insular government shall be transferred to and coordinated with the experiment station of the College of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, together with whatever funds that are available for the support of the same, and the Secretary of Agriculture may at his discretion transfer such land, buildings, and equipment as he may deem necessary to the experiment station of the College of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico: Provided further, That the Territory of Puerto Rico shall make provision for such additional buildings and permanent equipment as may be necessary for the development of the work. (Mar. 4, 1931, sec. 1, 46 Stat. 1520; May 17, 1932, 47 Stat. 158; 7 U. S. C., sec. 386d.) 507. Increase of appropriation for cooperative agricultural extension work authorized so as to take care of Puerto Rico.-To carry into effect the above provisions for extending to Puerto Rico the benefits of the Act of March 2, 1887, and supplementary Acts in the order and amounts designated by these Acts, the following sums are hereby authorized to be appropriated in addition to the amounts appropriated to the Department of Agriculture for use in Puerto Rico: $15,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933; $20,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934; $25,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935; $30,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936; $35,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937; $40,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938; $45,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939; $50,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940; $60,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941; $70,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942; $80,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943; and $90,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, and thereafter a sum equal to that provided for each State and Territory for agricultural experiment stations established under the Act of March 2, 1887. (Mar. 4, 1931, sec. 2, 46 Stat. 1520; May 17, 1932, 47 Stat. 158; 7 U. S. C., sec. 386e.) 508. Increase of appropriation for cooperative agricultural extension work authorized so as to take care of Puerto Rico.-The permanent annual appropriations provided for in section 3 of said Act of May 8, 1914, and of Acts supplementary thereto [7 U. S. C., sec. 343] are hereby authorized to be increased by an amount necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, but without diminishing or increasing the amount to which any State or the Territory of Hawaii is entitled under the provisions of said Act of May 8, 1914, and of Acts supplementary thereto: Provided, That for the fiscal year 1933 the total amount available to the Territory of Puerto Rico under the terms of the Act of May 8, 1914, shall be $50,000, this amount to be increased by $10,000 annually, or such part thereof as may be necessary, until the total to which Puerto Rico is entitled under the provisions of this Act is reached. Participation in other Federal appropriations for cooperative extension work, including those authorized by the Act of May 22, 1928, shall be at such times and in such amounts as shall be estimated by the Secretary of Agriculture and appropriated by the Congress. (Mar. 4, 1931, sec. 3, 46 Stat. 1521; May 17, 1932, 47 Stat. 158; 7 U. S. C., sec. 386f.) 509. Transfer or sale of property of Alaska, Guam, and Virgin Islands stations. That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to transfer to any Government department or establishment or to local authorities or institutions such property and/or equipment [of experiment stations in Alaska, Guam, and the Virgin Islands] or to sell the same at public or private sale. (July 7, 1932, sec. 1, 47 Stat. 614; 7 U. S. C., sec. 386g.) THE BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY 510. Establishment of the Bureau of Animal Industry; Chief of Bureau; duty.—That the Secretary of Agriculture shall organize in his Department a Bureau of Animal Industry, and shall appoint a Chief thereof, who shall be a competent veterinary surgeon, and whose duty it shall be to investigate and report upon the condition of the domestic animals and/or livestock of the United States, their protection and use, and also inquire into and report the causes of contagious, infectious, and communicable diseases among them, and the means for the prevention and cure of the same, and to collect such information on these subjects as shall be valuable to the agricultural and commercial interests of the country; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to employ a force sufficient for this purpose. (May 29, 1884, sec. 1, 23 Stat. 31; July 14, 1890, 26 Stat. 288; Feb. 7, 1928, 45 Stat. 59; 7 U. S. C., sec. 391.) 511. Sale or exchange of animals not needed. And hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell in the open market or to exchange for other breeding animals or animal products to the best advantage, without the usual condemnation proceedings and public auction, such animals or animal products produced or purchased under the appropriations made by Congress for the use of the Bureau of Animal Industry as may not be needed in the work of that bureau: Provided, That all moneys received from the sale of such animals or animal products, or as a bonus in the exchange of the same, shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (Aug. 10, 1912, 37 Stat. 274; 7 U. S. Č., sec. 392.) 512. Sale of pathological and zoological specimens.-Hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to prepare and sell at cost such pathological and zoological specimens as he may deem of scientific or educational value to scientists or others engaged in the work of hygiene and sanitation: Provided, That all moneys received from the sale of such specimens shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (Mar. 4, 1913, 37 Stat. 833; 7 U. S. C., sec. 393.) 513. Overtime of employees engaged in enforcement of Meat Inspection Act. That, hereafter, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized, in his discretion, to pay employees of the Bureau of Animal Industry employed in establishments subject to the provisions of the Meat Inspection Act of June 30, 1906 [21 U. S. C., secs. 71-92], for all overtime work performed at such establishments, at such rates as he may determine, and to accept from such establishments wherein such overtime work is performed reimbursement for any sums paid. out by him for such overtime work. (July 24, 1919, 41 Stat. 241; 7 U. S. C., sec. 394.) BUREAU OF DAIRYING 514. Bureau of Dairying; establishment.-That there is hereby established in the Department of Agriculture a bureau to be known as the "Bureau of Dairying." (May 29, 1924, sec. 1, 43 Stat. 243; 7 U. S. C., sec. 401.) 515. Appointment and duties of chief.-That a Chief of the Bureau of Dairying shall be appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, who shall be subject to the general direction of the Secretary of Agriculture. He shall devote his time to the investigation of the dairy industry, and the dissemination of information for the promotion of the dairy industry. (May 29, 1924, sec. 2, 43 Stat. 243; 7 U. S. C., sec. 402.) 516. Transfer of activities of Department relating to dairy industry.— For the purpose of enabling the Secretary of Agriculture and the Chief of the Bureau of Dairying to carry out the purposes of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to transfer to the Bureau of Dairying such activities of the Department of Agriculture as he may designate which relate primarily to the dairy industry, and to employ such additional persons in the city of Washington and elsewhere, as may be necessary. (May 29, 1924, sec. 3, 43 Stat. 243; 7 U. S. C., sec. 403.) 517. Appropriations. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act and the activities of the Bureau of Dairying, such sums of money as Congress may deem necessary are hereby authorized to be appropriated, in addition to such sums provided for in the Agricultural Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925. (May 29, 1924, sec. 4, 43 Stat. 243; 7 U. S. C., sec. 404.) SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 518. Secretary of Agriculture authorized to conduct surveys, carry out preventive measures, etc., to prevent soil erosion. That it is hereby recognized that the wastage of soil and moisture resources on farm, grazing, and forest lands of the Nation, resulting from soil erosion, is a menace to the national welfare and that it is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to provide permanently for the control and prevention of soil erosion and thereby to preserve natural resources, control floods, prevent impairment of reservoirs, and maintain the navigability of rivers and harbors, protect public health, public lands, and relieve unemployment, and the Secretary of Agriculture, from now on, shall coordinate and direct all activities with relation to soil erosion and in order to effectuate this policy is hereby authorized, from time to time (1) To conduct surveys, investigations, and research relating to the character of soil erosion and the preventive measures needed, to publish the results of any such surveys, investigations, or research, to disseminate information concerning such methods, and to conduct demonstrational projects in areas subject to erosion by wind or water; (2) To carry out preventive measures, including, but not limited to, engineering operations, methods of cultivation, the growing of vegetation, and changes in use of land; (3) To cooperate or enter into agreements with, or to furnish financial or other aid to, any agency, governmental or otherwise, or any person, subject to such conditions as he may deem necessary, for the purposes of this Act; and (4) To acquire lands, or rights or interests therein, by purchase, gift, condemnation, or otherwise, whenever necessary for the purposes of this Act. (Apr. 27, 1935, sec. 1; Public, 46, 74th Cong.) 519. Same; where acts authorized to be performed. The acts authorized in section 1 (1) and (2) may be performed (a) On lands owned or controlled by the United States or any of its agencies, with the cooperation of the agency having jurisdiction thereof; and (b) On any other lands, upon obtaining proper consent or the necessary rights or interests in such lands. (Apr. 27, 1935, sec. 2; Public, 46, 74th Cong.) 520. Secretary of Agriculture authorized to impose certain conditions to extending benefits to lands not owned or controlled by United States.As a condition to the extending of any benefits under this Act to any lands not owned or controlled by the United States or any of its agencies, the Secretary of Agriculture may, insofar as he may deem necessary for the purposes of this Act, require (1) The enactment and reasonable safeguards for the enforcement of State and local laws imposing suitable permanent restrictions on the use of such lands and otherwise providing for the prevention of soil erosion; (2) Agreements or covenants as to the permanent use of such lands; and (3) Contributions in money, services, materials, or otherwise, to any operations conferring such benefits. (Apr. 27, 1935, sec. 3; Public 46, 74th Cong.) 521. Secretary of Agriculture authorized to secure cooperation of Government_agencies; fix compensation of officers and employees; expenditures. For the purposes of this Act the Secretary of Agriculture may (1) Secure the cooperation of any governmental agency; (2) Subject to the provisions of the civil-service laws and the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, appoint and fix the compensation of such officers and employees as he may deem necessary, except for a period not to exceed eight months from the date of this enactment, the Secretary of Agriculture may make appointments and may continue employees of the organization heretofore established for the purpose of administering those provisions of the National Industrial Recovery Act which relate to the prevention of soil erosion, without regard to the civil-service laws or regulations and the Classification Act, as amended; and any persons with technical or practical knowledge may be employed and compensated under this Act on a basis to be determined by the Civil Service Commission; and (3) Make expenditures for personal services and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, for the purchase of law books and books of reference, for printing and binding, for the purchase, operation, and maintenance of passenger-carrying vehicles, and perform such acts, and prescribe such regulations, as he may deem proper to carry out the provisions of this Act. (Apr. 27, 1935, sec. 4; Public 46, 74th Cong.) 522. Secretary of Agriculture to establish Soil Conservation Service; funds transferred.-The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish an agency to be known as the " Soil Conservation Service ", to exercise the powers conferred on him by this Act and may utilize the organization heretofore established for the purpose of administering those provisions of sections 202 and 203 of the National Industrial Recovery Act which relate to the prevention of soil erosion, together with such personnel thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture may determine, and all unexpended balances of funds heretofore allotted to said organization shall be available until June 30, 1937, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall assume all obligations incurred by said. organization prior to transfer to the Department of Agriculture. Funds provided in H. J. Res. 117, "An Act making appropriation for relief purposes " (for soil erosion) shall be available for expenditure under the provisions of this Act; and in order that there may be proper coordination of erosion-control activities the Secretary of Agriculture may transfer to the agency created under this Act such functions, funds, personnel, and property of other agencies in the Department of Agriculture as he may from time to time determine. (Apr. 27, 1935, sec. 5; Public 46, 74th Cong.) 523. Appropriation authorized. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of this Act such sums as Congress may from time to time determine to be necessary. (Apr. 27, 1935, sec. 6; Public 46, 74th Cong.) MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS 524. Bureau of Crop Estimates.-Hereafter the powers conferred and the duties imposed by law on the Bureau of Statistics of the Department of Agriculture shall be exercised and performed by the Bureau of Crop Estimates. (June 30, 1914, 38 Stat. 436.) 525. Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates.-That hereafter the powers conferred and the duties imposed by law on the Bureau of Statistics and the Bureau of Crop Estimates of the Department of Agriculture shall be exercised and performed by the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates. (Mar. 3, 1921, 41 Stat. 1343.) 526. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Hereafter the powers conferred and the duties imposed by law on the Bureau of Markets, Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates, and the Office of Farm Management and Farm Economics of the Department of Agriculture shall be exercised and performed by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. (May 11, 1922; 42 Stat. 532; 7 U. S. C., sec. 411.) 527. Secretary of Agriculture authorized to publish turpentine statistics. That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to collect and/or compile and publish annually, and at such other times, and in such form and on such date or dates as he shall prescribe, statistics and essential information relating to spirits of turpentine and rosin produced, held, and used in the domestic and foreign commerce of the United States. (Aug. 15, 1935, Public, 278, 74th Cong.) 528. Monthly crop reports.-That hereafter the monthly crop reports, which shall be gathered as far as practicable from practical farmers, and which shall be printed and distributed on or before the twelfth day of each month, shall embrace statements of the conditions of crops by States, in the United States, with such explanations, comparisons, and information as may be useful for illustrating the above |