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F. W. Stevens (introduced by George K. Burgess): Note on the thermonamics and kinetics of gaseous explosive reactions.

D. H. Kabakjian (introduced by Edgar F. Smith): Luminescence due to dioactivity.

A. A. Michelson: Recent measurement of the velocity of light.

S. Lefschetz: Transformations of manifolds.

G. P. Baxter and H. W. Starkweather: 1. The density of oxygen and its ɔmpressibility below one atmosphere. (By title.)

G. P. Baxter and H. W. Starkweather: 2. The density, compressibility, and tomic weight of nitrogen. (By title.)

Willard J. Fisher: The apparition dates of the Andromeda (or Bielid) meteor warms. (Communicated by Harlow Shapley.)

John A. Miller (introduced by C. E. McClung): A decade of eclipse observacions.

Frank Schlesinger: The method of dependences for solving equations, with an application to photographic positions of asteroids, etc.

Franz Boas: Family traits as determined by heredity and environment. Melville J. Herskovits: (introduced by Franz Boas): Some physical characteristics of the American Negro population.

J. Walter Fewkes: Elden Pueblo.

John C. Merriam and Chester Stock: A pliocene bear from Oregon.

E. G. Conklin: The embryology of Amphioxus and its bearing on the theory of equipotentiality.

D. H. Tennent (introduced by C. E. McClung): An experimental study of organization in the egg. A report on a cooperative investigation by C. V. Taylor, D. H. Tennent, and D. M. Whitaker.

G. E. Coghill (introduced by Henry H. Donaldson): General principles of the relation between growth and behavior in vertebrates. Charles B. Davenport: Mammalian growth curves.


Marston T. Bogert and P. G. I. Lauffer: The synthesis of isomers of proflavine and of neutral acriflavine.

H. S. Harned (introduced by Edgar F. Smith): The electrolytic dissociation of water in salt solutions.

J. H. Muller (introduced by Edgar F. Smith): The fluogermanates of the univalent metals.

Simon Flexner: Epidemic encephalitis and simple herpes.

Carl R. Doering: The death rate from diphtheria in Massachusetts for 51 years, 1875-1925. (Communicated by Edwin B. Wilson.)

W. G. MacCallum: Observations on the nature of ossification.

F. S. Hammett (introduced by Henry H. Donaldson): Thyroid and parathyroid in the chemical differentiation of bone.

M. H. Jacobs (introduced by C. E. McClung): The permeability of erythrocytes to certain dissolved substance.

J. H. Bodine (introduced by C. E. McClung): Quantitative potentiometric measurements on intracellular pH values of single fundulus eggs.

W. J. V. Osterhout: Suggestions regarding protoplasmic surfaces.

William Seifriz (introduced by Henry H. Donaldson): The physical properties of erythrocytes.

A reception to the members of the academy and their friends was given in the university museum on Monday evening, by the president and trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.

The subscription dinner was held at the Hotel Bellevue-Stratford on Tuesday evening.

The unanimous appreciation of the facilities made available for the meeting was expressed in the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, That the home secretary be requested to transmit the thanks of the National Academy of Sciences to the president and faculty of the University of Pennsylvania, the Wistar Institute, and the members of the academy resident in Philadelphia who served on the local committee, for the courtesies extended to the academy during its autumn meeting in 1926. Adopted.


The National Academy of Sciences held its annual meeting in the academy building, B and Twenty-first Streets, Washington, April 25, 26, and 27, 1927.


One hundred and twelve members responded to roll call, as follows:

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The following deaths since the autumn meeting were announced:

James Furman Kemp, elected 1911, died November 17, 1926.

Addison Emory Verrill, elected 1872, transferred to roll of honorary members in 1924, died December 10, 1926.

George Sumner Huntington, elected 1924, died January 5, 1927.
Charles Doolittle Walcott, elected 1896, died February 9, 1927.
Ira Remsen, elected 1882, died March 4, 1927.

Charles Sprague Sargent, elected 1895, died March 22, 1927.
William Healey Dall, elected 1897, died March 27, 1927.
Frederick Belding Power, elected 1924, died March 26, 1927.
Erwin Frink Smith, elected 1913, died April 6, 1927.

Carl H. Eigenmann, elected 1923, died April 24, 1927.

It was announced that the preparation of biographical memoirs had been assigned as follows:

F. A. P. Barnard (formerly assigned to James F. Kemp, deceased) reassigned to Michael Pupin.

James F. Kemp to Whitman Cross.

Sydney I. Smith to Wesley R. Coe.1

Addison E. Verrill to Wesley R. Coe.1

George Sumner Huntington to Raymond Dodge.

William Healey Dall to H. A. Pilsbry.1

Frederick Belding Power to Marston T. Bogert.

Erwin Frink Smith to L. R. Jones.

Charles Sprague Sargent to B. L. Robinson.

Tellers to count the preference ballots for the election of new members were appointed as follows: Edwin B. Wilson, R. G. Harrison, and Oswald Veblen.

Appointments to committees were announced as follows:

Finance committee.-Whitman Cross, Joseph S. Ames, and Gano Dunn (chairman of the research council) to serve with the president and with the treasurer who is chairman of the committee.

Auditing committee: Arthur L. Day, chairman; Whitman Cross, and David White.

Draper fund: A. A. Michelson to succeed himself as a member for the five years ending with the annual meeting in April, 1932.

J. Lawrence Smith fund: Whitman Cross to succeed himself as a member for the five years ending with the annual meeting in April, 1932; Frank Schlesinger to succeed Mr. Cross as chairman for the period ending with the annual meeting in April, 1930 at which time his membership expires.

Murray fund: G. H. Parker to succeed W. H. Dall as member for the three years ending with the annual meeting in April, 1930.

Mary Clark Thompson fund: John C. Merriam to succeed Henry Fairfield Osborn, resigned, as member and chairman for the three years ending with the annual meeting in April, 1930. David White to succeed James F. Kemp, deceased, as member for the period ending with the annual meeting in April, 1929. Comstock fund: Edgar F. Smith to succeed Henry Crew as trustee for the five years ending with the annual meeting in April, 1932.

1 Not a member of the academy.

Marsh fund: F. L. Ransome to succeed James F. Kemp, deceased, as member; term ending with the annual meeting in April, 1930. James Perrin Smith to succeed Charles Schuchert as member; term ending with the annual meeting in April, 1932.

Joseph Henry fund: C. E. McClung to succeed himself as member for the five years ending with the annual meeting in April, 1932.

Daniel Giraud Elliot fund: It was announced that the council of the academy at its meeting on the preceding evening had elected Frank R. Lillie as member and chairman of the committee on the Elliot fund to succeed Charles D. Walcott, deceased.

Representative on board of trustees of Science Service: Announcement was made of the election, by the council of the academy, of David White to succeed A. A. Noyes as one of the three representatives of the academy on the board of trustees of Science Service, for the three years ending with the annual meeting in April, 1930; the two other representatives of the academy being John C. Merriam (1928) and R. A. Millikan (1929).

Delegates: To the celebration of the centenary of the birth of Lord Lister held in London under the auspices of the Royal Society and various institutions interested, April 5, 1927-W. G. MacCallum, Dean Lewis, and Melvin S. Henderson.

To the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the American Philosophical Society-A. A. Michelson.

Chairmen of sections.-The president announced that the section of physics had elected as its chairman, K. T. Compton, and that the section of geology and paleontology had elected G. P. Merrill as its chairman; these terms to end with the annual meeting in April, 1930.

Announcement was made of the approval, by the council of the academy, of the recommendation of the section of geology and paleontology for the acceptance of the sum of $6,000 from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, for research and research exhibits in the Grand Canyon.

It was announced that the council of the academy, on recommendation of the section of zoology and animal morphology, had changed the name of that section to zoology and anatomy.

Announcement was made of the approval by the council of the academy of the election of the following officers of the National Research Council and members at large of its executive board for the fiscal year July 1, 1927, to June 30, 1928:

Chairman: Gano Dunn.

First vice chairman: The president of the National Academy of Sciences.
Second vice chairman: John C. Merriam.

Third vice chairman: R. A. Millikan.

Members at large of the executive board: James F. Norris, the president of the Sigma Xi, John R. Freeman.

Autumn meeting. The president announced that the autumn meeting of the academy would be held in Urbana, Ill., from Tuesday, October 18 to Thursday, October 20, 1927.


Upon recommendation of the academy council the dues for membership in the academy for the year ending with the annual meeting in 1928 were set at $10, of which $5 shall be for the Proceedings.


I have the honor to present the following report on the publications and membership of the National Academy of Sciences for the academy year ending April 27, 1927.

Of the memoirs, volume 21 and the separates of the 14 biographies comprising that volume, and also volume 22, first memoir, "Trigonometric parallaxes of four hundred and forty stars" have been delayed in the printing and binding, owing to the large amount of work ahead of them. They are expected from press at any time. Three additional memoirs have been sent to press since the last annual meeting: "Fresh water fishes of Chile," by C. H. Eigenmann; "Fossil lizards of North America" by Charles W. Gilmore; and "Tumors, cysts, pithbundles and floral proliferations in Helianthus," by Erwin F. Smith. These are to be published as the second, third, and fourth memoirs, respectively, of volume 22.

Manuscript of the biographical memoir of William Henry Brewer by R. H. Chittenden has been received, and also that for the biographical memoir of John Mason Clarke by Charles Schuchert. These, and the six manuscript biographies previously received, will be sent to the printer as soon as possible to complete another volume.

I have to report the death of 11 members since the last annual meeting, as follows:

Sydney Irving Smith, elected in 1884, transferred to roll of honorary members in 1908, died May 6, 1926.

James Furman Kemp, elected in 1911, died November 17, 1926.

Addison Emory Verrill, elected in 1872, transferred to the roll of honorary members in 1924, died December 10, 1926.

George Sumner Huntington, elected in 1924, died January 5, 1927.
Charles Doolittle Walcott, elected in 1896, died February 9, 1927.
Ira Remsen, elected in 1882, died March 4, 1927.

Charles Sprague Sargent, elected in 1895, died March 22, 1927.
William Healey Dall, elected in 1897, died March 27, 1927.

Frederick Belding Power, elected in 1924, died March 26, 1927.

Erwin Frink Smith, elected in 1913, died April 6, 1927.

Carl H. Eigenmann, elected in 1923, died April 24, 1927.

There are now 216 active members, 2 honorary members, and 42 foreign associates.

Report accepted.

DAVID WHITE, Home Secretary.


The treasurer made an oral statement and called attention to his report contained in the printed Annual Report of the National Academy of Sciences for the fiscal year 1925-26.

The treasurer's full report for the fiscal year July 1, 1926, to June 30, 1927, the period covered by this annual report, will be found on pages 62 to 93.

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