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PARTS 5100–5107 [RESERVED]


AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301, 10 U.S.C. 2202, DOD Directive 5000.35 and DOD FAR Supplement 201.301.

5108.070 Definitions.

As used in this section:


of Understanding Planned Producer means an industrial firm which has indicated its willingto produce specified military items in a declared national emergency by completing a Memorandum of Understanding with an accompanying Industrial Preparedness Program Production Capacity Survey (DD Form 1519 TEST). The firm is eligible to be solicited for all buys of the item(s) over $25,000 excluding acquisitions for which competition is restricted to the Restricted Specified Base or Limited Fee Planned Producers in accordance with an approved Justification and Approval.

Limited Fee Planned Producer means an industrial firm which is contractually bound by inclusion of AFARS 5152.208-9001 in their contract to maintain production capacity for a negotiated length of time, to conduct subcontractor planning, and to produce specified military items in the event of a declared national emergency or in the event of a declared national emergency or contingencies short of a declared national emergency. The firm is eligible to be solicited for all buys of the item(s) over $25,000 except acquisitions for which competition is restricted to the Restricted Specified Base in accordance with an approved Justification and Approval.

Restricted Specified Base Planned Producer means an industrial firm which is contractually bound to maintain production capacity for a negotiated length of time, to conduct subcontractor planning, and to produce specified military items in the event of a declared national emergency, or contingencies short of a declared national emergency. The firm is eligible to be solicited for all buys of the item(s) over $25,000.

(g)(1)(i) Solicitation of Memorandum of Understanding Planned Producers in all acquisitions over $25,000 which are for items for which they have been designated as a Memorandum of Understanding Planned Producer except those restricted to the Restricted Specified Base Planned Producers or Limited Fee Planned Producers in accordance with an approved Justification and Approval.

(ii) Solicitation of Limited Fee Planned Producers in all acquisitions over $25,000 which are for items for which they have been designated as a Limited Fee Planned Producer, except those restricted to the Restricted Specified Base.

(iii) Solicitation of Restricted Specified Base Planned Producers in all acquisitions over $25,000 which are for items for which they have been designated as a Restricted Specified Base Planned Producer.

(g)(4) The clause at 5152.208-9001 is to be used for all contracted planning efforts.

[54 FR 38682, Sept. 20, 1989]

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ally owned fleet pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 622 is not subject to the program.

5119.1070 Procedures.

5119.1070–2 Emerging small business set-aside.

(a)(S-90) Solicitations for dredging shall be set aside for exclusive competition among ESBs when the estimated award value is equal to or less than the emerging small business reserve amount (ESBRA) of $600,000. (Except that dredging acquisitions shall continue to be considered for placement under the 8(a) program (see FAR subpart 19.8) and for small disadvantaged business set-asides (see DFARS 219.502-72)). The ESBRA applies only to new awards. Modifications or follow-on awards to contracts having an initial award value in excess of the ESBRA are not subject to this requirement. The set-aside requirements in DFARS 219.1070-2 (a) and (b) for designated industry groups acquisitions valued at $25,000 or less shall be complied with for all dredging program set-asides.

(S-90) The contracting office shall include the applicable SIC Code and dollar size standard in the synopsis of proposed procurement as published in the Commerce Business Daily (CBD), in the presolicitation notice (construction contract) SF 1417 when issued, and in the solicitation documents.

(S-91) The contracting officer shall consider use of the following initiatives to increase participation by small businesses and emerging small busi


(1) Specifying of contract requirements and contractual terms and conditions which are conducive to competition among small business and emerging small business concerns, consistent with the mission or program requirements of the Department of the Army, Corp of Engineers.

(2) Encouraging joint ventures, teaming agreements, and similar arrangements consistent with the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(d)) for the purpose of including small business concerns in contracting opportunities. However, no such joint venture shall exceed the applicable size standard.

(3) Making maximum use of subcontracting through plans negotiated and enforced pursuant to section 8(d) of the Small Business Act. Goals may be specified in solicitations stating minimum percentages of subcontracting.

5119.1070–3 Identification and reporting.

(b) Reporting shall be done in accordance with DFARS 204.6 designated industry group requirements. Block B12A, DD Form 350, shall contain either the FPDS Code Y216 or Z216, as applicable, per 5119.1005 (S-90).

5119.1071 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

(a) DFARS provision 252.219-7012 shall be inserted in all solicitations issued under the Small Business Dredging Program (SIC 1629, limited to FPDS Service Codes Y216/Z216).

(b) DFARS clause 252.219–7013 shall be inserted in all solicitations and contracts set-aside for emerging small businesses in accordance with 5119.10702(a) (S-90).

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support services contracts, is in the best interest of the Government, the Government facilities will be offered to a contractor for use in the performance of the Government contract. Facilities provided to a contractor under this authority will not be replaced by the Government when they can no longer be used by the contractor. Nevertheless, it will be the contractor's responsibility to continue performance in accordance with the terms of the contract.

(2)(i) New facilities shall not be purchased in order to provide them to contractors. Prior to offering existing facilities under this authority, a contracting officer shall make a written determination, based on the detailed justification provided by the approving officials and program/project manager, that such use is in the best interest of the Government. The written determination shall be kept in the contract file.

(ii) Existing facilities offered for contractor use will be offered to all bidders/offerors for their consideration in the preparation of their bids and offers. Bidders/offerors may choose to use any or all of the facilities offered.

(3) When it is determined that contractor use of special use property in the performance of installation support services contracts is in the best interest of the Government, such property will be provided. It will be accounted for and managed under the appropriate Government property clause. For example, FAR 52.245-2 for fixed-price contracts or FAR 52.245-5 for cost-reimbursement contracts and any appropriate provision from FAR 52.245-11, Facilities Use Clause.

(S-91) Required Government property clauses for other than facilities contracts.

(1) In addition to the clauses at FAR 52.245-2 and 52.245-19, the Contracting Officer shall insert the clause at 5152.245-9000, Government Property for Installation Support Services (FixedPrice Contracts), in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price contract is contemplated and Government property will be provided without being replaced by the Government.

(2) The Contracting Officer shall insert the clause at 5152.245-9001, Government Property for Installation Support Services (Cost-Reimbursement Contracts), in solicitations and contracts when a cost-reimbursement type contract is contemplated and the Government property will be provided without being replaced by the Government.

5145.303 Providing material.

(S-90) Existing Government material on hand or being used prior to conversion to contractor performance of commercial activities may be offered to contractors if it is determined to be in the best interest of the Government per FAR 45.303-1. If the material is to be provided without replacement by the Government, the solicitation must state that it will not be replaced. If it is determined that the Government will be responsible for replacement of any of the material, those items must be listed on a separate Technical Exhibit and the solicitation state that replacement will be by the Government. These items will be governed by the appropriate Government Property clause in the contract in accordance with FAR 52.245-2 for fixed-price and FAR 52.245-5 for cost-reimbursement type contracts.



5152.208-9001 Industrial preparedness planning.

5152.245-9000 Government property for installation support services (fixed-price contracts).

5152.245-9001 Government property for installation support services (cost-reimbursement contracts).

AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301, 10 U.S.C. 2202, DOD Directive 5000.35, and DOD FAR Supplement 201.301.

5152.208–9001 Industrial preparedness planning.

As prescribed at 5108–070(g)(4) insert the following clause in full text in contracts where the contractor is designated a Limited Fee Planned Producer.


(a) The Government designates the contractor a Limited Fee Planned Producer (LFPP) for the item(s) listed in paragraph (e) of this clause. As an LFPP for the listed items, the contractor will be solicited for all acquisitions over $25,000 which are for the item(s), excluding those for which competition is restricted to the Restricted Specified Base pursuant to an approved Justification and Approval. The Government reserves the right to obtain the item(s) listed from sources other than the commercial marketplace, i.e. by assigning workload to a government-owned facility.

(b) The Contractor agrees to:

(i) Update the Production Capacity Survey DD Form 1519 TEST for each item biennially;

(ii) Accomplish subcontractor planning as required in paragraph (f) of this clause;

(iii) Permit Government personnel access to records, manufacturing process data, plants and facilities in order to verify data on the Production Capacity Survey DD Form 1519 TEST.

(iv) Maintain the surge/mobilization capacity set forth in the Production Planning Schedules during active production of the item and for a period of (negotiated number) years after physical completion of this production contract.

(c) The Contractor is aware of the Government's dependence upon the Production Planning Schedules as a basis to take appropriate measures to ensure the adequacy of the United States Industrial Base. The Contractor also recognizes the Government's intention to convert Production Planning Schedule to contracts on a selective basis, as may be required to minimize materiel shortages during mobilization or to meet contingencies short of a declared national emergency. The Contractor agrees to accept contracts for the item(s) in accordance with the Production Planning Schedules. In the event mobilization or contingencies short of a declared national emergency occur after active production has ceased, and the allocated capacity is in use for the production of other item(s), the Contractor agrees to immediately discontinue production of such other item(s) if necessary to meet production schedules for the planned item(s). The Contractor further recognizes that it is the Government's intention to require that planned subcontractor support will be similarly converted to production subcontracts. Production delivery obligations under this clause are governed by Title I of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. app. 2061, et seq.) (Defense Production Act) and as applicable are within the purview of the Defense Priorities and Allocation System.

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(f) Subcontractors, suppliers and vendors provide many of the components of military end items. The lack of critical components could be one of the major limitations of the United States' ability to support its Armed Forces warfighting capabilities. Therefore, the Government designated critical components and/or subassemblies in Block #27 of the attached Production Capacity Survey (DD Form 1519 TEST) are those for which the Contractor will conduct vertical planning if not produced in-house. Additional critical components and/or subassemblies may be identified by the Contractor in block #21 of the attached Production Capacity Survey (DD Form 1519 TEST). Foreign producers (other than Canada) will not be considered as a source of supply for critical components. Mandatory vertical (subcontractor) planning will be accomplished by the ASPPO and the Contractor for all critical components identified on the Production Capacity Survey, (DD Form 1519 TEST), by using a sub-tier Production Capacity Survey (DD Form 1519 TEST). The Contractor agrees to coordinate completion of the DD Form 1519 TEST and finalize prime and subcontractor planning with the Armed Services Production Planning Officer (ASPPO) having cognizance over the prime contractor's facility.

(g) After completion of active production of the item(s), the Government will annually, or as changes occur but not more than annually, furnish the Contractor updated technical data for the item. The Contractor agrees to review the technical data and to report to the Government within 60 days of receipt of the data, the impact of technical changes, if any, to the current Production Planning Schedules at no additional cost to the Government.

(h) Retention by the Contractor of the surge/mobilization capacity set forth in the Production Planning Schedules after completion of active production of the planned item(s) will not necessarily require that the Contractor maintain such capacity in idle status. Contractor utilization of capacity allocated for planned production for produc

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for installation support services (fixed-price contracts).

As prescribed in 5145.302–3(91), insert the following:


The Government property listed at Technical Exhibit is provided "as is" to the contractor for use in the performance of this contract. This property may be used by the Contractor until the Contractor no longer desires to use it for contract performance or the Contracting Officer withdraws it from use under this contract in accordance with FAR 52.245-2(b). The Contractor will comply with instructions from the Contracting Officer relative to disposition of the property. No equitable adjustment or other claim will be payable to the Contractor based upon the condition or availability of the property, except as provided in FAR 52.245-19. The Contractor remains responsible for performance of the required services under this contract regardless of the length of time which the property provided hereunder remains operational. Property provided by or obtained by the Contractor under this contract remains Contractor property. Except as provided herein, the property listed at Technical Exhibit will be governed by FAR 52.245-2, Government Property (Fixed-Price Contracts), and FAR 52.245-19, Government Property Furnished "as is".

(End of clause)

[54 FR 39539, Sept. 27, 1989]

5152.245-9001 Government property for installation support services (cost-reimbursement contracts).

As prescribed in 5145.302-3(S-91), insert the following clause:


(a) Government-furnished property. The Government property listed at Technical Exhibit is provided to the contractor for use in

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