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action planning commission. For over 300 years the citizens of New England have recognized that their best interests lie in regional cooperation. Now, as New England stands on the threshold of what I am sure will be an era of growth and development, we are particularly fortunate to be able to take advantage of the regional development approach of the 1965 act.

No one can look at our six States and call them debilitated, or even suggest that our economic life is in need of a massive Federal program. But neither can we say that New England as a region has the promise of many other areas of our country, or that our economic problems will go away with time.

The obstacles to our growth are varied and complex. While we have within us the potentials of growth, we also have within us persistent economic weak spots. No one economic catastrophe is accountable, but a long procession of unmet problems has brought us to the point where we, as a region, consistently lag behind the Nation's growth.

But we are confident that through the regional action planning commission we can meet our varied problems and stimulate a substantial expansion of public and private efforts to use and develop the human, natural, and economic resources of New England. I have no doubt that a new dynamism in New England's economy will benefit the Nation as a whole.

Since we place such great importance on the New England Regional Planning Commission, we have searched carefully for the right man to act as Federal cochairman. We wanted a person who was familar with the region and its business and economic communities, a man who knows his way around both the executive and legislative branches of the Government and, last but not least, a man who has demonstrated ability both as an executive and as an administrator.

I know we have found that man in John J. Linnehan.

Mr. Linnehan is a man I have personally known and respected for many years. He was born in Haverhill, Mass., and graduated

from Haverhill High School. He received a B.A. in economics and government from Tufts University in Medford, Mass.

He went into private business in Haverhill and became manager and director of a leading Haverhill business firm. He became knowledgeable about and well known throughout Massachusetts and New England and at the same time became familiar with all aspects of the business world.

In 1962 he was appointed special assistant to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration here in Washington. His early responsibilities included supervision over the agency's advisory council system, its minority group programs, its disaster contracts program and its executive program for reservists.

He also served as the Administrator's representative with other Federal officials, State and local officials, financial leaders, and business and industry groups and trade associations. He served as the Small Business Administration's representative to the President's Committee for Equal Employment Opportunity, and to the White House subcabinet group for civil rights.

Beginning in 1963 he assumed direct responsibility for all the Small Business Administration's relations with the Congress and, in addition to his other duties, he served as liaison between the Administrator and the other Washington and regional officials of the agency regarding agency policy and legislative directives.

In February 1965 he was appointed Director of Governmental Affairs for the National Association of Home Builders in Washington. As such he has been the representative of 44,000 home builders who are members of the Association in their dealings with the U.S. Congress and with all Federal departments and agencies. Of course, he has been a tremendous asset to the home builders in this position, but many of you also know how much of a help he has been both to members of this branch and to the executive branch.

I think it is clear that John Linnehan is the man who knows New England, who knows the ins and outs of business administration, and certainly knows the ins and outs of Washington.

I know that the President, the Secretary of Commerce, and the New England Senators and I have the highest (regard for Mr. Linnehan's talents and the greatest confidence that he is the man to spark New England action planning.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you, Senator Kennedy.

I would confer with my colleagues as to our procedure. I suggest that we wait for our comments until after our two Representatives have also presented statements.

Is that agreeable?
Representative O'Neill.


Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, it gives me great pleasure to appear before this distinguished committee to join my fellow New England Congressmen and Senators in endorsing John J. Linnehan, of Haverhill, Mass., to serve as the Federal cochairman of the New England Regional Commission.

It had been expected, Mr. Chairman, that the Speaker of the House, John W. McCormack, would be here, but he said if he couldn't make it, he authorized me to present his statement. I hope, sir, you will make part of the record the statement of Speaker McCormack.

President Johnson, in nominating John Linnehan for this position, has selected a man who has the skills and the talents to administer this new commission for the future betterment of New England. Those of us who are responsible for enacting our Nation's statutes know that the Federal cochairman of this commission must have the understanding of both the legislative and executive branches of our GovernJohn Linnehan has this understanding; and, in addition, John Linnehan has a firm desire to assist the six-State New England region in its future development.

John Linnehan has been actively engaged in private business in Massachusetts; has served as the Special Assistant to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration; and has directed the legislative activities of the National Association of Home Builders, one of our Nation's largest trade associations. In Massachusetts and in New England, he has devoted himself to its causes and needs; in our Nation's Capital, he has gained the respected reputation as an outstanding executive and administrator.

John is one of my closest personal firiends. I am honored to join Senator Kennedy and others here today in endorsing him for this new position. We know that John Linnehan will be a credit to his native State and all of New England.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

The CHAIRMAN. The statement of the Speaker of the House will be placed in the record at this point.

(The statement referred to follows:)


Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: This morning your Committee is meeting to act on the confirmation of John J. Linnehan of Massachusetts to serve as the Federal Co-Chairman of the New England Regional Commission. In his selection, President Johnson has nominated a man that all of us respect and admire.

John Linnehan is a native of Haverhill, Massachusetts, and following eight years of private business in Massachusetts, he assumed the position as Special Assistant to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. In the three years that he served this agency, he gained the respect and the admiration of many members of the House of Representatives. All of us knew that we could call John with a problem of our constituents and that we would have complete cooperation and his diligent efforts in our behalf.

In the past two years, he has represented the National Association of Home Builders in their legislative interests on Capitol Hill. In this position, he ably represented this fine trade association and let its views be known to those of us who must enact the Nation's housing laws.

I am most happy today to join in indorsing the President's nomination of John Linnehan. I know the Members of this Committee and the Members of the Senate will be proud of their confirmation of John Linnehan for this new Commission.

The CHAIRMAN. Congressman, we are grateful for the interest you show in this appointment.

Mr. Boland.


Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee, first I want to express my appreciation to the members of the committee in inviting us over here today.

I don't want to infringe upon the time of this committee. Senator Kennedy and my colleague, Congressman O'Neill, have detailed Mr. Linnehan's background.

Just let me say that the importance of this commission to this region should not be misunderstood by anyone. The Congress has taken a firm step in determining that regional planning is perhaps one of the most important aspects of economic development and so it is with respect to New England.

I think all of you gentlemen realize that in this particular kind of a job it is important to bring to the position of the Federal cochairman one who possesses broad dealings with Congress, a personality to get along with people, and one who has had considerable experience in business, and particularly in legislative matters. I know of no one who brings to this particular position a wealth of talent greater than does John Linnehan, the President's nominee.

I have known him for a long period of time, just as have all of the members of the New England delegation and a great number of the Members of the House. I think all of us have been impressed by the fact that he is the kind of man we like to see in this kind of a job.

It is so seldom, Senators, that you get a person of this caliber, personality, and character for this kind of a job, one where he deals

constantly with the public, where he deals constantly with people in public life, and where he had been dealing constantly with the Members of the Congress. It's nice to realize that we have someone who has that kind of an understanding the person of John Linnehan.

He is a man of the finest character and the best personality. I know of no one that I would rather testify for and have this committee approve as the Federal cochairman.

Thank you very much.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you.

Senator Kennedy and Representatives O'Neill and Boland, we are grateful for your personal presence and testimony at this confirmation hearing. We are also appreciative of the statement, which will be incorporated in the record, by the distinguished Speaker of the House, John McCormack, of Massachusetts.

I wish the record to reflect letters which I shall not read in their entirety but which will be incorporated in the record of these hearings. The first I call attention to is the communication from John O. Pastore, U.S. Senator from the State of Rhode Island. In this letter he said:

Mr. Linnehan is eminently qualified for this position. As a native and resident New Englander, he is well aware of the economic problems facing the region. By training and dedication I know he will maintain a fruitful contact with the Governors of the various New England States that will be beneficial to the region and to our country.

I call attention also to the communication from Senator Thomas J. Dodd, of Connecticut, who writes:

Mr. Linnehan's proven ability to work with private and public officials at all levels and his knowledge of legislation and the legislative process will serve him well.

As we strive to keep New England in the forefront of our Nation's economy, is good to know that a man of Mr. Linnehan's energy and talent will be working with us.

Also, from Senator Abe Ribicoff, of Connecticut, we have a letter of endorsement in which he states that the nominee has had extensive experience in private industry as well as positions of trust in Government. He says: "I strongly support the nomination," and he asks that the letter be made part of the record.

Senator Tom McIntyre, of New Hampshire, heartily endorses the nomination and says, and I quote:

In my judgment, Mr. Linnehan's qualifications and background make him well qualified to administer the duties of this commission.

With a member of our Committee on Public Works being from the New England area, that I would wish, if he desires at this time, to have a statement from Senator Muskie.

Senator MUSKIE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

As the one Senator present representing half of New England, I am delighted to have this opportunity.

It is a personal pleasure for me to associate myself with all of the Senators who have expressed themselves this morning-Senator Kennedy, Congressman O'Neill, and Congressman Boland. I regard John Linnehan as a personal friend as well as an able citizen of New England, qualified by background and experience for this job.

It is not easy in New England to develop a regionwide point of view or a regionwide program. It has been said that if Columbus

had landed on the western coast of our continent, New England would have been one State with only two Senators. That would have been a tragedy, of course. We do regard ourselves as a region, but also as six States jealously preserving and protecting their own prerogatives and it has not always been possible to develop regionalized points of view.

I think John Linnehan is the kind of a fellow, even if he comes from Massachusetts, who can provide that kind of regional leadership. I have confidence that he will; I have confidence in his abilities to develop a program and to mobilize public opinion and public sentiment behind it.

I would now like to give my formal presentation on behalf of John. Mr. Chairman, I am delighted to have this opportunity to add my personal satisfaction and wholehearted support for the nomination of John J. Linnehan to be Federal cochairman of the New England Regional Action Planning Commission.

By virtue of his ability and experience both within and without the Federal Government, John Linnehan is ideally suited to become the first Federal cochairman of this Commission. As a native of Massachusetts he is well acquainted with the special challenges facing all of New England. As a former Special Assistant to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration he knows at firsthand the workings of the Federal Government and the problems related to economic development. And as director of governmental affairs for the National Association of Home Builders, Mr. Linnehan has demonstrated the twin talents of tact and persuasion which will be much needed in the post of Federal cochairman.

The New England Regional Action Planning Commission is faced with unique problems and unique opportunities in promoting the economic and social development of the entire region. I am convinced that John Linnehan's working knowledge of government, his record of achieving results, his own warmth and intelligence will help turn the promise of a dynamic New England region into reality.

Mr. Chairman, as a member of this committee I call attention to John Linnehan's obvious qualifications for this position; as a fellow New Englander and personal friend, I take special pride in commending him to you.

I urge speedy approval of his nomination.

The CHAIRMAN. Thank you Senator Muskie.

Are there questions or comments from members before we hear Mr. Linnehan? Senator Young?

Senator YOUNG. Mr. Chairman, I have no questions, but I feel that we on this committee should be very grateful to our colleague from the Senate and our colleagues from the House of Representatives for giving their time to make the convincing statements that they have made, and I am thankful to them.

The CHAIRMAN. Senator Cooper?

Senator COOPER. Mr. Chairman, I too, would like to say we are very pleased to have the recommendations of Senator Kennedy and Congressman O'Neill and Congressman Boland, and certainly the recommendations, I believe, are backed up by the apparent ability and experience of Mr. Linnehan.

I would just like to make this comment: I am glad to see this work started the New England Commission. I can remember through

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