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The same question was put a short time before he expired by one of the Missionaries, when he nodded assent, and laid his hand on his heart, but was unable to speak.

that all he had he had received from Christ; and that it was his desire that it should be given back to Christ, and devoted to the spread of his gospel. Poor man! he had nothing to leave except the Chapel he had built near his own dwelling; but the wish to make some return to the Redeemer proved that he was sensible that the Gospel, intro

"The total absence of the fear of death was most conspicuous: when exhorted to take medicine, he objected to it as unnecessary and fruitless. But being pressed, he yielded, still positively forbid-duced to his attention by Dr. ding them to give him laudanum, Thomas so many years ago, had (though generally considered as done great things for him. a necessary part of the prescriptions for this disorder,) as it would produce insensibility, and put a period to those comforts which he then enjoyed. He beg-pid heathen. I worshipped dumb ged that those who prayed for and with him would not pray for his recovery; and once or twice he asked if the grave had been prepared.

"He appeared to have conquered all his worldly attach ments, delaring that he did not wish to remain any longer in this thorny world; that his Saviour had sent his messenger for him, and he wished to go.

"Although his mind was thus weaned from the world, and delivered from all anxiety respecting the future circumstances of his family, yet he was concerned for the salvation of his friends, and hence when asked by an attendant if he was desirous of prayer, he seemed pleased with the proposal, and said, 'Pray that I may be saved, and that all my family may be converted; thus exhibiting the last anxieties of a christian parent, and pouring out his last breath for the good of those whom God had given him in the flesh.

"Nor was Krishna, in these his last moments, unmindful of the cause of Christ in Bengal. He declared to those around him,

"Such then was the religion of this Hindoo convert summing it up, it amounts to this confession; O Lord, I was once a poor stu

idols, and knew not but that these were the true God. To remove guilt from my conscience, I bathed in the Ganges, I worshipped my teacher (Gooroo) and licked the dust of his feet; I gave my property to the priests; I visited holy places; I repeated the name of my guardian deity. And lest these acts of religious service should not prove sufficiently meritorious, I hoped for a son to perform those rites after my death, which might deliver me from any difficulties into which my spirit might fall after leaving the body. Thus blind I lived, and thus deluded I should have died. But, blessed be thou, O Father of mercies, I heard the tidings of mercy through an atoning Mediator. These tidings led me to a knowledge of my spiritual state; and I found myself lying under a dreadful load of guilt. By faith, I fled to the Lord Jesus for refuge from the wrath to come; and the Saviour gave me peace and joy in believing. Now it is my joy to speak of Him, to spread the knowledge of his death, and to communicate his unsearchable riches to my poor

though not as he loves me. find his promise good, "I will not leave you comfortless." I have no fear in death. My only wishes are, that I and my family may be his; that all I have may be devoted to him; and that I may depart and be with Christ, which is far better.'

countrymen. I love my Saviour, ing up his voice amongst a conIgregation of converted heathens, and singing in the Bengalee a hymn, written by himself, of which a free imitation is annexed. Look at heathen Krishna overwhelmed with debt, and daily eluding his creditors, and then look at the man punctually discharging all his engagements, and exhibiting through life the strongest contrast to the heathen in this respect. Look at the heathen

"He left behind him a widow, a widowed sister-in-law, four daughters, and eleven grandchildren. One of these grand-by the side of the Ganges, callchildren, who was at his funeral, was buried the next evening, and one of his sons-in-law survived him only twenty-five days.

ing upon their dying relations to repeat the names of Narayun, of Gunga, of Ram, and of a whole rabble of gods, pouring the wa66 Do any doubt whether Chris. ters of this river down the throat tianity be a good worth bestow- of the dying, exposing them in ing on the Hindoos? Let them the agonies of death to the chilllook at this simple account which ing damps by night, and to the this converted heathen has given scorching beams of the sun by of himself; an account which day; and listen to the cries of flowed spontaneously from his the dying, Tell me not of works own feelings, and in writing which of merit; I have been committing he was wholly left to himself, and nothing but sin. And nowhad no expectation of its publica- whither am I going?-What is tion. Look at heathen Krishna there beyond this wretched existreceiving his idolatrous teacher, ence? Am I going into some repwashing his feet, and anointing tile or some animal body; or his head with the dirty water, shall I at once plunge into some and look at the same man sitting dreadful place of torment? I see with his christian pastor, or deli- the messenger of Yuma (the king vering a sermon from the pulpit. of death) coming to seize me. Look at heathen Krishna, repeat-Oh! save me-save me! O moing an unmeaning incantation, or teaching it to others as a religious nostrum-and see him afterwards surrounded with a group of heathens reading to them the Beatitudes. See heathen Krishna worshipping a wooden image of his lecherous name-sake, and then look at the same man wor-parture? Must I take the irrecoshipping the true God, and pouring out his heart in prayer in the midst of his christian brethren, Look at heathen Krishna while he joins in the filthy songs and dances in honour of this idol, and then hear the same man lift

ther Gunga give me a place near to thee. Oh! Ram! Oh! Narayun! O my gooroo (his spiritual guide) how dark and heavy the cloud which envelopes me! Is there no certainty, no ray of light from any of the shasters to guide and comfort me in my de

verable plunge, to be seen no more?-And when they have seen and heard all this, let them look at the death of Krishna, the christian, consoled by the addresses of his christian brethren, by the hymns which they sing,

by the words of the everlasting Gospel which they repeat; and let them listen to the pleasant words which proceed from his dying lips: My Saviour has sent his messenger for me, and I wish to go to him,'-and then let them say, Whether the Gospel be a boon worth giving to the heathen.

Imitation of a Hymn in Bengalee,
by Krishna.

O THOU, my soul, forget no more
The FRIEND who all thy mis'ry bore;
Let ev'ry idol be forgot,

But, O my soul, forget HIM not.

BRUHMA for thee a body takes,
Thy guilt assumes, thy fetters breaks,

Discharging all thy dreadful debt;-
And canst thou e'er such love forget?
Renounce thy works and ways with

And fly to this most sure relief;
Nor HIM forget who left his throne,
And for thy life gave up his own.
Infinite truth and mercy shine
In HIM, and he himself is thine;
And canst thou then, with sin beset,
Such charms, such matchless charms,

Ah! no-till life itself depart,
His name shall cheer and warm my

And, lisping this, from earth I'll rise,
And join the chorus of the skies.

Ah! no-when all things else expire,
And perish in the general fire,
THIS NAME all others shall survive,
And through eternity shall live."

Juvenile Department.


No. XXX.

"Of ev'ry part due observation make;
All which such art discover, so conduce
To beauty, vigour, and each destin❜d use;
The atheist, if to search for truth inclin❜d,
May in himself his full conviction find,
And from his body teach his erring mind."


the human frame; and, subsequently, as transcendently exemplified in the wonderful powers of the human mind;-first surveying the tabernacle, and secondly its inhabitant, agreeably to the order of the supreme Architect, who formed man of the dust of the ground, and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. May the blessing of Him whose glory we aim to display, constant

HAVING glanced at the prin-ly and richly accompany the encipal inanimate substances which compose and enrich the earth, we

deavour, so that the youthful reader and the writer may be

propose, should a merciful Provi-alike benefited!

dence kindly preserve health and One of the most obvious consistrength, to survey the most dis-derations in beholding man, is tinguished of the various beings which inhabit it, first directing our attention to man, as standing supremely conspicuous among them.

In thus directing our reflections, we propose, first, to admire the divine perfections as displayed in the admirable mechanism of

the dignity of his person, arising from the peculiar posture of his body, the beauty of its various parts, and the symmetry of the whole.

The erectness of the body was often noticed by the ancients, nor could it escape the grateful notice of the contemplative mind.

[blocks in formation]

animal, which would have been very painful and wearisome to carry, if the neck had lain parallel or inclining to the horizon." It is well known that a perpendicular position is by far the strongest for sustaining weight.

It is most convenient for observation. We naturally betake ourselves to the loftiest eminence

to enjoy a prospect, that we may be raised above the interruptions of intervening objects. The head is accordingly placed on the summit of the body, and the eyes, the sentinels of the soul, are situated loftily in the face; hence we overlook a thousand obstructions that would otherwise intervene; we are thereby assisted in the avoidance of danger, and in the discovery of objects of utility and delight.

We can imagine no other position of the body that would so advantageously display the beauty of the person, and the charms of the countenance. The head is finely adorned with hair; those organs and limbs which would have appeared awkward alone, are beautifully distributed in pairs; the eyes are adorned with brows, lids, and lashes; the arm is terminated with fingers, and the legs with feet; every projection is finely turned, every turning exquisitely formed; each part so finely adapted to the other, that not one could be lostly necessitated to stand and walk without impairing the symmetry of the whole.

This posture is best suited to our general formation. "The conveniency of this site of our bodies will more clearly appear," says Mr. Ray, "if we consider what a pitiful condition we had been in, if we had been constant

upon all fours; man being by the make of his body, of all quadruBut the consideration on which peds, (for now I must compare it is more important to dwell, is him with them,) the most unfit the utility of this position. Mr. for that kind of incessus; and Ray has enumerated these three besides that, we should have particulars; it is more commodi-wanted, at least in a great meaous for sustaining the head; it is sure, the use of our hands, that most convenient for observation; | invaluable instrument, without and, lastly, best suited to his ge- which he had wanted most of neral formation: to which we those advantages we enjoy as reamay add, it is best adapted for sonable creatures." his command over other creatures; and, finally, for the advantageous exercise of speech.

It is most commodious for sustaining the head. The human head is very heavy. "The brain in man," says this author, "is far larger, in proportion to the bulk of his body, than in any other


It best adapts him for command. Infidel writers have occasionally ridiculed man in the character of lord of the lower creation. It is, however, the character in which it pleased the Great Creator to place him. It is that character for which his organization peculiarly fits him,

2 N

O that the conduct of man were consistent with the dignity and beauty of his person! Instead, however, of a rational employment of his advantages, we see a debasing imitation of brutal sensualities; instead of a temperate and merciful use of the creatures submitted to his care, a tyranni cal and cruel abuse of them; instead of an intelligent and grateful use of his eloquent powers, a thoughtless, rebellious, and even blasphemous debasement of such amazing talents; instead of humi

and in which he is more or less. acknowledged by the various ranks of sublunary creatures. He has a look piercing and commanding; a voice harmonious, grand, and powerful; a dexterity peculiarly his own, afforded by the free use of his hands; a position of the limbs by which he can place himself on the bodies of other animals, and control the movements of some of the most powerful, rendering them subservient to his use and his pleasure. It is well suited also to the advantageous exercise of speech.lity and contrition, pride and preSpeech is one of the most distinguished peculiarities of man-the source of pleasures as endless as they are rational, and of uses as numerous as they are important. The organs of speech being elevated in the system, like those of vision, the voice is raised above the innumerable impediments which would otherwise obstruct the undulations of the air, and the consequent progress of sound; while it is the most favourable position for the harmonious and forcible exercise of those organs.

In short, by this arrangement that most important part of the system, the head, eminently the seat of the senses, containing peculiarly the inlets to the soul, and the seat of speech, its most happy means of communication, is placed comparatively out of danger, and above those accidents which so frequently befal other parts of the body.

sumption. We wish our young friends to become familiar with the early history of man, as faithfully recorded in the book of Genesis. Let them cheek the rising's of vanity, and a fondness for personal decorations, by the remembrance of the sad cause of their adoption. How degrading that an intellectual creature should occupy an excess of time and expense on the adornments of a perishable body, whose native beauty is best displayed in neatness and simplicity of attire ! How dangerous that an accountable being should so fritter away his time and resources, as to neglect the salvation of his soul for the adornment of his body; that he who has eternal destinies at stake, should, on the precipice of destruction, linger to adjust his dress!

N. N.

Obituary and Recent Deaths.

MRS. ANGUS, SEN. of BROMLEY, Northumberland.

It was the happiness of the venerable subject of this Memoir, to be

descended from ancestors eminently pious. Her great-grandfather was Mr. Henry Blackett of Bitchburue, Durham, a zealous and laborious Baptist minister, whose praise in his day was in many of our northern

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