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The Elkins bill revised.

(In Railway age, vol. 34, Oct. 10, 1902, pp. 359-360.)

Text, with amendments, of the bill "to enlarge the jurisdiction and powers of the Interstate commerce commission."

Ennis, Alfred. Commerce: intrastate and interstate; its regulations and taxation.

(In Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 12th annual meeting, pp. 48-53. Springfield, 1889. 8°.)

Extension of federal jurisdiction over state canals.

(In American law review, vol. 37, Nov.-Dec., 1903, pp. 911-916.)

Federal control of corporations.

(In Railway world, vol. 48, Apr. 16, 1904, p. 443.)

Fink, Albert. Argument before the Committee of commerce of the House of Representatives of the United States, on the Reagan bill, for the regulation of interstate commerce. Washington, Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1880.

New York: Russell brothers, 1880. 55 pp. 8°.

Reprinted as "The railroad problem and its solution," New York, 1882.

Argument before the Committee of commerce of the Senate of the United States, on the Reagan bill, for the regulation of inter-state commerce. Washington, February 11, 1879. New York: Russell brothers, 1879. 22 pp. 8.

Mr. Fink's argument before the House Committee on commerce in 1882 is printed in House miscellaneous document no. 55, 47th Congress, 1st session.

Cost of railroad transportation, railroad accounts, and governmental regulation of railroad tariffs.

Louisville, [Ky.]: J. P. Morton & co., 1875. 48 pp. 8. Extract from the Annual report of the Louisville & Nashville railroad company. Also reprinted in New York in 1882.

The legislative regulation of railroads.

(In Engineering magazine, vol. 9, July, 1895, pp. 623–634.) [Regulation of interstate commerce by Congress; testimony before the Select committee on interstate commerce of the Senate; New York, May 21, 1885.]

(In U. S. 49th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 46, pt. 2. Report of the Senate Select committee on interstate commerce. (Testimony), pp. 89-126. Washington, 1886. 8°.)

Finkelnburg, G. A. The power of the state to regulate prices and charges.

(In American lawyer, vol. 9, Aug., 1901, pp. 381-385.)

Fisher, James S. Railroads and the government.

(In American journal of politics, vol. 3, July, 1893, pp. 82-92.)

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Fisher, Sydney George. The evolution of the Constitution of the United States, showing that it is a development of progressive history and not an isolated document struck off at a given time or an imitation of English or Dutch forms of government.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott company, 1897. 398 pp. 120.
Regulation of commerce, pp. 99, 225, 293, 311.

Fouse, L. G. State regulation of insurance.

(In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24, July, 1904, pp. 67-83.)

One of a series of articles entitled "The government regulation of banks and trust companies."

Freund, Ernst. The police power, public policy and constitutional rights.


Chicago: Callaghan & company, 1904. xcii, (2), 819 pp. Garner, James Wilford. Four years of anti-trust activity: a review. (In North American review, vol. 179, Sept., 1904, pp. 420-432.)

Government control of wireless telegraphy.

(In Bradstreet's, vol. 32, July 2, 1904, pp. 418-419.)

Greeley, Louis M. What is the test of a regulation of foreign or interstate commerce?

(In Harvard law review, vol. 1, Nov. 15, 1887, pp. 159-184.)

Greenbaum, Milton D. The power of the United States courts to enjoin persons from obstructing interstate commerce and the transportation of the mails.

(In Chicago legal news, vol. 30, Aug. 28, 1897, p. 2; Sept. 4, 1897, p. 13; Sept. 11, 1897, p. 27; Sept. 18, 1897, p. 34; Sept. 25, 1897, p. 39; Oct. 2, 1897, p. 46.)

Hadley, Arthur T. Railroad transportation. Its history and its


New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1885.

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v, 269

(In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 2, Jan., 1888, pp. 162-187.) Hare, John Innis Clark. American constitutional law.

Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1889. 2 vols. 8°. 'Regulation of commerce," pp. 427-503.

[ocr errors]

Notes of a course of lectures on American constitutional law delivered in the law department of the University of Pennsylvania, 1884-85.

Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania press, 1885. xv, (1), 342, 18 pp. 4°.

“Regulation of commerce,” pp. 272–325.

See also "Review and summary," pt. 2, pp. 1-18.

Hart, Albert Bushnell. Actual government as applied under American conditions.

Longmans, Green, and co., New York, [etc.], 1903. xliv, 599 pp. Plates. Maps. 12°.

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'Commercial functions," pp. 481-534. .

Hartshorne, F. C. The railroads and the commerce clause.

Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania press, 1892. xxiii, 165 pp. 8°.

Hastings, William Granger. The development of law as illustrated by the decisions relating to the police power of the state. [Philadelphia], 1900. 196 pp. 8°.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the American philosophical society, v. 39, no. 163.

Hening, Crawford. Interstate commerce commission before the federal courts.

(In American law register, vol. 31, Mar., 1892, pp. 156-173.)

Hering, Rudolph, Charles G. Darrach, and Francis Collingwood. The control of non-navigable streams by the national gov


(In American society of civil engineers. Proceedings, vol. 28, Aug., 1902, pp. 572-581.)

Hines, Walker D. Legislative regulation of railroad rates.

(In American economic association. Publications, 3d series, vol. 4, pp. 84-103. New York, 1903. 8°.)

The President's message and proposed amendments to the interstate commerce act.

[Louisville? Ky., 1901?] 19 pp.



Holmes, George K. State control of corporations and industry in


(In Political science quarterly, vol. 5, Sept., 1890, pp. 411-437.) The constitutional and political history Translated from the German by

Holst, Hermann Eduard von.

of the United States.
John J. Lalor.

Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1876-1892. 8 vols. 8°. Howes, Osborne. Government monopoly vs. private competition.

( In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 2, Apr., 1888, pp. 353–361.) Howland, William R. The police power and interstate commerce. (In Harvard law review, vol. 4, Oct. 15, 1890, pp. 221–233.)

Huffcut, Ernest W. Constitutional aspects of the federal control of


(In United States. Industrial commission.

1211-1219. Washington, 1900.


Reports, vol. 1, pp.

Reprinted in the Commission's reports, vol. 19, pp. 712-722. Washington, 1902. 8°.

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Huffcut, Ernest W.

How Congress may control trusts.

(In Independent, vol. 54, Dec. 11, 1902, pp. 2927–2930.)

Humes, Augustine L. The power of Congress over combinations affecting interstate commerce.

(In Harvard law review, vol. 17, Dec., 1903, pp. 83-103.)

James, Edmund J. The agitation for the federal regulation of railways.

(In American economic association. Publications, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 244-295. Baltimore, 1888. 8°.)

Jenks, Jeremiah W. How Congress may control trusts. (In Outlook, vol. 72, Dec. 13, 1902, pp. 880–884.)

Johnson, Emory R. The principles of government regulation of railroads.

(In Political science quarterly, vol. 15, Mar. 1900, pp. 37–49.) Kilburn, Frederick D. Control and supervision of trust companies. (In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 24, July, 1904, pp. 27-42.)

One of a series of articles entitled "The government regulation of banks and trust companies."

Kirkman, Marshall M. Railway rates and government control. Economic questions surrounding these subjects.

Chicago and New York: Rand, McNally & co., 1892. 354 pp. 8°.

Knapp, Martin A.

Government regulation of railroad rates.

(In New York state bar association.

New York, 1895. 8°.)

Proceedings, 1895, pp. 93–104.

Knox, Philander C. The commerce clause of the Constitution and the An address delivered before the Chamber of com


merce, Pittsburg, Pa., on October 14, 1902.

(In United States. Attorney-general. Reply dated January 3, 1903, to a communication from the Committee on the judiciary, United States Senate. Sherman anti-trust law, pp. 37-50. Washington, 1903. 57th Congress, 2d session, Senate doc. no. 73.)

Langstroth, Charles S., and Wilson Stilz. Railway co-operation; an investigation of railway traffic associations and a discussion of the degree and form of co-operation that should be granted competing railways in the United States. With an introduction by Martin A. Knapp.

Philadelphia: Published for the University, 1899.
xv, 210
pp. 8. (Publications of the University of Pennsylvania.
Series in political economy and public law, no. 15.)

Legislation and its results, pp. 55–78.

Lewis, Charlton T. The scope and limits of congressional legislation against the trusts.

(In American academy of political and social science. Annals, Vol. 24, July, 1904, pp. 111-122.)

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Lewis, George H. National consolidation of the railways of the United States.

New York: Dodd, Mead & company, 1893. xv, (1), 326 pp.


Lewis, John. Power of state to tax or impose conditions upon foreign corporations engaged in interstate commerce.

(In American railroad and corporation reports, vol. 7, pp. 742-746. Chicago, 1893. 8°.)

Lewis, William Draper. The federal power over commerce and its effect on state action.

Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania press, 1892. 145 pp. 8°

"To trace the development of these constitutional ideas as set forth
in the opinions of the Federal courts is a most interesting and
instructive study, as one will find by reading the monograph
before us.'

Not in the Library of Congress. The work is out of print and the
Library has been unable to secure a copy.

The standing of the Interstate commerce commission before
the federal courts.

(In American law register, vol. 32, Mar., 1893, pp. 272-278.)

Lisle, R. Mason. The original package case.

(In American law review, vol. 24, Nov.-Dec., 1890, pp. 1016–1026.)

Logan, Walter S. Interstate commerce and the Constitution. Address before the Rhode Island bar association, December 1, 1902.

(In Rhode Island bar association. Proceedings, 5th annual meeting, pp. 5-27. Providence, 1903.


National incorporation and control of corporations.

(In American law review, vol. 37, Mar. -Apr., 1903, pp. 237-254.)

McClain, Emlin. Federal protection against state power.

(In Harvard law review, vol. 6, Mar. 15, 1893, pp. 405-409.) A selection of cases on constitutional law. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1900. xxxi, (1), 1080 pp. 89.

'Regulation of commerce:" a. "Extent of federal power," pp. 235-273; b. “Validity of state regulation;" 1. "Local provisions; Control of harbors, bridges, dams, and ferries," pp. 273-302; 2. "Taxation of commerce," pp. 303-354; 3. "Exercise of police power," pp. 355-401; c. "Federal tax on exports,” pp. 402-404; d. "State tax on imports or exports," pp. 404-408; e. "State tax on tonnage," pp. 409-422.

McDermott, Allan L. Federal control of corporations engaged in interstate business.

(In Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 68, Mar., 1904, pp. 327-330.)

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