Some Basic Readings in Social Security 1950 Supplement PUBLICATION NO. 28 FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1950 HD 7123 A32 PREFACE This supplement, covering the period from June 1946 to August 1950, has been prepared as a guide to the significant books, pamphlets, articles, and current periodical sources on the Social Security Act and the programs administered under the act. It also includes references to proposed amendments and to reorganization plans affecting the program. Publications concerning foreign systems of social security are also cited in a selected list of books, pamphlets, and articles in the English language. The Social Security Administration, within limits of available supplies, can furnish copies of its own publications. For most of the United States Government publications noted, the source is the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Other publications should be obtained in the usual way from publishers or booksellers. This bibliography was prepared in the Federal Security Agency Library by Ruth K. Bray under the direction of Ellen Commons, Librarian. Publication No. 28 August 1950 |