(ACT of July 29th, 1813.) exported, together with the particular quantity; and proof shall be made, to the satisfaction of the collector of the district from which such pickled fish are intended to be exported, and of the naval officer thereof, if any, that the same are of the fisheries of the United States; and no entry shall be received, as aforesaid, of any pickled fish which have not been inspected and marked pursuant to the inspection laws of the respective states where inspection laws are in force, in regard to any pickled fish; and the casks containing such fish shall be branded with the words " for bounty," with the name of the inspector or packer, the species and quality of the fish contained therein, and the name of the port of exportation; and the collector of such district shall, together with the naval officer, where there is one, grant an order or permit for an inspector to examine the pickled fish as expressed in such entry; and if they correspond therewith, and the said officer is fully satisfied that they are of the fisheries of the United States, to lade the same, agreeably to such entry, on board the ship or vessel therein expressed; which lading shall be performed under the superintendence of the officer examining the same, who shall make returns of the quantity and quality of pickled fish so laden on board, in virtue of such order or permit, to the officer or officers granting the same. And the said exporter or exporters, when the lading is completed, and after returns thereof have been made as above directed, shall make oath or affirmation, that the pickled fish expressed in such entry, and then actually laden on board the ship or vessel as therein expressed, are truly and bona fide of the fisheries of the United States, that they are truly intended to be exported as therein specified, and are not intended to be relanded within the limits of the United States; and shall also give bond, in double the amount of the bounty or allowance to be received, with one or more sureties, to the satisfaction of the collector of the port or place from which the said pickled fish are intended to be exported, conditioned that the same shall be landed and left at some foreign port or place without the limits aforesaid; which bonds shall be cancelled at the same periods, and in like manner, as is provided in respect to bonds given on the exportation of goods, wares, and merchandise, entitled to drawback of duties: Provided always, That the said bounty or allowance shall not be paid until at least six months after the exportation of such pickled fish, to be computed from the date of the bond, and until the exporter or exporters thereof shall produce to the collector, with whom such outward entry is made, such certificates, or other satisfactory proof, of the landing of the same as aforesaid, as is made necessary for cancelling the bonds given on the exportation of goods entitled to drawback: And provided also, That the bounty or allowance as aforesaid, shall not be paid unless the same shall amount to ten dollars, at least, upon each entry. 4. SEC. III. No bounty, drawback, or allowance, shall be made under the authority of this act, unless it shall be proved to the sa (ACT of July 29th, 1813.) tisfaction of the collector that the pickled fish for which the bounty, drawback, or allowance, shall be claimed, was wholly cured with foreign salt, and on which a duty shall have been secured or paid. 5. SEC. IV. If any pickled fish shall be falsely or fraudulently entered, with intent to obtain the bounty or allowance on their exportation, as here provided, when the said fish are not entitled to the same, the said fish, or the value thereof, to be recovered of the person making such false entry, shall be forfeited. 6. SEC. v. From and after the last day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, there shall be paid, on the last day of December, annually, to the owner of every vessel, or his agent, by the collector of the district where such vessel may belong, that shall be qualified, agreeably to law, for carrying on the bank and other cod fisheries, and that shall actually have been employed therein at sea for the term of four months at the least of the fishing season next preceding, which season is accounted to be from the last day of February to the last day of November in every year, for each and every ton of such vessel's burthen, according to her admeasurement as licensed or enrolled, if of twenty tons, and not exceeding thirty tons, two dollars and forty cents; and if above thirty tons, four dollars; of which allowance aforesaid three-eighth parts shall accrue and belong to the owner of such fishing vessel, and the other five-eighths thereof shall be divided by him, his agent, or lawful representative, to and among the several fishermen, who shall have been employed in such vessel during the season aforesaid, or a part thereof, as the case may be, in such proportions as the fish they shall respectively have taken may bear to the whole quantity of fish taken on board such vessel during such season: Provided, That the allowance aforesaid on any one vessel, for one season, shall not exceed two hundred and seventy-two dollars. [Infra, 13, 14.] 7. SEC. VI. From and after the last day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, there shall also be paid, on the last day of December, annually, to the owner of every fishing boat or vessel of more than five tons and less than twenty tons, or to his agent or lawful representative, by the collector of the district where such boat or vessel may belong, the sum of one dollar and sixty cents upon every ton admeasurement of such boat or vessel, which allowance shall be accounted for as part of the proceeds of the fares of said boat or vessel, and shall accordingly be so divided among all persons interested therein: Provided, however, That this allowance shall be made only to such boats or vessels as shall have been actually employed at sea in the cod fishery for the term of four months at the least of the preceding season: And provided also, That such boat or vessel shall have landed, in the course of said preceding season, a quantity of fish not less than twelve quintals for every ton of her admeasurement; the said quantity of fish (ACT of February 9th, 1816.) to be ascertained when dried and cured fit for exportation, and according to the weight thereof as the same shall weigh at the time of delivery when actually sold; which account of the weight, with the original adjustment and settlement of the fare or fares among the owners and fishermen, together with a written account of the length, breadth, and depth, of said boat, or vessel, and the time she has actually been employed in the fishery in the preceding season, shall, in all cases, be produced and sworn or affirmed to before the said collector of the district, in order to entitle the owner, his agent, or lawful representative, to receive the allowances aforesaid. And if at any time within one year after payment of such allowance, it shall appear that any fraud or deceit has been practised in obtaining the same, the boat or vessel upon which such allowance shall have been paid, if found within the district aforesaid, shall be forfeited, otherwise the owner or owners, having practised such fraud or deceit, shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars, to be sued for, recovered, and distributed, in the same manner as forfeitures and penalties are to be sued for, recovered, and distributed, for any breach of the act, entitled " An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage." [Infra, 13, 14.] 8. SEC. VII. The owner or owners of every fishing vessel of twenty tons and upwards, his or their agent or lawful representative, shall, previous to receiving the allowance made by this act, produce to the collector who is authorised to pay the same, the original agreement or agreements which may have been made with the fishermen employed on board such vessel, as is hereinbefore required, and also a certificate, to be by him or them subscribed, therein mentioning the particular days on which such vessel sailed and returned on the several voyages or fares she may have made in the preceding fishing season, to the truth of which he or they shall swear or affirm, before the collector aforesaid. 9. SEC. VIII. No ship or vessel of twenty tons or upwards, employed as aforesaid, shall be entitled to the allowance granted by this act, unless the skipper or master thereof shall, before he proceeds on any fishing voyage, make an agreement in writing, or in print, with every fisherman employed therein, according to the provisions of the act, entitled "An act for the government of persons in certain fisheries." 10. SEC. IX. Any person who shall make any false declaration, in any oath or affirmation required by this act, being duly convicted thereof in any court of the United States having jurisdiction of such offence, shall be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and shall be punished accordingly. [SEC. X. Limits the act to the 17th February, 1816. Infra, 11.] ACT of February 9th, 1816. Pamphlet edit. 8. 11. The act, entitled "an act laying a duty on imported salt, (ACT of March 3d, 1819.) granting a bounty on pickled fish exported, and allowances to certain vessels employed in the fisheries," passed on the twentyninth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, shall be, and the same is hereby continued in force, any thing in the said act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. f ACT of April 4th, 1818. Pamphlet edit. 53. 12. Where any fishing vessel of the United States has been, since the eighteenth day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, prevented, by illegal capture or seizure, under authority, or pretence of authority, from any foreign government, from fishing at sea, for any part of the term of four months required by law to be employed by such vessel in fishing, in order to entitle the owner of such vessel to the bounty or allowance prescribed by law, the time of the unlawful detention of such vessel shall be computed as a part of the said four months, and such bounty or allowance shall be paid accordingly: Provided, That such vessel has, in all other respects, complied with the requisites of the laws now in force. ACT of March 3d, 1819. Pamphlet edit. 86. An act in addition to, and alteration of, an act, entitled "An act laying a duty on imported salt, granting a bounty on pickled fish exported," &c. 13. SEC. 1. From and after the passing of this act, there shall be paid, on the last day of December, annually, to the owner, of every fishing boat or vessel, or his agent, by the collector of the district where such boat or vessel may belong, that shall be qualified, agreeably to law, for carrying on the Bank and other Cod fisheries, and that shall actually have been employed therein, at sea, for the term of four months, at least, of the fishing season next preceding, which season is accounted to be from the last day of February to the last day of November in every year, for each and every ton of such boats or vessels, burden according to her admeasurement as licensed or enrolled, if of more than five tons, and not exceeding thirty tons, three dollars and fifty cents; if above thirty tons, four dollars; and if above thirty tons, and having had a crew of not less than ten persons, and having been actually employed in the cod fishery, at sea, for the term of three and one half months, at the least, but less than four months, of the season aforesaid, three dollars and fifty cents: Provided, That the allowance aforesaid, on any one vessel, for one season, shall not exceed three hundred and sixty dollars. 14. SEC. II. Such parts of the fifth and sixth sections of the act, hereby amended as are contrary to the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. 335 FLAGS. Flags captured to be preserved, 1 | Flag of the United States prescribed, ACT of April 18th, 1814. 4 Bioren, 700. 1. SEC. I. The secretaries of the war and navy departments are hereby directed to cause to be collected and transmitted to them, at the seat of the government of the United States, all such flags, standards, and colors, as shall have been, or may hereafter be, taken by the army and navy of the United States, from their enemies. SEC. II. All the flags, standards, and colors, of the description aforesaid, which are now in the possession of the departments aforesaid, and such as may be hereafter transmitted to them, shall be, with all convenient despatch, delivered to the president of the United States, for the purpose of being, under his direction, preserved and displayed in such public place as he shall deem proper. ACT of April 4th, 1818. Pamphlet edit. 52. 2. SEC. 1. From and after the fourth day of July next, the flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternately red and white: the union shall be twenty stars, white in a blue field. SEC. II. On the admission of every new state into the union, one star shall be added to the Union of the flag; and such addition shall take effect on the fourth day of July, then next succeeding such admission. President to take possession, FLORIDA. 1 | Appropriation, Act when to take effect, ACT of March 3d, 1819. Pamphlet edit. 90. An act to authorise the president of the United States, to take possession of East and West Florida, &c. 1. SEC. 1. The president of the United States is hereby authorised, to take possession of, and occupy the territories of East and West Florida, and the appendages and appurtenances thereof; and to remove and transport the officers and soldiers of the king of Spain being there, to the Havanna, agreeably to the stipulation |