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been neither central authority to set standards, nor adequate coordination and communication between personnel involved in EEO activity throughout the Department. time EEO experts have very low status and there are too few of them to carry out even their minimal responsibilities. The two major aspects of EEO, affirmative action and complaints, have been separated organizationally even though complaints often arise as a result of a lack of

affirmative action.

Despite these negative findings, the Department of Labor is in a better position to achieve Equal Employment Opportunity than most employers. However, the Department

must take continued affirmative action over the next few

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on the status of minorities and women, and the

analytical capability for continuing statistical evaluations of EEO in the Department.

b. Minimum numerical goals with constraints must be

established semi-annually by each A&O and are to be


reviewed by the EEO Director.


There must be corrective action if these goals

are not met.


A series of self-analysis forms (Form A) should

be used in the Department.


A management system for effecting control and

responsibility must be initiated.

For Upward Mobility

a. There should be 300 trainees in upward mobility

programs over the two year period, FY '72-73.

b. An application for upward mobility should be used to identify nonprofessional employees who are interested and who have the potential for career advancement, and to determine their occupational areas.


A career development program should be established

for each trainee.


Job restructuring and occupational analysis should be done to provide the opportunity for advancement

from lower level to higher level career ladders.

e. An examination of professionals stagnated in lower grades must be conducted.


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Employees doing professional work are to
be placed in career ladders.

The definition of professionals and nonpro-
fessionals in the DOL personnel system is
to be revised.

In addition to the professional-nonprofessional classification, a paraprofessional category is to be established.

The upward mobility policy should be communicated

to all employees through a videotape of the Secretary,

statements by Administrative Officers, and the distri

bution of flyers.

For Recruitment

a. A central recruitment office must be created in

the Office of Personnel to coordinate recruitment


b. The Vacancy Clearance System must be reinsti-
tuted and positive recruitment utilized.

c. The Department must have a Manpower Planning

system to determine the number of available jobs for



For Organization

a. There must be a unified EEO Office under the

direction of a full-time expert EEO Director.



staff should have experts in statistics, complaints

and counseling, recruitment, upward mobility, special

programs, and personnel regulations.

b. The head of each A&O should have a full-time

expert EEO Coordinator on his immediate staff. Each

Regional Administrator should have a part-time Deputy
EEO Coordinator on his immediate staff.

C. There should be a full-time expert EEO Officer in
each region who reports to the EEO Director.

d. DOL EEO programs and policy should be re-evaluated at least every five years by employees detailed

from outside of EEO and Personnel to work full-time

on the evaluation.

e. The Office of Personnel should have coordination

responsibility for departmental EEO programs but not under a special EEO unit.


There must be a new Secretary's Order on EEO to

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

b. These percentage goals are to apply to each pro

fessional grade level in each A&O, both in the National

Office and the Field.

c. A salary constraint is to be imposed to limit the

amount of deviation.

d. General constraints are to be imposed on the representation of white and black males and females in the professional ranks.

e. The EEO Director must coordinate the annual setting of numerical goals by each A&O, set guidelines for a reasonable series of timetables, and review progress toward the achievement of these goals semi-annually.

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