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2.202-3 Place and Method of Delivery of Supplies.

(a) Invitations for bids solicited FOB origin shall state that bids will be evaluated on the basis of bid price plus transportation cost to the Government from point or origin to one or more designated destinations. Invitations for bids solicited FOB destination should inform prospective suppliers of any known lack of transportation facilities at destination or other factors which may affect the supplier's transportation costs.

(b) Invitations for bids solicited FOB origin or destination shall include as much of the following information as is pertinent to the particular procurement and shall require bidders to furnish the Government such of the following information as may be appropriate:

(i) Method of shipment, such as rail, water, air, or truck.

(ii) When minimum size of shipment requirements are appropriate, a provision substantially as follows:

MINIMUM SIZE OF SHIPMENT (JULY 1965) The Government desires that the minimum size of shipments be carload or truckload lots. If the bidder is unable to tender delivery in carload or truckload lots, he may set forth below the minimum size of shipments he will tender for delivery:


Minimum size of shipments

_to be completed by bidder

If the bidder does not indicate otherwise, he must tender delivery in carload or truckload lots. Bids will be evaluated to take into account the transportation costs to the Government. If delivery is tendered in smaller quantities than set forth above, the contract price shall be reduced by the difference between the actual cost of transportation and the cost the Government would have incurred had the minimum size of shipment been complied with.

(iii) If shipping weights (and dimensions, if applicable) of items to be procured are not shown in the solicitation and may vary among prospective suppliers with a resultant variation in transportation costs and such costs are made a factor in bid evaluation, a provision substantially as follows:

GUARANTEED MAXIMUM SHIPPING WEIGHTS (AND DIMENSIONS IF APPLICABLE) (JULY 1965) Each bid will be evaluated to the destination specified by adding to the FOB origin price all transportation costs to said destination. The guaranteed maximum shipping weights (and dimensions if applicable) are required for determination of transportation costs. Bidder must state the weights (and dimensions if applicable) in his bid or it will be rejected. If delivered items exceed the guaranteed maximum shipping weights (and dimensions if applicable), the bidder agrees that the contract price shall be reduced by an amount equal to the difference between the transportation costs computed for evaluation purposes based on bidder's guaranteed maximum shipping weights (and dimensions if applicable) and the transportation costs that should have been used for bid evaluation purposes based on correct shipping data.

(iv) packing, crating, and other preparations;

(v) transit privileges (traffic management personnel can furnish necessary information and analyses of situations where transit privileges may be beneficial).

(vi) any other shipping information required for evaluation.


(c) When the exact destination of the supplies being purchased is not known at the time bids are solicited, but the general geographical section in which delivery will be made is known, such as East Coast, Middle West, or West Coast, for purposes of evaluation of bids only, a definite place(s) or zone(s) shall be designated in the known geographical sector of delivery as the point to which transportation costs will be computed in determining the low bidder. However, the invitation should specify that bids will be submitted FOB origin and that shipment will be made on Government bill of lading. So that prospective bidders may understand the method of evaluation to be used, the invitation shall contain a provision substantially as follows:

For the purpose of evaluating bids (and for no other purpose), the final destinations for the supplies will be considered to be as follows: [insert destination(s)]. Invitations for bids shall contain a statement that bids submitted on a basis other than FOB origin will be rejected as nonresponsive.

2.202-4 Bid Samples.

(a) Definition. The term "bid sample" means a sample required by the invitation for bids to be furnished by a bidder as a part of his bid to show the characteristics of a product offered in his bid. Such samples will be used only for the purpose of determining the responsiveness of the bid and will not be considered on the issue of a bidder's ability to produce the required items.

(b) Policy. Bidders shall not be required to furnish a bid sample of a product they propose to furnish unless there are certain characteristics of the product which cannot be described adequately in the applicable specification or purchase description, thus necessitating the submission of a sample to assure procurement of an acceptable product. It may be appropriate to require bid samples, for example, where the procurement is of products that must be suitable from the standpoint of balance, facility of use, general "feel", color, or pattern, or that have certain other characteristics which cannot be described adequately in the applicable specifications. Where, however, based on this criteria, the use of bid samples is justified, the samples may be examined for any required characteristics, whether or not such characteristics may be adequately described in the specifications. Invitations shall list all of the characteristics for which the sample will be examined and bids will be rejected as nonresponsive if the sample fails to conform to each of the listed characteristics. Where more than a minor portion of the characteristics of the product cannot be adequately described in the specification, the product should be procured by two-step formal advertising or by negotiation, as appropriate.

(c) Justification. The reasons why acceptable products cannot be procured without the submission of bid samples shall be set forth and filed in the contract file, except where such submission is required by the formal specifications (Federal, Military, or other) applicable to the procurement.

(d) Requirements of Invitation for Bids. When bid samples are required, the invitation for bids shall (i) state the number and, if appropriate, the size of the samples to be submitted and otherwise fully describe the samples required,


(ii) state clearly the purpose for which the samples are needed and the criteria against which they will be tested or evaluated, and (iii) include a provision in accordance with (e) below. Where samples are not considered necessary and a waiver of the sample requirements of a specification has been authorized, a statement shall be included in the invitation for bids that notwithstanding the requirements of the specifications, samples will not be required.

(e) Invitation for Bids Provision. When bid samples are required, a provision substantially as follows (modified, if appropriate, in accordance with (f) below), shall be included in the invitation for bids:


(a) Bid samples, in the quantities, sizes, etc., required for the items so indicated in this Invitation for Bids, must be furnished as a part of the bid and must be received before the time set for opening bids. Samples will be evaluated to determine compliance with all characteristics listed for examination in the Invitation.

(b) Failure of samples to conform to all such characteristics will require rejection of the bid. Failure to furnish samples by the time specified in the Invitation for Bids will require rejection of the bid, except where a late sample was transmitted by mail and it is established under the provision for considering late bids, as set forth elsewhere in this Invitation, that the sample was timely mailed.

(c) Products delivered under any resulting contract shall strictly comply with the approved sample as to the characteristics listed for examination and shall conform to the specifications as to all other characteristics.

(f) Waiver of Requirement for Bid Samples.

(1) The provision prescribed in (e) above may be modified to provide that the requirement for furnishing samples may be waived as to a bidder who offers a product previously or currently being procured or tested by NASA and found to comply with specification requirements conforming in every material respect with those in the current invitation for bids so that further evaluation or testing would not add to the Government's knowledge of the acceptability of the product. When provision is to be made for such waiver, the invitation for bids provision in (e) above shall be modified by adding substantially the following at the end of paragraph (b) thereof:

However, the requirement for furnishing samples may be waived as to a bidder if (i) the bidder states in his bid that the product he is offering to furnish is the same as a product he has offered to [insert name of the NASA installation] on a previous procurement and (ii) the Contracting Officer determines that such product was previously procured or tested by the [insert name of the NASA installation] and found to comply with specification requirements conforming in every material respect to those in this Invitation for Bids. (JANUARY 1964)

(2) Where considered necessary because of the nature of the products, the provision in (f) (1) above may be limited to provide for waiving the requirement only if the product offered is produced at the same plant at which the product previously procured or tested was produced.

(g) Unsolicited Samples. If bid samples are not required by the invitation for bids, but samples are furnished with a bid, they will not be considered as qualifying the bid and will be disregarded, unless it is clear from the bid or accompanying papers that it was the bidder's intention so to qualify the bid.

(h) Disposition of Samples. Samples, if not destroyed in testing, shall be returned to bidders at their request and expense, unless otherwise specified in the invitation for bids. See paragraph 5(c) of Standard Form 33-A, entitled, Solicitation, Instructions, and Conditions," (July 1966 Ed.).


2.202-5 Descriptive Literature.

(a) Definition. As used in this paragraph 2.202-5, the term "descriptive literature" means information, such as cuts, illustrations, drawings, and brochures, which show the characteristics or construction of a product or explain its operation, furnished by a bidder as a part of his bid to describe the products offered in his bid. The term includes only information required to determine acceptability of the product, and excludes other information such as that furnished in connection with the qualifications of a bidder or for use in operating or maintaining equipment.

(b) Policy. Bidders shall not be required to furnish descriptive literature as a part of their bids unless the procurement office deems that such literature is needed to enable it to determine before award whether the products offered meet the specification requirements of the invitation for bids and to establish exactly what the bidder proposes to furnish. It may be appropriate to require descriptive literature in the procurement of highly technical or specialized equipment, or where considerations such as design or style are important in determining acceptability of the product.

(c) Justification. The reasons why acceptable products cannot be procured without the submission of descriptive literature shall be set forth and filed in the contract file, except where such submission is required by the formal specifications (Federal, Military, or other) applicable to the procurement. (d) Requirements of Invitation for Bids.

(1) When descriptive literature is required, the invitation for bids shall clearly state what descriptive literature is to be furnished, the purpose for which it is required, the extent to which it will be considered in the evaluation of bids, and the rules which will apply if a bidder fails to furnish it before bid opening or if the literature furnished does not comply with the requirements of the invitation for bids. Where descriptive literature is not considered necessary and a waiver of the literature requirements of a specification has been authorized, a statement shall be included in the invitation for bids that notwithstanding the requirements of the specifications, descriptive literature will not be required. (2) Except as provided in (3) below, if bidders are to furnish descriptive literature as a part of their bids, a provision substantially as follows (modified, if appropriate, in accordance with (e) (1) below) shall be included in the invitation for bids:


(a) Descriptive literature as specified in this Invitation for Bids must be furnished as a part of the bid and must be received before the time set for opening bids. The literature furnished must be identified to show the item in the bid to which it pertains. The descriptive literature is required to establish, for the purposes of bid evaluation and award, details of the products the bidder proposes to furnish as to [*. __}.

(b) Failure of descriptive literature to show that the product offered conforms to the specifications and other requirements of this Invitation for Bids will require rejection of the bid. Failure to furnish the descriptive literature by the time specified in the Invitation for Bids will require rejection of the bid, except that if the material is transmitted by mail and is received late, it may be considered under the provisions for considering late bids, as set forth elsewhere in this Invitation for Bids.

*The contracting officer shall insert significant elements such as design, materials, components, or performance characteristics; or methods of manufacture, construction, assembly, or operation, as appropriate.


(3) When a brand name or equal purchase description is used, the requirements of this paragraph 2.202-5 are met by inserting in the invitation for bids the Brand Name or Equal provision authorized by Part 1, Subpart 12 of this Regulation.

(e) Waiver of Requirements for Descriptive Literature.

(1) The provision prescribed in (d) (1) above may be modified to provide that the requirements for furnishing descriptive literature may be waived as to a particular bidder if (i) the bidder states in his bid that the product he is offering to furnish is the same as a product previously or currently being furnished NASA, and (ii) it is determined by the contracting officer that such product complies with the specification requirements of the current invitation for bids. When provision is to be made for such waiver, the invitation for bids provision in (d) (2) above shall be modified by adding substantially the following at the end of paragraph (b) thereof:

However, the requirements for furnishing descriptive literature may be waived as to a bidder if (i) the bidder states in his bid that the product he is offering to furnish is the same as a product he has previously furnished to [insert name of the NASA installation] under a prior contract and the bidder identifies the contract, and (ii) the Contracting Officer determines that such product meets the requirements of this Invitation for Bids. (JANUARY 1964)

(2) If the invitation for bids contains a provision for waiver in accordance with (e)(1) above, a bidder may submit his bid either on the basis of the descriptive literature to be furnished or on the basis of a previously procured product. If he elects to submit his bid on one basis, he is precluded from having his bid considered on the alternative basis after bids are opened.

(f) Unsolicited Descriptive Literature. If the furnishing of descriptive literature is not required by the invitation for bids, but such literature is furnished with a bid, it will not be considered as qualifying the bid, and will be disregarded, unless it is clear from the bid or accompanying papers that it was the bidder's intention so to qualify the bid.

(g) See 2.404-4 for requirements with respect to restrictions on the public disclosure of descriptive literature submitted by a bidder.

2.203 Methods of Soliciting Bids.

2.203-1 Mailing or Delivering to Prospective Bidders.

(a) Invitations for bids or pre-invitation notices (see 2.205-4(c)) shall be mailed (or delivered) to a sufficient number of prospective bidders so as to elicit adequate competition. Invitations for bids may be mailed for informational purposes to other Government agencies, including procurement information offices.

(b) In the case of construction contracts, copies of the invitation for bids, including plans and specifications, if available, may be furnished upon request to nonbidders having a direct interest in the bidding, such as subcontractors, materialmen, and suppliers of equipment for installation or use by the prime contractor on the project. Such copies may also be furnished to any established trade publication or association requesting them, provided that the activities of the publications or associations are not restricted to publishing bid information for which a charge is made.

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