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AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301, 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

SOURCE: 69 FR 22991, Apr. 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 2901.0-Scope of Subpart

2901.001 Scope of part.

This chapter may be referred to as the Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation or the DOLAR. This subpart sets forth introductory information about the Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation. This subpart explains the relationship of the DOLAR to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and explains the DOLAR's purpose, authority, applicability, exclusions, and issuance.

Subpart 2901.1-Purpose,
Authority, Issuance

2901.101 Purpose.

(a) Chapter 29, Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation, is established within Title 48 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation System of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(b) The purpose of the DOLAR is to implement the FAR, and to supplement the FAR when coverage is needed for subject matter not covered in the FAR. The DOLAR is not by itself a complete document, as it must be used in conjunction with the FAR.

2901.103 Authority.

The DOLAR is issued pursuant to the authority of the Secretary of Labor under 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c). This authority has been delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management under Secretary's Order 4-76 in accordance with FAR 1.301(d)(3).

2901.105–2 Arrangement of regulations.

(a) Numbering. Where DOLAR implements the FAR, the implementing part, subpart, section or subsection of the DOLAR is numbered and captioned, to the extent feasible, the same as the FAR part, subpart, section or subsection being implemented, except that the section or subsection being implemented is preceded with a 29 or a 290 such that there will always be four numbers to the left of the first decimal. For example, the DOLAR implementation of FAR 1.105-1 is shown as 2901.105-1 and the DOLAR implementation of FAR subpart 24.1 is shown as DOLAR subpart 2924.1. Material which supplements the FAR is assigned the subsection numbers 70 and up. For example, the DOL regulation governing appointment and termination of contracting officers' technical representatives is identified as 2901.603-71.

(b) References to FAR materials within the DOLAR will include the асronym FAR and the identifying number, for example, FAR 1.104–2(c)(2). References to DOLAR materials within the DOLAR simply cite the identifying number, for example, 2901.104–2(c)(2).

2901.105–3 Copies.

Copies of the DOLAR published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, CD-ROM, or Code of Federal Regulations may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or from the Government Printing Office Web Page, Requests should reference the DOLAR as chapter 29 of title 48. The Code of Federal Regulations is printed in paperback edition with updates as needed. Additional information on DOL may be obtained on the Internet at Other DOL procurement policy documents referenced within the DOLAR may be available when appropriate by mail from the Division of Acquisition Management Services.

Subpart 2901.2-Administration 2901.201-1 Maintenance of the FAR.

A member of the Division of Acquisition Management Services (DAMS), an organization within the Office of Acquisition and Management Support Services, the Business Operations Center, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM), represents the Department of Labor on the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC). DAMS will be responsible for coordination with all interested DOL elements regarding

proposed FAR revisions and advocating revisions sought by DOL.

Subpart 2901.3-Agency
Acquisition Regulations

2901.302 Limitations.

DOLAR System issuances are limited to published, codified, Departmentwide regulations, which implement or supplement FAR policies and procedures and which affect organizations or individuals seeking to contract with the Department.

2901.304 Agency control and compliance procedures.

(a) The DOLAR is under the direct oversight and control of the Department's Senior Procurement Executive. Procedures for review and approval of issuances under the DOLAR System comply with FAR subparts 1.3 and 1.4. These procedures are contained in subpart 2901.6.

(b) DOLAR issuances shall comply with the restrictions in FAR 1.304(b).

(c) Heads of Contracting Activity (HCAs) must submit all proposed instructions and materials that implement or supplement the DOLAR to the Director, DAMS. In conjunction with the Office of the Solicitor, DAMS will review all issuances whether or not they will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER as a part of the DOLAR System. In the case of internal procurement policy instructions, the purpose of the review is to ascertain that such instructions are consistent with the FAR and the DOLAR and that they do not contain information which should be issued under the DOLAR.

Subpart 2901.4-Deviations From the FAR and DOLAR

2901.403 Individual deviations from the FAR.

(a) The Senior Procurement Executive is authorized to approve deviations from FAR provisions (see FAR 1.403) or DOLAR provisions, which affect only one contracting action, unless FAR 1.405(e) is applicable. Requests for deviations shall be submitted through the Director, DAMS.

(b) Requests for deviations under paragraph (a) of this section must be submitted by the HCA and include justification as to why the deviation is required.

(c) A copy of the approved deviation must be included in the contract file.

2901.404 Class deviations.

(a) The Senior Procurement Executive is authorized to approve class deviations from FAR or DOLAR provisions which affect more than one contracting action, unless FAR 1.405(e) is applicable. The request for deviation is submitted through the Director, DAMS.

(b) Requests for deviations under paragraph (a) of this section must be submitted by the HCA and include justification as to why the deviation is required and the number of contracting actions which will be affected.

(c) For a FAR class deviation the Director, DAMS will consult with the Chair of the CAAC, as required in FAR 1.404(a)(1), before authorizing the deviation.

(d) A copy of the approved class deviation must be included in each contract file.

(e) Recommended revisions to the FAR and a copy of each approved class FAR deviation will be transmitted to the FAR Secretariat by the Director, DAMS as required in FAR 1.404.

2901.405 Deviations pertaining to treaties and executive agreements.

(a) The Director, DAMS is responsible for transmitting to the FAR Secretariat the information required in FAR 1.405(d).

(b) For deviations not authorized by FAR 1.405(b) or (c), the Director, DAMS, will process the request for deviation through the FAR Secretariat.

Subpart 2901.6-Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities

2901.601 General.

(a) This section deals with contracting authority and responsibilities of the head of the agency as described in 2902.1, FAR subpart 1.6 and this subpart.

(1) The authority and responsibility vested in the Secretary to contract for

authorized supplies and services is delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management.

(2) The Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management may delegate contracting authority to a bureau or agency within the Department of Labor as he/she delineates in writing.

(b) The Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management, acting through the Senior Procurement Executive, may delegate additional procurement authority subject to the issuance of warrants by the Senior Procurement Executive, and reserves the right to rescind any acquisition authority, if it is determined that such action is in the best interest of the Government.

2901.602 Contracting officers.

2901.602–1 Authority.

Contracting warrants, at all levels above the micro-purchase threshold, must be requested by the HCA in writing and signed by the Senior Procurement Executive. Warrants may be accompanied by letters of appointment that may provide requirements for maintaining the warrant (e.g., maintaining current documentation for the FAR, DOLAR, and other guidance, and recurrent training). Copies of the appointment shall be maintained in the Division of Acquisition Management Services. Contracting officers must display the original warrant (and its limitations) in their workspace. A listing of current contracting officers may be available for review on the Internet at prgms.htm. To modify a contracting officer's authority, the present appointment must be revoked and a new certificate issued.

2901.602-3 Ratification of unauthorized commitments.

(a) If the HCA agrees that the commitment appears to be without valid authorization, the Division of Acquisition Management Services must be notified by the HCA in accordance with the procedures outlined in this section.

(b) RatificationsThresholds. The Department of Labor may only ratify acquisitions that were intended to fulfill a bona fide need and otherwise could

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