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warmth! What a wonderful order and regularity is observed in the formation of the chick; the same evolutions taking place at once in twenty eggs! Neither does changing the position of the egg at all injure the embryo or retard the formation of the chick; which, at the time when it breaks the shell, is found to be heavier than the whole egg was at first. These, however admirable, are far from being all the wonders displayed in the formation of a chick. The microscope, and the penetrating investigations of the curious, have only discovered what comes more immediately under the observation of our senses: whilst the discovery of many things remains for those who are to follow us, or they may never be known in this state of our existence. Much remains to be known concerning the mystery of generation, which at present is impenetrable to our researches; but let not this discourage us, let us endeavour to improve and make a good use of the little knowledge we are permitted to acquire, and we shall have yet sufficient to feel the wise power of God, and to employ for the benefit of our fellow-creatures.


Buds of Flowers.

A NUMBER of flowers in bud, and still enveloped in their covers, may be seen in every direction; all their charms are veiled, and their beauties concealed within themselves. Like these, devoid of beauty, may be considered the wretched miser, isolated and centering every thing in himself; his views are base and sordid; he refers all to himself, and makes his private advantages and personal gratification the centre of his desires, and the confined circle of his actions.

The vivifying rays of the sun will soon cause the buds of the flowers to expand, and, quitting their

confinement, open their ripening beauties to the face of day. They will appear with a beautiful bloom, and exhale the most fragrant perfumes. So will the heart of the miser be opened when the rays of divine grace shall beam light upon his soul. His unfeeling nature and contracted mind will yield to the penetrating influence of truth, and his heart become susceptible of social affections, and alive to the feelings of humanity. He will then no longer be the slave of selfishness, nor the prey of sordid cares; his love will become universal; he will feel the affection of a brother for the deserving; and his generous soul will know no bounds in its expansion, nor suffer any restraint in cheering the comfortless, and ministering unto the afflicted.

When I view the yet tender buds of flowers, I think of you, ye amiable youth! The beauty and energy of your souls are not yet displayed; your faculties are not yet expanded; and the hopes of your fond parents not yet confirmed. When walking forth into the fields and gardens, you behold the budding flowers, consider that you are in a similar state; as you look for their expansion, so your parents fondly watch the gradual unfolding of your faculties. They do every thing for you, and neglect nothing that can promote your instruction and advance your improvement; they watch over your education with the ten-· derest care, that at first by blossoms, and then by choice fruit, you may become useful to society, and be the joy of your parents, and their consolation and support in the evening of their days. Do every thing in your power to gratify their dearest hopes, and profit well by their instructions; to the end that you may become wise, amiable, and virtuous. And beware of following all the suggestions of youthful fancy, or giving way to the ebullitions of desire and the wild fury of passion, which will blast your innocence, destroy the sweet sensibility of your heart, and render your mind base, gloomy, and wretched.


the morning of life I flourish like the opening bud. My heart beats with joy, and throbs with fond delight; I riot in the luxury of hope, and anticipate with ecstacy the pleasures of futurity. But if I yield to the insinuating poison of young desire, and slide into the false sweets of pleasure, my heart would early pulsate only to the tears of bitterness, or its vital stream be consumed by the ardency of an impure flame."


Indefatigable Labours of the Bee.

THE season of spring affords us an excellent opportunity to observe the labours and industry of the bees; and the sight of a hive is certainly most beautiful. A wonderful degree of interest is excited in the contemplation of a laboratory where thousands of workmen are differently employed. Our astonishment increases as we behold the regularity of their labours, and the abundance with which these magazines are furnished for the support of their numerous inhabitants during the winter. And still more admirable is the indefatigable assiduity and unceasing labours of this little republic. Bees give an example of diligence and activity which is not only uncommon, but has perhaps never been equalled.

As soon as the last traces of winter have disappeared, they begin to come forth; sometimes so early that there is reason to fear the cold is yet sufficiently strong to injure their delicate limbs. Even before the juices of flowers which begin to open are sufficiently acted upon by the heat of the sun to furnish a large supply of honey, the bees collect a little for their subsistence. But as the spring advances, and in the summer, their cares and activity are redoubled:

in these seasons they are never idle; they work incessantly, and neglect not the smallest profits that will increase their stores. They are so indefatigable in the construction of their cells, that we are informed a comb with double cells and sufficiently large to contain three thousand bees, is finished in twenty-four hours.

The work is jointly undertaken by all the members of the republic; whilst some collect the wax, and prepare and fill the magazines with it, others are busied in different labours. Some build cells with the wax; others knead and perfect it; some gather honey from the flowers, which they deposit in the hive for present nourishment and future support; others close the entrance of the cells with a covering of wax in which they have preserved their winter's store of honey. Some distribute nourishment to the young ones, and close with wax the habitations of the small grubs that are near the time of their metamorphosis, to the end that they may work more securely. Some fill up with a glutinous matter all the holes and clefts of the hive, and plaster over the weak parts, that neither wind nor insects may gain admission. Some drag the dead out of the hive for fear of infection; and if the bodies are too heavy, they plaster them over with a glutinous substance, or with wax; and so cement it, that no effluvia can exhale through the coating.

It is not enough for us to admire the activity of these little creatures; we should make them our model, and endeavour to imitate the example of their industry. We have many more incitements to action than they have; we possess an immortal soul. This should render our diligence constant, and our applications incessant, that we may avoid the way to ruin, and preserve the sure path to happiness; and nothing more effectually incites to this than the reflection that the fruit of our labours lasteth for ever. The bee gathers its sweets not for itself only, but for its

masters; while our labours in the vineyard of wisdom and of truth secure to ourselves the fruits of eternal life.


May we never be slow to do good, nor remiss in performing the duties of our vocation with all the zeal and fidelity of which we are capable. Let us execute without delay the task imposed upon us, and work while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work. May we each show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope, unto the end that we be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises; for the winter of age and the tribulation of sickness approach, and the hour of death hasteneth." Look to the bees for instruction; consider their labours, and contemplate their works; admire their activity and unceasing industry. Always busy, always indefatigable, they rise with the morning, prolong their toils to the evening hour, and support without shrinking the troubles of their short life. And shall man repose in idleness, and lie on the lap of indolence? shall he, endowed with the immortal gift of reason, consume his days in frivolity, and waste his nights in foolish sports or hurtful pleasures? The period of our lives is short; may we devote it to labour for the glory of God, the welfare of our souls, and the benefit of our fellow



Nourishment of Animals.

THROUGH all the gradations and varieties of animals, from the ponderous elephant to the almost imperceptible mite, no terrestrial creature can live without food and nourishment. From the eagle, that in her bold flight braves the meridian sun, to the minutest fly; from the whale to the smallest worm,

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