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List your staff below, by name, using the design-
ated categories and providing all of the requested
information. Indicate race and sex with a check-
mark using the following key: N- Nonminority, B
Black, S - Spanish American, O - other minority,

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Present Date of Job Ser
SOM F Grade Grade


Career Dev. Obj.

1That is, the potential advancement positions towards which the employee is working (the positions may or may not be within your unit). If additional training is required which you are providing, you may indicate this in question IV below.

2Paraprofessional positions are strictly training slots for up


grading nonprofessional employees into professional career ladders.

These are nonprofessional positions.


To what extent can you correct in the next six months any deficiencies* apparent in A and B above by promoting or upgrading from the list in B. State your plans specifically. Note that upgrading plans should also be indicated in question IV below.


The guidelines for evaluating the utilization of
minorities and women are the population and
workforce characteristics as spelled out in the
"Criteria" (see cover sheet). Due to the small
size of first-line units, however, application
of the criteria may be ambiguous. More defini-
tive standards for what constitutes a deficiency
at this level will be determined by immediate
supervisors and overall bureau policy.

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Numerical Goals

Projected minority and female turnovers translate into automatic numerical goals (replacement goals) unless the loss does not mean under-representation or inequitable grade distribution for that minority and/or women. Other turnovers, unfilled positions, and new positions to be filled represent the number of new goals that could potentially be committed for minorities and women. State specific numerical goals for the next six months for your work unit as follows (table (1) for professionals, table (2) for nonprofessionals):

(1) Numerical Coals for Professionals next 6 months

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* Goals are required when under-representation or inequitable grade distribution exists (see section II-C above) and such deficiencies should be corrected at the minimum rate of 2 goals for minorities and/or women out of every 3 positions available, until parity is reached. By definition the number of available positions equals the number of new hires projected for the next six months minus the number of replacement goals (which are automatic).

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