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Mr. Shirley Allen, forester, the American Forestry Association_-_-

Mr. Albert H. Baker, president of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleve-

land, Ohio__

Mr. Landon C. Bell, representing the W. M. Ritter Lumber Co.,

Columbus, Ohio__.

Mr. Fred Brenckman, representing the National Grange, Washing-

ton, D. C__

Mr. W. R. Brown, Bennington, N. H---

Mr. John B. Burnham, president American Game Protective Associa-

tion, New York City-

Mr. Wilson Compton, secretary and manager of the National Lumber

Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C‒‒‒‒

Mr. S. E. Dana, representing the Society of American Foresters--.

Mr. J. M. Dickinson, president of the Izaak Walton League of

America, 231 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Ill__.

Col. W. B. Greeley, Chief of the United States Forest Service__.

Mr. Charles H. Herty, adviser of the Chemical Foundation____
Mr. J. M. McFarland, president of the Utah State Growers Associa-
tion, Salt Lake City, Utah_--

Mr. W. R. Ogg, representing the American Farm Bureau Federation,

Washington, D. C‒‒‒‒‒

Mr. Axel H. Oxholm, representing the National Committee on Wood
Utilization, Department of Commerce..

Mr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, consulting engineer and adviser, Chapel

Hill, N. C___.

Mr. Julian E. Rothery, forest engineer, International Paper Co., New

York City-

Mr. George W. Sisson, jr., representing the American Paper and Pulp

Association, Potsdam, N. Y---

Mr. Lawrence W. Wallace, executive secretary American Engineering
Council, Washington, D. C‒‒‒‒

Mr. J. W. Watzek, jr., representing Crossett Watzek Gates, lumber

manufacturers, Railway Exchange, Chicago, Ill__

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