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No. 168, page 1233.-To authorize the President of the United States to present

a Congressional Medal of Honor to Jennings Jack Bennett (H. R.


No. 169, page 1235.-Hearing on H. R. 1023, a bill to establish a chief of chap-

lains of the United States Navy.

No. 170, page 1259.-To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to accept gifts and

bequests for the United States Naval Academy, and for other pur-

poses (H. R. 3958).

No. 171, page 1261.-Proceedings on the occasion of the unveiling of the portrait

of Hon. Carl Vinson, chairman, Naval Affairs Committee, House of

Representatives, Thursday, January 20, 1944.

No. 172, page 1273.-Investigation of congested areas.

No. 173, page 1285.-To provide titles for heads of staff departments of the
United States Marine Corps, and for other purposes (H. R. 4029).

No. 174, page 1287.-To amend the act approved March 2, 1895, as amended

(H. R. 4030).

o. 175, page 1289.-Authorizing appropriations for the United States Navy

for additional ship repair facilities, and for other purposes (H. R.


176, page 1293.-Authorizing the President to present, in the name of Con-

gress, a distinguished service medal to Lt. Gen. Thomas Holcomb,

United States Marine Corps (H. R. 3760).

No. 177, page 1295.-To amend article 61 of the Articles for the Government of

the Navy (H. R. 3452).

No. 178, page 1297.-Recommending to the Secretary of the Navy that he give

immediate, full, and thorough consideration to the solution of the

problem of in-plant feeding at shipyards and shipbuilding plants

under his jurisdiction (H. Res. 337).

No. 179, page 1299. To provide compensation upon discharge for physical

disability of enlisted personnel of the naval service in cases where

disability is service-connected but not the result of own misconduct

(H. R. 3543).

No. 180, page 1301.-Hearing on S. 397 for the relief of Lt. (Jr. Gr.) Svend J.

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