Chap. VI Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the Treasury (Parts 600-699) VII Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Department of the Treasury (Parts 700-799) VIII Office of Investment Security, Department of the Treasury (Parts 800-899) IX Federal Claims Collection Standards (Department of the Treas X I VI ury-Department of Justice) (Parts 900-999) Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Parts 1-399) Department of the Army (Parts 400-699) Department of the Navy (Parts 700-799) VII Department of the Air Force (Parts 800-1099) XII XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI SUBTITLE B-OTHER REGULATIONS RELATING TO NATIONAL DE- Defense Logistics Agency (Parts 1200—1299) Selective Service System (Parts 1600-1699) Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Parts 1700—1799) Central Intelligence Agency (Parts 1900-1999) National Security Council (Parts 2100—2199) XXIV Office of Science and Technology Policy (Parts 2400-2499) XXVII Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations (Parts 2700-2799) XXVIII Office of the Vice President of the United States (Parts 28002899) Title 33-Navigation and Navigable Waters I Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1-199) IV I fense (Parts 200-399) Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, Department of Transportation (Parts 400-499) : Title 34-Education SUBTITLE A-OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF EDU- SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS OF THE OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education (Parts 100-199) Chap. II Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Education (Parts 200-299) III Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education (Parts 300-399) IV Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, Department of Education (Parts 400-499) V Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Department of Education (Parts 500-599) [Reserved] VI Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education (Parts 600-699) VII Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Department of SUBTITLE C-REGULATIONS RELATING TO EDUCATION XI [Reserved] XII National Council on Disability (Parts 1200-1299) Title 35 [Reserved] Title 36-Parks, Forests, and Public Property I National Park Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 1-199) II Forest Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 200-299) III IV V VI VII Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts 300-399) [Reserved] Library of Congress (Parts 700-799) VIII Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Parts 800-899) II III Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (Parts 900-999) Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 1200—1299) Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environ- Title 37-Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights I United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce (Parts 1-199) U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress (Parts 200-299) Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress (Parts 300-399) IV National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce (Parts 400-599) Chap. Title 38-Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief I IV Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1-1099) V Council on Environmental Quality (Parts 1500-1599) VI Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (Parts 1600 1699) VII Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Defense; VIII Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Parts 1800-1899) Title 41-Public Contracts and Property Management 50 51 60 61 SUBTITLE A-FEDERAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS SYSTEM SUBTITLE B-OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employ- 62-100 [Reserved] 101 102 103-104 105 109 114 115 128 129-200 SUBTITLE C-FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS Federal Property Management Regulations (Parts 101-1-101-99) [Reserved] General Services Administration (Parts 105-1-105-999) Department of the Interior (Parts 114-1-114-99) Department of Justice (Parts 128-1-128-99) [Reserved] SUBTITLE D-OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO PROPERTY MANAGE- Chap. 300 301 SUBTITLE E-FEDERAL INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SUBTITLE F-FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION SYSTEM Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances (Parts 301-1-301-99) 302 Relocation Allowances (Parts 302-1-302-99) 303 Payment of Expenses Connected with the Death of Certain Employees (Part 303-1-303-99) 304 Payment of Travel Expenses from a Non-Federal Source (Parts 304-1-304-99) ii-III Title 42-Public Health I Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1-199) IV V [Reserved] Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 400-699) Office of Inspector General-Health Care, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1000-1099) Title 43-Public Lands: Interior SUBTITLE A-OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR (PARTS 1-199) SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC LANDS I Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior (Parts 400— 999) II Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior (Parts 1000-9999) III Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission (Parts 10000—10099) Title 44-Emergency Management and Assistance I Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 0-399) IV II Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation (Parts 400-499) Title 45-Public Welfare SUBTITLE A-DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (PARTS 1-199) SUBTITLE B-REGULATIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC WELFARE Office of Family Assistance (Assistance Programs), Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 200-299) Chap. III IV V VI VII VIII Office of Child Support Enforcement (Child Support Enforcement Program), Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300-399) Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, National Science Foundation (Parts 600-699) Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 700-799) Office of Personnel Management (Parts 800-899) IX Denali Commission (Parts 900-999) X Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1000-1099) XI National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities (Parts 1100-1199) XII Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 12001299) XIII Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health XVI XVII XVIII XXI XXIII XXIV XXV and Human Services (Parts 1300-1399) Legal Services Corporation (Parts 1600-1699) National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (Parts 1700-1799) Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (Parts 1800-1899) Commission of Fine Arts (Parts 2100-2199) Arctic Research Commission (Part 2301) James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Parts 24002499) Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 25002599) Title 46-Shipping I II III IV I II Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1-199) Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage), Department of Homeland Federal Maritime Commission (Parts 500-599) Title 47-Telecommunication Federal Communications Commission (Parts 0-199) Office of Science and Technology Policy and National Security III National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 300-399) |