Chap. IV National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 400499) V The First Responder Network Authority (Parts 500-599) Title 48-Federal Acquisition Regulations System 1 Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 1-99) 2 Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense 3 (Parts 200-299) Health and Human Services (Parts 300-399) 4 Department of Agriculture (Parts 400-499) General Services Administration (Parts 500-599) Department of State (Parts 600-699) Agency for International Development (Parts 700-799) 5 6 7 13 12 Department of Transportation (Parts 1200—1299) 15 16 17 18 19 Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500-1599) Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1700-1799) Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 1900-1999) 20 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 2000-2099) 21 Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees Group Life 23 24 Social Security Administration (Parts 2300-2399) Title 48-Federal Acquisition Regulations System-Continued Chap. 54 Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Defense (Parts 54005499) 57 61 99 I African Development Foundation (Parts 5700-5799) Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, General Services Administration (Parts 6100-6199) Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget (Parts 99009999) Title 49-Transportation SUBTITLE A-OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION (PARTS 1-99) SUBTITLE B-OTHER REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 100-199) II Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation III Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of IV V Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 400-499) VI Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation VII National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) (Parts 700-799) VIII National Transportation Safety Board (Parts 800-999) X Surface Transportation Board (Parts 1000—1399) XI Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1400—1499) [Reserved] Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1500-1699) XII Title 50-Wildlife and Fisheries I United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 1-199) II National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 200— 299) III IV V International Fishing and Related Activities (Parts 300-399) Joint Regulations (United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior and National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce); Endangered Species Committee Regulations (Parts 400-499) Marine Mammal Commission (Parts 500-599) Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR (Revised as of October 1, 2017) Agency CFR Title, Subtitle or Chapter Administrative Committee of the Federal Register Administrative Conference of the United States Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Advocacy and Outreach, Office of Afghanistan Reconstruction, Special Inspector General for African Development Foundation Federal Acquisition Regulation Agency for International Development Federal Acquisition Regulation Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Research Service Agriculture Department Advocacy and Outreach, Office of Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Research Service Commodity Credit Corporation Economic Research Service Energy Policy and New Uses, Office of Environmental Quality, Office of Farm Service Agency Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Food and Nutrition Service Food Safety and Inspection Service Foreign Agricultural Service Forest Service Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Inspector General, Office of National Agricultural Library National Agricultural Statistics Service National Institute of Food and Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Operations, Office of Procurement and Property Management, Office of Rural Business-Cooperative Service Rural Development Administration Rural Housing Service Rural Telephone Bank Rural Utilities Service Secretary of Agriculture, Office of Transportation, Office of World Agricultural Outlook Board Air Force Department Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Air Transportation Stabilization Board American Battle Monuments Commission American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee 25, VII Agency Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Appalachian Regional Commission Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Arctic Research Commission Armed Forces Retirement Home Army Department Engineers, Corps of Federal Acquisition Regulation Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of People Who Are Broadcasting Board of Governors Federal Acquisition Regulation Career, Technical and Adult Education, Office of Census Bureau Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Central Intelligence Agency Chemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation Board Chief Financial Officer, Office of Child Support Enforcement, Office of Children and Families, Administration for Civil Rights, Commission on Civil Rights, Office for Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency District of Columbia Coast Guard Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) Commerce Department Census Bureau Economic Analysis, Bureau of Economic Development Administration Emergency Management and Assistance Federal Acquisition Regulation Foreign-Trade Zones Board Industry and Security, Bureau of International Trade Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Telecommunications and Information Administration National Weather Service Patent and Trademark Office, United States Secretary of Commerce, Office of Commercial Space Transportation Commodity Credit Corporation Commodity Futures Trading Commission Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Community Services, Office of Comptroller of the Currency Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Consumer Product Safety Commission Copyright Royalty Board Corporation for National and Community Service Cost Accounting Standards Board Council on Environmental Quality Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Customs and Border Protection Defense Contract Audit Agency Defense Department Advanced Research Projects Agency Chapter 7, III; 9, I 5, IX 36, XI 45, XXIII 5, XI 32, V 33, II; 36, III 48, 51 34, V 41, 51 22, V 48, 19 34, IV 15, I 42, IV 32, XIX 40, VI 7, XXX 45, III 45, II, III, IV, X, XIII 5, LXVIII; 45, VII 34, I 5, XCVIII 5, LXX 33, I; 46, I; 49, IV 46, III 2, XIII; 44, IV; 50, VI 15, I 15, VIII 13, III 44, IV 48, 13 15, IV 15, VII 15, III; 19, III 15, II; 37, IV 50, II, IV 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, VI 15, XI 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV 15, IX 37, I 15, Subtitle A 14, III 7, XIV 5, XLI; 17, I 24, V, VI 45, X 12, I 29, IX 5, LXXXIV; 12, X 5, LXXI; 16, II 37, III 2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV 48,99 40, V 5, LXX; 28, VIII 19, I 32, I 2, XI; 5, XXVI; 32, Subtitle A; 40, VII 32, I |