Informational Service Circular

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Page 7 - Press. 1945. pp.106. 50 cents. [Papers of the Institute of Research and Training in the Social Sciences, Vanderbilt University, No.
Page 4 - Stat. 404), any person heretofore or hereafter retired under the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended...
Page 37 - Insurance. A Report to the Senate Committee on Finance from the Advisory Council on Social Security.
Page 23 - Grants to States for maternal and child welfare," for which you are asking $22,000,000, under title V of the Social Security Act, parts 1, 2, and 3, consisting of grants for maternal and child health services, services for crippled children and child welfare services, are committed to the Children's Bureau for administration.
Page 47 - for modifying the existing State-Federal programs — old-age assistance, aid to dependent children and aid to the blind — and for the establishment of a State-Federal general assistance program for needy persons not currently covered by any State-Federal public assistance program.
Page 43 - MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: In accordance with your request of January 30, I have prepared a report on the state of the Nation's health, and on plans to raise the national level of health during the next decade.
Page 43 - BAUER, Louis HOPEWELL. Private Enterprise or Government in Medicine. Springfield, 111.: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 1948. 201 pp. Analyzes the deficiencies in our present system of medical care and suggests possible means of correcting them. Outlines the evolution of the voluntary insurance system; discusses the compulsory sickness insurance movement in the United States from 1910 through 1946; evaluates recent proposed legislation on health and medical care; and compares foreign medical systems...
Page 52 - Selected Government Programs Which Aid the Unemployed and Low-Income Families (materials assembled by the staffs of the Subcommittee on Unemployment and the Subcommittee on Low-Income Families), committee print, November 1949. Low-Income Families and Economic Stability...
Page 7 - Trends in Disqualification from Benefits under State Unemployment Compensation Laws," Social Security Bulletin, Vol.

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