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passing through a man's mind at such a moment; but Colin avoided the answer which was expected of him, and plunged into more urgent affairs.

"I must go away," he said; "do not look reproachful, Alice. I do not mean to continue my holiday after this. It seems to me we have waited a great deal too long already." Colin went on with a smile, which he felt to be forced, but which had no such effect upon Alice. "Now that the obstacles are removed I cannot consent to any longer delay; and you know I have a house to take you to now, which I had not in the old times."

"You had always Ramore," said Alice; and the way in which she said it proved to him still once more that, though he had put her out of his mind, Alice had forgotten nothing he had ever said to her. She spoke of the farmer's homely house not as of a place which she heard some vague talk of so many years ago, but as a home for which she had been longing. "And your mother!" said Alice; "if you had the most beautiful house in the world, I want you to take me there first of all; I want you to take me to her."

It will be seen from this that Alice did not think there was anything to be deprecated in Colin's haste. She accepted it as most reasonable, and the thing that was to be looked for. She thought it natural that he should be reluctant to lose sight of her again, as she, for her part, was very reluctant to lose sight of him; and thus they went on to make all their necessary arrangements. In this close and tender interview, as he saw even more and more how Alice depended upon him, how real the link between them had been to her even during those years of separation, and how, in her perfect good faith and simplicity, she considered him, and all belonging to him, as hers, Colin himself came to consider it the most natural and unquestionable conclusion. The pain in his heart softened, his reluctance seemed to melt away. Alice had more beauty at this time of her life than ever she had had before. Her

weakness, and the charm of that hidden love which had been so long working in her, and which had now brightened into the fullest blossom, had given an expression hitherto wanting to her eyes. She was more individual and distinct by right of having kept and hoarded that individual attachment in her heart, in defiance of everything that could be done against it; and now in Colin's presence, believing as she did with that confidence which can be born only of love, in his entire interest in everything connected with her, her timidity disappeared, and she hourly gained interest and character. All this had its effect upon Colin so long as the two were together straying through the avenue, crossing the bars of shade and the rays of sunshine, listening to the birds singing overhead and to the rustle of the summer leaves. It was harder work when they went indoors again, when Mr. Meredith's anxious face appeared, and the grave countenance of Lauderdale, carefully cleared of all anxiety, and become, so far as that was possible, altogether inexpressive. Colin was of so uncertain a mood that the very absence of all question in Lauderdale's eyes jarred upon him, though he could not have borne to be interrogated. He was high-fantastical beyond all previous precedent at that moment; and the readers of this history are aware that already, at various periods of his life, it had happened to him to be fantastical enough. The conversation and confidences of the avenue broke clean off when the party were all assembled within. Alice could not say anything before her father of her weariness and waiting, or it would have sounded like a reproach; and Colin, for his part, could not utter a word about his intentions or prospects to any ears but hers. He could speak to her, and she, who accepted everything said without any question, found nothing wanting in his words; and that was already a new link between them; but before her father and his own friend he was dumb. He could not even talk to Lauderdale as he had talked to him four years ago at Frascati; and yet he resented that

Lauderdale did not ask him any questions. From which it will be seen that nothing could well be less manageable and reasonable than the state of Colin's mind at this moment, when the most important decision of his life was being made.

That evening it was he who sought an interview with Mr. Meredith. It was very clear, in every point of view, that everything should be arranged with the least delay possible. "I have served half as long as Jacob did," Colin said, with a smile, which, however, was far from being the radiant smile of a happy lover; and Alice's father, who was not by any means as confident in Colin's love as Alice was, was so much concerned that his daughter should not lose the happiness which meant not only happiness, but life and strength as well, that he did not venture to make any objections. Neither did the poor man resent the insult, when Colin repeated with mildness, yet with steadiness, his determination to receive nothing from him. Alice had something of her own, which came to her from her mother, the little revenue which Arthur had once had his share of, and on which the two had lived at Frascati: but beyond that, Colin, always superlative, would have none of the rich man's fortune, which was soiled, as he thought, with fraud and cruelty. Whether this accusation was just or unjust, poor Mr. Meredith, who was a kind father, swallowed it without saying anything, and consented to all his future son-in-law's requirements. Colin had made up his mind to leave Holmby at once, to hasten back to Lafton, and make all the preparations necessary to receive his bride; and the marriage was fixed to take place in two months, in August, when Colin could take up again his broken thread of holiday. All this was arranged between the two as an absolute matter of business, requiring no expression of sentiment. If Mr. Meredith thought the young man a little cold and stern, and swallowed that sentiment as he had swallowed the other, after all, perhaps, it was best that in discussing what was

a business matter even a bridegroom should talk in a business way. And, then, Alice was unquestionably satisfied, and had regained some colour on her cheek, and some elasticity in her step. She had never been poitrinaire, like Arthur. Her illness was a kind of hopelessness, a lingering languor, which was quite as capable of killing her as if it had been a legitimate disease; and this was a malady from which, to all appearance, only Colin and a happy life could deliver her. Under these circumstances, therefore, it was natural that Mr. Meredith, though a little wounded, and even a little alarmed, by the new son-in-law, who meant to have everything his own way, consented to his wishes, being anxious above all things to preserve his daughter. He caressed and petted Alice all the more when his consent had been made known to her, with a kind of faint idea, in his ignorance, that all the indulgences which had surrounded her would be at an end when she put herself under the power of this abrupt and imperious young man. for Alice, she looked from her father to her betrothed with a serenity and confidence so profound that it went to Colin's heart. "She has been used to be taken care of all her life," her father said, as fathers generally say, but with an odd forgetfulness, for the moment, that Colin knew something about that. "I hope you will be very good to her.'



Alice opened her soft lips at this, to give vent to a little ring of laughter so soft that it did not wound even the fantastical delicacy of her Bayard. doubt Colin seemed to her not so much wrong as absurd, out of all reason. She said, half under her breath, "He has taken care of me before now "—and, to relieve herself of that which she could not express to her father without blaming him, it was to Lauderdale she turned. "You made me feel as if I were a princess," she said to him, and held out her hand to the friend who was looking on with an anxiety so intense that it precluded speech. As for Colin, in the high state of irritation in which he was, the very silence with which Lauderdale

pressed the little hand of Alice between his own aggravated and exasperated him. Why did not he say something? Why did he not look him, the betrothed, straight in the eyes, and ask, "Are not you happy?" Had he done so Colin would have taken it as the direst and most unpardonable offence, but in the disturbed state of his heart and mind he resented the very absence of the question. A man must have some one to bear the brunt of his discontent when things go wrong with him, and in the meantime there was nobody but Lauderdale to bear this blow.

Accordingly, when all was settled, and when it was finally arranged that Colin should leave Holmby next morning and make haste home, to commence his preparations, it was of his own accord that he invited Lauderdale to join him in the avenue for half an hour's talk. The wind had fallen, and the night was very still, but it was almost as dark as on the previous evening, and the gloom had this advantage, that they could not see each other's faces, which was all the better under the circumstances. They had walked almost all the length of the avenue before Colin spoke, and then it was to this effect.

"Lauderdale, look here. I am going home, and leaving you in the lurch. We are not going to Windermere together, as we meant to do. You see, I have things more important in hand. What I want to say is, that you are not to think yourself bound by me. I see no reason why you should return because a-a good fortune so unexpected has come to me."

"Do you mean that you want me to go on my way?" said Lauderdale. "With me there is little need to speak in parables. Say plain out if you would rather be your lane. I am no a man to take offence-not from you."

"Good heavens!" said Colin, in his impatience, "why should you or any one take offence? What I tell you is the plainest statement of the case. I have to go home, but you are not obliged to go home. And why should you break off your excursion for me?"

"If I was minding about the excursion," said Lauderdale, "I would go on. You aye make so much account of yourselves, you callants. As for Windermere, I'm no bigoted, but if it's mair worth seeing than our ain lochs it would be a wonder to me. I'm no for parting company. It's aye been my way of thinking, that even a railroad, seen with four een, was better than the bonniest country in the world, seen with two only. We'll go twain, Colin, if you have no objections, you and me.”

And then there was a silence, and the two friends went on together side by side in the darkness, without a word to each other. Between them the ordinary words of congratulation would have sounded like mockery, and then the one divined too clearly the condition of the other to know what to say. Lauderdale, however, knew Colin so well that he knew silence to be as dangerous as speech.

"I have an awfu' desire in my mind," he said at length; "no doubt it's daftlike, but that is no extraordinary. I would like to do something with my hands to please her, now we've found her. I'm no rich, and, what's an awful deal worse, I'm no much good for anything but talk-and maybe she has an inkling of that. What was that yon lad Browning says about Raphael's sonnets and Dante's picture? I'm of that opinion mysel'. I would like to do something with my hands that was nae fit work for the like of me, just to please her; if it was naething better than the things they whittle with their knives away yonder among the Alps," said Lauderdale; and even in the darkness Colin could see the little flourish of his arm with which he had the habit of indicating the never-to-be-forgotten region "away yonder." "Have patience a moment till I've done speaking," he went on; "I've been thinking I would like to take a good day's work at the Manse garden. It's as innocent a thing in its way to plant flowers as to write verses. So I'm saying I'll go home with you, if you've nae objections," said Lauderdale. He came to a conclusion so suddenly, that Colin, who had gradually yielded to

the influence of the familiar tranquil lising voice, came to a sudden pause when he stopped short. Lauderdale paused too in his walk when his friend did so, though without knowing why. It was indifferent to him whether he kept walking or stood still; his mind went on pursuing its leisurely meditations all the


But Colin's heart was full. He grasped Lauderdale's arm without knowing it, with that sudden impulse of saying something which sometimes comes upon people who must not say what is in their hearts. "Come," he said, with a little choking in his voice, "we will do that we will do that day's work together; for I suppose there never was gain, however great, but had loss in it," said Colin. Perhaps he did. not know very well himself what he meant, but even these vague words were a little ease to him in their way. And then they went indoors, and the long day came to an end.

This was how the holiday excursion terminated. They left Holmby next day, and went home again; neither the one nor the other thinking any more of the Church Reformation, or of the "Tracts for the Times." When Colin found his MS. in his writing-case when he opened it on the night of his arrival at Ramore to write to Alice, he looked at it with a little wonder, as if it had been a fossil of an early formation unexpectedly disinterred among the fragments of daily use and wont. And then he returned it to its pocket, with something that looked like a very clumsy attempt at a smile. There are points of view from which a good-sized tree or a shepherd's cottage may blot out a mountain; and everybody knows how easily that is accomplished on the moral horizon, where a tiny personal event can put the greatest revolution in the background. It would be too long to tell the wonder and admiration and perplexed joy of the Mistress, when she heard of the accident which had put an end to her son's journey. Her joy was perplexed, because there was always a shadow which she could not decipher upon Colin's countenance; and, even if her mother's pride

would have permitted her to consult Lauderdale on such a subject, or to suffer either him or herself to suppose for a moment that he could know more about her boy than she did, Lauderdale's lips were sealed. Colin stayed only a night at Ramore to let his family know of what was going to happen, and then he hurried on to Lafton, still accompanied by his friend. They talked of almost anything in the world during that journey, except of the preparations they were going to make, and the change that was to follow; but Colin's great ambition, and his work, and the more important change he meant to work in his native Church and country, had little part in their discussions. At such a moment, when it is next to impossible to a man to talk of what he is thinking of, it is such a wonderful relief for him to escape into metaphysics; and, fortunately, in that department of human investigation, there are still so many questions to discuss.


If this had been anything but a true history, it would have been now the time for Alice Meredith to overhear a chance conversation, or find a dropped letter, which would betray to her Colin's secret; but this is not an accident with which the present historian can give interest to his closing chapter, because, in the first place, it did not happen, and, in the second, if a second should be thought necessary, Colin had never confided his secret either to writing or to any mortal ear-which is of all ways of securing a private matter the most certain. He thought to himself, as he put his manse in order to receive her, with a certain inexpressible content, that never to any living creature, never even to the air that might have repeated the matter, had he so much as whispered what was the real foundation of the old betrothals, which were now about to be carried out. He had never been so near telling it as on the night before Alice re-appeared in his life-that moment

when the words were half formed on his lips, and nothing but a chivalrous, visionary sense of the respect he owed to a woman had prevented him putting an end to Lauderdale's recollections by a confession which would have closed his friend's lips for ever. Fortunately he had been saved from that danger; and now nobody, even in the depths of their hearts, could say or feel that Alice had been ever regarded by her husband otherwise than as the chosen of a man's heart, the companion of his existence, should be regarded. He had by turns a hard enough struggle during these weeks, when he took refuge in his study at Lafton, in the midst of the disorganized house, where things were being prepared for the arrival of his wife, and in her garden, where Lauderdale had done more than a day's work, and had, indeed, taken the charge of re-arrangement into his hand. But the garden, in those lingering, never-ending summer twilights, in their northern sweetness, was too much for Colin ; when the early stars came out on the skirts of the slow departing day, they seemed to cast reproachful glances at him, as if he had abandoned that woman in the clouds. He used to go in with a sigh, and shut himself up in his study, and light his candles; and then, after all, it was a great good fortune that she had never come down out of those wistful distances, and walked upon the common soil, and looked him in the face. As for Alice, if anybody had betrayed to her the exact state of affairs, if she had been made aware of this mysterious and invisible rival, towards whom, in the depths of his heart, Colin sighed, the chances are that she would only have laughed, in the supreme security of her ignorance. She could no more have understood the rivalry that was in that dream than she could have comprehended any other or better description of love than that which her betrothed gave her. For the fact is, that nobody need in the least bemoan Alice, or think that her position was one to call for sympathy. She was perfectly content, knowing so little of Colin's heart as she

did, and she would have still been perfectly content had she known it much more profoundly. If he had regarded her as he could have regarded his ideal woman, Alice would not have understood, and probably even would have been embarrassed and made uneasy by, such devotion. She had all that she had ever dreamed of in the way of love. Her ideal, such as it was, was fully realized. Colin's tenderness, which had so much remorse in it, was to Alice the most perfect of all manifestations of attachment. When his heart was full of compunctions for not giving her enough, hers was smiling with the sweetest pride and satisfaction in receiving so much. It even seemed to her odd by turns how a man so superior should be so fond of her, as she said to herself, in her innocence: for, to be sure, Arthur, though he was not equal to Colin, had given but a very limited consideration to his little sister. And her sense of the difference between Arthur's estimation of her and the rank she held with her betrothed was like the sweetest flattery to her mind. And, to be sure, Alice had reason in these conclusions of hers. She described Colin's affection perfectly in her simple words. It was as true to say he was fond of her, as it was that he did not love her according to his estimate of love. But then his estimate of love was not hers, and she was entirely


Thus it came about that these two were married after all the long delay and separation. Alice recovered her health by magic as soon as she began to be happy. And Mr. Meredith, notwithstanding that he smarted a little under the affront put upon him by his new son-in-law, in that singular and quite original development of disinterestedness, which Alice's father, being Low Church, could not but think most unlike a clergyman, was yet so exhilarated by the unrivalled success of his expedient to save his daughter, that all the lesser annoyances were swallowed up. And then he had always the little one remaining, whom he could make an heiress of. It was a quiet wedding

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