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SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to in section 25b of this title. § 50. Substitute to sign certificates for salary and accounts

The Speaker is authorized to designate from time to time some one from among those appointed by him and appropriated for and employed in his office, whose duty it shall be under the direction of the Speaker to sign in his name and for him all certificates required by section 48 of this title for salary and accounts for traveling expenses in going to and returning from Congress of Representatives and Delegates.

(Nov. 12, 1903, P. Res. No. 1, 33 Stat. 1.)


This section is referred to in section 25b of this title.

§ 51. Monuments to deceased Senators or Members of House

Whenever any deceased Senator or Member of the House of Representatives shall be actually interred in the Congressional Cemetery, socalled, it shall be the duty of the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, in the case of a Senator, and of the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, in the case of a Member of the House, to have a monument erected, of granite, with suitable inscriptions, and the cost of the same shall be a charge upon and paid out either from the contingent funds of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, to whichever the deceased may have belonged, and any existing omissions of monuments or inscriptions, as aforesaid, are directed and authorized to be supplied in like manner.

(May 23, 1876, ch. 103, 19 Stat. 54.)


Pub. L. 97-245, Aug. 26, 1982, 96 Stat. 313, provided: "That the Congress finds and declares that

"(1) sections of the Congressional Cemetery in the District of Columbia are of national historic significance, including those areas in which John Philip Sousa, Matthew Brady, J. Edgar Hoover, several former Members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, and many other persons of historical importance and interest are buried; and

"(2) the physical condition of these areas and related portions of the cemetery has deteriorated to the extent that restoration is necessary to protect and preserve the historical values of these areas. "SEC. 2. In order to assist in the restoration and preservation of the historic values of the Congressional Cemetery, the Architect of the Capitol is authorized and directed to make grants to the Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery, Washington, District of Columbia, to be used for a program of restoration and preservation (but not routine maintenance) of the cemetery to be carried out under terms and conditions to be prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol. The Association shall maintain adequate records and accounts of all financial transactions and operations carried out under such program, and such records shall be available at all times for audit and investigation by the Architect or the Comptroller General of the United States. Nothing in this Act (this note) shall be construed to vest title to the Congressional Cemetery in the United States.

"SEC. 3. There is authorized to be appropriated $300,000 for grants to be made under section 2 of this Act, such sums to remain available until expended.

"SEC. 4. No authority under this Act (this note] to make payments shall be effective except to the extent and in such amounts as provided in advance in appropriations Acts."

§§ 52, 53. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-607, ch. V, § 506(k)(7), formerly § 506(h)(7), Oct. 31, 1972, 86 Stat. 1508, redesignated §506(i)(7), Pub. L. 95-391, title I, § 108(a), Sept. 30, 1978, 92 Stat. 773, redesignated § 506(j)(7), Pub. L. 96-304, title I, § 101, July 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 889, redesignated §506(k)(7), Pub. L. 97-276, § 101(e), Oct. 2, 1982, 96 Stat. 1189

Section 52, Pub. L. 92-184, ch. IV, § 401, Dec. 15, 1971, 85 Stat. 634, provided for office space for Senators in their home states. See section 58 of this title.

Section 53, Pub. L. 92-184, ch. IV, § 401, Dec. 15, 1971, 85 Stat. 634, provided for the payment of office expenses of Senators in their home states. See section 58 of this title.


Section 506(k), formerly § 506(h), of Pub. L. 92-607, redesignated § 506(i) by Pub. L. 95-391, title I, § 108(a), Sept. 30, 1978, 92 Stat. 773, redesignated § 506(j) by Pub. L. 96-304, title I, § 101, July 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 889, and redesignated § 506(k) by Pub. L. 97-276, § 101(e), Oct. 2, 1982, 96 Stat. 1189, provided in part that the repeal of these sections is effective Jan. 1, 1973.

§54. United States Code Annotated or Federal Code Annotated; procurement for Members and Resident Commissioner

(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall procure for and furnish to each Member of the House of Representatives and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, either one complete set of the current volumes of the United States Code Annotated, and the current pocket parts thereof, published by the West Publishing Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the Edward Thompson Company, Mineola, New York, or one complete set of the current volumes of the Federal Code Annotated, and the current pocket parts thereof, published by the Bobbs-Merrill Company, Incorporated, a subsidiary of Howard W. Sams and Company, Incorporated, Indianapolis, Indiana, and New York, New York, as such Member or Resident Commissioner may elect, upon his written application to the Clerk containing his certification that the volumes and pocket parts thereof for which he applies are intended for his personal use exclusively. The complete set of the volumes and pocket parts thereof for which the Member or Resident Commissioner applies shall be furnished on a current basis for the continuous period of his service as Member or Resident Commissioner beginning immediately after his application therefor, irrespective of the number of his terms of office covered by such period of service, and his selection of the set of such volumes and pocket parts may not be changed during such period of service. A Member and the Resident Commissioner is entitled to apply for and receive a set of volumes and pocket parts under this authorization after each break in his service as Member or Resident Commissioner.

(b) A Member or the Resident Commissioner is not entitled, for the continuous period of his service described in subsection (a) of this section, to more than one copy of each of the current volumes, and the current pocket parts thereof, for which he applies under this authorization or, after the close of the Ninetieth Congress, to receive a set of volumes and pocket parts under this authorization and a set of the Code of Laws of the United States, and supplements thereto, under section 212 of title 1.

(c) Until otherwise provided by law, there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives such sums as may be necessary to carry out this authorization.

(d) The Committee on House Administration is authorized to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out this authorization.

(Pub. L. 90-392, title I, § 101, July 9, 1968, 82 Stat. 318.)


The United States Code Annotated, referred to in subsec. (a), is published by the West Publishing Company of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Mineola, New York.

The Federal Code Annotated, referred to in subsec. (a), is now published as the United States Code Service by Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company of Rochester, New York, and Bancroft-Whitney Co. of San Francisco, California.


Section is based on House Resolution No. 506, Ninetieth Congress, Aug. 21, 1967, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 90-392.


Adjustment of allowances by Committee on House Administration, see section 57 of this title.

SECTION REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS This section is referred to in section 25b of this title.

§ 55. United States Code Annotated or United States Code Service; procurement for Senators

In lieu of the volumes of the Code of Laws of the United States, and the supplements thereto, supplied a Senator under section 212 of title 1, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to supply to a Senator upon written request of, and as specified by, that Senator

(1) one copy of each of the volumes of the United States Code Annotated being published at the time the Senator takes office, and, as long as that Senator holds office, one copy of each replacement volume, each annual pocket part, and each pamphlet supplementing each such pocket part to the United States Code Annotated; or

(2) one copy of each of the volumes of the United States Code Service being published at the time the Senator takes office, and, as long as the Senator holds office, one copy of each replacement volume and each pocket supplement to the United States Code Service.

A Senator is entitled to make a written request under this paragraph and be supplied such volumes, pocket parts, and supplements the first time he takes office as a Senator and each time thereafter he takes office as a Senator after a

period of time during which he has not been a Senator. In submitting such written request, the Senator shall certify that the volumes, pocket parts, or supplements he is to be supplied are to be for his exclusive, personal use. A Senator holding office on July 9, 1971, shall be entitled to file a written request and receive the volumes, pocket parts, and supplements, as the case may be, referred to in this paragraph if such request is filed within 60 days after July 9, 1971. Expenses incurred under this authorization shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate.

(Pub. L. 92-51, § 101, July 9, 1971, 85 Stat. 129; Pub. L. 92-607, ch. V, § 501, Oct. 31, 1972, 86 Stat. 1504.)


1972-Pub. L. 92-607 substituted "United States Code Service" for "Federal Code Annotated" in two instances.

§ 56. Office expenses within the District of Columbia of the Delegate from the District of Columbia

Effective as of April 1, 1971, until otherwise provided by law, the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall reimburse the Delegate from the District of Columbia, from the contingent fund of the House, in an amount not more than $300 quarterly, upon certification of the Delegate, for official office expenses incurred within the District of Columbia.

(Pub. L. 92-184, ch. IV, § 401, Dec. 15, 1971, 85 Stat. 636.)


Section is based on section 2 of House Resolution No. 418, Ninety-second Congress, May 18, 1971, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 92-184.


Section 302(a), (b), and (d) of House Resolution No. 287, Ninety-fifth Congress, Mar. 2, 1977, enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 95-94, title I, § 115, Aug. 5, 1977, 91 Stat. 668, provided that:

"(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law and until otherwise provided by law

"(1) effective January 3, 1977, each Member of the House of Representatives shall be entitled to reimbursement under the nineteenth paragraph under the subheading 'CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE' under the heading 'HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES' in the Legislative Appropriation Act, 1955 (2 U.S.C. 122a), or under chapter 4, section 401, of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1972 (2 U.S.C. 56), for any official expense incurred in the United States; and

"(2) the Clerk of the House may make disbursements under the paragraph referred to in paragraph (1) by (A) direct payment to the person from whom goods or services are obtained by the Member involved under such paragraph; or (B) reimbursement to the Member involved or person designated by the Member.

"(b) Effective January 3, 1978, notwithstanding any other provision of law and until otherwise provided by law, and conditional upon the adoption of a House rule prohibiting Members of the House of Representatives from maintaining unofficial office accounts, the entitlement of each Member of the House of Representatives under the nineteenth paragraph under the subheading 'CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF THE HOUSE' under the heading 'HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES' in the Legislative Appropriation Act, 1955 (2 U.S.C. 122a), or under chapter 4, section 401, of the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1972 (2 U.S.C. 56), shall not exceed $7,000 annually.

"(d) For purposes of this section, the terms 'Member of the House of Representatives' and 'Member' mean each Representative in, or Delegate or Resident Commissioner to, the House of Representatives."

Section 302(a), (b), and (d) of House Resolution No. 287 is also set out as a note under section 122a of this title. Section 302(c) of such resolution is set out as a note under section 41 of this title.


Adjustment of allowances by Committee on House Administration, see section 57 of this title.

Delegate to House of Representatives from District of Columbia, see sections 25a, 25b of this title.

§ 57. Adjustment of allowances by Committee on House Administration

(a) Until otherwise provided by law, the Committee on House Administration may, as the committee considers appropriate, fix and adjust from time to time, by order of the committee, the amounts of allowances (including the terms, conditions, and other provisions pertaining to those allowances) within the following categories:

(1) for Members of the House of Representatives, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and the Delegate from the District of Columbia-allowances for clerk hire, postage stamps, stationery, telephone and telegraph and other communications, official office space and official office expenses in the congressional district represented (including, as applicable, a State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia), official telephone services in the congressional district represented, and travel and mileage to and from the congressional district represented; and

(2) for the standing committees, the Speaker, the majority and minority leaders, the majority and minority whips, the Clerk, the Sergeant at Arms, the Doorkeeper, and the Postmaster of the House of Representatives-allowances for postage stamps, stationery, and telephone and telegraph and other communications.

(b) The contingent fund of the House of Representatives is made available to carry out the purposes of this section.

(Pub. L. 92-184, ch. IV, § 401, Dec. 15, 1971, 85 Stat. 636.)


Section is based on House Resolution No. 457, Ninety-second Congress, May 27, 1971, which was enacted into permanent law by Pub. L. 92-184.


Resolved, that effective January 25, 1972, each Member of the House of Representatives shall be enti

*Rescinded. See Committee Order No. 12.

tled to office space suitable for his use in the district he represents at such places designated by him in such district. The Sergeant at Arms shall secure office space satisfactory to the Member in post offices or Federal buildings at not more than two (2) locations if such space is available. Office space to which a Member is entitled under this resolution which is not secured by the Sergeant at Arms may be secured by the Member, and the Clerk shall approve for payment from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives vouchers covering bona fide statements of amounts due for office space not exceeding a total allowance to each Member of $200 per month; but if a Member certifies to the Committee on House Administration that he is unable to obtain suitable space in his district for $200 per month due to high rental rates or other factors, the Committee on House Administration may, as the Committee considers appropriate, direct the Clerk to approve for payment from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives vouchers covering bona fide statements of amounts due for suitable office space not exceeding a total allowance to each Member of $350 per month. Members shall be entitled to have no more than three (3) district offices outfitted with office equipment, carpeting, and draperies at the expense of the General Services Administration.

As used in this resolution the term "Member" means any Member of the House of Representatives, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and the Delegate of the District of Columbia.


Resolved, that effective January 3, 1973, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration:

(a) The contingent fund of the House of Representatives is made available for reimbursement of transportation expenses incurred by Members (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico) in traveling on official business, by the nearest usual route, between Washington, District of Columbia, and any point in the district which he représents, for not more than 36 round trips during each Congress, such reimbursement to be made in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives.

(b) The contingent fund of the House of Representatives is made available for reimbursement of transportation expenses incurred by employees in the office of a Member (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico) for not more than 6 round trips during any Congress between Washington, District of Columbia and any point in the Congressional district represented by the Member. Such payment shall be made only upon vouchers approved by the Member, containing a certification by him that such travel was performed on official duty. The Committee on House Administration shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out this section.

(c) A Member of the House of Representatives (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico) may elect to receive in any Congress, in lieu of reimbursement of transportation expenses for such Congress is authorized in paragraph (a) above, a lump sum transportation payment of $2,250 for each Congress. The Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out this section.

(d) This order shall not affect any allowance for travel of Members of the House of Representatives (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico) which is authorized to be paid from funds other than the contingent fund of the House of Representatives.


Resolved, that effective March 1, 1972, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration, each Member of the House of Representatives, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and the Delegate from the District of Columbia shall be entitled to an annual clerk hire allowance of $157,092 for not to exceed 16 clerks. There shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives such sums as may be necessary to carry out this order until otherwise provided by law.


Resolved, that effective January 3, 1973, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration; the allowance for stationery for each Member of the House of Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Commissioner shall be $4,250 per regular session.


Resolved, that effective May 1, 1973, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration upon written request to the Committee on House Administration, a Member, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, or a Delegate to the House of Representatives may employ in lieu of 1 of the 16 clerks allowed under his clerk hire allowance, a research assistant at such salary as the Member may designate. The Member's annual clerk hire allowance will then be increased at the rate of $20,000.

There shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives such sums as may be necessary to carry out this order until otherwise provided by law.


Resolved, that effective May 1, 1973, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration, upon written request to the Committee on House Administration, a Member, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico or a Delegate to the House of Representatives may allocate up to $250 a month of any unused portion of his clerk hire allowance for the leasing of equipment necessary for the conduct of his office.

There shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives such sums as may be necessary to carry out this order until otherwise provided by law.


Resolved, that effective October 1, 1973, until otherwise provided by Order of the Committee on House Administration the quarterly allowance for official telephone service outside the District of Columbia for Members, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico is increased from $450 quarterly to $600 quarterly.


Resolved, that effective October 1, 1973, until otherwise provided by Order of the Committee on House Administration the quarterly allowance for official office expenses incurred outside the District of Columbia by Members, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico has been increased from $300 quarterly to $500 quarterly.


Resolved, that effective October 1, 1973, until otherwise provided by Order of the Committee on House Administration the number of units provided for official telephone calls, telegrams, cablegrams, and radiograms made or sent by on or behalf of a Member, Delegate, or the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico has been increased from 80,000 units to 100,000 units for each regular session of Congress. Such units shall

accumulate and be available for use until the aggregate number of such units in the close of each session is not more than 200,000. Unused units in excess of 200,000 at the close of session may not be carried forward for use in a succeeding session.


Resolved, that until otherwise provided by the Committee on House Administration, there shall be paid from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives to each Member, Resident Commissioner, or Delegate to the House of Representatives an additional allowance of $1,000 for stationery. Such payment shall be effective each session beginning with the 2nd Session of the 93d Congress.

Effective date: 2d Session of the 93d Congress.


Resolved, that effective January 1, 1974, until otherwise provided by the Committee on House Administration, one word of a telegram, cablegram, or radiogram, shall be charged as two (2) units, except that one word of a night letter shall be charged as one (1) unit. In addition, twelve (12) units shall be charged for physical delivery of any telegram, cablegram, or radiogram, by the Telegraph Company.


Resolved, that effective March 1, 1974, each Member of the House of Representatives shall be entitled to office space suitable for his use in the district he represents at such places designated by him in such district. The Sergeant at Arms shall secure office space satisfactory to the Member in post offices or Federal buildings at not more than three (3) locations if such space is available. Office space to which a Member is entitled under this resolution which is not secured by the Sergeant At Arms may be secured by the Member, and the Clerk shall approve for payment from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives vouchers covering bona fide statements of amounts due for office space not exceeding a total allowance to each Member of $200 per month; but if a Member certifies to the Committee on House Administration that he is unable to obtain suitable space in his district for $200 per month due to high rental rates or other factors, the Committee on House Administration may, as the Committee considers appropriate, direct the Clerk to approve for payment from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives vouchers covering bona fide statements of amounts due for suitable office space not exceeding a total allowance to each Member of $500 per month. In the event suitable office space is not available in post offices or other Federal buildings and the Member certifies to the Committee on House Administration that he is unable to obtain suitable private space in his district for $500.00 per month due to high rental rates or other factors, the Committee on House Administration may direct the Clerk to approve for payment from the contingent fund of the House of Representatives vouchers covering bona fide statements of amounts due for suitable office space not exceeding approximately 1,500 square feet at rates not to exceed the highest applicable rate charged to Federal agencies in the district established by regulations issued by the Administrator of General Services pursuant to Section 210(j) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490(j)). Members shall be entitled to have no more than three (3) district offices outfitted with office equipment, carpeting, and draperies at the expense of the General Services Administration.

As used in this resolution the term "Member" means any Member of the House of Representatives, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and the Delegates from the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.

Committee Order No. 12 rescinds the provisions of Committee Order No. 1 revised.


istration, each Member, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico or a Delegate to the House of Representatives is authorized a $650 per month allowance to lease office equipment, and upon written request to the Committee on House Administration, a Member, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico or a Delegate to the House of Representatives may allocate an amount not to exceed $250 a month of any unused portion of his or her clerk hire allowance for the leasing of equipment necessary for the conduct of his or her office or for the leasing of computer and related services in connection with his or her official duties. The said monthly allowances are not cumulative. Effective date: April 23, 1975.

Resolved, that in addition to postage stamps authorized to be furnished under any other provision of law, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration, the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall for each regular session of Congress procure and furnish United States postage stamps to each Representative, the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and the Delegates from the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands in an amount not exceeding $230, and to each standing committee of the House of Representatives upon request of the chairman thereof, in an amount not exceeding $140. In addition to postage stamps authorized under any other provision of law, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration, the Speaker, the majority and minority leaders, and the majority and minority whips of the House of Representatives shall each be allowed United States postage stamps in an amount not exceeding $205.

Effective date: August 20, 1974.


Resolved, that until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration; the allowance for Stationery for each Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner, shall be $6,500 per regular session. Such payment shall be made to each Member, Delegate, and the Resident Commissioner serving as such on or after the date of adoption of this resolution.

Effective date: August 20, 1974.


Resolved, the Clerk of the House is authorized and directed to pay each Member, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and the Delegates to the House of Representatives from the contingent fund of the House the amount of $500 quarterly upon the certification of each such Member, Resident Commissioner and Delegate for official expenses incurred outside the District of Columbia; effective with the beginning of the 94th Congress.

Effective date: December 18, 1974.


Resolved, that effective this date, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration, each Member, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and the Delegate from the District of Columbia to the House of Representatives shall be entitled to an annual clerk hire allowance for the employment of not to exceed 18 clerks, and the Delegates from Guam and the Virgin Islands to the House of Representatives shall be entitled to an annual clerk hire allowance for the employment of not to exceed 11 clerks.

Effective date: March 6, 1975.


Resolved, that effective March 1, 1975, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration, upon written request to the Committee on House Administration, a Member, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico or a Delegate to the House of Representatives may allocate an amount not to exceed $250 a month of any unused portion of his or her clerk hire allowance for the leasing of equipment necessary for the conduct of his or her office or for the leasing of computer and related services in connection with his or her official duties.


Resolved, that effective this date, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Admin


Resolved, that effective this date [June 2, 1975], until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration:

(a) The contingent fund of the House of Representatives is made available for reimbursement of transportation expenses incurred by Members (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, the Delegates from the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Guam) in traveling, on official business, by the nearest usual route, between Washington, District of Columbia, and any point in the district which he represents, for not more than 26-round trips during each session of Congress (at the discretion of the Member, Resident Commissioner and Delegates no more than 6 of the 26-round trips may be allocated to the employees of their offices, such reimbursement to be made in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives.

(b) The contingent fund of the House of Representatives is made available for reimbursement of transportation expenses incurred by employees in the office of a Member (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, the Delegates from the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Guam) in traveling, on official business, by the nearest usual route, between Washington, District of Columbia, and any point in the Congressional district represented by the Member, for not more than 6-round trips during each session of Congress. Such payment shall be made only upon the receipt of a voucher approved by the Member, containing a certification by him stating that such travel was performed on official business. The Committee on House Administration shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out this section.

(c) A Member of the House of Representatives (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, the Delegates from the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Guam) may elect to receive in each session of Congress, in lieu of reimbursement of transportation expenses for each session of Congress as authorized in paragraph (a) above, a lump sum transportation payment of $2,250 for each session of Congress. The Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives shall make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out this section.

(d) This order shall not affect any allowance for travel of Members of the House of Representatives (including the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, the Delegates from the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Guam) which is authorized to be paid from funds other than the contingent fund of the House of Representatives.


Resolved, that effective June 1, 1975, until otherwise provided by order of the Committee on House Administration, each Member of the House of Representatives, the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, and the Delegates from the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, and Guam shall be entitled to an addi

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