Air Force Department Army Department Agency Defense Acquisition Regulations System Defense Logistics Agency Engineers, Corps of National Imagery and Mapping Agency Secretary of Defense, Office of Defense Contract Audit Agency Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Logistics Agency Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Delaware River Basin Commission Denali Commission District of Columbia, Court Services and Offender Supervision Drug Enforcement Administration East-West Foreign Trade Board Economic Analysis, Bureau of Economic Development Administration Economic Research Service Education, Department of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, Office of Civil Rights, Office for Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Federal Acquisition Regulation Postsecondary Education, Office of Secretary of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Employees Loyalty Board Employment and Training Administration Energy, Department of Federal Acquisition Regulation Energy, Office of Engineers, Corps of Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Federal Acquisition Regulation Environmental Quality, Office of Environmental Quality, Council on National Drug Control Policy, Office of Presidential Documents Agency Science and Technology Policy, Office of Trade Representative, Office of the United States Export-Import Bank of the United States Farm Credit Administration Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Farm Service Agency Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Aviation Administration Commercial Space Transportation Federal Claims Collection Standards Federal Communications Commission Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Election Commission Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation Federal Financing Bank Federal Highway Administration Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office Federal Housing Finance Agency Federal Housing Finance Board Federal Labor Relations Authority Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Federal Management Regulation Federal Maritime Commission Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Federal Procurement Policy Office Federal Property Management Regulations Federal Railroad Administration Federal Register, Administrative Committee of Federal Register, Office of Federal Reserve System Board of Governors Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Federal Service Impasses Panel Federal Trade Commission 3 Chapter 32, XXIV; 47, II 15, XX 2, XXXV; 5, LII; 12, IV 45, II 5, XXXI; 12, VI 5, XXX; 12, XIV 7, VII, XVIII 48, 1 14, I 14, III 31, IX 5, XXIX; 47, I 41, 60 7, IV 5, XXII; 12, III 5, XXXVII; 11, I 44, I 48, 21 48, 16 5, XXIV; 18, I 12, XI 12, VIII 23, I, II 1, IV 12, XVII 5, LXXX; 12, XII 12, IX 5, XIV, XLIX; 22, XIV 31, VII 41, 102 46, IV 29, XII 5, LXXIV; 29, XXVII 49, III 28, III 48, 99 41, 101 49, II 1, I 1, II 12, II 5, LVIII 5, VI, LXXVI 5, XIV 5, XLVII; 16, I 49, VI 41, Subtitle F 31, X Federal Transit Administration Federal Travel Regulation System Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Financial Research Office 12, XVI Forest Service General Services Administration 15, IV 36, II 5, LVII; 41, 105 Agency Contract Appeals, Board of Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Management Regulation Federal Property Management Regulations Federal Travel Regulation System General Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses Employees Relocation Allowances Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances Geological Survey Government Accountability Office Government Ethics, Office of Government National Mortgage Association Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Health and Human Services, Department of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Family Assistance, Office of Federal Acquisition Regulation Food and Drug Administration Indian Health Service Inspector General (Health Care), Office of Refugee Resettlement, Office of Homeland Security, Department of Coast Guard Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) Federal Emergency Management Agency Human Resources Management and Labor Relations Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau HOPE for Homeowners Program, Board of Directors of Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary for Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office of Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of Inspector General, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau Immigration Review, Executive Office for Independent Counsel, Office of Independent Counsel, Offices of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Chapter 48, 61 48, 5 41, 102 41, 101 41, Subtitle F 41, 300 41, 304 41, 303 41, 302 41, 301 30, IV 4, I 5, XVI 24, III 7, VIII; 9, II 2, LIX; 40, VIII 45, XVIII 2, III; 5, XLV; 45, Subtitle A 42, IV 45, III 45, II, III, IV, X, XIII 45, X 45, II 48, 3 21, I 25, V 42, V 42, I 45, IV 2, XXX; 5, XXXVI; 6, I; 8, I 33, I; 46, I; 49, IV 46, III 19, I 44, I 5, XCVII 19, IV 49, XII 24, XXIV 2, XXIV; 5, LXV; 24, Subtitle B 24, V, VI 24, I 48, 24 12, XVII 24, III 24, II, VIII, X, XX 24, IV 24, XII 24, IX 24, Subtitle A, VII 24, II, VIII, X, XX 24, IV 19, IV 8, V 28, VII 28, VI 25, I, V 25, VI Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary Indian Arts and Crafts Board Indian Health Service Agency Industry and Security, Bureau of Information Resources Management, Office of Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and Inspector General Agriculture Department Health and Human Services Department Housing and Urban Development Department Institute of Peace, United States Inter-American Foundation Interior Department American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee Endangered Species Committee Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Property Management Regulations System Geological Survey Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary Indian Arts and Crafts Board Land Management, Bureau of National Indian Gaming Commission National Park Service Natural Resource Revenue, Office of Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Safety and Enforcement Bureau, Bureau of Secretary of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of Internal Revenue Service International Boundary and Water Commission, United States International Development, United States Agency for Federal Acquisition Regulation International Development Cooperation Agency, United International Joint Commission, United States and Canada International Trade Administration International Trade Commission, United States Interstate Commerce Commission Investment Security, Office of James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries Justice Department Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Bureau of Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Claims Collection Standards Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United Immigration Review, Executive Office for Independent Counsel, Offices of Prisons, Bureau of Property Management Regulations Labor Department Employee Benefits Security Administration Employment and Training Administration Employment Standards Administration Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of 25, II 25, V 15, VII Chapter 7, XXVII 32, XX 7, XXVI 42, V 24, XII, XV 22, XVII 5, LXIII; 22, X 2, XIV 25, VII 50, IV 48, 14 41, 114 50, I, IV 30, IV 25, I, V 25, VI 25, II 43, II 25, III 36, I 30, XII 30, V 43, I 30, II 2, XIV; 43, Subtitle A 30, VII 26, I 22, XI 22, II 48,7 22, XII 22, IV 5, V 15, III; 19, III 19, II 5, XL 31, VIII 45, XXIV 22, XVI 20, VIII 2, XXVIII; 5, XXVIII; 28, I, XI; 40, IV 27, II 21, II 48, 28 31, IX 28, III 45, V 8, V 28, VI 28, V 41, 128 2, XXIX; 5, XLII 29, XXV 20, IV 20, V 20, VI 48, 29 41, 60 |