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fascination of the varied themes, there has been the added strength arising from the testimonies of believers and skeptics also, as to the morality, sublimity, and matchless power of the one Book that may call the world, in all ages, its owner; since the world's oppositions, criticisms, and false statements of truths have not robbed it of even its shortest verse. More than this, it is the World's Book because of what it has done; and because it still keeps on doing that for which it has been sent-deathless like the Mind whose thoughts it records.

These lectures, written under all the pressure of an active city pastorate, may yet, even under such disadvantages, have gained some suggestions from what the multitudes are thinking; suggestions that might not have entered the solitude of the scholar undisturbed by the intense activities of the average life. The direct form of address in which these lectures were given to the audiences gathered to hear them, is preserved for their readers in this book.

What Haydn wrote as the preface to all the works of his art, is adopted as the motto of this volume upon "The Deathless Book": "In Nomine Domini." - In the name of God. Whatever the imperfections of this book, these words are true of the motive that sends it forth from my study into every home that shall give it a place.

WORCESTER, MASS., Feb. 1, 1888.

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ASIATIC culture and renown, lost. Baldwin's Prehistoric
Nations quoted. Max Müller; remnants of beauty
in most degraded jargons. Lost splendors of Nine-
veh, Troy, Peru. Professor Bowen's testimony.
Civilization, resultant from contact with outside
higher ideal. Merivale; Religion and Civilization.
Character partly dependent upon environment.
Buckle, Mill, Froude, in evidence
BIBLICAL doctrine of Man.

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National standard marked
by its religion. Bible and England's greatness.
Matthew Arnold's testimony. M. Taine; England
and its Book. Professor Huxley; The Book and
English History
Two books: Nature and the Bible. Socrates and Plu-
tarch. Zend Avesta, Buddhism, empty. Clarke's
"Ten Great Religions" quoted. Fundamental doc-
trines of the Bible. Most human book. Firty-first
Psalm, power over the race. Destructive criticism
powerless. Universal Book. Goethe upon Nature.
Book meets degeneration by principles of regenera-

I. TEST of Bible's power in the individual. Doctrines

adapted to all conditions. No argument against, that

all do not accept it. Cannibals become saints. No

permanent good without it. John Locke, on Script-

ures. Paul, Bunyan, Newton. Bible and right-

eousness; Matthew Arnold quoted. Ibid; Men

cannot do without the Bible. Franklin to Thomas

Paine. Doctor Johnson upon David Hume

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