Agency Federal Acquisition Regulation National Security Council National Security Council and Office of Science and Technology Policy National Telecommunications and Information Administration National Transportation Safety Board Natural Resources Conservation Service Natural Resource Revenue, Office of Federal Acquisition Regulation Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Federal Acquisition Regulation Occupational Safety and Health Administration Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust Operations Office Overseas Private Investment Corporation Patent and Trademark Office, United States Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses Employees Peace Corps Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Personnel Management, Office of Human Resources Management and Labor Relations Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation Postal Regulatory Commission Postal Service, United States Postsecondary Education, Office of President's Commission on White House Fellowships Presidential Documents Presidio Trust Prisons, Bureau of Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Procurement and Property Management, Office of Public Contracts, Department of Labor Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for Public Health Service Railroad Retirement Board Reclamation, Bureau of Refugee Resettlement, Office of Relocation Allowances Research and Innovative Technology Administration Rural Business-Cooperative Service Rural Development Administration Rural Housing Service Rural Telephone Bank Rural Utilities Service Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau of Science and Technology Policy, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of, and National 48, 25 32, XXI 47, II Chapter 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV, V 49, VIII 7, VI 30, XII 25, IV 32, VI 48, 52 24, XXV 10, XVIII 2, XX; 5, XLVIII; 10, I 48, 20 29, XVII 29, XX 30, V 36, XV 7, XXVIII 5, XXXIII; 22, VII 37, I 41, 304 41, 303 2, XXXVII; 22, III 36, IX 29, XL 5, I, XXXV; 5, IV; 45, VIII 5, XCVII 48, 17 48, 21 48, 16 49, I 5, XLVI; 39, III 5, LX; 39, I 34, VI 1, IV 3 36, X 28, V 6, X 7, XXXII 41, 50 24, IX 42, I 20, II 43, I 45, IV 41, 302 49, XI 7, XVIII, XLII 7, XLII 7, XVIII, XXXV 7, XVI 7, XVII, XVIII, XLII 30, II 33, IV 32, XXIV 47, II Secret Service 31, IV Agency Securities and Exchange Commission Selective Service System Small Business Administration Smithsonian Institution Social Security Administration Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, United States Special Counsel, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Federal Acquisition Regulation Susquehanna River Basin Commission Technology Administration Technology Policy, Assistant Secretary for Tennessee Valley Authority Thrift Supervision Office, Department of the Treasury Transportation, Department of Commercial Space Transportation Emergency Management and Assistance Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Aviation Administration Federal Highway Administration Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Federal Railroad Administration Federal Transit Administration Maritime Administration National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Secretary of Transportation, Office of Transportation Statistics Bureau Transportation, Office of Transportation Security Administration Transportation Statistics Bureau Travel Allowances, Temporary Duty (TDY) Treasury Department Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Customs and Border Protection Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Claims Collection Standards Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Fiscal Service Foreign Assets Control, Office of Internal Revenue Service Investment Security, Office of Monetary Offices Secret Service Secretary of the Treasury, Office of Thrift Supervision, Office of Truman, Harry S. Scholarship Foundation United States and Canada, International Joint Commission U.S. Copyright Office Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission Federal Acquisition Regulation Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Office of the Vice President of the United States, Office of 32, XXVIII List of CFR Sections Affected All changes in this volume of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that were made by documents published in the FEDERAL REGISTER since January 1, 2012 are enumerated in the following list. Entries indicate the nature of the changes effected. Page numbers refer to FEDERAL REGISTER pages. The user should consult the entries for chapters, parts and subparts as well as sections for revisions. For changes to this volume of the CFR prior to this listing, consult the annual edition of the monthly List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). The LSA is available at For changes to this volume of the CFR prior to 2001, see the "List of CFR Sections Affected, 1949–1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986–2000" published in 11 separate volumes. The "List of CFR Sections Affected 1986-2000" is available at |