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of the Holy Spirit is not brought so prominently forward by religious writers as the scripture model of teaching would suggest. It becomes, therefore, the less a matter of surprise that unsound doctrines, superseding the office of the Holy Ghost by attributing to mere ordinances such power and efficacy as belong to HIм alone, should have been privily brought in. That important point, a main gate of our citadel, was not sufficiently guarded. We hope this volume will be made useful in an eminent degree, in keeping many minds awake to the vital reality of which it treats. Part I. sets forth The Spirit's work in the conversion of sinners.' A chapter on the Regeneration of Infants,' the last in this portion, is most temperately and admirably written, to overthrow the popish dogma of baptismal regeneration as held by too many nominal Protestants among us. Mr. Buchanan, as most divines do, confines the blessing to elect infants, as contradistinguished from other infants. So, indeed do we; but we most confidently believe that none but the elect die in infancy. Of course, we do not regard election as either the cause or the consequence of early death: but while heartily assenting to the doctrine of infant baptism, and knowing that only to such as the Lord hath chosen, is the precious gift conveyed of infant regeneration ; we do from our inmost soul repudiate the idea of such a thing as infant damnation. Part II. consists of illustrative cases from Scripture of what has been set forth in Part I. and is very interesting, and Part III. treats of the Spirit's work in his renewed people, as the Spirit of holiness, of adoption, of prayer; and as the Comforter.

On the principle that filling the sack with good OCTOBER, 1842.

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grain helps to keep out the chaff, we are happy always to recommend such works as this. More especially as they give the best possible contradiction to the monstrous heresy that would un-church a church blessed of God with such teachers as Mr. Buchanan.




A Boy's book, and certainly one of the most attractive things of its kind we ever met with. The Old Sea-Captain, happily laid by in his snug cottage, meets some little boys, strolling from a neighbouring Academy; and in a succession of meetings and gossippings brings them acquainted with nautical affairs to an extent really surprising. The whole is conveyed in the most lively, familiar, characteristic dialogue, full of life and humour, yet most beautifully pointed to convey spiritual instruction; and introducing, on the occasion of a Sunday visit, a regular sermon, so interesting that we think the giddiest little lad would not wish to pass it over. With great skill, sentiments of love, peace and gentleness are inculcated, while the desire, so prevalent among boys, to hear of dangers and daring exploits is gratified. The Old Christian Sea-Captain is drawn to the very life and we may safely assert that no landsman wrote the book. It is of the same size with the well-known series of Juvenile volumes published by the Society, and very handsomely got up, with a multitude of tasteful illustrations. We give it a conspicuous notice, because it is so very seldom

we meet with any thing really calculated to afford profitable amusement to that important section of society-young boys-to foster manly sentiments, to fix their minds on some useful point of knowledge, guarding them from worldliness the while, and to awaken also the kindlier feelings without any tainting admixture of silly romance, that every sensible mother (to say nothing of fathers) must be glad when she alights on a prize of this description.

THE OMNIPOTENCE AND WISDOM OF JEHOVAH. Two Orations. By J. W. Lester.Wertheim, &c.

THIS is the work of a Christian who sees God in every thing; and a very interesting volume he has produced. Geography, Astronomy, Natural History in all its branches, are summoned to aid in this their legitimate work; all bearing witness to the power and wisdom of the divine Creator. We know no earthly study so delightful as this, when conducted in such a spirit as Mr. Lester manifests; and we can safely recommend the book as a very pleasing guide in a track where all may walk profitably, and with enjoyment ever new.

THOUGHTS ON SALVATION. By Thomas Ragg. Author of "The Deity," &c. &c.-Longman and Co.

MR. Ragg is a favorite of ours, but we confess we like


his regular poetry better than what he terms Poetical Prose. This little book is in the latter style. The thoughts" themselves are beautiful, and often strikingly expressed, though with a redundancy of epithet and an inverted phraseology frequently recurring, as proper to this style, which we do not admire. We go along with the Author most cordially in the anticipations that he delights in. We hail, with him, the thickening signs of what he rightly says is "the consummation of the salvation of the fallen children of Adam." His Protestant spirit shines brightly too; and he has, on the whole, added a very pleasing and profitable little volume to our collection of his writings.

THE POLITICAL DESTINY OF THE EARTH, as revealed in the Bible. Third Edition, Revised and corrected.-Nisbet and Co., Seeleys, &c.

THIS valuable little pamphlet is by the Author of the well-known dissertation on the Seals and Trumpets of the Apocalypse. Eight years ago the Second Edition was published; and we heartily hope this is the commencement of a long series of republications, for it strikes us as being one of the most satisfactory sketches we have seen, on a subject where many men seem rather to have printed their own dreams than simply to have aimed at elucidating what the Lord was pleased to leave dark and incomprehensible until the time of the end. Our author follows the interpretation of all sound Protestant commentators, as respects the man of sin, the 1260 days, &c.; and

exposes the fallacy of that system which would lead us to gaze into vacancy, awaiting some future manifestation of what has been before our eyes ever since we understood the meaning of the word


One thing stated in the short preface to this Edition has astonished us beyond measure. We all know that the vessel which carried out the Hebrew Bishop and his family to Palestine was named the DEVASTATION; but to few, probably, even among Hebraists has it occurred that the word is a translation of

, that is, TARSHISH: derived from w, to break in pieces, or lay waste. We do not envy the person who would venture to call this an accidental coincidence: we recognize in it the finger of God, and adore His wonder-working power, "Hath He spoken, and shall He not bring it to pass?" It is one of those literal fulfilments for which we look; persuaded that every prediction yet unaccomplished shall yet be so, as minutely as were in those in the twenty-second Psalm, and other prophetic descriptions which have been to the letter fulfilled.


Henry Fish, A.M.-Hamilton and Co.

THIS is an important exposé of those pests of the world, the Jesuits; with some startling suppositions as to their connexion with the party above named. We never for a moment doubted that connexion since the publication of those "Tracts" which broached

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