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" States, from whom he purchases such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of this act, designating it. Said guaranty, to afford protection, shall contain the name and address of the party or parties... "
Laws Applicable to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1935 ... - Page 111
by United States - 1936 - 750 pages
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Biennial report of the Louisiana State Board of Health. 1906/07

1908 - 710 pages
...the provisions of this act may require to secure freedom from adulteration or misbranding. Sec. 9. That no dealer shall be prosecuted under the residing in the United States, from whom he purchases such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning...
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The Central Law Journal, Volume 86

Law - 1918 - 502 pages
...Federal statute (34 US Stat. at Large, 771) "when he can establish a guaranty signed by the wholesaler, manufacturer or other party residing In the the effect that the same is not adulterated or mlsbranded within the meaning of the Act, designating it." It has been held that the statute relieves...
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Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association, Part 2

American Bar Association - Law - 1906 - 474 pages
...misbranding. Section 9 provides that no dealer shall be prosecuted whei> he can establish a guarantee signed by the wholesaler, jobber, manufacturer or...not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the act designating it. This guarantee to afford protection must contain the name and address of the...
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Public health reports (1881). v. 28 pt. 1 no ..., Volume 28, Part 1, Issues 1-26

1913 - 1544 pages
...and the superintendent of public health. SEC. 22. Nodealershall be prosecuted underthe provisionsof this act when he can establish a guaranty signed by...residing in the United States from whom he purchased guch articles to the effect that the same is not adulterated, mislabeled, or misbranded within the...
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Iowa health bulletin. 1906 JL-1907 MY

1906 - 192 pages
...responsibility for infractions of the law on the manufacturer and not on the retail dealer. Section 9 specifies that "no dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions...other party residing in the United States from whom he purchases such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning...
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The Medical Fortnightly, Volumes 29-30

Medicine - 1906 - 760 pages
...the provisions of this act may require to secure freedom from adulteration or misbranding. "Sec. 9. That no dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions...other party residing in the United States from whom he purchases such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning...
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Bulletin, Issues 200-211

Agriculture - 1910 - 1086 pages
...distributor, residing in the United States, from whom such article of food was purchased or procured, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or...afford protection shall contain the name and address of the manufacturer or wholesale dealer, or jobber or distributor, making the sale of such article of...
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Hygienic Laboratory bulletin. no. 41, 1908, Issue 41

1908 - 844 pages
...the provisions of this Act may require to secure freedom from adulteration or rnisbranding. SEC. 9. That no dealer shall be prosecuted under the residing in the United States, from whom he purchases such articles, to tlie effect that the same Is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning...
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Circular of the Bureau of Standards, Issue 501

United States. National Bureau of Standards - Standardization - 1951 - 1200 pages shall be prosecuted under the provisions of this Article [Sees. 3993. Sec. 98 — 4009. Sec. 114] oses", and Acts amendatory thereof, so far as applicable,...officials for the enforcement of said Article. [1921 purchases such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning...
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Monthly bulletin (California. State Board of Health) v.1-3, 1905-08, Volumes 1-3

1905 - 406 pages
...which shall be approved by the state board of health and by the state board of examiners. SEC. 22. No dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions...jobber, manufacturer or other party residing in the Unitied States from whom he purchased such article to the effect, that the same is not adulterated,...
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