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Pac'i-fy, to appease.
Page, one side of the leaf of a book
-a young boy attending on a great
Pal-i-sade', pales for enclosure.
Pan'the-ism, worship of all sorts of
false gods.

Pa'pal, relating to the Pope.
Pa-rade', show; military order.
Pard'ed, spotted like the leopard.
Parlia-ment, the assembly of the
king, lords, and commons.
Par'tial-ly, with unjust favour; in
part, not totally.
Par-tit'ion, a division.
Pas'time, sport.

Pa-thet'ic, affecting the passions.
Pa'tri-ot, a lover of his country.
Pe-cu'li-ar, particular.
Ped'es-tal, basis of a statue.
Peer, an equal; a nobleman.
Pe'nal, enacting punishment. [lute.
Per'emp-tor-y, dogmatical, abso-
Pe-riph'ra-sis, circumlocution; use
of many words.
Per'ju-ry, false oath.
Per-se-cu'tion, repeated acts of
vengeance or enmity.
Per-verse', obstinate, in the wrong.
Pet'ty, small, little. [imbodied.
Phalanx, a troop of men closely
Phan'tom, a spectre, apparition.
Phosphor-us, a chemical substance
which air ignites.

Pi-az'za, a walk under a roof sup-
ported by pillars.
Pi-las'ter, a square column.
Pilfer, to practise petty theft.
Pilgrim, one who travels to visit
the shrines of saints.
Pinion, wing; fetters for the arms.
Plain, smooth; flat: clear.
Plane, a level surface.
Poli-tic, prudent; artful.
Po-lit'i-cal, relating to the science
of government.
Pon'tiff, the Pope.
Pop'u-lace, the vulgar; the multi-
Pop'u-lous, full of people.
Porphy-ry, a kind of marble.
Por'ti-co, a covered walk. [ed after.
Pos-te'ri-or, happening after; plac-
Pos-ter'i-ty, succeeding generations.
Postern, a small gate.


Post'hu-mous, happening or done
after one's death.
Pre'cept, rule, mandate.
Preci-pice, a headlong steep.

Pre-cip'i-tate, a. hasty: v. to cast
down headlong.
Pred-e-ces'sor, one who was in any
place or state before another.
Pre-hen'sile, laying hold. [weight.
Pre-pon'der-ance, superiority of
Pre-pos-sess', to prejudice; to en-
Pre-rog'a-tive, peculiar privilege or
Pres'by-ter-y, body of elders whe-
ther priests or laymen.
Pre-text', a pretence.
Prev'a-lence, superiority, influence.
Pri-me'val, original, of a very early
[first born.
Pri-mo-gen'i-ture, state of being
Pris'tine, ancient, original. [thing.
Pri-va'tion, loss or removal of any
Prob-a-bil'i-ty, likelihood. [phant.
Pro-bos'cis, snout, trunk of an ele-
Proc'ess, tendency; course of law;

Pro-ces'sion, a solemn train.
Pro-fane', irreverent; not sacred.
Pro-fes'sion, calling; declaration.
Pro-fuse', prodigal; lavish.
Pro-gen'i-tor, forefather, ancestor.
Pro-hib'it, to forbid, to debar.
Project, scheme, contrivance.
Pro-ject', to throw out; jut out;

Pro-lific, fruitful.
Prom'e-nade, a walk.
Prom'i-nent, standing out beyond
the other parts.
Prom'on-tor-y, cape, headland.
Prompt, v. to incite, instigate: a.

Pro-pen'si-ty, inclination.
Prop'er-ty, quality, possession.
Pro-pri'e-ty, an exclusive right;

Proph'e-cy, n. a prediction.
Proph'e-sy, v. to foretel.
Pro-test', to give a solemn declara-
Prot'es-tant, one who protests

against popery.

Pro-tract', to draw out; to delay.
Proverb, a common saying, adage.
Province, district; office. [in fear.
Quail, a. a bird of game: v. to yield
Quar'ry, a stone mine; bird flown
at by a hawk.
Quay, an artificial bank for landing
Quell, to crush, subdue.

Quote, to cite the words of another. Raud, a foray, or predatory excur sion on horseback.

[blocks in formation]

Recep-ta-cle, a place in which any Rid'i-cule, wit that provokes laugh

thing is received.

Re-ception, act of receiving.
Rec-og-nit'ion, acknowledgement.
Rec-om-mend, to praise to another.
Rec-on-noit're, to take a view of.
Re-course', application for help or


Re-source', resort, expedient.
Rec-tan'gu-lar, having right angles.
Re-form', to make better. [cross.
Re-fractor-y, obstinate, perverse,
Re'gent, governor, ruler.
Re-in-state', to put again in posses-
Re-it-er-a'tion, repetition.
Rel'a-tive, n. relation, kinsman: a.
having relation, respecting.
Re-lease', to set free.
Relic, that which remains.
Relish, taste; liking.
Re-miss', slothful, careless.
Rem'nant, that which is left.
Re-morseless, cruel, unpitying.
Ren-dez-vous', place of meeting.
Re-nounce', to give up; disown.
Re-peal', to recall, to abrogate.
Rep-ri-mand', to chide, reprove.
Rep'ro-bate, abandoned to wicked-
Rep-ro-ba'tion, a condemnatory
Re-public, commonwealth.
Re-pu'di-ate, to put away through
a feeling of shame.


Re-sent', to take ill; to be angry at.
Revi-dence, place of abode.
Re-sign', to give up.

Rifle, r. to pillage: n. a musket for
firing ball.

Rigging, tackling of a ship. [ance.
Rit'u-al, system of religious observ-
Riv'et, n. a fastening pin clenched.
v. to fasten strongly.
Rout, n. rabble; confusion of an
army defeated: v. to defeat.
Route, road, way.
Ru'di-ments, first elements of a
Sab-bat'i-cal, pertaining to the Sab-

Sally, to issue out.
Sane'tion, ratification.
Sanc'tu-ar-y, a holy place; shelter.
Sa'sine, act of taking possession.
Sate, to satiate, to glut.
Seru'pu-lous, doubtful; cautious.
Sect, a party.

Se-dit'ion, tumult; insurrection.
Sem'blance, likeness.
Sem-i-circu-lar, half round.
Se-questered, separated, remote.
Ser vi-tude, state of a slave.
Shroud, a cove; sail-ropes.
Signal-ize, to make eminent.
Skel'e-ton, the bones of any animal

So-lic'it, to ask earnestly.
So-lic-i-ta'tion, importunity.
So-lic'i-tude, anxiety.
Son'net, a small poem.
Spawn, the eggs of fish.
Spe'cie, money.
Spe'cies, a sort, class.

Res'in, the fat sulphurous part of Spe'cious, plausible.

[blocks in formation]

Subju-gate, to conquer, to subdue. | Trai'tor-ous, treacherous; perfid


Sub-lime', high, lofty, grand.
Suburbs, out-parts of a city.
Suc-cess', good fortune.
Suc-ces'sion, regular and orderly
Suc-cess'ful, prosperous.
Suc-ces'sive, following in order.
Suffrage, a vote.

Sug-gest'ion, hint; insinuation.
Sulten, gloomy.

Sum'ma-ry, n. abridgement, ab-
stract, a. brief.
Sump'tu-ous, costly.
Su-per-in-tend', to oversee, over-
Su-pe-ri-or'i-ty, pre-eminence.
Sup-plant', to displace by stratagem.
Sup-ple-men'ta-ry, additional.
Sup-press', to crush, conceal.
Su-prem'a-cy, highest authority.
Surfeit, sickness or satiety caused
by overfulness.

Sur-mise', imperfect notion, suspi-
Sur-vive', to outlive.

Sus-pend', to hang; to delay.
Swamp, a marsh, a fen.

[blocks in formation]

Sym'pa-thy, fellow-feeling.

Symptom, a sign, a token.

ious. Trans-fer', to convey, to remove. Trans-form', to change the form. Trans-la'tion, removal; act of turning into another language. Trans'verse, in a cross direction. 'Trea'tise, a discourse. Treaty, negotiation, compact. Tri-bunal, seat of a judge. Trib'ute, payment made in acknowledgement of subjection.

Trill, quaver, tremulousness of music. Trophy, something displayed in proof of victory.

Tu'ber-cle, a small swelling, pimple.
Tu-mul'tu-ous, turbulent.
Typ'i-fy, to show by type or emblem.
Ul-tra-o-pin'ions, extreme opinions.
Un-con-di'tion-al, without terms.
Un'du-la-tor-y, moving in the man-
ner of waves.
Un-im-peach'a-ble, that cannot be
U-nique', singular; to which there
is nothing like.

U'ni-ty, one; agreement.
U-ni-versi-ty, school for the liberal



[ship. Un-ma'tron-ly, unbecoming a ma

Syn'a-gogue, Jewish place of wor-Un-par'al-leled, not matched.


System, a scheme uniting many
things in order.
Tab'er-na-cle, a tent.
Talis-man, a magical character or
Tar'nish, to sully, to soil.
Tease, to torment; to comb wool.
Tem'po-ral, pertaining to the things
of time.

Tem'po-rar-y, lasting only for a
limited time.
Tem-po-ral'i-ties, secular posses-
Tem'po-rize, to delay.
Te-na'cious, holding fast.
Ten'et, position or opinion.
Ten'or, course; purport.
Te'nure, manner or condition of
holding a possession.
Tes-ti-mo'ni-al, written evidence.
Tes-ta'ceous, consisting of shells.
Tetrarch, governor of the fourth
part of a province.
Theme, a subject or exercise.
The-ol'o-gy, Divinity, religion.
The'o-ry, speculation; not practice.
Tho'rax, the breast.
Thral'dom, slavery.
Tor-na'do, a hurricane.

Tour, a ramble, roving journey.

Un-re-mit'ting, not stopping, not giving up.

Un-tu'tored, untaught.
Up-braid', to chide, reproach.
U-surp', to seize by force.
Vag'a-bond, a vagrant, wanderer.
Van'tage, superiority, profit.
Vas'sal, a subject, dependent.
Ve-loc'i-ty, swiftness.

Ven'er-a-ble, worthy of reverence.
Vest, v. to dress: n. an outer gar-


Ves'per, the evening.

Vice-re'gal, pertaining to a viceroy.
Vice'roy, one who governs for the
Vigour, strength.
Vin'di-cate, to justify.
Vin-dic'tive, revengeful.
Vi-vac'i-ty, liveliness. [alive.
Vi-vip'a-rous, bringing forth young
Volley, a flight of shot. [force.
Vol'un-ta-ry, acting freely, not by
Wi'ly, cunning, sly.

Yeo'man, a gentleman farmer.
Zeal'ot, one full of zeal.

Ze'ro, where the scale of the ther mometer begins.

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1. What are the words denoting state or being, from False, brother, widow, child-arrogant, acquaint, resist, annoy vigilant vacant, elegant, pliant, constant-decent, ascendant, agent, regent, pungent, cogent, deficient, current,. fluent-impatient, benevolent excellent-ample, long, serve, grateful, prompt, similar 2, solicitous, 2-parent, ....b. plume, bonds, pilgrim, pas

ture-curve, furnish, garnish, fix, moist, sign, invest-despot, idiot, patriot, Luther, Calvin, tory, whig, true-wild, like, hard, wicked--banish, pave, enchant, impede, merry, treat-accurate, effeminate, intricate, secret, conspire, supreme-versatile, able, stable, rustic-pedant, bigot, sophist-rival, revel, knave-apostate, hypocrite, leper-felon, master, forger, jealous—warm, wide, long, strong, broad, true, grow?

2. What are the nouns denoting act or state, from

Oppose, persuade, devote, perfect, putrefy, humbled, solving? 3. What are the nouns denoting office or state, from

Professor, scholar, rector, friend?

4. What are the nouns denoting state, property, or office, from Duke, free, thral, martyr, prince, wise, Pope, sheriff?

5. What are the nouns denoting the agent or doer, from

Music, tragedy, theology-carry, saddle, fish, saw, travel-chariot, auction-debt, compete, war, conquer, invent, sail, transgressexpect, claim, combat, inhabit, protest, visit-adhere, study, depone, reside, receive-anatomy, botany, catechise-function, mission, antique, statue-song, game, tap?

6 What are the diminutives from

Seed, goose, stream?

7 What are the nouns denoting the persons acted upon, from

Trust, present, assign, commit, refer, refuge, (one who takes refuge ?)

8. What are the adjectives denoting being or acting in the sense of the following verbs,

Please, triumph, attend, comply, redound, signify, observe, stagnate -urge, obey, subserve, appear, prevail, exist, pertain, indulge, flow?

9. What are the adjectives denoting that may be in the sense of the following verbs,

Practise, move, navigate, vary, violate, separate, desire, allowdivide, credit, 2, elect, perceive, admit, defend, comprehend? 10. What are the adjectives denoting full of

Toil, frolic, trouble, burden, what irks, what is loathed-care, grace, joy, right, pity 2, wonder 2-marvel, courage, ruin, envy, fables, labour, tempest, study, religion, victory, volumes, price, people— hunger, ice, fire, shade, wit, might, wool?

11. What are the adjectives signifying made of

Lead, silk, wheat, flax, lint?

12. What are the adjectives denoting having the nature of, or pertaining to, the following subjects?

Prophet, despot, hero, seraph, apostle, sympathy-infant, fever 2brute 2, rogue, moor, Spain, England-autumn, person, triumph, parish, line, spirit, use, type, voice, nation, reason 2, navy, sense, -angle, circle, oracle, pole, people, title-viper, villain, traitor, -numbers, letters or literature, parliament, vision, planets, elements-consolation, contradiction, illusion, inflammation, preface, promise, satisfaction.

13. What are the adjectives denoting like or resembling the following subjects,

Monk, fool, drone-man, priest, mother, dead, king?

14. What are the adjectives denoting having the power to

Consume, preserve, restrict, instruct, retain, conclude, corrode, decide, repel, explode, alter, conduce, effect?

15. What are the verbs signifying to make

Legal familiar, immorta, solemn, spiritual, grand-complex, various authentic, propitious, ulcerous, debile or weak, facile or easy,

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