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Gneist and Stubbs (Nos. 639, 643). Liebermann and Schmid (Nos. 1405, 1581), like Kemble and Palgrave (Nos. 1492, 1497), assert that the frankpledge system already existed in the tenth century. See now Morris (No. 696a).

1574. COOTE, H. C. On the legal procedure of the AngloSaxons. Soc. of Antiq. of London, Archæologia, xli. 207-18. London, 1867.

Of little value. For this essay revised, see his Romans of Britain (No. 1298), 296–313.

1575. HERMANN, EMIL. Ueber die Entwicklung des altdeutschen Schöffengerichts. Breslau, 1881.

Die Angelsachsen, 227–39.

1576. LIEBERMANN, FELIX. Kesselfang bei den Westsachsen im siebenten Jahrhundert. Akademie der Wissensch. zu Berlin, Sitzungsberichte, 1896, ii. 829-35. Berlin, 1896.-Die Friedlosigkeit bei den Angelsachsen, in Festschrift Heinrich Brunner zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag dargebracht, 17-37. Weimar, 1910. The Kesselfang shows that' ceace' (kettle) should be read for ' ceape in Ine's laws, cc. 37, 62; hence that the ordeal was well known in Ine's time, and was not introduced into England in the 9th or 10th century, as most writers assert.

1577. MARQUARDSEN, HEINRICH. Ueber Haft und Bürgschaft bei den Angelsachsen. Erlangen, 1852. pp. 70.

The most detailed work on this subject.

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1578. MAURER, G. L. VON. Ueber die Freipflege (plegium liberale) und die Entstehung der Jury. Munich, 1848. pp. 60. Contends that the jury is derived from the frankpledge system.

1579. MAURER, WILLIAM. An inquiry into Anglo-Saxon mark courts. London, etc., 1855. pp. 62.-German version: Ueber angelsächsische Markverfassung. Zeitschrift für Deutsches Recht, xvi. 201 sq. Tübingen, 1856.

He believes that each group of four vills formed a judicial district, which had a' mark-court,' or leet, and that the jury was derived from these 'leet-districts.' He gives much information regarding the vills down to the close of the 13th century, but his main conclusions are untenable.

1580. OPET, OTTO. Geschichte der Prozesseinleitungsformen. Pt. i. Breslau, 1891.

Das angelsächsische Recht, 12-62.




oder Krit. Jahrbuch der Literatur, xxxii. 232-64. Leipsic, 1829.

He deals with the same subject in his Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 1858, PP. 644-9. See also ibid., 554, 564, 639, 641, 656, 660, etc., for various matters connected with justice and police (compurgation, ordeal, punishments, etc.).


Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte.

Vol. i. Kiel, 1844; 3rd edition, Berlin, 1880.

Vol. i. app. i. contains a good detailed account of the Anglo-Saxon surety system.

1583. WILDA, W. E. Das Strafrecht der Germanen. Halle, 1842.

Ch. v. devotes much attention to the Anglo-Saxon wergeld, bots, etc.

1584. ZINKEISEN, FRANK. Die Anfänge der Lehngerichtsbarkeit in England. Berlin, [1893]. pp. 61.

Contains a scholarly account of feudal jurisdiction, especially in the 11th and 12th centuries.


The Anglo-Saxon courts of law. Political Science Quarterly, x. 132-44. Boston, etc., 1895.


1586. ZOEPFL, HEINRICH. Alterthümer des deutschen Reichs und Rechts. 3 vols. Leipsic, etc., 1860–61.

Jurisdiction of English barons in the 11th and 12th centuries, etc., i. 170-239, 267-72.



See the general treatises in §§ 18, 21, 40. Maitland (No. 1493) throws much light on the king's feorm and on Danegeld. On the tribal hidage, see No. 1544; for Anglo-Saxon coinage, § 10; for the witan, F. Liebermann, The National Assembly in the Anglo-Saxon Period, Halle, 1913, pp. 99.

1586a. LARSON, L. M. The king's household in England before the Norman conquest. Madison, Wisconsin, 1904.

Deals also with the comitatus, gesiths, thegns, housecarls, etc. Valuable.

1587. LEHMANN, KARL. Abhandlungen zur germanischen Rechtsgeschichte. Berlin, etc., 1888.

Die angelsächsische Feorm, 74-78.

1588. PURLITZ, FRIEDRICH. König und Witenagemot bei den Angelsachsen. Bremen, 1892. pp. 66.

Cf. H. M. Chadwick (No. 1489a), who discusses the subject minutely.

1589. ROUND, J. H. Danegeld and the finance of Domesday, in P. E. Dove's Domesday Studies, i. 77-142. London, etc., 1888. Valuable.

1590. [WEBB, P. C.] A short account of Danegeld, with some further particulars relating to William the Conqueror's survey. By a member of the Society of Antiquaries. London, 1756. pp. 33.

A scholarly essay.


a. General, Nos. 1591-99.

b. The Celtic Church, Nos. 1600-1610a.

c. Conversion of England, Monasticism, etc., Nos. 1611-176.

d. Biography: Lives of Saints, etc., Nos. 1617c-63.


For the original sources, see §§ 16, 38; the notes in Haddan and Stubbs's Councils (No. 1424) are very valuable. For the general modern treatises, see §§ 23, 24, 40. Of the works mentioned below, the most elaborate are those of Bright and Lingard ; the best general survey is Hunt's. See also Fernand Cabrol, L'Angleterre Chrétienne avant les Normands, Paris, 1909 (bibliography at pp. ix.–xxiii.).


Chapters of early English church

history. Oxford, 1878; 3rd edition, 1897.

Ch. i. is devoted to the ancient Celtic church; the other chapters deal with the period 597-709. The best work on early English church history.

1592. HADDAN, A. W. Remains of the late A. W. Haddan, ed. A. P. Forbes. Oxford, etc., 1876.

The churches of the British confession, 211-39.

Britons on the continent, 258-94.
The early English church, 294-329.

1593. HATCH, EDWIN. The growth of church institutions. London, 1887.

1594. *HUNT, WILLIAM. The English church, A.D. 5971066. London, 1899.

There is a useful survey of the authorities at the end of each chapter. See No. 757.

1595. LINGARD, JOHN. The history and antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon church. 2 vols. London, 1845; reprinted, 1858.

This is an expansion of his Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 2 vols., Newcastle, 1806; 2nd edition, 1810. Deals in detail with bishops, synods, monks, missions, religious practices, literature, etc.

1595a. PLUMMER, ALFRED. The churches in Britain before A.D. 1000. 2 vols. London, 1911-12.

Expanded from papers in the Churchman, 1910-11.

1596. SOAMES, HENRY. An inquiry into the doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon church. Oxford, 1830.


The Anglo-Saxon church: its history, etc. London, 1835 4th edition, 1856.


London, 1848.

The Latin church during Anglo-Saxon times.

Written in reply to Lingard's work (No. 1595), which assailed the conclusions in Soames's Anglo-Saxon Church (No. 1596).

1599. USSHER, JAMES. Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquiDublin, 1639.-Also printed in his Whole Works (17 vols., Dublin, 1847-64), vols. v.-vi.



The chief materials for the history of the Celtic church are in Haddan and Stubbs's Councils and Reeves's edition of the Life of Columba (Nos. 1424, 1454); the introduction, notes, etc., in

these two works, and in Skene's Celtic Scotland (No. 1269), vol. ii., are valuable. See also the church histories of Ireland and Wales in § 24.

1600. BELLESHEIM, ALPHONS. Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Schottland. 2 vols. Mainz, 1883.-Translated by O. H. Blair: History of the Catholic church of Scotland. 4 vols. Edinburgh, etc., 1887-90.

Vol. i., chs. i.-iv., deals with the early Irish church, St. Columba, cloister-life in Iona, the church in Northumbria, etc.

1601. CATHCART, WILLIAM. The ancient British and Irish churches, including the life of St. Patrick. London, etc., 1894.

1602. EBRARD, J. H. A. Die iroschottische Missionskirche des sechsten, siebenten, und achten Jahrhunderts. Gütersloh, 1873. See No. 1640.

1603. HEALY, JOHN. The ancient Irish church. London, 1892. A brief popular sketch. See also No. 1614а.

1604. LOOFS, FRIEDRICH. Antiquæ Britonum Scotorumque ecclesiæ quales fuerint mores. Leipsic, etc., 1882.


1605. MORAN, P. F. Essays on the origin, doctrines, and discipline of the early Irish church. Dublin, 1864.

Devotes much attention to St. Patrick.

1606. PRYCE, JOHN. The ancient British church. London, 1878.


1607. STOKES, G. T. Ireland and the Celtic church [to 1172]. London, 1886; 6th edition, 1907.

Valuable. See No. 3088.

1608. WARREN, F. E. The liturgy and ritual of the Celtic church. Oxford, 1881.

The best work on this subject.


Oxford, 1912.


Christianity in early Britain.

See also his paper, Some Aspects of the Christian Church in Wales during the Fifth and Sixth Centuries, Soc. of Cymmrodorion, Trans., 1893-94, PP. 55-132, London, 1895.

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