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Dallas Regional Office has a college recruitment program aimed at four colleges having

predominantly Spanish-surnamed American students

and one college having a heavy concentration of

American Indians.

The fall recruitment visit is to encourage

qualified students to obtain Civil Service

eligibility. The spring recruitment visit consists of positive recruitment for available

slots in BLS for economists, statisticians, and

computer programmers.

Student Research Program

This is an experimental program which begar in September 1970 in Washington and December 1970 in the Dallas region. In this program

local college students work in BLS offices on

specific projects for college credit only.

Visiting Professor Program

The program started in the National Office in September 1966. Professors from predominantly minority colleges or universities spend one week in Washington becoming acquainted with the organization, working atmosphere, and vocational needs of BLS. They then return to their campuses to encourage their qualified students to work in BLS. Since a period of time has been required for the program to gain acceptance and credibility on the campuses, only thirty professors have visited BLS between September 1966 and December 1970.


there has been only a limited number of hires and referrals. However, it has encouraged a few predominantly minority colleges and uni

versities to build up their economics and

statistics departments.

None of the Administrations studied have positive

recruitment programs geared specifically toward women and

toward filling senior and executive level positions

(GS-13 and above).

However, the Bureau of Labor Statis

tics plans to develop a senior-level positive recruitment


BLS has made some effort to recruit at predomi

nantly minority colleges and universities both locally or outside of the local area. When the other Adminis

trations do recruit they mainly visit non-minority colleges and universities having some minority enrollment. This is significant since most of the non-minority campuses visited are in large metropolitan areas, and, therefore, have some contact with or knowledge of FedMost of the predominantly

eral Service opportunities.

minority colleges and universities, however, are located in areas where they have no contact with and limited

knowledge of such opportunities.

Finally, when the other administrations recruit at colleges it is only to encourage minorities to take the Federal Service Entrance Exam, which is culturally and racially discriminatory (See Appendix C-1). There are other less questionable methods (See Appendix C-2 C-3)

that can be used in obtaining Civil Service eligibility instead of encouraging minorities to take a test which handicaps them. All of the Administrations have stated good intentions in their EEO Action Plans on recruitment, but they have done little or nothing to carry out these

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A statistical look at the six target Administrations reveals a need for positive recruitment. Table 1 (Appendix C-4) reveals a minimum of seventy organizations out of approximately 500 in June 1970, having five or more professionals yet having no minorities. The largest number of organizations having no minorities is located in the Manpower Administration, an administration whose programs are directed mainly towards minorities and/or the disadvantaged. The large number of organizations (over 10% of total) having no minorities indicates that minorities are not distributed adequately across organ

izational units.

The charts showing Percent Distribution by Grade

Race, & Sex (Appendix C-5 C-7) also indicate unequal

The high per

distribution across professional grades. centage of blacks and women in entry level grades is misleading since it is a high percentage of a small amount. The majority of professional employees are GS-11 and above, where minorities and women comprise a low percent. (Table 2 in Appendix C-8 shows the total number of professionals by grade.)

The sporadic activity in SOL (Appendix C-7) at GS 5-9 does not represent attorneys but other professionals (legal assistants and administrative jobs), since attorneys enter at GS-11. In all of the administrations, as the quantity and/or GS level of professionals increases the percentage of minorities and women decreases.

The recently created Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) already has the characteristics of poor distribution of minorities and women professionals across GS grades. The Percent Distribution of Professionals by Grade, Race, Sex in OSHA (Appendix C-9 C-10)

also shows the same inverse relationship between GS

grade and percent of minorities and women.

Simply hiring from the Civil Service register and the

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