Constitutional Conventions Procedures: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, Second Session, on S. 119 ... April 25, 1984 |
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1st Session 96th Congress Amending the Constitution applications or ratifications April ARMOR Balanced Budget Amendment Balanced Federal Budget Budget Convention Call A Constitutional call a convention concurrent resolution Congressional Record Daily Congressional Research Service Constitutional Amendment Constitutional Convention Procedures convention application Convention Method convention's CR Daily Edition debate determine election Ervin bill February February 23 Federal Constitutional Convention Framers Government Hatch Hearings House of Representatives issue January July June legislation legislatures Library of Congress limited March March 26 Method of Amending Montana National National Taxpayers Union NOTE November period Philadelphia convention Political presiding officer Professor COGAN PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT proposed amendment question Record Daily Edition remarks of Senator Report requisite number Section Senator LEAHY specific Stasny Subcommittee subject matter submit sufficiently contemporaneous Supreme Court tion two-thirds U.S. Congress U.S. Senate unconstitutional United States Constitution vention Vermont vote want a constitutional Washington Post Washington Star York
Popular passages
Page 97 - And the articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the union shall be perpetual ; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them, unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.
Page 11 - The secretary of state of the State, or if there be no such officer, the person who is charged by State law with such function, shall transmit a certified copy of the State resolution ratifying the proposed amendment or amendments to the Administrator of General Services.
Page 70 - Ratet (materials assembled for the Joint Committee on the Economic Report and the Select Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives), committee print (sale price 15 cents): February 1952.
Page 98 - If a General Convention were to take place for the avowed and sole purpose of revising the Constitution, it would naturally consider itself as having a greater latitude than the Congress appointed to administer and support as well as to amend the system...
Page 98 - did not see why Congress would not be as much bound to propose amendments applied for by two-thirds of the States, as to call a convention on the like application. He saw no objection, however, against providing for a convention for the purpose of amendments, except only that difficulties might arise as to the form, the quorum, etc., which in constitutional regulations ought to be as much as possible avoided.
Page 99 - ... proposed amendments. There are strong and cogent reasons operating on my mind, that the amendments, which shall be agreed to by those states, will be sooner ratified by the rest than any other that can be proposed. The conventions which shall be so called will have their deliberations confmed to a few points ; no local interest to divert their attention ; nothing but the necessary alterations.
Page 34 - By this Article Congress only have the power of proposing amendments at any future time to this constitution and should it prove ever so oppressive, the whole people of America can't make, or even propose alterations to it ; a doctrine utterly subversive of the fundamental principles of the rights and liberties of the people.
Page 94 - ... things here. We are not sufficiently sensible of the importance of the example which this Country may give to the world, nor sufficiently attentive to the advantages we may reap from the late reform, if we avoid bringing it into danger.
Page 70 - Problems Relating to State Applications for a Convention to Propose Constitutional Limitations on Federal Tax Rates
Page 96 - As the convention was called for " the sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation, and reporting to congress and the several legislatures such alterations and provisions as shall render the federal constitution adequate to the exigencies of government and the preservation of the Union...