860 Whether the style of Titan please thee more, DRYOPE IN ARBOREM. D IXIT: et, admonitu veteris commota mi niftrae, Ingemuit; quam fic nurus eft adfata dolentem : Te tamen, o genitrix, alienae sanguine veftro Rapta movet facies. quid fi tibi mira fororis Fata meae referam? quanquam lacrymaeque dolor que Impediunt, prohibentque loqui. fuit unica matri NOTES. 10 DRYOPE.] Upon the Occafion of the Death of Hercules, his Mother Alcmena recounts her misfortunes to Iole, who answers THE : FABLE OF DRYOPE. S HE faid, and for her loft Galanthis fighs, When the fair Confort of her fon replies. 5 No Nymph of all Oechalia could compare For beauteous form with Dryope the fair, 10 Her tender mother's only hope and pride, NOTES. with a relation of those of her own family, in particular the Transformation of her fifter Dryope, which is the subject of the enfuing Fable, |