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location and salutary regulations. From accurate statistical reports, the proportion of deaths is smaller at this Asylum than at any other similar institution in the United States. Since the opening of this Asylum there have been but fifteen deaths, or about four and a half per cent.

In consequence of the enlargement of the building by the erection of the new wing, and the desire to extend its benefits as much as possible to every class of the community, the trustees have made still greater reduction in the terms of admission. They were enabled to do this by the increased number of patients, which yield a greater income without a corresponding increase of expenses, as the number of officers remains the


The farm continues to afford cheerful and healthy exercise to the patients, which in an eminent degree conduces to their restoration. It is also a considerable source of income, enabling the trustees to diminish the expenses of the patients. When the institution shall have sufficient funds to enlarge the farm, still greater reductions will be made in the terms of admission.

The present state of the financial concerns of the institution cannot now be exhibited, on account of the present severe and protracted illness of the Treasurer. It will be seen by the Superintendent's report, that the income, arising from the proceeds of the farm and the board of the patients, is fully equal to the expenditures, which include the salaries of the officers, as well as the other current expenses.

The mode of treatment which is practised at this Asylum, and which has been attended with such signal success, has ever commanded our entire approbation. The discipline of former times, which consisted in the exhibition of physical force, and awing the patients into submission, the object of which was the security of the patient and the public, has never been introduced into this institution. In its moral management, it is made the duty of every officer and assistant to endeavor to secure the confidence and good-will of the patients. For this purpose, they are treated with the greatest kindness and forbearance. They are made to understand, as far as they are capable, that whatever restraints are necessary are not applied for the purpose of punishment, but for their own benefit. They are promoted in their classification as soon as they have the power of self-control, which operates as a powerful inducement to make proper efforts to retain their places. They are never subject to any personal restraint unless to prevent violence, or the destruction of property.

The sewing parties of the females have been continued as formerly, and with the best results. So highly do the patients consider the privilege of attending them, that many who are wild and boisterous in the halls, will control their feelings during an afternoon while at these assemblies. There are also frequent quilting and sewing parties in the halls. All the bedding for the new wing, as well as all the regular sewing for the asylum, has been done by the patients under the direction of the matron and nurses. The consciousness of doing something for their fellow sufferers, affords them grateful reflections. For the means of furnishing cheerful employment for the patients, as well as for the cleanliness and neatness of the building, together with the performance of many other arduous duties, great credit is due to the matron for her prudent and successful management.

While reviewing the success of the institution, the trustees would gratefully notice the ability and zeal of the superintendent, to whose ac

ute discernment, scientific skill, judicious management, and persevering efforts, are to be mainly attributed the prosperity and usefulness of the Asylum.



Brattleboro' Oct. 4th, 1841.



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The number of patients remaining at the close of the year,
There have been admitted during the year,

Total enjoying the benefits of the Asylum,
There have been discharged during the year,

There remains October 1st, 1841,

Of the 70 cases discharged there are


Not recovered,

81 84




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Recovered of all the cases discharged the past year 58 4-7 per cent.


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the old cases discharged the past year 28 4-7 per cent.
the recent cases discharged the past year 88 4-7 per ct.
the cases discharged, 57 per cent.

the old cases discharged 28 3-4 per cent.
the recent cases discharged 89 1-5 per cent.

In reviewing the events of the past year, we are grateful in the retros→ pect of having had no epidemic or prevalent disease, no suicide or elopement, and no accident to any patient, officer or attendant of the Institution. We have enjoyed a degree of health and comfort, and have been prospered with a measure of success, which demands our gratitude to that benificent Being to whom we are indebted for every good.

We have had no prevalent sickness, but we have not been exempt from that degree of mortality which necessarily attends all similar institutions. We have had but four deaths, three of whom were of our incurable class, and one was seventy-seven years of age.


We rejoice that we have so healthy a location. The mountain air is very favorable for the health of our inmates. Our male patients have been employed in agricultural pursuits, and other employments in the open air, more than those of any other similar institution in this country. We also amuse them by walking, riding, playing ball, quoits, and other various out door amusements. Our female patients are taken out for riding, walking, visiting the garden and culling its flowers, of which we have a great variety. We endeavor to have all of our female patients, who are sufficiently quiet, to ride every fair day.

are frequently taken out to walk about the premises.

Those that are wild

It will be seen that a far greater proportion of recent cases recover than of those which are of longer standing. It is very desirable that the insane should be placed under proper curative treatment in the earlier stages of the disease. We all know how much sooner other diseases yield to proper medication at their commencement, and it is much more necessary in cases of insarity. But in cases of longer duration, we have many recoveries. Of those whose disease is not of more than three years duration, many recover, and of those cases which are of many years standing, there is now and then a recovery; and what is of great importance, many are so much improved as to become agreeable inmates of a family, and are capable of supporting themselves.


We rejoice in the enlargament of our building the past season. We have suffered for want of sufficient accommodations. Our prospects are now fair that we shall be able to receive all who may apply for admisWe are also enabled to make a greater classification, which is of great importance in the treatment of the insane. We now have quiet and spacious accommodations for those who may be taken sick, where they can receive proper attention, free from all annoyances, and where their immediate relations and friends can, if they desire, administer tò their comfort and relief.


A proper classification of the patients of a lunatic asylum is of great importance in their moral treatment. The continued efforts to self-control and self respect, which they make to retain their places, or to be promoted, contribute much to their improvement and restoration. desire of the good opinion of others, is so universal a principle of our nature, that whatever calls it into proper exercise, has a favorable effect in counteracting those morbid propensities with which the insane are so often afflicted. All our attendants and assistants have it repeatedly impressed on their minds, as a fundamental principle of our treatinent, that they are at all times to treat every patient with due respect, and that to neglect this rule, is to neglect one of our principal means of recovery.

Of the various exercises in which our patients partake, none appear to produce such favorable results as those of some useful employment, which varies with each patient according to his former education, habits and taste. Other exercises and amusements are great auxiliaries to their comfort and recovery. It is a great object with us that the mind of every patient shall be pleasantly employed on some other subjects than those of his delusions.

We have a library of between three and four hundred volumes, which are furnished for the patients according to their taste and state of their minds. A much less number of books is destroyed, than would at first be supposed, considering the condition of many of the readers. We take several periodicals, besides newspapers from the different parts of this and the adjoining States. I would not fail at this time to present our grateful

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