475. Carries the Assembly and the Jacobins
on the war question, 476. Moves the accu-
sation of Delessert, 479. Votes the adjourn-
ment of the King's déchéance, 504.
pierre's proposed arrest of, 523. Moves the
commission on the state of Paris, &c., 538.
Imprisoned, 618. His trial and death, 620
Brittany reduced to subjection by Charles Mar-
tel, i. 20. Given by Charles the Simple to
Duke Rollo for pillage, 53. Homage done
by Geoffrey, son of Henry II. of England,
to Louis VII., for, 146. The dukedom
claimed by Arthur, nephew of King John of
England, 163. Invaded by Henry III. of
Philip VI.'s endeavour to
England, 214.
secure the reversion of, 398. Disputed suc-
cession to the dukedom, 411. Struggle be-
tween Charles of Blois and John de Mont-
fort for the duchy, 506. Death of Charles
in the battle of Auray, and recognition of
De Montfort as duke, 507. Invasion of, by
Du Guesclin, 533, 534. Flight of the duke,
John de Montfort, 546. Resolution of
Charles V. to annex the duchy to the crown
of France, 547. Resistance of the Bretons
to this absorption, 547. Return of De
Montfort, 547. The expedition for the suc-
cour of the duchy sent from England under
the Duke of Buckingham, 551. Seizure of the
Duke of, by the party of the Dauphin, ii.
135. Who are compelled to liberate him,
135. At war with France, 285. The Ad-
miral Bourbon sent into, 289. Activity of
the royal generals in, 289. Question of the
succession in 1486, 365. Convention of the
rebel Breton nobles with the King of France,
365. Project of Anne of Beaujeu for uniting
Brittany to the crown of France, 366. De-
termination of Lady Anne to reduce Brittany
Defeat of the
by force of arms, 367.
Bretons at St. Aubin, 368. Conclusion of
the treaty of Sablé, 369. War recommenced
by France, 369. Assistance sent to Brittany
from England and Spain, 369. Condition
of the duchy at this period, 370. Refusal
of the Bretons to murder the Huguenots,
iii. 149. The Spaniards masters on the
coasts and in the towns, 322. Quarrel of


the court of Louis XV. with the Parliament
and Estates, iv. 309-312. Resistance of the
province to the abolition of its parliament,
400 See Assembly, Legislative, &c.
Brittany, Duke of (grandson of Louis XIV.),
his death, iv. 111

Brittany, Duchess of, taken by Philip Augustus,
i. 166

Broglie, Duc de, minister of public instruction,
v. 421. Resigns, 424. Minister for foreign
affairs, 473. His irritation at being shelved
by Louis Philippe, 504

Broglie, Count de, punished by D'Aiguillon, iv.


Broglie, Marshal, left in command in Prague,
iv. 221. Besieged there by Prince Lobkowitz,
222. Which he stealthily evacuated, 222.
Driven from Bavaria, 226. Appointed lieu-
tenant to Marshal Contades, 279. Assumes
the command, 279. Commands the troops
concentrated round Paris, 421. Retreats to
Sèvres, 424.

Broglie, General, defeated at La Secchia, iv. 204
Broke, Lord, commands an army to assist the
Bretons against the French, ii. 369

Brosse, Peter de la, made a confident of, by
Philip the Hardy, i. 297. Makes an enemy
of Queen Maria, 297. Found guilty of
treason, and hanged, 297, 298
Brouages, siege of, by the Catholics under
Mayenne, iii. 186. Besieged by the Prince
of Condé, 206

Broussel, president of parliament, arrested, iii.
587. Liberated, 589. Elected provost of

the Marchands of Paris, 627

Bruat, Captain, governor of French possessions
in the Pacific, v. 557

Bruges, armed combatants of, in the time of
Philip Augustus, i. 153. Reduced by Philip
Augustus, 188. The citizens of, at the battle
of Bovines, 189, 190. Submits to the French
under Philip IV., 314. Insurrection against
the French, who are defeated at Courtray,
324-326. Supports Robert III. of Flanders
against France, 372. Opposition to Count
Louis in, 390. Permission given to the town
to open a canal to the Lys, ii. 16. The party
of the Count defeated by John Yoens and his
white capes, 17. Taken by the people of
Ghent under Philip von Arteveld, 21. Re-
deems itself from French yoke by a heavy
war contribution, 29. Maximilian's court of
the Golden Fleece held at, 339. Declares
against France, iv. 96. Surprised by the
French, 100. Taken by the Duke of Ormond,
115. Reduced by the French, 238.
Brühl, Henry, Count, Saxon minister, forms
an anti-Prussian anti-English league, iv. 262,
266. Punished by Frederick the Great, 266.
Brularts, their Spanish policy, iii. 440.

foreign intrigues, 441. Dismissed, 441


Brumaire, 18th, revolution of the, v. 68, 69.
Repetition of, suggested by Buonaparte, 103
Brune, General, forces passage of the Adige, v.
90. Murdered by the Royalists, 264
Brunehild, daughter of the Gothic King of
Spain, married to Sigebert, King of Aus-
trasia, i. 8. Court at Metz formed under her
influence, 8. Causes of the quarrel between
her and the Austrasian aristocracy, 8-10.
Invades Austrasia, 11. Her death, 11.
Brunet, M., executed, iv. 636

Brünn reduced by Frederick the Great, iv. 220
Brunnow, Baron, his intrigues as to the Spanish
marriages, v. 567

Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne, brother of the
Emperor Otho I., his government of Lor-
raine, i. 61. His vindication of the King's
rights against the lesser barons or chiefs, 62.
Places Odalric in the archiepiscopal chair of
Rheims, 62. His death, 63

Brunswick, Frederick William, Duke of, his
manifesto to the Assembly, iv. 505. Pur-
poses restoration of the King, who protests
against his menaces and measures, 505, 506.
Captures Longwy, 523. Fails to march on
Paris, 523, 524. Defeats the coalition of
European powers, 532, 533. Admires the
revolution and its leaders, 533. Lingering
on his road to Paris, enables Dumouriez to
occupy roads and defiles, 533. Engages the
French at Valmy, 533. Gives up the cause
of monarchy, and the hopes of saving the
royal family, 534. Shrinks from attacking
Dumouriez at Valmy, 543. Advises Prussia
to abandon the Austrian alliance, 544. Be-
sieges Mayence, 601, 603. Defeated by
Davoust, v. 129, 130

Brussels, magnificence of Charles the Rash's
receptions at, ii. 282 note. Claims of the
people at this duke's accession, 284. Meet-
ing of the States of Flanders, Brabant, and
the North at, in 1468, 287. Occupied by the
French, iv. 234, 661. Insurrection in, v.
426. See Belgium; Assembly, Legislative;
Napoleon I.; Louis Philippe, &c.
Buch, John de Grailly, Captal de, saves the
ladies at Meaux from the Jacques, i. 478.
Who are annihilated, 478. His rules of
warfare, 504. Leads an army against the
partisans of France at Cocherel, 505. Taken
prisoner, 506. Wealth and honours heaped
upon him by Charles V. of France, 517.
Again taken prisoner, 528, 530
Buchan, Duke of, joins Charles the Dauphin
with four thousand Scotch, ii. 138. Ap-
pointed constable by Charles VII., 148. De-
feated by Lords Salisbury and Suffolk at
Crevant, 149. Loses an eye there, 149.
Defeated and slain at Verneuil, 150
Bucharest, treaty of, v. 182

Buckingham, Thomas, Earl of (uncle of Richard


II.), conducts an expedition to succour
Brittany, i. 551. His march through France,
551. Besieges Nantes, and retires to Vannes,
10. Returns to England, 10

Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of, his
trouble before Calais, iii. 452. His journey
to Paris, 457. His amorous homage to the
Queen of France, 457. His conversation with
Cardinal Richelieu, 457. Concludes a treaty
with Holland, and subsidises Denmark, 461.
Quarrels with Lord Holland, 473. Not
allowed to go to Paris, 473. His plan of
operations against France, 473. Conducts
an expedition to the Isle of Rhé, 474. Aban-
dons the enterprise, 475. His letter to
Cardinal Richelieu, 551

Buckingham, Villiers, Duke of (son of the
preceding), his part in the Triple Alliance,
iii. 665. Sent on a mission to Louis XIV.
in Holland, 682

Buda, occupied by the Turks, ii. 505
Budæus, sent by Francis I. to Pope Leo X., ii.
456. His services to learning, 461. On the
trial of Berquin, 518

Buenos Ayres, French successes at, v. 511
Bugeaud, Marshal, heads a French force
against Don Carlos, v. 501. His campaign
against Morocco, 559, et seq. Commands the
troops and endeavours to put down the revo-
lution, 590, 591. Suspends hostilities at the
demand of M. Thiers, and the monarchy is
lost, 391. Objects to abdication, 594. Com-
mands the army of the Alps, 637

Bulletin des Loix,' establishment of the, iv. 639
Bull-fights, Spanish, introduced into France,
iii. 123

Bülow, General, defeats Oudinot and Hey, v. 211
Bulwer, Sir Henry, his propositions as to the
Spanish Marriages, v. 568

Buonaparte, Eliza, Tuscany given to, v. 149
Buonaparte, Jerome, proposed transfer of
duchy of Warsaw to, v. 138. Becomes
king of Westphalia, 143. Enthroned at
Cassel, 143. Warns Napoleon of the dis-
content of his German provinces, 182.
Driven from his capital by the Cossacks, 211.
His wife arrested and robbed by a Royalist
emissary, 241. Sent ambassador to Italy,
42. His instructions to respect the Pope,
42, 43. Nominated king of Italy, 126
Buonaparte, Joseph, his installation at Madrid
approved of by the Emperor Alexander, v.
156. Made king of Spain, 157, 179. Ap-
pointed to defend Paris, 227

Buonaparte, Louis, becomes king of Holland,
iv. 143. His disagreements with Hortense,
172. Abdicates in favour of his son, 172
Buonaparte, Lucien, opposes the salt tax, v.


Resigns his ministry of police, 80.
Refused as president, 250. Presses Napo-
leon to re-enact the 18th Brumaire, 256


Buonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I.
Buonapartists, Buonapartism, procession of, at
funeral of General Lamarque, v. 468, 469
Buonarotti, Jacobin conspirator, writes history
of Babœuf's conspiracy, v. 12.
Burchard, Baron of Montmorency, sets the
claims of the abbey of St. Denis at nought,
i. 114. Compelled by Louis the Fat to sub-
mit, 114.

Bureau, John, his improvement in cannon and,
the art of undermining fortifications, ii. 201.
Effect of his artillery on the walls of Caen,
228. And at Castillon, 230
Bureaucracy, formation of the, iii. 580
Burgh, Hubert de, holds Dover Castle for King
John, i. 192. Gained over by Blanche of
Castille, i. 214

Burgoyne, General, his surrender, iv. 355
Burgundians, their forced hospitality and
division of the land of their hosts, i. 3.
Defeated by Clovis on the Ouche, 5.
Slightness of the hold of Clovis over them, 5.
Struggle between them and the Armagnacs,
ii. 101. The siege and sack of Soissons,
103. The siege and peace of Arras, 103.
Their losses on the field of Agincourt, ii.
117. A conspiracy among their partisans
discovered, 119

Burgundy, the regal dignity assumed by Con-
rad in Alpine Burgundy, i. 51. Aversion of
the people of Burgundy to both the French
and German races, 55. King Robert's war
in, 81. The county acquired by the Count
of Nevers, who marries King Robert's sister,
81. Robert's son Henry (afterwards Henry
1.) recognised as duke of the province,
81. The duchy obtained by Robert, son of
Robert II., 87. Submits to Philip Augustus,
154. Louis X.'s concessions to the county
of, 365. Pillaged by mercenary free corps,

War contribution levied by Edward
III. of England, 488. The dukedom given
by John II. to his son Philip, who founds a
brilliant house, 500, 501. Extent and con-
dition of the duchy at the commencement
of the fifteenth century, ii. 81. Fall of its
last prince on the field of Nancy, 324, 325.
Condition of the duchy at this period,
326. Seized by Louis XI., 327, 328. Who
purchases and pensions the nobles, 332.
Becomes part of the dominions of Austria,
334. Invaded by the Swiss, 439.
duchy demanded by the Emperor Charles
V., 488, 489. Ceded to Charles by Francis
I., 490. Who refuses when liberated, to
surrender it, 492. Cruelties inflicted on the
Huguenots of, iii. 64. Attempt of Richelieu
to abolish the Estates of, 503. Insurrection
in consequence, 503. The government taken
from the Prince of Condé, and given to the
Duke of Vendôme, 601



Busaco, battle of, v. 180

Bussy, d'Amboise, falls at Pavia, ii. 485
Butchers of Paris. See Cabochiens.
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, his peace policy, iv.
283. Becomes prime minister, 284. Makes
overtures to Austria, 286. His efforts to
restore the negotiations for peace, 287
Byng, Admiral, destroys the Spanish fleet,
iv. 152. Attacks La Galissonnière, but
abandons Minorca, iv. 264


YABET, M., republican, heavy fine inflicted
on, v. 482, 483

Caboche, the Paris tanner, one of the leaders of
the Paris butchers, ii. 84. Forces his way
into the palace, and insults the Dauphin, 94
Cabochiens, or Butchers of Paris, their as-
cendancy and cruelties, ii. 84. Fall into an
ambuscade, 85. Jacqueville appointed their
captain, 93. Their forcible entry into the
palace, 94. Collect the taxes, 98. Burn
the palace of the Bicêtre, 98. Their dislike
of the fine arts, 98. Execute Des Essarts,
99. Their opposition to peace with the
Armagnacs, 100. Put down, and some of
them executed, 101. Return with the Duke
of Burgundy towards Paris, 117.
butcher corporation broken up, 119
Cabrières, massacre of the people of, ii. 584
Cadets, rise of the military school of the, iv.



Cadiz, an expedition sent to, by Queen Elizabeth,
iii. 325. Failure of an English attempt
against, iv. 92. Storming of, v. 328
Cadiz, Duke of, proposed as husband for Queen
of Spain, v. 568. Why negatived, 569
Cadoudal, Georges, joins the royalist army at
Quiberon, iv. 674. Conspires against First
Consul, v. 99. His second attempt, 113. Ar-
rested and tried, 114, 116
Cadoudal, William, defends Rennes for John
of Montfort, i. 413. Capitulates, 413, 414
Cadsand, Island of, taken from the Flemings
by Edward III., i. 400

Caen, taken by Edward III., i. 423, 424.
Besieged by Henry V. of England, ii. 122.
Taken from the English, 228. Declares for
the Huguenots, iii. 57. Taken by Louis
XIII, 424. Riot in, iv. 430. Fugitive
Girondists meet at, to organize an insur-
rection, 593

Cagliostro, his acquaintance with the Cardinal
de Rohan, iv. 377.

Cahors, atrocities committed upon the Hugue-
nots of, iii. 47. Besieged and taken by

Henry of Navarre, 194
Caietan, Cardinal, sent as nuncio to Paris, iii.
262. Leaves Paris, 268
Cairo seized by Buonaparte, v. 48. Abandoned
by French, 95


Calabria, Duke of, son of René of Anjou, joins
a league against Louis XI., ii. 267. Terri-
tories ceded by Louis to him, 275
Calais, naval expedition fitted out at, against
England, by Philip of Valois, i. 392. Be-
sieged and taken by Edward III., 430-436.
Story of the six citizens of, 435. Edward's
arrangements for ordering and fortifying the
town, 436, 437. Fixes the staple of tin, lead,
and woollen cloth at, 437. Demanded by Ed-
ward in direct sovereignty, 486. The demand
rejected by the French, 487. Besieged un-
successfully by John Sans Peur, Duke of
Burgundy, ii. 52. Besieged by Philip III.,
Duke of Burgundy, 193. Who raises the
siege, 193, 194.
Promise of Margaret of
Anjou to cede Calais to France for aid against
the Yorkists, 261. Landing of Henry VII.
with the army at, 375. Besieged by the Duke
of Guise, 628, 629. Surrenders to the French
629. Restoration of, demanded by Queen
Elizabeth, iii. 126. Besieged and taken by
the Spaniards, 322. Offered by Henry IV.
to Queen Elizabeth, 331. Recovered by the
treaty of Vervins, 345. Refusal of Riche-
lieu to allow an English army to land at,
452. The town threatened by Spinola, 453.
Conspiracy to seize the port, 508.
Calas, Jean, his death on the rack, iv. 291
Calder, Admiral, watches Villeneuve, v. 121.
Caldiero, battle of, v. 25

Caldoé, Charles, provost of the merchants of
Paris, leads the citizens into the presence of
the Regent, ii. 8, 79. Flies from the cruel-
ties of the Cabochiens, 84

Calixtus II. elected pope, i. 124. Calls a
council at Rheims, 124. Peace between the
Emperor and the Church effected by the treaty
of Wurtzburg, 124. Calixtus orders Henry
I. of England and Louis VI. of France to
keep the truce of God, 125

Calonne, Charles Alexander de, appointed in-
tendant of Metz, iv. 322. Appointed con-
troller-general, 368. His first act, 368. His
administration, 369. His prodigality, 370,
371. Supported by the King, 371. Proposes
an Assembly of Notables, 371. His proposals
to the Assembly of the Notables, 383. Be-
comes, unknown to himself, the tool of the
Economists, 384. Rejection of his proposals,
386. His quarrel with Necker, 387. Dis-
missed, 387. Adoption of his scheme by the
King and the Chancellor, 389

Calverley, Sir Hugh, commands the reserve at the
battle of Auray, i. 507. Joins an expedition
against Peter the Cruel, 510. Joins an expe-
dition to relieve Brittany, 550. Joins the
crusade into Flanders under the Bishop of
Norwich, ii. 32

Calvin, John, flies from the Sorbonne to Geneva,


Duchess Renée, 535, note. Notice of him,
ii. 576. In Paris, 576. Escapes to Switzer-
land, 577

Calvinism, how represented by the envoys from
the Emperor Frederic II. to Louis XIII., iii.


Cambacèrés, John James R. de, accuses Tallien,
iv. 665. Nominated as a director but not
chosen, v. 6. Becomes consul, 78. Dis-
suades Buonaparte from a repetition of 18th
Brumaire, 103. Created archchancellor, 118.
Appointed minister of justice, 245
Canibon, arrested and exiled, iv. 672. Con-
spires against the First Consul, v. 95
Cambray, efforts of the people of, to shake off
the rule of the archbishop, i. 84. Munici-
pality of, founded, 99. Taken but abandoned
by Louis XI., ii. 339. League of, against
Venice, formed, 427. Treaty of, or Lady's
Peace, 506. Meeting of the French and
Imperialists at, 631. Taken by the Spaniards
under the Count of Fuentes, iii. 317. At-
tempt of Count Harcourt to take, 598. Taken
by the French, 696. Congress of, iv. 182,
190. Reduced by Louis XV., 229. Besieged
by the Duke of Coburg, 615

Cambridge, Earl of, sent to the relief of Aqui-
taine, i. 524. Sails with an army to the
support of the Duke of Brittany, 526. Takes
St. Pol de Leon, and shuts up De Clisson in
Quimperlé, 536

Cambrils taken by Los Velez, iii. 519
Cambronne, General, trial of, v. 281
Campan, Madame, her miraculous escape, iv.

Campobasso, Count of, his treachery to Duke
Charles of Burgundy, ii. 324

Campo Formio, treaty of, v. 40, 87
Camus de Beaulieu, favourite of Charles VII,
put to death by the Constable Richmont, i.
153, 154

Camus, French commissioner, deposes Dumou-
riez, iv. 564. Exchanged for the daughter
of Louis XVI., v. 8

Canada, French colony of, iv. 27. The French
at the mouth of the St. Lawrence, 164.
Hostilities between the English and French
in, 258. Conquest of, by the English, 274,

Canclaux, General, defends Nantes against
the Vendeans, iv. 600. Refuses promotion,


Candale, Jean de Foix, Count of, the command
of Calais proposed to be given to, ii. 261
Cang, combat of, ii. 119
Canning, Right Hon. George, defied by Cha-
teaubriand, v. 329. Sympathises with the
Hellenes, 349. Despatches troops to Lisbon.
350. His conduct approved by Villèle,


ii. 535, note. Invited to Ferrara by the Cannon, first use of, in battle, i. 428. At the

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