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deficiency in the appropriation of one thouSpecific ap- fand feven hundred and ninety-two, one hunpropriations for the dred dollars; making, in the whole, four hunyear 1793- dred and twenty fix dollars and three cents:

For expenses of stationary, printing and other contingent expenfes, in the regifter's office, two thousand dollars: For compenfation to the treasurer, clerks and perfons employed. in his office, four thousand one hundred dollars: For the encreased falary of the treasurer, from the eighth of May, to the thirty-first of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and for making good a deficiency in the appropriation of the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, for clerks in that office, five hundred and thirty dollars and fixty-eight cents: For expenfe of firewood, ftationary, printing and other contingencies in the treasurer's office, four hundred and fifty dollars: For compenfation to the com miffioner of the revenue, clerks and perfons employed in his office, four thousand one hundred dollars: For the falary of the commiffi oner of the revenue, clerks and perfons employed in that office, from the establishment. thereof, to the thirty-firft of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, including alfo contingent expenfes to the fame time, two thoufand eight hundred and feventy-three dollars and forty-fix cents: For the expense of ftationary, printing and other contingent expenfes in the office of the commiffioner, three hundred dollars: To make good the defici ency in the appropriation of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, for the contingent expenfes of the treasury-department, two thoufand four hundred dollars: For the payment of rent for the feveral houses

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employed in the treafury department, one Specific apthoufand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars ons for the and ninety-nine cents: For wood and candles year1 1793. in the feveral offices in the treasury department (except the treafurer's office) one thoufand two hundred dollars: For compenfations to the feveral loan officers, thirteen thou fand, two hundred and fifty dollars: For defraying the expenses of stationary, and for hire of clerks in the offices of the feveral commiffi. oners of loans, to the first of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, authorized by the act of the eighth of May, one thousand seven hundred and ninety two, thirty two thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine dollars, and ninety-five cents to make good deficiencies in former appropriations, for fimilar expenses, one thousand fix hundred and fifty dollars: For compenfation to the fecretary of ftate, clerks and other perfons employed in his office, fix thoufand three hundred dollars: For defraying the expenfe of collecting the laws of the feveral ftates, publishing and diftributing the laws of Congrefs, and all other -expenses in the office of the Secretary of State, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one dollars and fixty-feven cents: To make good a deficiency, in the appropriation of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, for the contingent expenfes in this office, ninety-three dollars and thirty-four cents: For compenfation to the commiffioners for fettlement of the accounts between the United States, and the individual states, clerks and perfons employed in their office, fix thoufand fix hundred and fifty dollars: For defraying the contingent expenfes of the board of commiffioners, four hundred and feven dollars: For compenfa


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Specific ap- tions to the governors, fecretaries and judges ons for the of the territory north-west, and the territory year 17.93 fouth of the river Ohio, ten thousand three hundred dollars: For expenfes of stationary, office-rent, printing patents for lands, and other contingent expenfes in both the faid territo-ries, feven hundred dollars: For the payment of the pensions granted to invalids, eighty two thoufand, two hundred and forty five dollars, and thirty two cents: For payment of the annual allowance granted by Congrefs to Baron Steuben, two thoufand five hundred dollars: For payment of fundry penfions granted by the late government, two thoufand feven hundred and fixty seven dollars, and-feventy three cents: For the maintenance and repair of light-houfes, beacons, piers, ftakes and buoys, twenty thoufand dollars: For the farther expense of building and equipping ten cutters, three thoufand dollars: For the purchafe of hydrometers, for the ufe of the officers of the cuftoms and infpectors of the revenue, one thoufand five hundred dollars: To make good the deficiency in the appropriation of the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, for the purchase of hydrometers, fix hundred and ten dolJars, and ten cents: For the payment of fuch demands, not otherwife provided for, as fhall have been duly allowed by the officers of the treafury, five thoufand one hundred and fixty nine dollars: For compenfation to the fecretary of war, clerks and perfons employed in his office, feven thoufand and fifty dollars: For the encreafed falary of the chief clerk in the war department, from the eighth of May, to the thirty-firft of December, one thousand feven hundred and ninety two, one hundred and thirty dollars and forty one cents: For expen

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fes of firewood, ftationary printing and other Specific ap contingent expenfes in the office of the fecres ons for the tary of war, fix hundred dollars: For com- year 1798. penfation to the accountant to the war-depart ment and clerks in his office, four thousand two hundred dollars: For falary to the ac countant, clerks, and for contingent expenfes in that office, from the establishment thereof, to the thirty-first of December, one thousand feven hundred and ninety-two, one thoufand one hundred and fixty five dollars and eighty nine cents For contingent expenfes in the office of the accountant to the war department, three hundred dollars: For payment of four years rent for the buildings occupied for offices of the fecretary of war and accountant, one thousand fix hundred and fixty-fix dollars, and fixty-fix cents: For falaries of the storekeepers at the feveral arfenals, rents for the buildings occupied as magazines, for payment of the laborers, coopers, armorers, and other perfons employed in taking care of the ardnance, arms and military-ftores, feven thoufand eight hundred and thirty-five dollars and thirty two cents: For five hundred rifles, purchafed in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety two, fix thousand dollars; For expense of repairing arms, equipments of cannon, cartridge-boxes, fwords and every other article in the ordnance-department, ten thoufand dollars: For defraying the expenfes of the Indian department, fifty thoufand dollars: For the pay of the troops authorized by law, three hundred and four thoufand three hundred and eight dollars: For fubfiftence, three hundred aud twelve thoufand, five hundred and fixty feven dollars, and feventy-five cents; For forage, thirty four thousand eight

Out of

hundred and fifty-fix dollars: For clothing, one hundred and twelve thousand dollars: For equipments for cavalry, five thousand dollars: For horfes for cavalry, five thousand dollars: For hofpital department, twenty-five thoufand dollars For quarter-mafter's department, one hundred thousand dollars: For maps, hiring expreffes, allowance to officers for extra-expenfes, printing, lofs of ftores, advertising, apprehending deferters, and every other contingent expenfe in the war-department, thirty thousand dollars: For the defenfive protection of the frontiers, fifty thousand dollars: For the payment of bounties, fifteen thousand two hundred and forty dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That what funds the feveral appropriations herein before made fhall be paid and discharged out of the funds following, to wit:



may bor.

row not

exceeding 800.000 dollars.

Firft The fum of fix hundred thoufand dollars referved by the act making provifion for the debt of the United States. Secondly, The furplus, which may remain unexpended, of the monies appropriated for the ufe of the war-department, in the year one thousand feven hundred and ninety-two: And, thirdly, The furplus of the exifting revenues of the United States, to the end of the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-three, except what may be otherwise appropriated, during the present feffion of Congress.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Prefident of the United States be authorized to borrow, on account of the said states, any fum or fums, not exceeding, in the whole, eight hundred thousand dollars, at a rate of intereft not exceeding five per centum per an

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