con (g) Upon discovery of any noncompliance with any of the requirements or standards stated in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this clause, the contractor shall immediately correct the deficiency. If at any time during performance of this contract, the tracting officer determines, in consultation with the Protection of Human Subjects Coordinator, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, or the sponsoring office, that the contractor is not in compliance with any of the requirements or standards stated in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this clause, the contracting officer may immediately suspend, in whole or in part, work and further payments under this contract until the contractor corrects such noncompliance. Notice of the suspension may be communicated by telephone and confirmed in writing. (h) The Government may terminate this contract, in full or in part, for failure to fully comply with any regulation or requirement related to human subjects involved in research. Such termination may be in lieu of or in addition to suspension of work or payment. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the Government's right to terminate the contract for failure to fully comply with such requirements. (i) The regulations, and related information on the protection of human research subjects, can be found on the Department's protection of human subjects in research Web site: humansub.html. Contractors may also contact the following office to obtain information about the regulations for the protection of human subjects and related policies and guidelines: Protection of Human Subjects Coordinator, U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Financial Management Operations, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20202-4331, Telephone: (202) 245-8090. (End of clause) 3452.227-70 Publication and publicity. As prescribed in 3427.409, insert the following clause in all solicitations and contracts other than purchase orders: PUBLICATION AND PUBLICITY (MAR 2011) (a) Unless otherwise specified in this contract, the contractor is encouraged to publish and otherwise promote the results of its work under this contract. A copy of each article or work submitted by the contractor for publication shall be promptly sent to the contracting officer's representative. The contractor shall also inform the representative when the article or work is published and furnish a copy in the published form. (b) The contractor shall acknowledge the support of the Department of Education in publicizing the work under this contract in any medium. This acknowledgement shall read substantially as follows: "This project has been funded at least in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education under contract number [Insert number]. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government." (End of clause) 3452.227-71 Advertising of awards. As prescribed in 3427.409, insert the following clause in all solicitations and contracts other than purchase orders: ADVERTISING OF AWARDS (MAR 2011) The contractor agrees not to refer to awards issued by, or products or services delivered to, the Department of Education in commercial advertising in such a manner as to state or imply that the product or service provided is endorsed by the Federal government or is considered by the Federal government to be superior to other products or services. (End of clause) 3452.227-72 Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement. As prescribed in 3427.409, insert the following clause in all contracts over the simplified acquisition threshold, and in contracts under the simplified acquisition threshold as appropriate: USE AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (MAR 2011) (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this clause, proprietary data, technical data, or computer software delivered to the Government with restrictions on use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure may not be provided to third parties unless the intended recipient completes and signs the use and non-disclosure agreement in paragraph (c) of this clause prior to release or disclosure of the data. (1) The specific conditions under which an intended recipient will be authorized to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose proprietary data or technical data subject to limited rights, or computer software subject to restricted rights must be stipulated in an attachment to the use and non-disclosure agreement. (2) For an intended release, disclosure, or authorized use of proprietary data, technical data, or computer software subject to special license rights, modify paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this clause to enter the conditions, consistent with the license requirements, governing the recipient's obligations regarding use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of the data or software. (b) The requirement for use and non-disclosure agreements does not apply to Government contractors that require access to a third party's data or software for the performance of a Government contract that contains the 3452.227-73 clause, Limitations on the use or disclosure of Government-furnished information marked with restrictive legends. (c) The prescribed use and non-disclosure agreement is: USE AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT The undersigned, [Insert Name], an authorized representative of the [Insert Company Name], (which is hereinafter referred to as the "recipient') requests the Government to provide the recipient with proprietary data, technical data, or computer software (hereinafter referred to as "data") in which the Government's use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure rights are restricted. Those data are identified in an attachment to this agreement. In consideration for receiving such data, the recipient agrees to use the data strictly in accordance with this agreement. (1) The recipient shall (i) Use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose data marked with Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) data rights legends only for government purposes and shall not do so for any commercial purpose. The recipient shall not release, perform, display, or disclose these data, without the express written permission of the contractor whose name appears in the restrictive legend (the contractor), to any person other than its subcontractors or suppliers, or prospective subcontractors or suppliers, who require these data to submit offers for, or perform, contracts with the recipient. The recipient shall require its subcontractors or suppliers, or prospective subcontractors or suppliers, to sign a use and non-disclosure agreement prior to disclosing or releasing these data to such persons. Such an agreement must be consistent with the terms of this agreement. (ii) Use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose proprietary data or technical data marked with limited rights legends only as specified in the attachment to this agreement. Release, performance, display, or disclosure to other persons is not authorized unless specified in the attachment to this agreement or expressly permitted in writing by the contractor. (iii) Use computer software marked with restricted rights legends only in performance of contract number [insert contract number(s)]. The recipient shall not, for example, enhance, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the software; time share; or use a computer program with more than one computer at a time. The recipient may not release, perform, display, or disclose such software to others unless expressly permitted in writing by the licensor whose name appears in the restrictive legend. (iv) Use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose data marked with special license rights legends [To be completed by the contracting officer. See paragraph (a)(2) of this clause. Omit if none of the data requested is marked with special license rights legends]. (2) The recipient agrees to adopt or establish operating procedures and physical security measures designed to protect these data from inadvertent release or disclosure to unauthorized third parties. (3) The recipient agrees to accept these data "as is" without any Government representation as to suitability for intended use or warranty whatsoever. This disclaimer does not affect any obligation the Government may have regarding data specified in a contract for the performance of that contract. (4) The recipient may enter into any agreement directly with the contractor with respect to the use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of these data. (5) The recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Government, its agents, and employees from every claim or liability, including attorneys fees, court costs, and expenses arising out of, or in any way related to, the misuse or unauthorized modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of data received from the Government with restrictive legends by the recipient or any person to whom the recipient has released or disclosed the data. (6) The recipient is executing this agreement for the benefit of the contractor. The contractor is a third party beneficiary of this agreement who, in addition to any other rights it may have, is intended to have the rights of direct action against the recipient or any other person to whom the recipient has released or disclosed the data, to seek damages from any breach of this agreement, or to otherwise enforce this agreement. (7) The recipient agrees to destroy these data, and all copies of the data in its possession, no later than 30 days after the date shown in paragraph (8) of this agreement, to have all persons to whom it released the data do so by that date, and to notify the contractor that the data have been destroyed. (8) This agreement shall be effective for the period commencing with the recipient's execution of this agreement and ending upon [Insert Date]. The obligations imposed by this agreement shall survive the expiration or termination of the agreement. [Insert business name.] Recipient's Business Name [Have representative sign.] Authorized Representative [Insert date.] Date [Insert name and title.] Representative's Typed Name and Title (End of clause) 3452.227-73 Limitations on the use or disclosure of Government-furnished information marked with restrictive legends. As prescribed in 3427.409, insert the following clause in all contracts of third party vendors who require access to Government-furnished information including other contractors' technical data, proprietary information, or software: LIMITATIONS ON THE USE OR DISCLOSURE OF GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED INFORMATION MARKED WITH RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS (MAR 2011) (a) For contracts under which data are to be produced, furnished, or acquired, the terms limited rights and restricted rights are defined in the rights in data general clause (FAR 52.227-14). (b) Proprietary data, technical data, or computer software provided to the contractor as Government-furnished information (GFI) under this contract may be subject to restrictions on use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or further disclosure. (1) Proprietary data with legends that serve to restrict disclosure or use of data. The contractor shall use, modify, reproduce, perform, or display proprietary data received from the Government with proprietary or restrictive legends only in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall not, without the express written permission of the party who owns the data, release, or disclose such data or software to any person. (2) GFI marked with limited or restricted rights legends. The contractor shall use, modify, reproduce, perform, or display technical data received from the Government with limited rights legends or computer software received with restricted rights legends only in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall not, without the express written permission of the party whose name appears in the legend, release or disclose such data or software to any person. (3) GFI marked with specially negotiated license rights legends. The contractor shall use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, or dis play proprietary data, technical data, or computer software received from the Government with specially negotiated license legends only as permitted in the license. Such data or software may not be released or disclosed to other persons unless permitted by the license and, prior to release or disclosure, the intended recipient has completed the use and non-disclosure agreement. The contractor shall modify paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of the use and non-disclosure agreement (3452.227-72) to reflect the recipient's obligations regarding use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, and disclosure of the data or software. (c) Indemnification and creation of third party beneficiary rights. (1) The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Government, its agents, and employees from every claim or liability, including attorneys fees, court costs, and expenses, arising out of, or in any way related to, the misuse or unauthorized modification, reproduction, release, performance, display, or disclosure of proprietary data, technical data, or computer software received from the Government with restrictive legends by the contractor or any person to whom the contractor has released or disclosed such data or software. (2) The contractor agrees that the party whose name appears on the restrictive legend, in addition to any other rights it may have, is a third party beneficiary who has the right of direct action against the contractor, or any person to whom the contractor has released or disclosed such data or software, for the unauthorized duplication, release, or disclosure of proprietary data, technical data, or computer software subject to restrictive legends. (a) The contractor shall procure and maintain such insurance as required by law or regulation, including but not limited to the requirements of FAR Subpart 28.3. Prior written approval of the contracting officer shall be required with respect to any insurance policy, the premiums for which the contractor proposes to treat as a direct cost under this contract, and with respect to any proposed qualified program of self-insurance. The terms of any other insurance policy shall be submitted to the contracting officer for approval upon request. (b) Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the contracting officer, the contractor The following clause shall be inserted in all contracts that include a Limitation of cost or Limitation of funds clause in accordance with 3432.705-2: LIMITATION OF COST OR FUNDS (MAR 2011) (a) Under the circumstances in FAR 32.704(a)(1), the contractor shall submit the following information in writing to the contracting officer: (1) Name and address of the contractor. (2) Contract number and expiration date. (3) Contract items and amounts that will exceed the estimated cost of the contract or the limit of the funds allotted. (4) The elements of cost that changed from the original estimate (for example: labor, material, travel, overhead), furnished in the following order: (i) Original estimate. (ii) Costs incurred to date. (iii) Estimated cost to completion. (iv) Revised estimate. (v) Amount of adjustment. (5) The factors responsible for the increase. (6) The latest date by which funds must be available to the contractor to avoid delays in performance, work stoppage, or other impairments. (b) A fixed fee provided in a contract may not be changed if a cost overrun is funded. Changes in a fixed fee may be made only to reflect changes in the scope of work that justify an increase or decrease in the fee. (End of clause) 3452.232-71 Incremental funding. As prescribed in 3432.705-2, insert the following provision in solicitations if a cost-reimbursement contract using incremental funding is contemplated: INCREMENTAL FUNDING (MAR 2011) Sufficient funds are not presently available to cover the total cost of the complete project described in this solicitation. However, it is the Government's intention to negotiate and award a contract using the incremental funding concepts described in the clause titled "Limitation of Funds" in FAR 52.232-22. Under that clause, which will be included in the resultant contract, initial funds will be obligated under the contract to cover an estimated base performance period. Additional funds are intended to be allotted SERVICES OF CONSULTANTS (MAR 2011) Except as otherwise expressly provided elsewhere in this contract, and notwithstanding the provisions of the clause of the contract entitled "Subcontracts" (FAR 52.244-2), the prior written approval of the contracting officer shall be required (a) If any employee of the contractor is to be paid as a "consultant" under this contract; and (b)(1) For the utilization of the services of any consultant under this contract exceeding the daily rate set forth elsewhere in this contract or, if no amount is set forth, $800, exclusive of travel costs, or if the services of any consultant under this contract will exceed 10 days in any calendar year. (2) If that contracting officer's approval is required, the contractor shall obtain and furnish to the contracting officer information concerning the need for the consultant services and the reasonableness of the fee to be paid, including, but not limited to, whether fees to be paid to any consultant exceed the lowest fee charged by the consultant to others for performing consultant services of a similar nature. (End of clause) 3452.237-71 Observance of administrative closures. As prescribed in 3437.170, insert the following clause in all solicitations and service contracts: OBSERVANCE OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSURES (MAR 2011) (a) The contract schedule identifies all Federal holidays that are observed under this contract. Contractor performance is required under this contract at all other times, and compensated absences are not extended due to administrative closures of Government facilities and operations due to inclement weather, Presidential decree, or other administrative issuances where Government personnel receive early dismissal instructions. (b) In cases of contract performance at a Government facility when the facility is closed, the vendor may arrange for performance to continue during the closure at the contractor's site, if appropriate. (End of clause) 3452.239-70 Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6). As prescribed in 3439.701, insert the following clause in all solicitations and resulting contracts for hardware and software: INTERNET PROTOCOL VERSION 6 (MAR 2011) (a) Any system hardware, software, firmware, or networked component (voice, video, or data) developed, procured, or acquired in support or performance of this contract shall be capable of transmitting, receiving, processing, forwarding, and storing digital information across system boundaries utilizing system packets that are formatted in accordance with commercial standards of Internet protocol (IP) version 6 (IPv6) as set forth in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments (RFC) 2460 and associated IPv6-related IETF RFC standards. In addition, this system shall maintain interoperability with IPv4 systems and provide at least the same level of performance and reliability capabilities of IPv4 products. (b) Specifically, any new IP product or system developed, acquired, or produced must(1) Interoperate with both IPv6 and IPv4 systems and products; and (2) Have available contractor/vendor IPv6 technical support for development and implementation and fielded product management. (c) Any exceptions to the use of IPv6 require the agency's CIO to give advance, written approval. (End of clause) 3452.239-71 Notice to offerors of Department security requirements. As prescribed in 3439.702, include the following provision in solicitations when the offeror's employees would have access to Department-controlled facilities or space, or when the work (wherever located) would involve the design, operation, repair, or maintenance of information systems and access to sensitive but unclassified information: NOTICE TO OFFERORS OF DEPARTMENT (a) The offeror and any of its future subcontractors will have to comply with Department security policy requirements as set forth in the "Bidder's Security Package: Security Requirements for Contractors Doing Business with the Department of Education" at: bsp.html. (b) All contractor employees must undergo personnel security screening if they will be employed for 30 days or more, in accordance with Departmental Directive OM:5-101, "Contractor Employee Personnel Security Screenings," available at: fund/contract/about/acs/acsom5101.doc. (c) The offeror shall indicate the following employee positions it anticipates to employ in performance of this contract and their proposed risk levels based on the guidance provided in Appendix I of Departmental Directive OM:5-101: High Risk (HR): [Specify HR positions.]. Moderate Risk (MR): (Specify MR positions.]. Low Risk (LR): [Specify LR positions.]. (d) In the event the Department disagrees with a proposed risk level assignment, the issue shall be subject to negotiation. However, if no agreement is reached, the Department's risk level assignment shall be used. The type of screening and the timing of the screening will depend upon the nature of the contractor position, the type of data to be accessed, and the type of information technology (IT) system access required. Personnel security screenings will be commensurate with the risk and magnitude of harm the individual could cause. (End of provision) 3452.239-72 Department security requirements. As prescribed in 3439.702, include the following clause in contracts when the contractor's employees will have access to Department-controlled facilities or space, or when the work (wherever located) would involve the design, operation, repair, or maintenance of information systems and access to sensitive but unclassified information: DEPARTMENT SECURITY REQUIREMENTS (MAR 2011) (a) The contractor and its subcontractors shall comply with Department security policy requirements as set forth in the "Bidder's Security Package: Security Requirements for Contractors Doing Business with the Department of Education" at http:// |