maginary right lines is seen anew to be a line of curvature, on the sur- face (comp. 410, (A)), because all the normals P'N', at points of this Ene. are situated in one common (imaginary) normal plane (p. 676): and as before, there are thus three lines of curvature through an um- (f). These geometrical results are in various ways deducible from calculation with quaternions; for example, a form of the equation of the lines of curvature on a quadric is seen (p. 677) to become an identity at an umbilic (v || A): while the differential of that equation breaks up into two factors, whereof one represents the tangent to the principal section, while the other (Sad2p = 0) assigns the directions of (9). The equation of the cone (C), which has already presented itself as a certain locus of chords (b), admits of many quaternion + pbeing the vector of the vertex P, and p + Ap that of any other point r' of the cone; while a, a' are still, as in 407, (a), two real focal lines, of which the lengths are here arbitrary, but of which the directions are constant, as before, for a whole confocal system. (A). This cone (C), or (V1), is also the locus (p. 678) of a system * It might be natural to suppose, from the known general theory (410, (c)) (comp. pp. 300, 459, 662, 671, 672); and conversely, that when this last symbol represents a vector which is not null, the vector thus denoted is an imaginary line, which cuts that circle. It may be noted here, that such is the case with the reci- procal polar of every chord of a quadric, connecting any two umbilics which are not in one principal plane; and that thus the quadratic equation (XXI., in p. 669) from which the two directions (410, (c)) can usually be derived, becomes an iden- tity for every umbilic, real or imaginary: as it ought to do, for consistency with the foregoing theory of the three lines through that umbilic. And as an addi- tional illustration of the coincidence of directions of the lines of curvature at any non-umbilicar point r' of an umbilicar generatrix, it may be added that the cone of chords (C), in 411, (6), is found to touch the quadric along that generatrix, f of three rectangular lines; and if it be cut by any plane perpendicular to a side, and not passing through the vertex, the section is an equila- (i). The same cone (C) has, for three of its sides PP', the normals (p. 677) to the three confocals (p. 644) of a given system which pass (j). And because its equation (V1) does not involve the constant ARTICLE 412.- On Centres of Curvature of Surfaces, (a). If o be the vector of the centre s of curvature of a normal section of an arbitrary surface, which touches one of the two lines of curvature thereon, at any given point r, we have the two fundamental the equation (W1") being a new form of the general differential equa- tion of the lines of curvature. (b). Deduction (pp. 680, 681, &c.) of some known theorems from these equations; and of some which introduce the new and general conception of the Index Surface (410, (d)), as well as that of the in which r (|| dp) is a tangent to a line of curvature, while dv = φαρ, in which g, λ, μ are, for any given point r, the constants in the equa- tirely arbitrary, the values ofr may be thus expressed (p. 681), a1, a2 being the scalar semiaxes (real or imaginary) of the index curve (defined, comp. 410, (d), by the equations Sp'φρ' = 1, δνρ' = 0). 679-689 (e). The quadratic equation, of which 1 and 12, or the inverse which will be found useful in the following series (418), in connexion (g). The given surface being still quite general, if we write τ = Udρ, τ' = U (vdp), (A2), and therefore rr' = Uv, (Α ́2) so that and r' are unit tangents to the lines of curvature, it is easily dr' = r Sr'dr, (B2), or that Vrdr'=0; this general parallelism of dr' to being geometrically explained, by observing that a line of curvature on any surface is, at the same time, a line of curvature on the developable normal surface, which rests upon that line, and to which r' or vr is normal, if be tangential to the (A). If the vector of curvature (389) of a line of curvature be projected on the normal v to the given surface, the projection (p. 686) is the vector of curvature of the normal section of that sur- face, which has the same tangent; but this result, and an analo- gous one (same page) for the developable normal surface (g), are virtually included in Meusnier's theorem, which will be proved by (1). The vector of a centres of curvature of the given surface, answering to a given point r thereon, may (by (W1) and (X1)) be ex- which may be regarded also as a general form of the Vector Equation (j). The normal at s, to what may be called the First Sheet, has corresponding to s, on the corresponding sheet of the Reciprocal (comp. which may also be considered (comp. (i)) to be a form of the Vector (k). The vector v satisfies generally (by same page) the equations Συσ= $συ = 1, Sυδσ = 0, $σδυ = 0, (D2') δα, δυ denoting any infinitesimal variations of the vectors o and v, consistent with the equations of the surface of centres and its recipro- $ρυ = 1, vv = 0, Σνυφυ = 0. (D2") in which w is a variable vector, represents (p. 684) the normal plane combining which with (C2), we see that the equations (H1) of p. xxv. are satisfied, when the derived vectors p' and σ' are changed to the cor- responding differentials, do and do. The known theorem (of Monge), that each Line of Curvature is generally an involute, with the corre- sponding Curve of Centres for one of its evolutes (400), is therefore in this way reproduced and the connected theorem (also of Monge), that this evolute is a geodetic on its own sheet of the surface of centres, follows easily from what precedes. (n). In the foregoing paragraphs of this analysis, the given sur- face has throughout been arbitrary, or general, as stated in (d) and (g). But if we now consider specially the case of a central quadric, several less general but interesting results arise, whereof many, but perhaps not all, are known; and of which some may be mentioned Pages. CONTENTS. (0). Supposing, then, that not only dv=ødp, but also v = φρ, and Spv = fp = 1, the Index Surface (410, (d)) becomes simply (p. 670) the given surface, with its centre transported from o top; whence many simplifications follow. (p). For example, the semiaxes a1, a2 of the index curve are now equal (p. 681) to the semiaxes of the diametral section of the given surface, made by a plane parallel to the tangent plane; and Tv is, as in 409, the reciprocal P-1 of the perpendicular, from the centre on this latter plane; whence (by (X1) and X1")) these known expressions for the two* curvatures result: (q). Hence, by (e), if a new surface be derived from a given central quadric (of any species), as the locus of the extremities of normals, erected at the centre, to the planes of diametral sections of the given surface, each such normal (when real) having the length of one of the semiaxes of that section, the equation of this new surfacet admits (p. 683) of being written thus: (r). Under the conditions (o), the expression (C2) for gives (p. 684) the two converse forms, xxxvii Pages. and therefore (p. 689), by (d), (p), and by the theory (407) of confocal surfaces, (K2) if $2 be formed from by changing the semiaxes abe to a26202; it being understood that the given quadric (abe) is cut by the two confocals (abıcı) and (a2b202), in the first and second lines of curvature through the given point: and that σ1 is here the vector of that first centre s of curvature, which answers to the first line (comp. (j). Of course, on the same plan, we have the analogous expression, * Throughout the present Series 412, we attend only (comp. (a)) to the curvatures of the two normal sections of a surface, which have the directions of the two lines of curvature: these being in fact what are always regarded as the two principal curvatures (or simply as the two curvatures) of the surface. But, in a shortly subsequent Series (414), the more general case will be considered, of the curvature of any section, normal or oblique. + When the given surface is an ellipsoid, the derived surface is the celebrated Wave Surface of Fresnel: which thus has (H2) for a symbolical form of its equation. When the given surface is an hyperboloid, and a semiaxis of a section is imaginary, the (scalar and now positive) square, of the (imaginary) normal erected, is still to be made equal to the square of that semiaxis. |