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the purchase request. The justification must state that the product, or specific product feature, is essential to the Government's requirements and other similar products or features will not meet these requirements. This determination must be signed by a representative of the office originating the request and must accompany the purchase requisition submitted to the appropriate contracting office. If such a justification is not made, the contracting officer may assume that another make and model or a generic product could equally meet the DOL requirement.

(b) In accordance with FAR 10.002(b), the requisitioning office must submit to the contracting officer information demonstrating that a variety of products from various commercial sources have been considered. This requirement is not necessary for required sources (See FAR 8.001). Orders to be placed against non-mandatory sources, such as the Federal Supply Schedules, or other Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts, should include product information concerning multiple sources based research from site or other sources. When documented in this manner, the contracting officer may rely on this information in developing a procurement strategy, or for documenting the comparison of catalogs or pricelists.


[69 FR 22991, Apr. 27, 2004]


Subpart 2911.1-Selecting And Developing Requirements Documents


2911.103 Market acceptance.

Subpart 2911.5-Liquidated Damages 2911.501 Policy.

AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

SOURCE: 69 FR 22991, Apr. 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 2911.1-Selecting And Developing Requirements Documents

2911.103 Market acceptance.

The authority of the Head of an Agency under FAR 11.103(a), to require offerors to demonstrate that the items offered have either achieved commercial market acceptance or been satisfactorily supplied to an agency under current or recent contracts for the same or similar requirements, and otherwise meet the item description, specifications, or other criteria prescribed in the public notice and solicitation, is delegated to the HCA.

Subpart 2911.5-Liquidated

2911.501 Policy.

In accordance with FAR 11.501(d), the authority of the Head of Agency to recommend to the Department of Treasury, Commissioner, Financial Management Services, that the amount of a contractor's liquidated damages be waived or reduced in whole or in part, is delegated to the HCA.


AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

SOURCE: 69 FR 22991, Apr. 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 2912.3-Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses for the Acquisition of Commercial Items

2912.302 Tailoring of provisions and clauses for the acquisition of commercial items.

In accordance with FAR 12.302(c), a request for waiver to tailor terms inconsistent with customary commercial practice must be documented in a written justification by the contracting officer, and may be approved by the НСА on an individual or class basis.

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award. 2914.408 Award. 2914.408-1 General.

AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301; 40 U.S.C. 486(c). SOURCE: 69 FR 22991, Apr. 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 2914.4-Opening of Bids and Award of Contract

2914.404-1 Cancellation of invitations after opening.

The authority of the agency head in FAR 14.404–1(c) and (f) to make a written determination to cancel an invitation for bids and reject all bids after opening and to authorize completion of the acquisition through negotiation is delegated to the HCA.

2914.407-3 Other mistakes disclosed before award.

(a) The authority to make determinations, as conferred by FAR 14.4073(e) is delegated to the HCA, without power of redelegation, but only after consultation with the Office of the Solicitor. All such determinations shall be documented in the contract file.

(b) The following procedures must be followed when submitting doubtful cases of mistakes in bids to the Comptroller General for an advance decision, as provided by FAR 14.407-3(i).

(1) Requests must be made by the HCA after consultation with the Office of the Solicitor.

(2) Requests must be in writing, dated, signed by the requestor, addressed to the Comptroller General of the United States, General Accounting Office, Washington, DC 20548, and contain the following:

(i) The name and address of the party requesting the decision; and

(ii) A statement of the question to be decided, a presentation of all relevant facts, a statement of the requesting party's position with respect to the question, and copies of all pertinent records and supporting documentation.

2914.408 Award.

2914.408-1 General.

(a) When only one bid is received in response to an invitation for bids, such bid may be considered and accepted if the contracting officer makes a written determination that:

(1) The specifications used in the invitation were not unduly restrictive;

(2) Adequate competition was solicited and it could have been reasonably assumed that more than one bid would have been submitted;

(3) The price is reasonable; and

(4) The bid is otherwise in accordance with the invitation for bids.

(b) Such a determination must be placed in the contract file.

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Subpart 2915.6-Unsolicited

2915.604 Agency points of contact.

(a) HCAs shall be the preliminary contacts for unsolicited proposals. This responsibility may be delegated.

(b) HCAs must establish within their agencies procedures for handling unsolicited proposals to ensure that unsolicited proposals are controlled, evaluated, safeguarded and disposed of in accordance with FAR 15.6.

(c) The HCA must not forward for consideration an unsolicited proposal, if the proposal resembles an upcoming solicitation or a procurement identified in the current annual acquisition plan.

2915.605 Content of unsolicited proposals.

In addition to the contents required by FAR 15.605, unsolicited proposals for research should contain a commitment by the offeror to include cost-sharing or should represent a significant cost savings to the Department of Labor.

2915.606 Agency procedures.

When an unsolicited proposal is received by an official of the Department of Labor, the recipient of the proposal must forward it to the HCA. The HСА must address the requirements of FAR 15.604. The HCA must determine if there is an office(s) within the Department of Labor whose mission could be impacted by the proposal. If there is, the HCA must designate a recipient within that office as an "assignee", and take the following action:

(a) Within seven (7) working days of receipt, the HCA must forward the proposal to the assignee along with instructions concerning the security, review and disposition of the document.

(1) Inform the offeror of this transfer in writing (preferably by facsimile or other electronic means).

(2) Within one (1) month of receipt of the unsolicited proposal by the assignee, the office receiving the proposal must determine the merit of the unsolicited proposal.

(i) If the office finds insufficient merit to consider the unsolicited proposal further, then a letter will be sent to inform the offeror that their proposal will not be considered further, and is not being retained.

(ii) If, after a comprehensive evaluation as defined by FAR 15.606-2, the office finds merit in the proposal, it must consult with a Department of Labor contracting officer for direction in complying with FAR 15.607. If not excluded by a condition of FAR 15.607(a), a requisition may be prepared in accordance with FAR 15.607(b). If the requirement exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold inclusive of options then a request must be prepared for the Procurement Review Board in accordance with Department of Labor procedures stated in Department of Labor Manual Series 2-830 (available by mail from the Division of Acquisition Management Services).

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2917.000 Scope of part.

Subpart 2917.2-Options

2917.202 Use of options.

2917.207 Exercising options.

Subpart 2917.5-Interagency Acquisitions

Under The Economy Act

2917.500 Scope of subpart.

2917.501 Definitions.

2917.502 General.

2917.503 Determinations and findings re


2917.504 Ordering procedures. 2917.504-70 Signature authority and internal


AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301; 31 U.S.C. 1535; 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

SOURCE: 69 FR 22991, Apr. 27, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

2917.000 Scope of part.

This part implements polices and procedures stated in FAR part 17.

Subpart 2917.2-Options

2917.202 Use of options.

The HCA may, in unusual circumstances, approve option quantities in excess of the 50 percent limit prescribed in FAR 17.203(g)(2). The documentation required by FAR 17.205(a) must include a written justification to fully support the need for such action.

2917.207 Exercising options.

The contracting officer must use a standardized determination and finding before exercising an option in accordance with FAR 17.207(f).

Subpart 2917.5-Interagency Acquisitions Under The Economy Act

2917.500 Scope of subpart.

This subpart establishes DOL policy and procedures to assure the appropriate and consistent use of interagency acquisitions under the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 1535) as prescribed by FAR 17.5.


2917.501 Definitions.

Interagency Acquisition means a procedure by which a DOL agency obtains needed supplies or services from, or through, another DOL agency or Federal agency, and appropriated funds are obligated.

Interagency Agreement means the legal instrument used for an interagency acquisition to exchange funds or property between two DOL organizations or between a DOL agency and another Federal agency. This instrument is used when the DOL organization meets the definition of either the Requesting Agency or the Servicing Agency. "Interagency Agreement" and "Interagency Acquisition" does not include:

(1) Agreements involving supplies and services acquired from or through mandatory sources, as described in FAR part 8;

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(4) Any agreement or acquisition where a statute authorizes exception.

Military Interdepartmental Procurement Request (MIPR) means a type of interagency agreement used to place orders for supplies and non-personal services with a military department.

Requesting Agency means the Federal agency that needs the supplies or services, and is obligating the funds to provide for the costs of performance.

Servicing Agency means the Federal agency which is providing the supplies or performing the services, directly or indirectly, and will be receiving the funds to provide for the costs of performance.

2917.502 General.

(a) Policy. It is the policy of DOL to require that interagency agreements are written to assure that the obligation of fiscal year funds is valid, that statutory authority exists to obtain or perform the stated requirements, that the stated requirements are consistent with DOL's mission responsibilities,

and that each agreement complies with applicable laws and regulations.

(b) Applicability. The provisions of this subpart apply to interagency acquisitions and agreements under the Economy Act.

(c) Appropriations principles. The appropriate use of interagency acquisitions embodies several principles of Federal appropriations law.

(1) In order to record a valid obligation of appropriations, 31 U.S.C. 1501 imposes the requirements that interagency agreements be:

(i) A binding written agreement for specific goods or services to meet an existing bona fide need;

(ii) For a purpose authorized by law; and

(iii) Executed and obligated by the receiving agency before the expiration of available funds.

(2) The Economy Act authorizes interagency acquisitions and provides for payment in advance, as well as reimbursement to the appropriation account to which the performance costs have been charged. The Economy Act further authorizes the servicing agency, as an alternative to fulfilling the requirement through internal resources, to obtain the needed supplies or services by contract.

(3) An agreement entered into under the Economy Act is recorded as an obligation by the requesting agency the same as a contract. However, under the Economy Act, the obligated appropriations must be deobligated upon the date of "expiration" of the appropriation account to the extent that the servicing agency has not incurred obligations through charged costs or under a contract.

(4) Within DOL, the DOL agencies have a number of statutory authorities available for entering into interagency agreements. Each DOL agency, in consultation with the Office of the Solicitor, must be responsible for determining those authorities, as well as constraints applicable to the use of advance payments and contractors, and set-up procedures.

2917.503 Determinations and findings


Applicability. Before the execution of an interagency agreement under the

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