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on the nineteenth day of June. And if any of the faid days shall happen on a Sunday, the courts, refpectively, fhall commence and be holden on the day following. And all caufes How pending in the faid courts, and all appeals, proceffes and recognizances returned, or returnable to the fame, and all officers, jurors, parties and witreffes, fhall be conformable to this act.

court after

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the expiration of the feffion of the N. Caroli circuit court of the ftate of North-Carolina, na circuit which is to commence on the first day of June June where next (which feffion fhall be held, any thing in to be held this act notwithstanding, at Newbern) the itated feffions of the faid court fhall be held at Wake court-house, either in the court-house belonging to the faid county, or in fome convenient building contiguous thereto, until there fhall be convenient accommodations for the faid purpose in the city of Raleigh, in the faid ftate; after which, and upon its being made fo to appear to the faid court, the said court is hereby authorized and directed at the clofe of the feffion then depending, to adjourn the faid court to meet at its next stated feffion in the city of Raleigh; which faid city of Raleigh fhall thereafter be the place at which the ftated feflions of the faid court fhall be conftantly held.


Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Inafmuch as there was not a fufficient quorum of judges District to hold the circuit court for the diftrict of judge of N. North-Carolina, for the purpofe of doing bufi- how to nefs, at November term, one thoufand feven have juryhundred and ninety-two, that it fhall and may moned for be lawful for the district judge of the state of North-Carolina, to direct the clerk of the faid

men fum

faid June



judge how

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court to iffue fuch procefs for the purpose of having jurymen fummoned to attend the faid to have jurymen fum- court, at the term to commence on the first N. Caroli day of June next, as he had before iffued for the like purpose, returnable to November term above mentioned; that the jurymen ordered by the faid procefs to be fummoned, fhall be ordered to be fummoned in the fame proportion, and from the fame counties, as thofe jurymen who were ordered to be fummoned by the process returnable at November term above mentioned: And the marshal is to execute the faid process, and the jurymen legally fummoned in confequence thereof, are to attend the faid court, under the like penalties for difobedience, as if the faid procefs had been ordered to be iffued as ufual by the faid court; and the marshal and the jurymen, who attend at the faid court, fhall be entitled to the like allowance for their fervices refpectively. And it is hereby declared, that all fuits and proceedings of what nature or kind foever, which have been commenced in the faid court, and not finished, fhall be proceeded on at the enfuing term, in the fame manner and to the fame effect, as if the faid circuit court had been regularly held at November term as aforefaid, and continuances had been regularly held of all fuch fuits and proceedings from the faid laft-mentioned term to the enfuing


JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. JOHN LANGDON, President pro tempore of the Senate.

APPROVED, March fecond, 1793:

Prefident of the United States..


An Act fupplementary to the Act, intitled, " An Act to provide more effectually for the Collection of the Duties impofed by Law on Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into the United States, and on the Tonnage of Ships or Veffels." E it enacted by the Senate and House

Sec. I.

Bf Representatives of the United Hardwick



States of America, in Congress affembled, That in Georgia there fhall be in the ftate of Georgia, a dif- a district. trict, to be called the district of Hardwick, to comprehend all the waters, fhores, bays, harbours, creeks, and rivers, between the fouth point of Offabow island, and the fouth point of Warfaw Ifland; that in the faid diftrict the town of Hardwick fhall be the only port of One port of entry, and a collector for faid district fhall be therein & appointed to refide at Hardwick, and the faid a collector. collector fhall be entitled to receive the like fees, and the fame yearly allowance which is paid to the collector of the district of St. Mary's in the faid ftate.



a district.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That fo much of Lake Champlain, with the fhores, in N. York bays and rivers connected therewith as lieth established within the state of New-York, shall be one entire district, to be called the district of Champlain; and the Prefident of the United States, be, and hereby is authorised to appoint fuch place within faid diftrict to be the port of entry and delivery within the fame as



may deem expedient; and a collector for the faid district shall be appointed to refide at to appoint fuch place within faid diftrict as the Prefi- port of entry and dent of the United States fhall direct, who collector fhall be allowed the fame fees as are allowed therein, the collector in the district of Vermont: Pro

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tors of Ver

mont &

vided nevertheless, That the exception contained in the fixty-ninth fection of the act abovementioned, relative to the district of Louifville, shall be, and hereby is extended to the diftrict of Champlain.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from to collec- and after the last day of June next, the collectors in the districts of Vermont and Champlain, Champlain in addition to the fees and emoluments which after June may accrue to them in the collection of the duties of impoft and tonnage by the provifions already made, fhall severally have and be entitled to receive the yearly fum of one hundred dollars each..


and to the

of Pennf.

N. York, Bofton, Charleftown & Baltimore.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That from collectors and after the laft day of June next, the allowance of one half per centum to the collectors of the districts of Pennfylvania and of the city of New-York, and the allowance of one per centum to the collectors of the diftricts of Bofton and Charlestown, and of Baltimore, on the amount of all the monies by them refpectively received, on amount of the duties of impoft and tonnage, shall cease, and instead thereof, from and after the faid laft day of June next, the collectors of the diftricts of Pennfylvania, and of the city of New-York, fhall be entitled to three-eighths of one per centum, and the collectors of the districts of Boston and Charlestown, and of Baltimore, shall be entitled to three-fourths of one per centum, on all fuch monies by them refpectively received.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That from and after the first day of January next, no officer of the customs, or other perfon employed under the authority of the United States,

on revenue

in the collection of the duties impofed by law Forfeiture on goods, wares and merchandize imported in- officers to the United States, and on the tonnage of owning any ships or veffels, fhall own, in whole or in part, fel, &c. affhip or velany fhip or veffel, or act as agent, attorney or ter ift Jan. confignee for the owner or owners of any fhip 1794. or veffel, or of any cargo or lading on board the fame: Nor fhall any officer of the customs, or other perfon employed in the collection of the duties as aforefaid, import, or be concerned directly or indirectly in the importation of any goods, wares or merchandize into the United States, on penalty that every perfon fo offending and being thereof convicted, fhall forfeit the fum of five hundred dollars.

fal of their


Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That fo And 12 fec. much of the twelfth fection of an act, intitled, of certain "An act making alterations in the treafury as affects and war departments, as reftricted all officers the difpo of the United States employed in the collec- interest in tion of the duties impofed by law on goods, the funds wares and merchandize imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of fhips or veffels, from buying or difpofing of the funds or debts of the United States, or of any ftate, or of any public property of either, be and the fame is hereby repealed; fo far as the fame prohibits them from difpofing of their interest in the funds or debts of the United States, or of any of the faid states.

crease ma

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Prefident President of the United States may, if he fhall may injudge it conducive to the public intereft, in- riners to crease the complement of mariners to the fe- the cutters, veral revenue cutters, fo that the number do not exceed feven mariners to each cutter; and that from and after the first day of April next,

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