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Time of payment.

Crooks Terminal Warehouses, Inc.

18 Stat. 110.

23 Stat. 254.

40 Stat. 1009.

49 Stat. 635.
42 U. 8. C. § 803.

Post Office Department, $28,758.86;
Treasury Department, $210,256.35;
War Department, $96,336.20;

In all, $464,072, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest as and where specified in such judgments.

(b) None of the judgments contained under this caption shall be paid until the right of appeal shall have expired, except such as have become final and conclusive against the United States by failure of the parties to appeal or otherwise.

For the payment of judgment numbered 44099, rendered by the Court of Claims in favor of Crooks Terminal Warehouses, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois), covering storage of canned meats by the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, $688.35, to be paid from the account "12F5829 Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, Federal Emergency Relief Administration." (Judgment certified to the Seventy-seventh Congress in House Document Numbered 269.)


SEC. 204. (a) For the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874 (31 U. S. C. 713), and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1938 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884 (5 U. S. C. 266), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 273, Seventy-seventh Congress, there is appropriated as follows:

Legislative: For public printing and binding, Government Printing Office, $106.48.

Independent Offices: For Federal Civil Works Administration,


For salaries and expenses, United States Employees' Compensation Commission, $1.45.

For Federal Trade Commission, $1.25.

For operations under Mineral Act of October 5, 1918, $9,692.03. For salaries and expenses, Federal Housing Administration, $287.20.

For diseases and sanitation investigations, Social Security Act, Public Health Service, $2.21.

For diseases and sanitation investigations, Public Health Service, $1.

For expenses, Division of Mental Hygiene, Public Health Service, $155.60.

For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $2,648.57.

For salaries and expenses, Social Security Board, $207.27.

For repair, preservation, and equipment, public buildings, Procurement Division, 75 cents.

For National Industrial Recovery, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, $400.85.

For administrative expenses, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, 75 cents.

For medical and hospital services, Veterans' Bureau, $2.

For military and naval insurance, Veterans' Bureau, $7.65.

For military and naval insurance, Veterans' Administration, $15.
For Army pensions, $72.

For Army and Navy pensions, $25.66.

For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Administration, $2,328.99.

Department of Agriculture: For conservation and use of agricultural land resources, Department of Agriculture, $2,030.38.

For submarginal land program, Farm Tenancy Act, Department of Agriculture, $4,402.

For National Industrial Recovery, Resettlement Administration, submarginal lands (transfer to Agriculture), $633.40.

For acquisition of lands for protection of watersheds of navigable streams, $2,809.61.

For retirement of cotton pool participation trust certificates, Department of Agriculture, $216.64.

For administration of Sugar Act of 1937, Department of Agriculture, $149.

For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural commodities, Department of Agriculture (transfer to Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, Act June 28, 1937), $321.57.

For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $4.68.

For salaries and expenses, Soil Conservation Service, $84.47. For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural commodities, Department of Agriculture, $100.18.

For salaries and expenses, Forest Service, $11.10.

For loans, title I, Farm Tenant Act, Department of Agriculture, $2.50.

For agricultural credits and rehabilitation, emergency relief, $61.24. For salaries and expenses, Rural Electrification Administration, $2. For acquisition of lands, Uinta and Wasatch national forests, Utah (receipt limitation), $300.

For loans and relief in stricken agricultural areas (transfer to Farm Credit Administration), $45.

For elimination of diseased cattle, Department of Agriculture, $182.33.

For increase of compensation, Department of Agriculture, $1.
For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Dairy Industry, $987.81.
For farmers' crop production and harvesting loans, Farm Credit
Administration, $68.97.

Department of Commerce: For contingent expenses, Department of Commerce, $2.17.

For maintenance of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $12.82.

For air-navigation facilities, $226.

For establishment of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $2,650.62.

For district and cooperative office service, Department of Commerce, $5.04.

Department of the Interior: For salaries and expenses, National Bituminous Coal Commission, Department of the Interior, $130.60. For National Park Service, $14.34.

For increase of compensation, Interior Department, $10.20.

For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, $13.75.

For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, 45 cents. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, Petroleum Administration Board, $39.55.

For Petroleum Administration (transfer to Interior), $9.02. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, National Park Service, recreational demonstration projects, $202.79.

For construction, and so forth, irrigation systems, Indian reservations (reimbursable), $166.02.

For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $5.83.

For support of Indians and administration of Indian property, $45.70.

50 Stat. 525.

7 U. S. C. §§ 10101013.

50 Stat. 903.

7 U. S. C. ch. 34. Post, p. 872.

50 Stat. 323.

15 U. S. C. § 713c.

50 Stat. 522.
7 U. S. C. §§ 1001-


50 Stat. 10.

49 Stat. 1601.

48 Stat. 1055.

For Indian school support, $716.58.

For conservation of health among Indians, $98.93.

For Civilian Conservation Corps (transfer to Interior, Indians), $137.27.

For emergency conservation work (transfer to Interior, Indians, Act February 9, 1937), $59.82.

For emergency conservation work (transfer to Interior, Indians, Act June 22, 1936), $14.90.

For maintenance, Hogback irrigation project, Navajo Reservation, New Mexico, 40 cents.

For emergency conservation fund (transfer from War to Interior, Indians, Act June 19, 1934), $24.

Department of Justice: For salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice, $56.56.

For fees of jurors and witnesses, United States courts, $20.80.
For contingent expenses, Department of Justice, $119.36.
For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $314.17.

For United States penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, maintenance, $3.30.

For salaries and expenses, Federal Bureau of Investigation, $2.50. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $15.60.

For salaries and expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service, $3,294.89.

Department of Labor: For salaries and expenses, Division of Labor Standards, Department of Labor, $29.90.

For traveling expenses, Department of Labor, $3.60.

Navy Department: For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $8,390.55.

For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance, $31,551.25.
For aviation, Navy, $26,843.03.

For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $454.72.

For payment of officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Navy), $85.20.

For construction and repair, Bureau of Construction and Repair, $3,649.

For training, education, and welfare, Navy, 50 cents.

For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $11,351.12. Department of State: For contingent expenses, Foreign Service, $607.03.

For transportation of diplomatic and consular officers, $263.03.
For transportation of Foreign Service officers, $231.17.

Treasury Department: For collecting the revenue from customs, $379.57.

For increase of compensation, Treasury Department, $5.
For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $6.97.

For Coast Guard, $60.

For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $8.

For stationery, Treasury Department, $1.37.

For collecting the internal revenue, $102.08.

For retired pay, Lighthouse Service, $8,328.62.

War Department: For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $855.11.

For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $1,827.26.

For pay of the Army, $598.38.

For National Guard, $2,550.76.

For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $127.26.

For ordnance service and supplies, Army, $24.46.

For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $107.99.

For Army transportation, $333.28.

For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $1,205.41.
For promotion of rifle practice, $43.60.

For regular supplies of the Army, $7.68.

For replacing ordnance and ordnance stores, $14.50.

For increase of compensation, War Department, $2.

For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $7.66.

For subsistence of the Army, $8.98.

For Chemical Warfare Service, Army, $10.20.

For Air Corps, Army, $22.05.

For seacoast defenses, $6.45.

For travel of the Army, $11.59.

For expenses, camps of instruction, and so forth, National Guard, $16.80.

For pay of National Guard for armory drills, $26.

For pay, and so forth, of the Army, War with Spain, $3.30.
For Civilian Conservation Corps (transfer to War), $5,068.65.
For cemeterial expenses, War Department, $7.46.

For loans and relief in stricken agricultural areas (transfer from emergency conservation work to War, Act of June 19, 1934), $213.47. For emergency conservation work (transfer to War, Act June 22, 1936), $2,420.35.

For emergency conservation work (transfer to War, Act February 9, 1937), $1,378.99.

For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act March 31, 1933), $7,025.37.

For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act June 19, 1934), $1,798.73.

Emergency Relief: For emergency relief, emergency conservation work, War, Civilian Conservation Corps, $7,895.69.

For emergency relief, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, expenses of liquidation, $56.80.

For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, administrative expenses (transfer to Agriculture), $133.99.

For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, rural rehabilitation (transfer to Agriculture), $10.07.

For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, sanitation, prevention of soil erosion, and so forth (transfer to Agriculture), $2,212.21.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, grants to States, and so forth, $282.53.

For emergency relief, Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, $4.50. For emergency relief, Interior, National Park Service, acquisition of land for Yosemite National Park, $190.50.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, assistance for educational, professional, and clerical persons, $31.

For emergency relief, emergency conservation work, Interior, Indians, miscellaneous projects, Indian reservations, $20.

For emergency relief, War, rivers and harbors, flood control, and so forth, $15.02.

For emergency relief, Interior, assistance for educational, professional, and clerical persons, $27.50.

For emergency relief, War, Office of Chief of Staff, work-relief projects, $3.19.

For emergency relief, Farm Security Administration, administrative expenses, $163.29.

For emergency relief, Agriculture, public roads, highways, roads, and streets, $73,406.92.

48 Stat. 1055.

49 Stat. 1601.

50 Stat. 10.

48 Stat. 22.

48 Stat. 1055,

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration (non-Federal projects approved prior to June 22, 1936), $973.13.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, public utilities, and so forth, $4,350.98.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, highways, roads, and streets, $534.55.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, administrative expenses, $8.65.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, women's projects, $128.90.

For emergency relief, Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, flood control and other conservation, 80 cents.

For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, flood control and other conservation (transfer to Agriculture), $5.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, parks and recreational facilities, $90.86.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, public buildings (Federal projects), $767.25.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, assistance for educational, professional, and clerical persons, $66.70.

For emergency relief, Agriculture, administrative expenses, $38.35. For emergency relief, Commerce, Census, assistance for educational, professional, and clerical persons, $1.75.

For emergency relief, Agriculture, Forest Service, parks and recreational facilities, $47.25.

For emergency relief, Labor, United States Employment Service, administrative expenses, $4.60.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, non-Federal projects approved prior to June 30, 1937, $2,155.88.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, public buildings, parks, utilities, flood control, and so forth, $29.29.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, assistance for educational, professional, and clerical persons, and so forth, $11.73. For emergency relief, Agriculture, Farm Security Administration, rural rehabilitation, $1,436.46.

For emergency relief, Agriculture, Farm Security Administration, public buildings, parks, utilities, flood control, and so forth, $999.50. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, National Youth Administration (Federal projects), $30.12.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, administrative expenses, general, $54.79.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, assistance for educational, professional, and clerical persons, and so forth, Federal projects, $1.45.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, supply fund, $78.50.

For emergency relief, War, Quartermaster Corps, highways, roads, and streets, $3.20.

For emergency relief, War, Quartermaster Corps, public buildings, parks, utilities, flood control, and so forth, $13.12.

For emergency relief, Justice, administrative expenses, $10.

For emergency relief, Interior, National Park Service, public buildings, parks, utilities, flood control, and so forth, $101.17.

For emergency relief, Agriculture, agricultural economics, public buildings, parks, utilities, flood control, and so forth, $15.

For emergency relief, Treasury, Procurement Division, work relief supply fund, $3.61.

For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, administrative expenses, project supervision, $10.50.

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