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" That the Circuit Courts of the United States shall have original cognizance, concurrent with the courts of the several States, of all suits of a civil nature, at common law or in equity, where the matter in dispute exceeds, exclusive of interest and costs,... "
A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789 ... - Page 358
by Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 845 pages
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The Laws of the United States of America, Volume 1

United States - Constitutional law - 1796 - 508 pages
...nature at common law or in equity, where the matter in difpute exceeds, exclufive of cofts, the fum or value of five hundred dollars, and the United States...plaintiffs, or petitioners ; or an alien is a party, or the fuit is between a citizen "f thp ^"itp where the fuit is brought, and a citizen of another ftate. And...
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An Abridgement of the Laws of the United States: Or, A Complete Digest of ...

William Graydon - Law - 1803 - 730 pages
...manner as from other district courts to their rcspec« live circuit courts. [See pastea 52.] 11. S*CT. XI. The circuit courts shall have original cognizance»...common law or in equity, where the matter in dispute ex» cetds, exclusive of costs, the sum or value of five hundred dollars, and the united states are...
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A Report of the Whole Trial of Gen. Michael Bright, and Others, Before ...

Michael Bright (Gen.), Thomas Lloyd - Federal-state controversies - 1809 - 236 pages
...This will appear pretty plain from a perusal of llih section of the same act, where it is enacted that the circuit courts shall have original cognizance,...the several states, of all suits of a civil nature, of a certain value, where the United States are plaintiffs or petitioners, or where an alien is a part)-....
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the General Court and ..., Volume 6

Maryland. Court of Appeals, Inhabitant of Coggeshall, Thomas Harris, Reverdy Johnson - Law reports, digests, etc - 1825 - 614 pages
...of the act of congress of 1789, th. 20, it is provided, "that the circuit court of the United States shall have original cognizance, concurrent with, the...sum or value of five hundred dollars, and the United Stales are plaintiffs or petitioners, or an alien is a party, or the suit is between a citizen of the...
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A General Abridgment and Digest of American Law: With Occasional ..., Volume 6

Nathan Dane - Law - 1824 - 764 pages
...of the said act, already cited, Ch. 186, a. 10. By the 11th section of this act, the circuit courts have original cognizance concurrent with the courts...common law, or in equity, " where the matter in dispute does not exceed $500, and the United States are pits, or petitioners; or an alien is a party, or the...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the ..., Volume 1

Elijah Paine, United States. Circuit Court (2nd Circuit) - Law reports, digests, etc - 1827 - 748 pages
...foreign citizen or subject. And by the llth section of the judiciary act of 1789, it is enacted, that the Circuit Courts shall have original cognizance,...the several states, of all suits of a civil nature at common law or in equity, when the matter in dispute exceeds the sum or value of 500 dollars, and...
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The American Jurist and Law Magazine, Volume 14

Law - 1836 - 522 pages
...— 'of all suits of a civil nature at common law or in equity, when the matter in dispute exceeds the sum or value of five hundred dollars, and the...petitioners, or an alien is a party, or the suit is between the citizens of the State where the suit is brought, and a citizen of another State.' This is the general...
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A View of the Constitution of the United States of America

William Rawle - Constitutional law - 1829 - 530 pages
...the section before mentioned, but in that which describes the jurisdiction of the circuit court. " The circuit courts shall have original cognizance...the several states, of all suits of a civil nature at common law or in equity, when the United States are plaintiffs or petitioners, or an alien is a...
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A National Calendar ..., Volume 9

Peter Force - Almanacs, American - 1831 - 384 pages
...f"1 т inhlt* 1 .... CIRCUIT COURTS OF THE USITKI) STATES. The circuit courts ol the United States have original cognizance, concurrent with the courts...or value of five hundred dollars, and the ; United Slates ate plantiffs, or petitioners, or an alien is a party, 01 the suit is between a citizen of the...
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The American Almanac and Respository of useful knowledge for the year 1830

Gray and Bowen - 1831 - 366 pages
...statutes, commissions, or authorities, in dispute. CIRCUIT COURTS. The Circuit Courts of the United States have original cognizance, concurrent with the courts...dispute exceeds, exclusive of costs, the sum or value of 600 dollars, and the United States are plaintiffs or petitioners, or an alien is a party, or the suit...
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