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him? If we should at this time of day act different from those who had the best means of judging of his pretensions, we should indeed deserve to be stigmatized as the "most credulous, the most stupid, and the most barbarous people on the face of the earth;" epithets which have been freely lavished on us because we have faithfully adhered to the religion and the God of our fathers, and would not chime in with the idol worship of the surrounding nations.

When the person whom you call the "Saviour of the World," was alive, it is recorded in the evangelists, that some of our people asked him to show them a sign by which they might believe in him; and when he was on the cross, he was requested by others, if he was the Saviour, to prove this by coming down from the tree and saving himself, in which case they would no longer withhold their assent to the truth of his being really the Messiah. Here then the question was put on the only proper grounds. Jesus had been charged with casting out devils by the power of Beelzebub, and with having confederates, who assisted him in passing off his pretended miracles as the works of the MOST HIGH. The performance of one of these wonders, before intelligent persons, and at the moment when required, would at once have destroyed all idea of collusion; and his descent from the cross, notwithstanding the whole tenor of his life had refuted the idea of his being more than an ordinary man, would not only have reached conviction to the Jews that Jesus was in truth the Messiah foretold by the prophets, but would have converted the whole Roman empire to a belief in his divine mission. Nothing of all this took place: he who came, as it is said, as a "light to lighte the nations," refused to show them that light, and preferred to give up the ghost, rather than, by living, to deliver from perdition millions of human beings, whom we are assured he came for the express purpose of saving.

It will be readily perceived that I have been guided in the facts which I have brought forward respecting the actions and deportment of Jesus of Nazareth, by the books held sacred by his followers, without in the smallest degree intimating my belief in their authenticity. Adopting this course, I shall not readily be charged with having asserted any thing hitherto that is not acknowledged by......ians in general. I beg it, however, to be understood, that I neither believe in the divine inspiration of these books, nor in their

authenticity. I have also my doubts as to the existence of the person called "Jesus of Nazareth" at the time he is said to have existed; and in my next shall enter on the consideration of these two important questions, the decision of one of which alone against the professors of his religion, must be sufficient, in the estimation of all reflecting minds, to overturn its divine authority.

(To be continued.)


In looking over my file of Israel's Advocate, I find some extracts taken from the preface of the first number of the Evangelical and Literary Magazine, published at Richmond, Va.; being the notice taken by that work of the American Society for Meliorating the Condition of the Jews,* and which has not heretofore been noticed in THE JEW. As there are several remarks in this notice, which, in my humble opinion, require attention, I must beg permission to examine them.

After informing his readers what......ians believe, or rather what he wishes them to believe, concerning the Jews, he says, "We have thought that it would be well to afford our readers such information as we possess concerning the A. S. F. M. C. J.

I trust the Editor of the E. & L. Magazine will not take my strictures on that notice, in any other than a charitable light, when I assure him that with the meek spirit of love only I would wish to examine that part of his production; and as he sets out with avowing his intention of affording his readers information, and as his readers may possibly be, (and as regards the readers of Israel's Advocate, certainly are) in a measure also our readers, he will not be offended at my correcting any facts which he has been so unfortunate to state, which would rather amount to misinformation than otherwise. Neither will he take amiss any strictures I shall consider it necessary to make on that part of his work, or on his knowledge of the views, intentions, and consequences of the A. S., with which I may suppose myself as well acquainted as he, or even themselves, for men are not always best acquainted even with their own views, and certainly not with the consequences of their actions or procedures.‡ The Editor of the E. & L. Magazine thus begins

"And here we remark, in the first place, that our country has the glory of being the only nation in the world which acknowledges the Jews as citizens. Recently the state of Mryland has abolished the last remnant of superstition and bigotry in her laws, and placed the Jew on the

*,Israel's Advocate, No. iv. p. 61.

+ We would not be understood as charging the editor with intentional misrepresentation, since he only gives such information as he possesses, and which, unfortunately, is erroneous.

The American Society's present embarrassed state of council, is a proof of the correctness of this position, and the vacillation of their determinations, a silent and lucid testimony of their wariness, as also of the usefulness of my lucubrations on their affairs.

same political situation with the ......ian. We have not disfranchised them. As they pass, we do not cry out, "Dog!" and spit upon their Jewish gabardine. On the contrary, the friendly offices of life are freely interchanged with them, and in the intercourse of society no difference is made between them and ......ians. What is done by American ......ians then, ought to be regarded as done in kindness. It is impossible to conceive any other motive."


This statement is not correct, as regards Holland--the subject stands on the same footing there, whether Jew or ......ian.* As to Maryland, Jews I believe have not moved in that affair at all, it has also failed; neither do they believe the agent of the A. S. intended them any service at Annapolis on that question. We look not for liberality from such; we know we are obnoxious; our very existence is an eye-sore to them ;† though, under God, we trust in the liberality of ......ians, as fellows and brothers, subject to the same humanity, and, worldly speaking, the jealousies of......ians is our sole protection. Gladly would they‡ oppress us, ay, even call us dogs, and spit on our Jewish gabardines. It is not, therefore, in the love of such towards us that we can place any dence. Did the A. S. know the spirit that is driving such on, themselves would shudder at its wickedness. But under God, in the liberal mindedness of the world in general, of the American public in particular, and the great jealousies of the different sects and denominations of ......ians towards each other, our protection lies. Still many are dragged unwillingly on by the general liberality of the people, to make a show of the like feeling; but the cloak is not large enough to hide itself. ......ians, be wary! The fall of the Jews is but the preliminary stroke intended as a token to the establishment of an order of things in this country, which (God avert) will cause many a bleeding heart. We are but a small people here, and our oppression would be accounted of but little note in the scale of society in the United States; still our fall would be the prelude to the establishment of some one predominant sect, or rather, for that state of affairs, much worse than such predominance, the strife for the mastery; when father will be marshalled against son, the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, the daughter against the mother. That state wherein a man's worst enemies will be those of own household. Again I cry, Brethren of every denomination of .....ians, beware! The American Society are principally composed of ONE sect, and there can be no doubt will fall " AMICABLY,' " into the hands of that one sect only. On account of Judiasm I can have no fear; it is triumphant ; none of the champions of the converters, although repeatedly challenged, * In Amsterdam, every Magistrate is a Jew, and the Police is generally conducted by Jews.

The converted apostate, C. F. Frey, as he reports, Israel's Advocate, No. VIII. p. 113, went to Annapolis, as agent of the A. S. to attend and preach on that question, when and where he represented that every Jew was bound, or felt himself bound, to stone him, the Rev. Mr. Frey, to death. Such misrepresentations may serve to embitter the minds of ......ians towards the Jews, and raise feelings of pity for the Rev. gentleman, but does not tend towards reconciling the parties. The Rev. gentleman may rest assured, that, however, in his own conscience, he may feel himself guilty and deserving the death pointed out by the law, for any crime he may know himself to have committed, Jews do not consider themselves authorized by the law, even to try him for the offence, and that before such trial, the Jew must consider it wrong to molest him; he stands amenable only to God and his conscience! miserable man!

The Apostates.

have dared to enter the lists, even with me. And let it not be thought they despise so puny an adversary. THE JEW has a larger, and full as respectable a list of subscribers as Israel's Advocate; (the difference is in proportion of the mole-hill to the mountain ;) and perhaps is the sole cause of its being sought after, and which, with all its advantages, has dwindled in interest; neither will any one man answer their repeated calls for assistance against me; no communications on the prophecies do they receive. They are left to help themselves now their fear is come

on them.*

But are there not men even among them, who, when I call, can answer a WORD? No! let the world know it! CONVERSION is not their object, or they would meet me. Where are their tracts they stand pledged to produce for the use of the Jews? They are repeatedly called for by the Jews, who long to read them. Surely they have funds sufficient: why then are they so remiss when so great a chance is afforded them, if their love for the Jews is so great as they wish the world to think ? If they truly pity the blinded children of Abraham, why not step forward now so fair an opportunity is offered them, and tear the veil from before their eyes or hearts when they read Moses and the prophets? The dreadful dilemma the world is in concerning them, is this; either the JEW has convinced and convicted them of error, or they are not serious in the work of conversion, and neither have they ever been serious; they have another object in view, and converting the Jews is a mere pretence to cover the real intention from the public.

If, then, the avowed is not the intrinsic, the real object; if convincing the minds of the Jews is not the intention of the Society, what can it be? Should not the public see to it ? is there no danger of the religious liberty of the country, by creating so powerful an engine, ready to be turned to the most dangerous purpose? As they now stand, they have no purpose-still they are CHARTERed, the first step towards ESTABLISHED. True, the Presbyterian in not the established religion, but it is the CHARTERED religion; perhaps the only peculiar and particular chartered religion of the State of New-York.‡ And where is the difference? are they not by their charter ESTABLISHED Who will say there is no danger?

*The standing call for communications of Israel's Advocate, runs thus: " Many heads and hearts are already known to us, and there are many more unknown, which have the capacity and the disposition to produce such articles for this paper. We invite the co-operation of our friends in this way; and assure any who may thus become our correspondents, that immediate and respectful attention shall be paid to their com


To give an opportunity to all to do good, to the children of Abraham, the friend of God, the Society will keep distinct funds for general purposes, for the education and employment of Jewish Missionaries, and for distributing among the Jews the Hebrew New Testament, AND OTHER RELIGIOUS TRACTS.

Should it here be said Israel's Advocate, published monthly, are the tracts promised them, I answer, it does not serve any purpose, it being properly a religious tract; but a mere account of the affairs of the Society, its agents and auxiliaries, and misinformations, derived from foreign sources. Again, the promise is, to distribute among the Jews. When has this been done? Jews may subscribe and pay ther money, and some do subscribe for THE THING. Let them then put something into the empty vessel, and distribute Israel's Advocate as promised," And it shall please us well."

All religious societies of this state can become corporations by the general law, for that purpose provided. The A. S. I believe, is the only one which has a particular charter of incorporation.

The avowed intention-I mean the original avowed intention, (for at present they have none,) was not only visionary, but a mere farce. At present, it is questionable whether the gentlemen conducting the Society's affairs have any intention at all: they appear without end or aim. I say not this to goad them on to action; I think the wisest plan would be to do nothing, except they have the magnanimity to request of the legislature to take back their charter. Perhaps also it would be the most prudent plan. The gentlemen must be aware the eyes of the public are upon them; they are viewed with jealousy. I speak not now as a Jew, but as a citizen.

Alas! this magnimity cannot be expected from them. Shall I be told they are not chartered as Presbyterians, but as a society-where, I would ask, is the difference, since it is falling into their hands? Who are the officers of the society? All gentlemen truly truly respectable, and worthy of confidence, if any are so, and all Presbyterians.

In Israel's Advocate, page 131, is a "Report of the Female Auxilary Society of New-Haven." This report deplores "the absence of a right feeling generally towards the Jewish nation." Mr. Editor, have any of the Converting, Evangelizing, Meliorating Societies this right feeling, or have they that feeling which......ians have ever had since their first establishment; since "THE KING" commenced to do according to his own will? When did not......ians wish the Jews to apostatize, and amalgamate with them? When did not the ......ian clergy wish to magnify their king above all gods, even above the God of Gods, the Jews' God? When did they not feel a longing desire, "a right feeling," to convert the Jews to worship Mahuzem, and a strange God? When did they not propose to reward them for apostacy, and what idea does the A. S. hold out by colonization, but dividing the land for a reward? The trade of apostacy is an old trade in Poland, and other catholic countries, although a novelty among the protestants, never has it succeeded, and it never will succeed, unless "force joins with fraud to aid the unhallowed plan." And if the A. S. have any intention, any settled purpose (which I very much doubt,) at present, none other than this it certainly is to establish their sect in predominance over every other throughout the United States and it is not a new plan. They have heretofore made violent efforts to that purpose, in which they have not altogether failed. In what manner money can be applied to produce that effect, is yet to be seen. It is, however, the sinews of policy, the combination they well account themselves certain of having. I would ask if the original avowed was the veritable, the intrinsic purpose, why elect the honourable Mr. Adams as president? Does he want Jews converted to ......ianity? Would he not as lieve have all ......ians converted to Islamism? Have they not elected other gentlemen, without their knowledge, as members of their society, as officers and directors of their institution, and is it not a practice with them to consider all such as members, who do not think proper to trouble themselves with sending in a written resignation or written declination of the honour of membership, and to use their names as such? Is all this done to convert the Jews? Is so much policy necessary to convince a Jew that Jesus of Nazareth is the......, the Messiah? This looks more like electioneering policy, and points to another, a far different purpose than converting the Jews. 0.

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