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4. Additions to the Library. In the List of Ad-
ditions to the University Library, continuations of
2. The Library Service. The service of the few of the more important) are not included.
periodicals and pamphlets (with the exception of a

Library is at present performed by the following the convenience of those interested in special lines

persons: Professor Willard Fiske, Librarian of study the titles have been tentatively grouped

Mr. G. Wm. Harris, Assistant Librarian; Mr. under a few comprehensive headings, corresponding

Philip P. Barton, Assistant; Miss Annie E. Hutch-

ins, Chief Cataloguer; Mr. Horace S. Kephart very nearly to the general classification of the books

and Mr. William L. Mason, Asssistant Cata-pon the shelves, which is in the main that of Bru-

net. Under the first heading will be found works

loguers; Charles F. Lashier, Janitor.
General or miscellaneous in their character, and also

3. Catalogues.—A complete alphabetical author general bibliographies. The section entitled The-

catalogue and a subject catalogue are now in prepra-ology and Philosophy includes biblical and liturgical

tion, but their completion will necessarily require a literature, church history, religious biography, my-

considerable period of time. Meanwhile the follow-thology, metaphysics, logic, and psychology. Un-

ing catalogues are available for use: -1. A printed der Law and Sociology are placed works on inter-

alphabetical catalogue of the collection formed by national law, forensic medicine, political economy,

President Jared Sparks of Harvard College, largely the science of government, finance, commerce,

relating to American colonial and revolutionary his- statistics, education, charities, temperance and hy-

tory; 2. A short-title, alphabetical manuscript cata-giene. Science embraces the natural and physical

logue of the collection purchased of the estate of

Professor Charles Anthon of Columbia College,

mainly composed of Greek and Latin authors and

works on classical philology; 3. A brief-title, clas-

sified printed catalogue of the library formerly be-

longing to Professor Franz Bopp of Berlin, chiefly

comprising works on oriental linguistics and com-

parative philology; 4. A manuscript catalogue of

the mathematical collection presented to the Uni-

versity by the late William Kelly; 5. A manu-

script catalogue of English history and literature;

6. A manuscript catalogue of agriculture and botany.

Alphabetical card catalogues of the following depart-

ments can also be consulted: -1. Theology and

pro ministerio vom 12. Februar 1799, nebst den

Bestimmungen über die speziellen Erfordernisse in

Bezug auf Anmeldung und Zulassung zu den Prüf-

ungen. 2te Ausgabe. Berlin, 1874. 8°.

REGLEMENT für die Ausbildung, Prüfung und

Anstellung Derjenigen welche sich dem Bausache

im Staatsdienste widmen wollen, vom 3. September

1868, nebst Reglement für die königliche Bau-

Akademie in Berlin. Berlin, 1872. 8o.

für die im preussischen Staate öffentlich

anzustellenden Feldmesser vom 2. März 1871, nebst
den Prüfungs-Instruktionen. Berlin, 1872. 8o.
für die Prüfungen der Kandidaten des hö-
heren Schulamts, nebst der Prüfungsordnung für
Volksschullehrer, Lehrer an Mittelschulen und
Rektoren. 4te Auflage. Berlin, 1877. 8.

über die Annahme, Prüfung und Anstellung

von Civil- und Militair- Anwärtern im Postdienste,

vom 23. Mai 1871. Berlin, 1872. 80.

über die Befähigung zu den technischen

Aemtern der Berg-, Hütten und Salinenverwaltung

in den königlich preussischen Staaten vom 21.

Dezember 1871. Berlin, 1872. 80.

über die Annahme, Ausbildung und An-

stellung von Civil-Supernumerarien im Staats-Eisen-

bahndienst, sowie für die Prüfung zum Subaltern-

beamten im innern Dienst der Staats-Eisenbahn-

Verwaltung. 2te Auflage. Berlin, 1878. 80.

REGULATIV über Ausbildung, Prüfung und An-

stellung für die unteren Stellen des Forstdienstes in

Verbindung init dem Militairdienste im Jägercorps,

vom 8. Januar 1873. [Berlin, 1873.] 40.

über die Ausbildung und Prüfung für die

unteren Stellen des Forstdienstes vom 1. December

1864 und 4. März 1865. Berlin, 1872. 8o.

über die Befähigung zu den höheren Aem-

GOCHNAT, C. Sammlung der Gesetze und Ver-
ordnungen über die Dienstverhältnisse und Bezüge
der k. k. Staatsbeamten. Wien, 1875. 16o.

REVIDIRTE Strafprocessordnung für das König-

reich Hannover vom 5. April 1859; Hannover,

1859. 8o.

LOTICHIUS, M. Die koniglich sächsischen Ge-

setze und Verordnungen über die Verhältnisse der
Civilstaatsdiener. Leipzig, 1878. 8°.

HEBERLE, F. Gesetz betreffend die Rechtsver-
hältnisse der Staatsbeamten. Stuttgart, 1876. 8°.
STAATSVERWALTUNG (Die) des Königreichs

Wurttemberg übersichtlich dargestellt. Stuttgart,

1877. 80.

Alleyn's College of God's gift at Dulwich.
alogue of the manuscripts and muniments; by G. F.
Warner. [London] 1881. 80.

Archiv für Literaturgeschichte; herausgegeben

von Richard Gosche. i-ix. Leipzig, 1870-80.

9 v. 80.

Barnard, F. A. P., and A. Guyot, editors.

Johnson's new universal cyclopaedia: a scientific

and popular treasury of useful knowledge. New

York, 1877-8. 4 v. 4o.

Boston Athenæum. Catalogue of the library,

1807-71. Pt. i-iv [A.-S.] Boston, 1874-80. 4 v.

1. 80.

Egger, E. Histoire du Livre depuis ses origines

jusqu'à nos jours. 3e éd. Paris, [1880]. 120.

Engelmann, W. Bibliotheca scriptorum classi-

corum; 8e Auflage umfassend die Literatur von
1700 bis 1878, neu bearbeitet von E. Preuss: erste
Abtheilung; Scriptores Græci. Leipzig, 1880. 8°.
Lorenz, O. Catalogue général de la librairie
française [depuis 1840]. Paris, 1867-80. 8 v. 8o.
Contents:-i-iv. 1840-65.-v-vii. 1866-75.-vii-viii. Table
de matières, 1840-1875.

Massachusetts. Catalogue of the State Libra-
ry. Boston, 1880. 1. 80.

Report of the librarian of the State Library
for 1880; and first annual supplement to the general
catalogue. Boston, 1881. 80.

Mayor, J. E. B. Bibliographical clue to Latin
literature, edited after E. Hübner, with large addi-
tions. London, 1875. 8o.

Möbius, T. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete
der altnordischen (altisländischen und altnorweg-
ischen) Sprache und Literatur von 1855 bis 1879
erschienenen Schriften. Leipzig, 1880. 8°.
Paris universal international Exhibition,

1878: Official catalogue of the British section.

i-ii. 2d ed. London, 1878. 2 v. 80.

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postille, i. Epistelpredigten. -x-xv. Kirchenpostille, ii. Evan- | in the blood of the Lambe: of whose precious

Maudsley, H. Responsibility in mental dis-

ease. New York, 1878. 12o. [Int. Sci. Series,

No. 9.)

Morris, R., editor. The Blickling homilies of

the tenth century from the Marquis of Lothian's
unique MS. A.D. 971; edited with a translation
and index of words. London, 1880. 8o. (E. E.
T. Soc.)

Müller, F. M. Chips from a German workshop.
London, 1868-75. 4 v. 8o. (Vols. i. and ii. 2d ed.)
Contents:-i. Science of religion. ii. Mythology, tradi-
tions, and customs. iii. Literature, biography, and antiquities.
-iv. Science of languages.

blood spilt in the blood of his servants; and of the
blood of millions that most bloody tenent of per-
secution for cause of conscience upon a second tryal
is found now more notoriously guilty. London,
1652. 4°. (Lacks title-page.)

[blocks in formation]

Education as a science. New York,

(Int. Sci. Series, No. 25.)

Bentham, J. Works; published under the su-
Vols. i-vii,perintendence of his executor, John Bowring. Ed-
inburgh, 1843. II v. So.

editor. The sacred books of the East;

translated by various oriental scholars.

ix-xi. Oxford, 1879-81. IO V. 80.

Contents:i. The Upanishads, by F. M. Müller. Pt. i-

ii. The sacred laws of the Aryas, by G. Bühler. Pt. i. iii.

The sacred books of China: the texts of Confucianism, by J.
Legge. Pt. i.iv. The Zend Avesta, Pt. i. The Vendidad,
by J. Darmesteter. v. Pahlavi texts, by E. West. Pt. i. -
vi, ix. The Qur'an, by E. H. Palmer. Pt. i, ii. vii. The in-
stitutes of Vishnu, by J. Jolly. -x. The Dhammapada, by F.
M. Müller. xi. Buddhist Suttas, by T. W. R. Davids.

Murray, L. The powers of religion on the

mind, in retirement, affliction, and at the approach

of death; from the 18th ed., improved. New York,

Smith, W., and H. Wace. A dictionary of

Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines.

Boston, 1877-80. 2 v. 80.

Contents:-i. A-D. ii. E-H.

and S. Cheetham. A dictionary of Chris-

tian antiquities. Hartford, 1880. 2 v. 8o.
Spinoza, B. DE. Opera quæ supersunt omnia;
edidit C. H. Bruder. Lipsiæ, 1843-6. 3 v. 16o.
Supplementum, continens tractatum hucus-
que ineditum de Deo et homine. Amstelodami,
1862. 16o.

Taylor, I. The spirit of the Hebrew poetry.

London, 1861. 80.

Weeks, R. D. Jehovah-Jesus: the oneness of

God: the true Trinity. New York, 1880. 120.

Williams, R. The bloody tenent yet more

bloody by Mr. Cottons endevour to wash it white

79. 4 v. 8°.

Hofmann, E. Nouveaux éléments de médecine
légale; traduction par Emmanuel Levy, introduction
et commentaires par P. Brouardel. Paris, 1881. 8o.

Hunter, W. Â. A systematic and historical ex-

position of Roman law in the order of a code; em-

bodying the Institutes of Gaius and the Institutes

of Justinian, translated by J. A. Cross. London,

1876. 80.

Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechanism of

exchange. New York, 1880. 120. (Int. Sci.

Series, No. 17).

Kingzett, C. T. Nature's hygiene: a series of

essays on popular scientific subjects with special ref-
erence to the chemistry and hygiene of the eucalyp-
tus and the pine. London, 1880. 8o.

[Kirkwood, J. P., editor.] Collection of re-
ports and opinions of chemists in regard to the use
of lead pipe for service pipe in the distribution of
water for the supply of cities. New York, 1859. 8o.

Lieber, F. Legal and political hermeneutics;

or, principles of interpretation and construction in

law and politics, with remarks on precedents and

authorities. 3d ed., with notes by W. G. Ham-

mond. St. Louis, 1880. 8o.

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